《Endless War》Chapter 6


As Daniel, George and Jerry descended down with their parachute, the enemies continuously fired at them, some shots hitting while others missing. However, before their suit's shield could be fully destroyed, they landed outside the base- a small grey building in the middle of a big compound which was surrounded by low fences.

The buildings that had long ago been destroyed by Keukans during their Paris invasion proved advantageous to Eagle team. Daniel, Jerry and George; later joined by Fresh; all of them took cover of a huge block of building. Unfortunately, Emma landed a few metres away from the others. Trying to reach to her team with enemies continuously firing at them was clearly a suicide. Hence, she decided to wait until the situation gets tackled before trying to reunite with his group. Luckily, there was no shortage of covers.

Their plane, which was on the verge of crashing after taking heavy damage from the Keukans, crashed and exploded inside the base, killing a few Keukans while injuring some.

"We need to eliminate the enemies in the compound before pushing forward inside the base." Emma commanded.

"Roger that." All others replied.

The Keukans were much more in number but the return fire that Eagles gave to them proved troublesome for them.

Daniel fired lesser shots than others but with a greater accuracy, killing many with his carefully aimed headshots. He would get out of his cover, fire a few shots, and then get back inside the cover for reloading and giving his suit some time to heal from the bullets.

Jerry's sniper skills proved effective in the combat. While the guards in the compound were handled by the others, the ones firing from the terrace of the building proved to be a difficulty for others. Jerry, however, wasn't called the best sniper without a reason. He carefully took aims with his sniper, taking down the Keukans on the roof one by one until the terrace was cleared.

Emma, unfortunately wasn't having a good time. She was alone, which turned the attention of many to her only. However, she had been in worse conditions than this. In the Australian Army, she had been the lone survivor two times and yet had managed to survive.

She gave a violent response to all those who fired bullets at her. One could only fire once at her before she killed that person; her bullets always landing right on the target.


Quickness was Fresh's strength. He had been quite famous among his squad earlier for being so quick that the enemies could never shoot him with a bullet. While Daniel and Emma would come out of the cover, taking a few bullets while returning some, Fresh would only expose himself to bullets for a second. He would come out of the cover, fire one shot, and return to the cover in just a flash.

Things, however, were difficult for George. He was, like always, using his machine gun. Unfortunately, the recoil made it difficult for him to fire with accuracy. Finally, he stepped out of his cover in frustration, spraying bullets on his enemies. He only returned to the cover when his shield was in a critical level.

"Good job, George. But try to play it safe." Emma scolded.

The battle finally ended, and Eagle Team proved victorious in it.

"Great job team, now let's enter inside the building." Emma instructed.

Daniel was the first to get out of the cover. He blew the fence with a grenade and entered the compound. Others followed him.

Unfortunately, the base wasn't yet cleared. As Daniel headed ahead, he suddenly received a shot on his chest from a sniper rifle.

"The shield has been breached. You're now exposed to bullets." Sana warned.

Daniel reacted fast, racing back to his cover. The sniper fired two more times at Daniel, but they missed and Daniel finally dived back into the cover.

The others too followed Daniel back to the cover. Fresh was shot once on his leg in the process but once again, the damage didn't go further than the suit. The entire team managed to return to the cover safely.

"What should we do now?" Daniel asked.

"Jerry, do something. Only you can get us out of this." Emma said.

"Alright, I'll try." Jerry replied.

He got himself out of the cover a little and scanned the surroundings in front of him with his scope. The first job for him was to locate the sniper.

However, before Jerry could spot the sniper, he was shot on his suit's helmet.

Jerry immediately pushed himself back into the cover.

"Wait for your shield to regenerate first." Daniel stated.

"Yeah, I know." Jerry replied.

It took two minutes for his shield to regenerate, and as soon as he did, he got out again; from the other side of cover this time.


He scanned the ground more carefully this time and finally spotted the nozzle of a sniper rifle. The man had covered himself with a blanket that matched with the ground making it difficult for him to be seen. However, once spotted, Jerry took aim with his sniper rifle, killing the man with a shot on the head.

"Great Job, Jerry." Dan patted him on his back.

"Alright boys, let's move forward." Emma commanded.

"Okay, boss lady." Jerry scoffed.

"Do you think that there's nobody inside the building?" Fresh asked as they scoured the compound, "I mean, if Keukans are still inside the building, why didn't they come out?"

"They may be waiting for us inside with their guns ready." Emma answered.

"So what should we do now?" Daniel questioned.

"Throw a grenade at the gate and step aside." Emma said.

"On it."

Everybody stepped aside as Daniel threw the grenade at the gate.

As soon as the gate exploded, a grenade came out from the inside of the building. Keukans were waiting for them to come and were ready to greet the Eagle Team with a grenade. However, thanks to Emma, the entire Eagle Team stepped aside, safe from the grenade.

"Leave the job to me." Emma said.

Ten Keukans had been standing in front of the gate, waiting for the Eagles to storm inside. Emma knew it well.

Without exposing herself to the Keukans, she unpinned a grenade, kept it in her hand for a few seconds and then threw it inside the building. Grenades take eight seconds after removing the pins to explore. However, Emma had kept the grenade in her hands for a few seconds so that when it landed in front of the Keukans, it didn't give them any time to escape before exploding.

"Charge!" Emma shouted, "No Keukan should get out of this place alive."

They stormed inside the building, all of them switching to shotguns.

Keukans started coming towards them as they moved forward but the team fired their shotguns in perfect unison, killing the Keukans.

The building had brown corridors with rooms on both the sides. As the Eagle Team moved forward on the first level, they entered all the rooms, killing every Keukan they find.

With the first floor wiped away from all the enemies, they headed to the second floor. Their operation was going better than they expected, but things didn't remain that way for long. As they ascended up the stairs, a grenade was dropped at them from the second floor.

"Oh shit! Safe yourselves." Emma shouted, diving away.

The others too tried to dive away, but none of them could escape the blast radius before the grenade exploded.

The explosion sent Daniel, George, Jerry and Fresh flying down the stairs. However, Emma was kicked forward by the explosion and in front of the Keukan, who had thrown the grenade.

Though her suit had protected her from getting any damage by the explosion, the physical injury made it difficult for her to get up instantly. The Keukan who had thrown the grenade took full advantage of it, firing at her and destroying the remaining shield left of her suit.

Alerted, she sprang up as fast as she could and started firing at Keukan. She managed to kill him, but the Keukan didn't go down without shooting two bullets at her.

With the shield gone, the bullets pierced through the suit. Though the suit acted like a Kevlar, reducing the speed of the bullet, the pain was still great. She fell to the ground in pain, and that's when she spotted more enemies emerging from a room. They were heading towards her.

However, before they could kill her, Daniel emerged from behind her, firing at the enemies. His head was still spinning, and he was barely able to stand but keeping the team safe was his specialty. He couldn't let anyone die.

He went full berserk, spraying bullets everywhere. Though a machine gun always had the problem of recoil and Daniel was barely able to stand up, he managed to hold off the enemies. He couldn't aim properly at targets, but the heavy firing made all Keukans retreat back to their room.

Daniel took the time to recover himself. He leaned against the railing and waited for his breath to refill and head to stop spinning.

"Emma, are you okay?" he asked.

"I was shot two times." Emma groaned.

"Oh shit. Don't worry, you'll be fine." Daniel then turned to his team who too were recovering from their spinning heads. "Hurry up, Emma has been shot. Fresh, get her to a safe place. Rest of us will clear off the remaining Keukans inside this base."

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