《Endless War》Chapter 5


"This is to inform that we're nearing Paris." Emma announced.

She was the main pilot while Fresh was the co-pilot of their fighter jet. Other than that, Daniel, George and Jerry were on the plane. They both were assigned to the machine guns on the left, right and back of the plane.

Daniel, George and Jerry waited patiently for another hour. They weren't eager to go and get to the battle but still they were desperately waiting for it to come. It was all funny. As if they themselves had no idea what they wanted.

"Alright eveyone, we are close to Paris. Everybody, wear your suits." Emma announced, putting the plane on autopilot mode.

Daniel unpacked the suits from the crates. They were protected by a red jute cover that had the wearer's name written on it. He handed Emma, Fresh and Jerry their suits.

The suit, as they had seen in the presentation was black with red lines on it. Daniel also noticed four guns sticking to the back of every suit - an assault rifle, a shotgun, a machine gun and a sniper.

"Now let's see what this sweet baby can do." Daniel said, putting on the suit.

"Welcome Daniel. Congratulations for getting selected for the Eagle Force. I am Sana, your assistant. You can always reach me for your help." came the voice from the suit.

"Hmm nice. Kent must have added our names to the programs of our suit."

At first, Daniel got surprised because the noise was coming to him from the suit but then Daniel noticed the image of Jerry on the glass in front of his eyes.

"Sana, is that Jerry's voice I'm hearing?" Daniel asked.

"Yes indeed. With this suit, you can communicate with all the members of your crew and can also have a private conversation with one of the members." Sana replied.


"So, everyone can hear my voice as well?" Daniel asked.

"They can't hear your conversation with me but rest everything they can." Sana explained.

"Okay then, hey everyone, can you hear me?"

"Yes we can." Emma replied and her face became visible on the glass screen in front of Daniel.

"Hey everyone, it's me, George. How's everyone?"

"Everything's cool here." Jerry replied.

"Hello guys." Emma's voice came.

"Alright, that's enough. Eveyone stop saying 'hi' and 'hello'." Fresh snorted.

"Check this out, guys. Everyone speak the word shotgun." Jerry said.

"Hey Sana, shotgun." Daniel commanded.

Instantly, the shotgun from Daniel's back jumped up to his hand. Daniel noticed a string tied to the back of the gun.

"Now check this out." Jerry said, "Say 'Sana, switch to rifle'."

As soon as Daniel did so, the string pulled the shotgun back to it's original position and at the same time, the rifle jumped to Jerry's hand.

"That's cool." Fresh exclaimed.

"Yeah, nice." Daniel agreed.

"Pretty awesome." George commented.

Suddenly, Emma heard a beeping noise coming from the cockpit.

She dashed to the cockpit and came back with a news.

"Guys, we've arrived. Paris has been totally destroyed in the war so no civilians live here. That's why, if you see anyone or anything, open fire on them." Emma instructed.

"Roger that." Jerry replied.

Daniel and Jerry both went to the gunner seats on left and right. Both of them had a movable machinegun attached to their front and a bulletproof glass that gave them clear view of their surroundings along with protection from bullets.

"Guys, we've got incoming. Get ready." Fresh said.

"Alright, we got that." Jerry assured.

On both the sides of their plane, two navy blue fighter jets appeared.


"EAT BULLETS." Jerry shouted and the three of them started firing at the jet planes.

The sound of bullets filled the atmosphere as bullets were exchanged between both sides.

After taking several hits, the bulletproof glass in front of Daniel got punctured from a few places which left him exposed to bullets.

Bullets made their way inside the jet, hitting with Daniel's suit.

"Shield has been damaged. Regenerating shield." Sana declared.

More bullets shot Daniel on his chest.

"Shield level critical. Please take cover." Sana warned.

"I'm taking hits, Emma." Daniel said.

"Alright, we'll do something." Emma replied back.

Daniel kept on firing, ignoring the danger sign that was now flashing on the suit's glass. He could see the blue bar that indicated his shield life which was very low.

After several more bullets, Daniel managed to make one of the fighter planes to explode.

The brilliant yellow explosion lit up the whole sky. Daniel gaped at it for a few seconds before starting to fire on the second plane.

The explosion gave Daniel a few more seconds due to which the shield managed to repair itself a little. However, it all went in vain when the second plane started firing at him.

With his bulletproof glass shield highly damaged, he was exposed to the heavy firing by the second plane.

"The shield has been fully breached. Please stay in cover." Sana warned.

"Emma, my shield has been fully breached and I'm exposed to their firing. Do something." Daniel shouted.

Emma took a sharp left turn so that the nose of her plane was facing the nose of the plane the Keukan plane.

Before the Keukan plane could fire at them, Emma launched her missile which denoted on contact with the Keukan plane, lighting the sky once again with the explosion.

"Thanks for that." Daniel thanked.

"No need for that. Anyway, the good news is that I don't see any other Keukan plane arriving on my radar." Emma said.

"Hey Jerry and George, is everything okay?" Daniel asked.

"Yep, I handled those planes." Jerry replied.

"Everything fine here." George assured.

"Great. Anyway guys, I can see the Keukan building from here. Get ready for some action, guys." Emma declared.

As soon as their plane neared the base, Emma fired at their Surface to Air Missile defense.

More planes started appearing in sky, all of which were tackled by their brilliant teamwork. But as more and more planes started arriving, Emma knew it very well that they were outnumbered. An attack by the plane destroyed the wing of their plane.

"We need to jump. Our suits have an inbuilt parachute so we'll be fine." she said.

George responded first. He opened the gate of the plane, exposing himself to the strong wind.

"Hurry up, Daniel and Jerry." he called out to them.

"You guys go and jump first. We will go after you." Fresh commanded.

"Okay we're jumping on 3....2....1....Jump!" All three of them jumped together to the base, exposing themselves to the heavy firing by Keukans.

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