《Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kars' comeback》Shine on


"Yeah, you see? I told you that'd be all ok if I came along with you!" Mista exclaimed, half-joking

"Well, you are my right-hand man for a reason!" Giorno concurred, trying to regain his composure after the battle that had just taken place. They laughed together for a second until the door that Koichi had headed through before the battle slid open automatically. Revealing Koichi once more, flanked by two bigger guys with similarish frames to Jotaro, if a little less tall. The room was like a crime scene for the newcomers, their faces in shock that Jotaro lay on the ground, clearly unable to move with these two strangers standing over him, seemingly caught red-handed.

"Hey! What the hell?!" One man yelled as he rushed over to Jotaro, completely ignoring the two Italian Mafiosi that stood over the body. This man laid his hand on Jotaro's shoulder, sending a golden glow through Jotaro's body and causing him to start moving again.

Quickly, this man was followed by a second who wasn't Koichi and looked much more mean and menacing. Walking past the Jotaro scene and shoving Giorno's chest. "I dunno who the hell you are but it seems you come here looking for a beatin'!"

He stood before the Italians, standing tall of Giorno but being about eye level with Mista. It seemed that they had incurred this man's wrath by defeating Jotaro. The rough-looking man summoned his stand, not giving much thought to the idea of hiding it or the fact that these strangers must be extremely strong if they took down Jotaro clean. That, or they were rats. The thug's stand glowed a pristine white, taking on the same sort of humanoid physique as Star Platinum, very obvious holding its hands out.

"So you intend to attack with your palms, is that it?" Giorno deduced swiftly, not that it was that hard.


"HEY! How'd ya know that!?" The mean-looking man barked at him

"I didn't. You just told me." Giorno said, calm and collected as always. He once more summoned his Gold Experience, it seemed like Giorno had another fight ahead.

The two stanced up, selecting a pose that would help with their first moves. Mista chose once more that Giorno could handle himself and stepped back. The white stand threw its palm at Giorno's stand in a swiping motion, causing space itself to seemingly follow. Giorno, curious as to how this man's palm would work as an ability got his Gold Experience to hold up and arm in defence.

The stand swiped trough Giorno's stand's arm, completely removing it from existence. Giorno was shocked, to say the least, and immediately retreated when he could no longer feel his own arm. He's span round and behind Mista who aimed his gun at the aggressor putting them both at a standstill.

"Wh-what the hell?!" Giorno's pupils dilated, looking at his now missing arm, blood streaming out of the now cleanly open wound.

This is when Koichi would step in. He'd stand in front of Okuyasu, throwing his arms out as if to act as a barrier "Okyuasu, wait! This has to be some misunderstanding!"

"Koichi, this curly-haired punk beat the shit outta Jotaro! I can't let 'im leave now!" Okuyasu asserted, almost barging Koichi out of the way.

"So your name's Okuyasu, you scar-faced fuck?" Mista yelled, his gun still trained on the thug "Step any closer and I'll blow your brains out, do you hear me!?" when he shouted this demand, his stand, The Sex Pistols all cheered in unison which added a strange sense of charisma to Mista's words.

"Damn, Tonio isn't like this! Guess you can't judge an entire country off of their chefs or food." Okuyasu readied his stand, getting ready to swipe the gangsters out of existence.


Mista's trigger finger pulled as Okyuasu swiped.

"Star Platinum: The World!" Jotaro and his stand Star Platinum appeared between the both of them, catching Okyasu's stand's wrist, neutralising the swipe and catching Mista's bullet. "That's enough!" Jotaro boomed, seemingly as if he hadn't been put out of commission by Giorno just a few minutes prior. The stands dissipated and Mista lowered his firearm.

"Okyuasu, these are our teammates, we don't need them being put out of commission!" Jotaro yelled, uncharacteristically lacking his usual composure.

"B-but! Mr.Jotaro, he-"

"Okyuasu, I was testing him. Seeing if he's fit for the cause. I only went all out because I knew Josuke would be able to patch up whoever became the victim." Jotaro explained, causing him to retreat.

The aforementioned Josuke stood next to Jotaro, the man who had seeming brought Jotaro back from the brink. Josuke comforted Okuyasu in his soft tone. "Hey man, I thought it was kinda cool how you charged in like that."

"But Mr.Jotaro said-" Okuyasu confidence was knocked down a few pegs by Jotaro and Josuke was about to act as the perfect pick-me-up.

"Look, dude, those guys beat Mr.Jotaro who's the strongest guy we know right?"


"And you went in there to fight in face of all that." Josuke patted Okyuasu on the back

"Pretty stupid, wasn't it?" Okyusu looked to the ground

"Nah, dude! That was awesome! You were super brave man!" Josuke wrapped his arm around Okyuasu's neck shaking him a little to cheer him up

"Hey! I guess you're right! I was pretty brave, huh?" Just like a miner on the brink of quitting finding a diamond, Okuyasu's spirits were lifted by the kind words of his best bro.

Guido quickly turned to his partner and asked "Hey, are you ok?!" noticing Giorno's now missing arm.

Giorno looked oddly calm for a man who's arm was missing and responded. "Got any spare bullets on you?"

Before Mista could respond a dolphin pin dropped to the floor next to Giorno presumably off of the coat of the large Jotaro.

"Here, as an apology for my troubles. You can give life to things, I assume? Or at least that's what I picked up on. I think that a golden pin would make for a much nicer arm than some rusty old bullet." Jotaro said, having perfectly deduced Giorno's stand power.

And just like that, a comradery between them had been formed.

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