《Straw Masked and Pepsi stands》When opposites attract, cames the end - Part 2


Struggling with the armies of the dark entity, my powers were mostly seen as useless. Cornered as I was, I preferred to quickly end it and directly use one of my most powerful powers, the same one that had allowed me to leave the Darkness Dimension. However, after absorbing several troops of the Monster's minions, my power has been useless too. Although I did not properly control my power, its range and effectiveness were optimal, but unlike the first time, it was quickly unnecessary too. Would the stormy thing have canceled this colossal absorption that can even absorb things that do not exist? One of my most powerful weapons had been wiped out in no time, so I had to resort to the good old ways. Accompanied by my Pepsi stands, we charged the opposing camp and pulverized the surrounding minions, under the eyes of the chief monster's appetites.

Pepsi Modira, as usual, was been still so strong. With his simple musculature, he took a multitude of mortal and elemental attacks and sent them back with more force. With my support, I quickly created meteors and flat lands floating in the immensity of the Lost Idyll, which Pepsi Modira transformed into lava rock with Volcano Fist or even poisoned rock with Corona Fist. In the end, and contrary to what I thought, we were keeping the pace pretty well, but the enemies were just pouring in. As for Pepsi Metalica, his psychic powers were truly amazing. With a simple wave of his hand, he easily swept entire swathes of enemies, his simple vision atomizing entire rows. Unfortunately, skills like Steel Force had absolutely no effect, they would have been very useful.

Although we were able to fight against the armies sent, I still had an ulterior thougth for Inomite who was alone outside this battlefield. Was she safe? Was she also grappling with enemies? Although I'm not 100% sure, my instinct told me she was in danger, even it wasn't really my instinct at that moment but something more intimate, like a bond between us. Either way, I knew she was in danger, and the thought stressed me out. Sure enough, Inomite was faced with hordes of demons, the same as those within the Lost Idyll. Being devoid of threatening powers for the great part of the enemies, Inomite knew how to deal.


Preparing herself, Inomite then rushed forward like a fearless warrior and began the fight. The monsters' hits were predictable, and Inomite easily managed to counter enemy assaults with the fighting styles she possessed. She could even instantly create new styles for herself in order to overcome her weaknesses in the face of styles she did not know. Seeming to see the future and turning the strength of the enemies against them, she was a pure and absolute fighter. She didn't hold a lot of powers though, her main fighting style was melee. She had mastered over a thousand different arts, which meant that she instinctively knew how to face this or that enemy. For a while, she fought in close combat and had no trouble taking down the swarms of enemies that appeared out of nowhere. She wasn't using her more special powers such as Lock-Out Embargo or Mind Control, she just didn't need them. Nonetheless, Kill to Kill's aura was activated in case some demons loomed in its dead spots. But once again, that hardly ever happened.


However and despite her incredible talent, something changed drastically over time, and this change also occurred in the Lost Idyll. While still grappling with the demons of the chief monster, I saw something different. Usually black and purple and relatively weak, the following demons came tinged with white and red, also adorned with a shine that made their loathsome bodies sparkle. I wondered what it was, nothing good was coming. I didn't even need my instinct to know that I would definitely have a hard time with these, and it didn't cut it. The first whitish demon directly emitted a red light and projected in my direction, which I countered with my forcefield. To crown it all, this unknown energy nibbled and canceled my protective shield. I tried to paralyze this annoying demon with a glance received from Yung Lung, but it didn't waver. The concept of fear did not reach them, luckily I had Full Oblivion in order to overcome this resistance.

Directly, I analyzed the data of this monster. Not surprisingly, it was unsuccessful. Not that the monster was resistant to it this time around, it just didn't have any data or thing to define it, much like before with the stormy entity and the clairvoyance gift of Pepsi Shooter. But that didn't stop me, I ignored this fact and pretended it had some, allowing my analysis to work.


[ . ëê8ô y'ô ]

Classification : Xenochronian Demon

- Skill -

• Meta-Data

- Natural Talent -

• Superimposed Counter


Really puzzled, I hastened to see this in detail.


[ Skill ]

• Meta-Data •

- Details : By charging its energy, the user propels 5 corrupted rays nullifying the opponent's Defense statistic at 0.

[ Natural Talent ]

• Superimposed Counter •

- Details : Allows to weaken all enemy defenses, breaking seals and negating barriers.


I had several questions that came to mind, whether it was the name of the creature or its dangerous abilities. Alas, I didn't have time to procrastinate as more of these improved monsters were coming. I then had to be much more vigilant than before. Who the hell could know what these things have in store for me? Even those underlings didn't show me anything in my visions, a real unpredictable nightmare, although I haven't been around that much since the Darkness Dimension. I also saw that Pepsi Modira and Pepsi Metalica seemed like jerky, like a television would be from interference. It seemed strange to me, then I saw in the rear enemy troops one of the demons, arms outstretched in the direction of my Pepsi stands. Immediately I analyzed it.


[ B óË ÀN ]

Classification : Xenochronian demon

[ Skill ]

• Guillotine-Data •

- Details : Exerts intense pressure, both physical and mental, on the opponent. The longer this attack is used, the more damage it inflicts.


[ Natural Talent ]

• Mortuary Lag •

- Details : Opponents targeted by the user become paralyzed and can no longer attack or think, like victims of a programming error. Can target 5 opponents simultaneously.


Again one buged name. Another thing I noticed, demons seemed to have only one attack and one Natural Talent, and the latter two matched each other perfectly. The thing that served as my ultimate enemy was continuously creating a gaggle of creatures just to counter me, proof with only two demons. The first was able to pass my forcefield and the second was able to weaken my Pepsi stands. I had to be careful of all eventualities, and as expected it will not be long. Demons came in droves, all white striped here and there with red. I didn't know any of their abilities, and there was too much of them all at once. I thought about Inomite then, how she had evolved before this devastating thing happened. So I focused briefly and released my energy in one shot. An intense will have traversed everything for several hundred meters and I was able to simultaneously obtain the data, although forced, of all the closest monsters.

Unfortunately, all the monsters that took in the aura changed shape and revealed a unifying color of black and purple. In addition to being in large numbers, most of them transformed in order to fool me. They were not illusions, but pure metamorphoses. A very nice sleight of hand, but that didn't really bother me so far. Evolving, I made sure I could pierce even the hidden transformations and could finally focus on the real dangers. The beast within that dreaded storm cloud was watching me from behind its troops. Although devoid of any external organ allowing to know any emotion on her part, I felt that she was looking at me, fixedly, with delight. It was unhealthy, I felt like a simple buffoon serving as a fun clown, but anyway, I continued to fight somehow against these avalanches of minions. My Pepsi stands were helping me out well, and with the data retrieved from the first two improved demons, they were even more resistants than before. However, that didn't mean they were immune to it all. Me too. And for good reason, I felt again a presence comparable to the two previous ones.

Looking around for the reason for this feeling while fighting hordes, I sensed a presence not far from the rear troops. However, I saw nothing. Yet I can see the invisible thanks to the powers of the Cloturator, what was this pressure? Helping myself to Pepsi Metalica, I intensified my vision and suddenly saw one of the white and red demons. I had found it, this one had a particular invisibility affecting my keen vision. Surely a strange lack of data that I couldn't explain at the moment, given that even my Soda-powers hadn't been able to interact with this sort of resistance. Or maybe it just wasn't. Anyway, I stealed his powers in order to get rid of them.


[ DP e e! ?!! e! e! e! e! e! Box ]

Classification : Xenochronian demon

[ Skill ]

• Cero-Data •

- Details : After a brief focus, the user targets an opponent and reduces his Attack statistic, his Attacks, and his motivation to 0. Once affected, the opponent is teleported to a dimension dealing continuous damage and preventing any healing technique.

[ Natural Talent ]

• Invisible Chroma Dinosaur •

- Details : The user's data does not exist, making it invisible. It also has no level or health point and cannot be targeted by its non-existence.


Fortunately, I had quickly overcome this demon which seemed particularly dangerous. His condition made him very difficult to perceive and reach, explaining why I couldn't see him at first glance. To my greatest happiness, I therefore grabbed all the skills of this entity. However, I did not see anything happen. Why didn't I have the Natural Talent for this weird DPBox? No matter how much I listed my own skills, I did have the skills of those monsters. Could it be this thing far away, enthroned like an emperor, blocking me once again? I definitely had to get over it, even my Soda-powers like It's me who treats ! did not allow me to escape his influence. The same plot repeated itself: I discovered that I was powerless, I adapted to overcome these weaknesses, but soon after, this adaptation quickly proved useless. The opposing camp was adapting itself to me. It was a perpetual fight between two fighters constantly adapting. To continue like this was unbearable, it should not continue any longer. As for Inomite, things were getting more complicated for her.

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