《Endless War》Chapter 8


The helicopter finally arrived at Taiga forest, Russia. Surrounded by trees, a huge Russian base was build. There was a main building in center with military camps scattered all over the place. The base was secured by trenches around it.

The pilot landed the helicopter on the helipad built at the top of main building and then the Eagle Force came out to meet a tall man in sunglasses escorted by two soldiers.

"General Gregory. I run this base." The tall man introduced himself.

"Captain Emma." Emma tried to hide his pain as she shook hands with Gregory, but he noticed it very well.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"Yes, two bullets got inside me." Emma replied.

"We need to get these bullets out then. Get her to the Operation Theater." Gregory commanded his men.

The soldiers led Emma inside the building.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the Eagle Force. All the news Channel talk about you nowadays." Gregory stated.

"Thanks for letting us stay in your base." Jerry thanked.

"Don't thank me, that was my duty. If there is anything good this war did, it is to bring all the countries together."

"In that way, the Keukans have already been successful. They wanted Earth to be united and not split up into countries." Jerry stated.

"That's all bullshit. The leader only wants to rule the entire world." Gregory said, "Anyway, join me in my office. I want you to tell me all about your mission. It was big victory after so many days."

The team followed Gregory inside the main building. As they walked through the corridors, they saw rooms on their left and right. Scientists could be seen working on new weapons inside the rooms.

They finally reached a door with the words 'Major Gregory Brook' labelled on it. Two guards guarded the door.


Gregory's office was small with just enough space for a desk, few chairs and a shelf containing many files.

"Sit down." Gregory gestured at the visitor chairs while he plopped down on the main chair.

Once Daniel, George, Fresh and Jerry settled down, they began their story, taking turns to tell Gregory.

"That suit can turn the tide of the war if more of them could be formed." Gregory remarked once they finished the story.

"These suits costs about a billion dollars so it's not easy." Daniel laughed.

"But tell me, what if the enemies get this suit?" Gregory asked.

"This suit has multiple scanners that scans many unique body marks on our body. We all know about fingerprints and retina but there are many such places." Jerry said. "Anyway, if any of those body marks don't match, the suit will automatically self-destruct. It also destroys itself if its owner dies while wearing it."

"There's not much chance of Keukans getting their hands on this suit then."

"Yeah." Jerry said.

Suddenly, an explosion knocked all of them from their chairs. When they looked up, a huge hole had appeared in the side wall of the room revealing Keukan soldiers and helicopters approaching.

A soldier entered the room.

"We're under attack! There's too many of them!" The soldier shouted.

"Shit!" Gregory muttered and then turned to Jerry. "I must go and lead my soldiers. You can fight side by side with my soldiers and escape with us."

"Okay, we'll give you as much help as we can." Jerry assured.

"Thanks." Gregory said before departing.

"On your feet boys." Jerry commanded. "Daniel, go and get Emma and then join us in the battle."

"On it." Daniel immediately got up and sprinted out of room. A Russian soldier told him the location of the Operation theater.


When Daniel arrived there, the operation was still going on. He knocked at the door and a nurse came out of the Operation Theater.

"What happened?" She asked, lowering her mask.

"The building is under attack."

"Attack? Oh, no! That's not good. She's in the middle of her operation."

"We need to leave now."

"But she's sedated and won't wake up for the next two hours."

"I don't care. Just bring her."

The nurse went back inside the room and came back carrying Emma who was wearing a hospital gown.

"Where's her suit?" Daniel asked.

The nurse disappeared inside the Operation room once again and came back carrying Emma's suit.

"How will you be able to escape?" Daniel asked the nurse while helping her in making Emma wear the suit.

"We'll just remain behind the soldiers." She replied.

"Okay." Daniel gave support to Emma by making her lean on his shoulder and placing his hand around her back.

He carried Emma out of the building and into the battle. All around them, Keukans were approaching while the Russian soldiers were inside the trenches, holding the enemy back. The sound of bullets was almost impossible for Daniel's ears to bear.

Daniel crouched low as he made his way across the Russian base. He received some shots on his way too and would stop at a cover to allow his suit to heal.

He finally dropped down besides Jerry and others inside the trench and placed Emma on the ground.

"You ready?" Jerry asked. "Because it's gonna be a long fight."

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