《Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kars' comeback》The Silver Lining


"Thank you, Jotaro." Giorno's Gold Experience attached the newly formed arm on to his master, fully healing the once potentially fatal wound.

"I'll be honest, I did truly want to kill you upon sensing you at first, that haunting, blonde hair of yours certainly wasn't bringing back any great memories either..." Jotaro, lightly gripped the rim of his cap, pulling it down enough to cast a propper shadow over his face. "But at the end of the day, I know for a fact that you're still just as equally a Joestar as you are a Brando. I'm sure you can feel it too."

Giorno felt within himself a strange warmth at the sound of Jotaro's words, an undeniable familiarity that felt as strong as the hate that had earlier lead to the confrontation between the two.

"I can." Giorno paused for a second "Sorry for asking since you're evidently touchy on the subject but can you tell me about my father?" This caused Jotaro to glare at Giorno for a second, not in anger or and attempt to oppress but in thought. "Obviously he must have committed some sort of atrocious action if you and Polnareff had to kill him."

"Polnareff?" Jotaro quickly questioned, "How do you know that name?"

"Mista." Giorno signalled to Mista, who still had the turtle next to him despite all that had happened.

"Here you go." Mista held out the turtle, which almost offended Jotaro as he seemed to take it as a joke.

"Oh, just a pet turtle..." Jotaro mumbled under his breath, feeling disappointed. This was until the turtle seemed to speak.

"Well if it isn't the hat-wearing giant I know and love." Polnareff said, his tone ripe with camaraderie for the man he had risked his life with only a good 20 years ago.


"...Polnareff?" Jotaro questioned, not quite believing the voice he was hearing. He looked over to the turtle, to see his old friend's spirit peaking out of the key that resided in the turtle's back. "I thought you were..."

"Dead? Ha! If you and your gramps couldn't get me off your backs, what makes you think some bozo's stand would be able to kill me?" Polnareff chatted in his old cocky attitude, the one that he had spoken in before the incident with the arrows that had caused him to lose his limbs roughly 10 years back. "In all seriousness. It's great to see you again, old pal."

If you looked close enough, Jotaro could almost be seen smiling under the shade from his cap. Something he couldn't hide, however, were a couple of tears running off of his chin. "Well, I'll be..." Jotaro turned "I was a fool to think someone like you had kicked the bucket when you went silent looking for the arrows in Italy." Star Platinum's ghostly hand could faintly be seen wiping Jotaro's face of tears.

"Well, how about you, Giorno and I go into some other room and I'll tell you how the great Polnareff defied death once more, and how I ended up in as a turtle. We can get Giorno up to speed with his father too that way." The Frenchman spoke, almost eager to share his story with his brother in arms.

"This way then." Jotaro, without turning around, signalled for Giorno to follow him who took Polnareff from Mista before coming along. Jotaro led them to a door on the far left of the central room they were in. The door slid open and just like that the three had Vanished.

This left Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi and Mista in the main hall to their own devices. This caused a minute or so of silence before the ice was broken by Josuke.


"Sorry about the whole thing earlier, dude." Josuke apologised to Mista "You gotta understand what kind of situation we saw when we walked in though, right?"

"Nah, don't let it stress you out." Mista was seemingly fine with the fact that his boss had been assaulted twice within the half an hour they had been there. "Seems Giorno's fine enough and your big guy is all good now, so no harm done."

Josuke wasn't really expecting such a chilled response from Mista, he thought he was biting the bullet by being the first to apologise. "O-oh, is that so?" Josuke recovered by offering "Did you get hurt by the fight or anything? Cuz I could totally heal you up if you did."

Mista laughed a little, responding to the offer with by saying "Nah, for real. I was just a bystander, so I didn't end up wounded for once."

"For once?" Okyuasu chimed in

"Yeah, I don't suppose you thought getting to the top of the mafia was easy, did you?" Mista retorted

"'spose not" Okyuasu responded, feeling like he had just asked a dumb question

"I bet you had to fight a bunch of stand users!" Koichi exclaimed to which Mista pointed a finger gun at Koichi and pretended to fire

"Bullseye!" Mista stopped himself "But I'm not sure I can talk about it too much..."

"Why not?" Koichi interrogated

"Mafia shit, dude. Can't just let any rando in on the secrets of the inside can I?" Mista once again retorted

"Well I'm not sure we qualify as randos anymore, do we?" Josuke asked "We're all stand users, aren't we? Besides, what exactly could a buncha high-schoolers do with the info?" it was clear that the trio was intrigued as to Mista's journey.

"Damn, you're right. I guess we're gonna be following the storytelling trend that those guys set then, aren't we?" Mista gave in, Josuke did make a point. Besides, it'd be a good way to build bonds on the team since they were going to be working with one another for the time being.

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