《The Dungeon's Son》10. Up & Down


Kaiser Remington

"Now. Let the duel begins!"

As the referee ends his remarks, Lir immediately runs and uses mana to boosts his body and envelops his sword with ice magic.

'Oh, ice magic user.' Should I study his ice magic after this? I'll just check his mana first.

As he was swinging his sword with elegant style, I'm able to dodge all of them by releasing a small amount of mana on my body. Activating my God's vision, his mana body is not yet matured and its color is still white but at his age of 6, as stated by his parents before the duel, his magic usage is powerful yet out of control. He must have a good teacher.

"Why are you always dodging!" Lir said as he predicted my movement and locked my left arm using his right hand and slashed me with his ice-imbued sword using his wooden sword.

As a result, the force of his swing threw me back with such speed but I managed to stop it with my foot. I touched my leather body armor and I can feel the cold residuals of his slash.

I can hear Lir's family cheering their son and also insulting my family while Aldea's family looks at me with a quiet attitude.

"Surrender or suffer!" Lir said as he charged again but right now, with more raging ice magic. "I thought you're Aldea's savior but you're just a fraud."

'Tsk.' I clicked my tongue and put my wooden sword back on my hip as I used a large amount of mana to quickly dashed in front of him and grabbed his neck with my right hand and sweep his right foot with my strong foot causing him to fall out of balance.

With my hand still grabbing his neck, I used mana to strengthen my hand with the help of gravity to pummel him down. The training ground cracks below us as it creates a small crater because of the sudden impact.

"Don't make me use more of my strength or you'll regret living." I said at him as I let go of my hold and walks back to my family.

I suddenly felt a strong surge of magic as I turned back and when I looked back at Lir, he's now standing up with a large amount of ice magic enveloping his body.

"Lir! Stop it! Once you enter in that state with your mana body that's still not mature, your mana body will be destroyed and you can never use magic anymore." His father said.

"Shut up! I'll destroy him!" Lir ignored his father and continued to release a large amount of magic.

'Yes, that's it. Release more of your magic so I can copy it.' I thought wearing a smiling face.

He rushed at me with incredible speed and managed to hit my right shoulder before I could even dodge.

"Kaiser! Surrender son, you still don't have magic on your own. You'll lose your life in that duel. We can always start over as long as we're completed right?" Father said wearing a worried face.

It seems that I have to use my magic.

"Don't worry father. I'll trample anyone who dares to hurt my family." I said as I looked at him with joy in my eyes.


"Now then." I turned to look at Lir and draws out my sword. "Fight me with all you got." I then deactivated my God's vision and lets my mana body release its menacing power along with my shadow magic. My skin felt the heat of my own energy but it doesn't hurt me, it's just, comforting.

I can clearly see Aldea's father surprised by my power as his eyes widened in shock. Lir's father, on the other hand, fell on his knees at the magnitude of my power. However, Lir is only standing with his eyes full of anger.

"Whatever magic you use, I will kill you!" Lir shouted as he uses every ounce of magic in his body and weapon. He rushed again but this time, I used my full speed to connect my knee to his abdomen thrusting him forward then I followed up at him and dashed through his back and drew my sword to his back along with my shadow magic.

He drops to the floor with his ice magic fading along with his mana body, I saw it using my God's vision.

"I..can't surrender. Fraud! Fraud!!" Lir said as he stands up and releases his ice magic on everyone in the arena as if this is his last resort.

I dashed towards my parents to protect them from the surge of ice. Aldea's family and Lir were protected by their butler.

He continued to use more magic and it leaves me no choice but to consume the entirety of his magic. 'I guess you can pay me back with your magic.'

With shadow magic and a purple aura surrounding my body, I used all of my speed to close my range at him and deal with successions of attack on his body while secretly draining every ounce of his ice magic in the process. Lir loses his consciousness along with his ice magic and completely destroyed his mana body.

I dropped him from my grasp and walked right to his father. "You'll never forget our deal right?" I asked him directly.

"But.." He stepped back and muttered but Aldea's father cuts him off. "The rules are set in stone and I hereby declare that the Aiken household will provide the educational assistance of the younger sister of the Remington family."

"Your foolish son gets what he deserves. If he listened to you earlier, his magic should be still usable but because of his foolishness, he lost his dignity and strength along with his destroyed mana body." Aldea's father continued.

Flora came running at me and hugged me from behind. "Brother! I thought you'll be dead earlier."

"Don't worry. I did it for you, Flora." I said as I pat her head.

"Kaiser!" Aldea also said and embraced me.

"Now, now, I know you're rejoicing over my victory but I'm also injured." I said to the two of them.

"Don't worry. I'll heal you right away." Mother said as she showered me down with her healing magic.

"Tsk! I can't let this happen to our son!" Lir's father said as he walks to his unconscious son. Because of his anger, he quickly fired a ball of spiky ice in our direction.

As I was preparing to cast magic to block the attack, a sudden magic blocks the spiky ice for us. "I believe that you cannot hurt Miss Aldea." The butler said.


"Leave! We don't need the presence of an insolent fool in this mansion! Never come back again!" Aldea's father said. "Attack again and you'll be killed on the spot." The guards took the unconscious Lir and his family outside the mansion and what's left are Aldea's family and mine.

"I want to congratulate you on the show that you demonstrated earlier. I believe that your condition will be fulfilled by my family since the Aiken family is affiliated with ours. Do you have any questions?" Aldea's father said directly at me.

"To what extent will you support Flora's education?" I asked.

"Well, if you want her to graduate then it would take six years in the Capital's most prestigious school. We can provide her our assistance for six years." Aldea's father replied.

"Understood, thanks for that opportunity as well. Now, we're going to leave." I said turning back at them.

"Thank you for saving my daughter, Kaiser. If you can tell, can I ask when and where did you get your shadow element?" He asked.

I smirked before looking back at him. "Just proper training without formal education. My good father and mother always support my training at home and they assisted me at all times." I replied with a very childish tone.

"As my gratitude, would you want my butler to accompany you to the Capital? We'd love to reward your heroic deed."

I looked at my family and Flora shortly nodded. "Okay, it's been a while after I get together with my family in the Capital." I smiled.

"Father, can you let me go with them?" Aldea asked hugging her father's lower part with her head looking upwards at her father.

"If that's what you want then go."

We all prepared ourselves and went outside to wait for Aldea, her butler, and the carriage.

After several minutes passed, Aldea was accompanied by her father towards us. "I'll leave Aldea to your care. At night, I want you to attend a small feast that I'll be organizing."

"I humbly accept your offer. It seems that the carrier is here, we'll be going."

I vowed to Aldea's father along with my parents before entering the carriage.

It's been a while since I've enjoyed going around the Capital with my parents and Aldea. We all shared the same memories of laughter and discoveries in the Capital. The Capital looks like the biggest city in my previous life and taking a journey on it is so mesmerizing. I've seen the sections on the Capital that I still didn't know and I also saw the school where Flora will study.

In the future, I'll also study with her and cultivate my skills to the fullest. The time I've spent here is precious that I didn't realize that the sky is turning orange. I'm happy because my family is also with me during the fun that I experienced.

If Aldea's father wanted to have a feast, then, he took an interest in me and it's possible that he has other motives besides my reward. If it's about my power then I'll just brush him off with my child appearance.

The nighttime came and we went back to the mansion.

From the outside, I can see a lot of carriage parked on the back and the lights of the mansion filled its vicinity.

Is this how rich people organize a feast around here?

The butler that's with us accompanied us to enter a different room and prepared us clothing for the festivity.

I went inside the room as the butler motioned me and inside it is a maid looking at me and waiting for me to come near her. She has brown hair, a slender body, and captivating eyes.

"Your eyes sure take their time to analyze my body." She said looking sideways with her hand covering her mouth.

"N-No! It's just my eyes are kinda tired right now."

"But you're flustered." She teased.


"HAHA! Don't worry, I'm just teasing you sir." She said then proceeded to open the closet full of small clothes.

The maid tried different clothes on me and after that endless trial, we've managed to choose the perfect set of clothes for me.

The attire that I wore for tonight looks very fancy and familiar in this world. I had a black long-tailed coat with white lining on its noticeable features. The insides of my coat were a white long sleeve and a dark blue vest finished with a bowtie. The trouser is the same color as my vest as well and it has a grainy and glossy effect on it. The shoes that I wear were changed with black glossy shoes with a small heel on them.

I was mesmerized by my beautiful appearance as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"That looks good on you. Please enjoy the night, sir Kaisen." She said as she opened the door for me.

"Thanks again." I replied.

As I walk away, I stopped and turned to look at her. "That outfit also fits you well." She slightly blushed as she walks inside the dressing room.

I walked down the stairs and saw my family along with Aldea dressed in fine clothing the same as mine.

"You look elegant tonight, Flora." I stated.

"Thanks brother! You look great as well." Flora replied.

"My son looks like his old man at his childhood stage." Father said.

"Of course father, because I'm half you." I immediately added.

"It looks like the Remington family are completed right now." Aldea's father said. "Everyone!" He said while holding his glass of wine. They immediately turned their attention in our direction. "These two fine people beside me are the parents of the person that save my daughter from the sacrificial offering for the Orb's revival."

"What? Then who is the savior of Aldea? Is he not here with us?" A single person asked and many agreed as well.

"That's what I thought as well but this small kid right here is the one that saves my daughter, Aldea, from the brink of death." He added. "Everyone, I present you. Kaiser Remington!"

Everyone claps their hands in joy and the feast continued its joyful atmosphere.

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