《Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kars' comeback》The Echos of Time.


Giorno turned to Mista and looked at him with a smile.

"You wouldn't mind grabbing a seat for Koichi here, would you?" Giorno asked Mista, who gave Giorno weird look but grabbed out a chair for Koichi regardless and positioned it in front of Giono's desk allowing for easy conversation. Giorno took his seat once more as Koichi took his own.

"So, Koichi, what brings you back to Italy? Specifically what brings you back to me? It's not like I've treated you the best now, is it?" Giorno laughed a little after he spoke, it was as if the weight of recent events had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Actually, I got sent here to find you again! Ever heard of the Speedwagon Foundation, Giorno?" Koichi enquired, still not adhering the what etiquette one would be expected of when talking to the boss of the mafia. This is when Polnareff remerged from his chosen hiding place.

"The Speedwagon foundation?!" Polnareff yelled at Koichi. This shocked Koichi to the bone.

"H-hey, did that turtle just..." Koichi pointed at the turtle, moving in his seat to add distance between the two

"Ah Polnareff, do you know of the Speedwagon Foundation?" Giorno asked Polnareff

"Yes!" Polnareff responded with a certain eagerness "I worked alongside them a long while ago to help a man called Mr.Joestar to kill another man called Dio"

Giorno's laidback demeanour seemed to slip away as he shot Polnereff a haunting gaze as the atmosphere seemed to rumble within the room.

"Dio?" Giorno interrogated

A chill crossed Polnareff, as his breath quickened. It was as if the fear he had once known standing face to face with Dio had wrapped itself around his heart once more.

"Yes. Why, do you know him?" Polnareff didn't let his voice waver while issuing his response


"He happens to be my father." Giorno stated his glare growing ever more tense by the second.

"Is that so? How would you know about him? I doubt you ever met the man."

Giorno used Gold Experience to take Giorno's picture of his father out of his wallet.

"I found it lying next to the bin in my old house. My mother tried to toss it out when she married the man who used to beat me." Giorno continued "He had the same birthmark I seem to carry on my left shoulder"

"Uh, Giorno?" Koichi interjected timidly

"Yes?" Giorno's cold stare seemed to freeze Koichi in place until Giorno realised exactly how he was carrying himself. His killer expression flipped to that of a deer in headlights. "I-I'm so sorry, Koichi. I'm not sure what came over me. Please, continue with what you were saying"

Koichi hesitated before revealing why he had come to Giorno specifically. "They need you, Giorno! An earth-destroying threat looks like it's about to return and we need all of the strong stand users we can get! They've arranged transport for both you and me to Volcano Porto where we're going to be briefed on what's going on!" Koichi spoke with equal parts of vigour and pleading.

"And how am I to trust this Speedwagon foundation? They did kill my father after all." Giorno responded in all seriousness.

"Giorno!" Koichi looked at him with desperation

This is when Mista piped in after watching this whole situation go down.

"Oi, Giorno." Mista was leant against the wall near the window "You think I'd ever let that happen?"

Giorno turned to face Mista, as did Koichi. Mista caught Koichi's gaze with his own. "You need stand users, kid?"


Koichi nodded at him

"Well, I'm coming along whether you like it or not. Can't let my boss get killed now, can I?" Mista then looked to Giorno. "Regardless, the Speedwagon Foundation must have had their reasons, both for what they did and what they're currently doing. It's not like Polnareff is a sinister man who kills for sport now is he?" Mista reassured Giorno.

"Mista..." Giorno whispered to himself

"Hey, we might even be able to get Trish to come with us, we could make an earth-ending road trip out of the whole thing. I'm sure Polnareff would like to see his old friends there or whatever..."

Giorno stood up.

"It's decided then it seems. If I can't trust my own right-hand man then what kind of life would I be leading?"

Koichi's eyes lit up "Really? You're gonna help us? Thank you so much, Giorno!"

"Heh, I guess I owe you anyway Koichi. I never did repay you for the trouble I caused. Mista, we'll scope out the situation and if it's necessary then we'll arrange for Trish to be transported to us, alright?"

"Ah, sure thing Giorno."

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