《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Ch2- High School


One year later.

Green Leaf Neighbour, Flower City: in one good looking house at the corner of a peaceful neighbour.

“James, wake up, you don’t want to miss the first day of high school.”

James, who was lying on his bed, started to open his eyes slowly. A very deep frown was drawn on his face as his eyes swept to the left side.

There was a girl who looked in her 15, quite tall for her age. She had shoulder-length black hair, blue eyes, and white skin, just like him.

Great, his twin, Lisa, is here.

“Did you just break to my house, again,” James said with a lazy voice as he pushed the blanket.

“Come on, living alone and not visiting us, you know I’ll visit you,” said Lisa.

*Bing* *Bing*

James reached beneath the bed to turn off the alarm he had set.

‘I need to change my house at the closest chance.’

‘But I’m low on budget.’

“I see,” James said as he got up. He reached a near shirt and wore it.

“Hey, why am I keeping seeing bruises each time I come,” Lisa said with a concerned tone as she saw a blue bruise on James’s ribs.

“None of your business,” James said. Before Lisa could say anything, he said, “Don’t you have your Heroic academy to attend? Go and wear your costume.”

“Are you kicking me out?”


“Then I’m staying for breakfast.” She smiled, “you wouldn’t kick your twin with a hungry stomach.”

“Whatever.” James shrugged his shoulder as he went downstairs, to the kitchen. Lisa only smiled and followed behind him.

She was looking around, to see what James have. On one table, for one, she could see, thanks to her ability, what kind of books he is reading.

[Beginner magical tricks] [Advanced Tricks] [How Eyes Trick Your Brain][The Art of the Light Hand] [The Greatest Performance].

Many of them were books related to the magic tricks you find in the circus.

Lisa frowned a bit. Ever since that funeral, James had become a different person. He even moved out to live on his own. Thanks to the assurance money, he seems to be doing pretty well.


‘Don’t tell me he is planning to become something like Batman or one of those people who depend on tricks. He can’t, is he out of his mind.’

“Hey, James, don’t tell me you are planning to learn tricks for…” she said somehow concerned and pissed, “you can’t be that crazy. You have no ability —”

“Don’t you have a hobby?” James placed a plate in front of her table with some fruits, “If you don’t, it wouldn’t mean that others are like you.”

Lisa seemed to blush a bit and frowned, “I’m your twin, you are like me.”

James had black hair, smooth and neck length. He was also tall for his age. His eyes were blue, and he was handsome as well, with a good shape.

“We don’t have the same gender.” James yawned as he turned and walked, “I’ll get ready, take your time.”


“Oh,” James stopped in the middle of his way as he turned his way, “and don’t look at my stuff without permission, again.”

“Humph,” after harrumphing, she ate. A few seconds later, she started to float and headed toward the window.

James came back wearing a long black coat, ready to get out.

“Where is your school uniform.” She asked, “you know, for the high school that is known nationally for being one of the best, they may have strict laws.”

“In the back-bag,” he replied, “your Halloween costume, where is it.”

“Ha-ha. At least I have powers,” she lifelessly laughed, “Oh, and I’ll come to see you later. I’m SO excited for the Heroic Academy. I’ll be a great hero.”

“Tsk.” James flinched before turning his face and clicking his tongue. “Hope you fail.”

Lisa just smiled. James is always like that. He doesn’t like the sacrificial mentality or those so-called high morals.



“Be careful.” She said with a low tone as she floated near the window. “All though people with ability goes to specific heroes school…”

James just crossed his arms.

“Both of us know that some go to public ones, studying with people like you. Most of them are people who are hiding their ability, future local villains, and people who were refused in the program for not being able to pass the ability test or people whose rich parents don’t want to share to the world.


“In such an environment, especially where those young masters go. You’ll come across some. People like that like to bully and install hierarchy. They would surely like to pick up on the tough-looking guy. Just like you” She looked at James who was tall for his age, handsome and had some dark vibes giving his look. He would surely be targeted at his fist day.

“I know,” James said. He didn’t sound worried. And he could tell that Lisa would be able to hear his heart rate.

After all, she got the best ability in the family. Her ability just allows her to grow stronger by absorbing the waves from the moon.

And as a twin, it was frustrating to him that he didn’t get the same ability. He wasn’t mutant, even the doctors said that.

James always found this ironic.

“Just, in case someone messes with you, Just call me.”

As she left, he sighed quickly before murmuring, “I’ll need to change the address?”

Waving his hand, a group of bullets fell on his palm. Then, extending his hand to the right, a gun moved from his sleeves and fell to his hand. A silver Colt Python.

It may sound weird that a teen has a gun. But in a society like this. If you have the money, and you found someone who needs that money, you will get what you want even if it was illegal.

‘But she wasn’t wrong.’

James thought as he played with his gun and the bullets in the air several times. ‘Ever since Josh died, I hated myself for not be able to do anything. I don’t care about those abilities. Once someone messes with me, I’ll take them down.’

Throwing the bullets in the air, James quickly waved opened the empty chambers before waving the gun. Precisely, the bullets entered their right spot. The gun was loaded again, and James was in the position of aiming.

It may be very risky to play with guns like that. But, to James, practice makes perfect. And he has been faithfully learning those little tricks for almost a year, and he is improving by the day.

All he had been doing was learning parkour and hands trick. What inspired him to do that was a video game about a person who was very agile and knows how to uses weapons. Despite not having a superpower, he was able to defeat countless monsters.

After playing with the gun a few times, it entered his sleeve and went through until beneath his arm.

James adjusted his clothes, went to the garage, and made everything in its place before picking a red motorcycle, and then headed to Gentleman High School.

James goal from going there is simple. He was planning to study chemistry, so it may help him with whatever he plans to. As he was driving, he could see some people are flying. Someone jumping from the skyscraper to another. It was a messed up world yet one can get used to it.

Very soon, he reached the other side of the city.

Gentleman High School. It was one of the best national public high-school. People can get here through hard work, connection, the government knows that you are a relative to some superhero. James on the other side was able to enrol in thanks to his family’s connection.

As someone related to superheroes family, James would need his public identity to be hidden.

Thankfully, the government had given him an ID of an orphan from a normal house. True and false at the same time.

Only some people he knew during his childhood would know him.

The school, which was like a fancy building, had an abandoned building not so far from it.

James, as he was getting close, gave it a close look.

*Bam* *Bam*

For some reason, he felt that his arm was beating as he looked there. He felt pain, itchiness.

(”Rakash” )

A sound like a whistle entered James’s ears.

James felt weird. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. ‘What a headache.’ Letting a sigh, James shifted his direction and entered the grounds of the school to park.

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