《Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kars' comeback》Small World


Giorno, having agreed to go, contacted Trish to take over the mafia's work temporarily. After a slightly awkward and silent journey taken by private helicopter, Giorno, Mista, Polnareff and Koichi were about to set foot onto a small Volcanic island, not so far away from Sicily, named Isola di Vulcano, the very same island that Joseph Joestar had launched Kars into space at roughly 62 years prior.

The helicopter landed on a small grassland area of the island with the volcano ever onlooking, active and waiting for its time to bubble up and burst once more. In the near distance, a one-story building coated entirely in sterile-looking white stood, it had a logo of a wagon wheel being displayed on the side with the words "Speedwagon Foundation" written for all to see. This was the place.

The Speedwagon foundation workers who had ferried them there stepped out of the helicopter, inviting the group to follow them toward the building, Koichi happily followed them, however, Giorno wasn't so enthusiastic, Mista noticed this as Giorno stood there like a stone statue while himself and Kochi had started to advance.

"Oi, Giorno?" Mista waved his free hand in front of Giorno's face, making sure not to drop Polnareff who was residing in his other hand. Giorno's eyes did not respond to the hand limiting his vison by choice and just stood there. Mista had never seen Giorno like this before, he knew Giorno to be calculated but this seemed more like nerves taking a hold. "Come on man, let's go. I'm here with you remember, dude? I got the sex pistol all lined so if we really need to get out of there we could just plant a tree using my bullets or something."

"Mista, the building isn't making me anxious. It feels like an ancient disdain is starting to bubble up within my soul." Giorno was still fixated on the building "I'll be honest with you, its the same disdain that awoke within me toward Polnareff when he announced that he had assisted in killing my father." Giorno looked straight at Polnareff as he mentioned his name "We may have had a common enemy before, Polnareff, and you may be the second most powerful man in Italy as decided by myself but this involuntary disdain feels deeply rooted and I may be inclined to trust it should this meeting turn south for myself. I'm sure you can understand."


Polnareff nodded in response

"I assure you it won't, Giorno and I fully accept your conditions. That is how confident I am in the Speedwagon foundation treating you with the utmost respect." Polnereff replied, matching Giorno's tone.

"It's not gonna turn south, Giorno! What would Polnareff have to gain from harming you anyway? Whatever this feeling in your gut is, it sounds like it's just making your paranoid!" Mista would then walk closer to Giorno and put his free arm around Giorno's shoulders. "Let's go, we can't keep them waiting, can we? We're their special guests!" This was Mistas attempt at lightening the mood and admittedly Giorno felt more comfortable approaching with Mista's reassurance and so they did. They caught up with Koichi at the emerald green-tinted glass entrance door of the building and entered together.

Past the door was a wide, open room with a few doors leading to separate rooms around the building such as a door marked "observatory" with another being labelled "gym". Upon entering this space they were greeted by a 165cm tall mountain wearing a long white coat with a black undershirt, on his peak was a white hat that was adorned with pins, one that seemed to particularly stick out was a circular pin displaying an open palm. The mountain then spoke.

"It seems you made it here ok. That's good to see." He spoke in a monotone, warm sounding voice. His expression was neutral. Due to this Giorno couldn't get a solid read on exactly what he was thinking, which was a first for him.

Koichi smiled and ran up to the giant

"Mr.Jotaro! I managed to get more than just Giorno on board! Turns out Giorno is the boss of the mafia now! It's crazy! I really think he's going to be a strong asset Mr.Jotaro!" Koichi sounded both excited and proud of himself


"Leader of the mafia, huh? Good job on convincing him to help out Koichi, I knew I could rely on you." All of this was said in the exact same voice with his face refusing to change from a neutral expression. "Go and tell the others, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear about your work."

"Yeah, alright! I'll see you in a few then, Mr Jotaro!" Koichi then walked off into an a room with an unmarked door.

Jotaro's gaze then met Giorno's almost as if the two were drawn to one another.

"I'd offer you a handshake, but I'm not sure you'd be willing to accept it. " Jotaro stated

"That's strange. I don't even know you. On what grounds would I refuse a handshake?" Giorno replied, picking his words carefully to try and pry information from the stone face of Jotaro.

"Is that so? I apologise, allow me to greet you formally." Jotaro replied, not one to let down

Jotaro made the first move and started approaching Giorno

"You're approaching me? You're that confident you can trust me?" Giorno questioned

"Well, it's kind of hard to shake hands when you're so far away, isn't it?" Jotaro continued

Giorno met Jotaro's approach with one of his own, taking steps in order to meet him in the middle.

"And how are you to know I'm not just to try and strike you once you're close?" Giorno questioned

"Well, you'd have no reason to unless I was right about my assumption. " Jotaro answered

The two met in the middle, one towering the other. To say there was an air of menace between the two would be an understatement. The tension in the room was palpable.

"And if you were right and I have a strong desire to hit you square in the face, just as I'm sure you do me based on your previous assumption?" Giorno pressed

"Well, I'd need to defend myself, wouldn't I? " Jotaro confirmed

"There's no doubt we're sharing a feeling here or you wouldn't have tried to avoid me. Unfortunately enough for the both of us, this deep-rooted disdain seems to have clouded our better judgement." Giorno's hair seemed to start untying itself and flowing as if something was awakening deep within him.

"I wouldn't say it was unfortunate for both of us. After all, we both know only one of us is going to be left standing by the end of this." Jotaro threatened

"So against your better judgement you want to settle this strange shared rivalry us 'strangers' have?" Giorno said to test the waters, trying to get a reaction out of the stone-faced statue stood before him, trying to get a read on him in order to anticipate his next move.

Their gazes locked, the mood darkening these it seemed all but confirmed a fight was about to breakout.

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