《Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kars' comeback》All that Glitters Ain't Gold


The two opposing stand users summoned their stands. Giorno's Gold Experience shined and displayed it's golden form and reminding Jotaro of Dio's own stand, The World, further being reminded of his former nemesis by the fact that Gold Experience seemed to have straps around its waist, mirroring Dio's own fashion sense almost perfectly. Star Platinum showed off its hulking physique by flexing, ready to explode on his opponent, it's purple glow evoking feelings of mystery but a clear sense of pride and independence, perfectly reflecting it's user, Jotaro, and his personality.

Jotaro would be the one to make the first move, feeling extremely pressured by Giorno emitting a Dio-esque oppression on his soul. His strike would be aimed at Gold Experience's head, it was clear that he had no intention of testing Giorno's abilities and just wanted to get it over with quickly. Gold Experience was able to dodge this attack, showing it's speed to be on par with Star Platinum's own. Gold Experience launched a counter-attack, swinging its fists back at star platinum who was able to dodge them by ducking and launching an uppercut which connected with Gold Experience's Jaw which did quite a number on Giorno, sending him and his stand flying back and onto the ground.

"Oi Giorno!" Mista yelled, running to his ally's aid gently holding onto Giorno, trying to help him up. This was met by one Giorno's hand shoving Mista back with the other in a fist, Giorno using it to push himself up, it would take more than one hit to take the mafia boss out, even if it was a direct blow from Star Platinum, Giorno's golden resolve wouldn't allow him to just pass out here and now.

Jotaro readied himself for a round two, lightly grabbing the brim of his hat and muttering "Good grief."


"GOLD EXPERIENCE!" Giorno would yell, dashing toward Jotaro, one fist still closed tight. Jotaro would respond to the range that was currently between the stand users by having Star Platinum use it's "Star Finger" ability, sending it's now outstretched and elongating fingers at Giorno's legs. Little did Jotaro know that Giorno had turned one of the floor tiles into a bamboo shoot, with its "life-giver" ability. Giorno used the shoot to do a sort of springboard which allowed him passage over the "star finger" and into a place of attack. Giorno's stand launched its leg into Star Platinum who was bringing back its fingers from the attack it had just attempted and so caught him with a clean shot. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" Gold Experience screamed, its legs raining down blows onto Star Platinum, who was unable to defend in time.

Jotaro and his stand skidded across the floor, Jotaro clutching the right of his torso that Gold Experience had targeted but still remaining on his feet. Giorno didn't let up his attack, once again pouncing at Jotaro. Giorno charged up a life-giver punch, causing a small glow of energy to gather around Gold Experience's right fist. Before Jotaro could really regain his composure, likely feeling the pain of a dozen fractured or broken bones, Gold Experience nailed Jotaro with the acceleration punch to the face. Giorno then stood back a little to observe its effects.

Usually, when the punch connects, the victim's consciousness becomes too fast for their body to handle, rendering them essentially paralysed, since their movements would be completely out of sync from what they were thinking. This looked to be the case with Jotaro as well as he slowly started to get up.

"I'll admit you had me for a second, but it seems this is it. Your consciousness is now perceiving everything faster than your body can react." Giorno remarked, Gold Experience launching its fist at Jotaro's skull, looking for the knock-out blow. To Giorno's shock and horror, however, Star Platinum caught Gold Experience's wrist before it could connect with Jotaro. Star Platinum wrenched Gold Experience's wrist, causing pain to Giorno. Jotaro stood up fully, clearly having something to say.


"Oh, give me a break. Perceiving everything faster than my body can react? Not with my stand, Star Platinum. It has the power to allow me to perceive and move so quick it looks to me like time has frozen. My body and stand have no issue keeping up with my mind at this slow ass speed." Jotaro remarked, understanding that if his stand didn't have the specific ability to "stop time" then he would most likely be knocked out right now. "Now, let me demonstrate. Star Platinum: The World!"

A massive wave of energy, only visible to Jotaro emitted from his Star Platinum. "Granted, it's not like I can keep this up forever..." Jotaro made the most of his time, launching toward Giorno with a hooking punch, luckily, due to Giorno stepping back earlier, Jotaro would be out of energy for his "time stop" before his punch could connect, however, it would be out of nowhere and completely unpredictable on Giorno's end so, in theory, this punch would be the last.

Time unfroze and Jotaro's punch was flying toward Giorno's head, unknown to the crusader, Giorno had come up with a contingency plan just in case his checkmate strategy hadn't worked. Giorno's once clenched hand was completely relaxed, a detail Jotaro had failed to even take notice of. Before Jotaro's punch could connect with Giorno, a swift flew in an intercepted the punch, causing Jotaro's seemingly perfectly placed punch to completely backfire, breaking Jotaro's back and causing him to collapse immediately. The swift landed on the Giorno's outstretched finger and started to morph.

"I had the foresight to come up with a plan B if my 'life acceleration punch' didn't work on you for whatever reason. Obviously, I was going to be cautious about fighting the man who killed my father, unlike you who seemed to let your guard down." The swift stretched, warped and tightened until it turned into a bullet, which Giorno flicked up into the air with his thumb and caught.

"H-hey isn't that my-" Mista would ask feeling into his own pockets and confirming that he was indeed one extra bullet short.

Giorno smiled at his right-hand man "Thanks for the help back there, Mista. If it wasn't for you trying to help me up, this wouldn't have been my fight to win."

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