《Endless War》Chapter 7


"On my count. 1....2....3.... Charge!" Daniel shouted.

Together, Daniel, Jerry and George charged inside the room where the Keukans had retreated back to. The Keukans were waiting for them. However, what they weren't prepared for was the heavy firing they received from the three.

Despite getting their shields at critical level, Daniel, George and Jerry continued firing. They didn't stop until the entire base had been cleared from any trace of Keukans.

"Hmph! That was risky. We were just a few bullets away from getting our shield breached." George commented.

"I guess we should avoid such assaults in future." Daniel agreed as he sat down on the floor to catch up with his breath.

"What now?" George asked.

"Anyone else who is a good medic here?" Jerry asked.

"I only know what I was taught in our Eagle Force training. No other experience with it." Daniel answered.

"Same here." George said.

"Well then, I guess it's me. I will take care of Emma, George will take a full sweep of this place and Daniel will contact Kent and tell him to bring a vehicle for extraction ASAP." Jerry instructed.

"And what about Fresh?" Daniel inquired.

"I saw a few computers here. Fresh will extract as much information as he could from them." Jerry replied. "Now get to your jobs everybody."

When Jerry came to Emma, who had been taken to a storage room by Fresh, he saw him opening a pack of bandages from his suit's small first aid kit pouch.

"I'll take it from here." Jerry interrupted. "There are a few computers here. Maybe they will have some information."

"On it." Fresh departed.

"How are you doing, Emma?" Jerry asked.

"I have been in worse situations than this." Emma managed to smile despite the pain she was in. She had removed her suit to reveal the light blue T-shirt she was wearing that had been soaked red with blood.


Jerry went to work immediately, stopping the flow of blood from both the wounds by pressing his hands over them. It caused Emma to scream in pain.

"Are you okay?" Jerry asked.

"This isn't the first time I had been shot." Emma replied.

"How many times have you been shot before?"

"This is my tenth time, I guess."

"Wow!" Jerry applied bandages over both the wounds.

"Thanks. I feel better." Emma stated.

"Good. We'll get it properly fixed some time."

Daniel interrupted them with news.

"An helicopter will be coming for extraction in thirty minutes and take us to the nearest military base which is in Taiga, Russia." Daniel reported.

"Good job." Jerry appreciated.

George entered that scene too. "I examined this place fully. There is no Keukan here now. And uh.... no trace of the man we came here for."

"Let's hope Fresh finds something important in those computers. Otherwise, the entire mission will be a waste of time." Emma said.

"Is she okay?" Daniel asked Jerry.

"Yes, I'm okay now. Thanks for the concern." Emma thanked.

"So.... since we have to spend this thirty minutes someway; what do you guys plan on doing if this war actually ends?" Jerry asked.

"I will live my life, explore new places and meet new friends. I want to travel this world." Emma said immediately.

"We are travelling the world. Look, we are in Paris." Jerry said.

"I don't think anybody had been more disappointed than us on a trip to Paris." Emma laughed.

"Why? You even got souvenirs to make this trip memorable." Jerry pointed at Emma's wounds.

"Shut up Jerry." Emma muttered. "Anyway, what are your plans Jerry?"

"I want to settle down, have a family and become an architect." Jerry stated.


"Architect?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, an architect. Been Always obsessed with architecture. I suppose there will be plenty of jobs for architects once the war ends because these Keukans have basically destroyed everything." Jerry muttered.

"Can't argue with that." Emma said.

"So, what about you, Dan?" Jerry inquired.

"I don't know. This war is what I live for. I mean I hate it as much as you do and want it to end but the entire purpose of my life is to stop this war, so I am not aware what I will do after it." Daniel spoke up.

"Oh, come on Dan. Look at your age. We're all in our twenties. Our whole life is ahead of us. There are so many things you could do once.... if this war ends." Jerry said.

"Maybe." Daniel sighed.

"Can I join your talk?" Fresh suddenly appeared.

"You found something on those computers?" Emma asked.

"I figured out this suit can store files worth GB's on it too, so I transferred all the files to my suit. I will sort them out later." Fresh replied.

"Settle down then. The helicopter will still take some time to arrive." Emma said.

Fresh sat down on the top of one of the crate.

"So, once this war ends, I wish to start Foster homes for all those poor kids who had lost their families in the war." Fresh stated.

"Wow Fresh! That's really great!" Dan exclaimed.

"Thanks." Fresh said.

"Any particular reason for it?" George asked.

"We all have lost our parents to war, and we know how it feels. So I thought I will help those children."

"That's great." Emma stated.

"And now it's your turn, George." Jerry said.

"I don't think I can do anything else besides fighting. An army is where I belong." George said.

"So what do you mean to do exactly?" Emma questioned.

"I won't retire from the army once this war ends. There will be plenty of troubles in the world even if we manage to stop the war. The world will never be a safe place. So, I will continue my service to the world."

"So you want to dedicate your entire life to fighting for the safety of world?" Emma questioned.

"That's so great. We all are desperate for this war to end so that we can go to live a normal life and then there's you." Jerry stated.

"Thanks" George smiled shyly.

Suddenly, the sound of helicopter blades spinning interrupted them. The team immediately dashed out and found a black helicopter landing on the compound in front of them.

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