《The Dungeon's Son》11. Warning


Kaiser Remington

As the feast continues to reach its climax, it is clear to me now that the upper class also partakes in this feast. My family and I are done eating and I can see the nobles starting to rise up in their seats in order to dance with their partners.

I can see why this feast has many nobles – it is to build many connections using their young children for securing their future generation. My family, on the other hand, felt being out of place so I touched dad's back and gestured him to come closer as I will whisper something in his.

"What is it, Kaiser?"

"Get mother's hand for a dance." I said at him.

"But…" He replied.

I didn't let him finish off because I distance myself from him and kneeled down on my sister, "Can I take your hand for a dance?"

My sister nodded and gave me her small hands. "Follow my lead, Flora."

As I take her hands, we both dance in the center of the crowd along with the beautiful music that matched the night's beautiful event. At first, she finds it hard to follow me but I managed to match her by staying on the rhythm that she can take.

"Oh my! What a wonderful performance by these two." A lady said raising her fan and covering her mouth.

Many people were turning their attention on us as they talked about the family that I'm in. The others didn't know what family we're from but I don't really care about them.

As I finished my dance with Flora, I went to Aldea and asked her permission to dance with me. "May I?" I asked while kneeling down in front of her.

Her cheeks turned bright red as she replied back at me, "I-If you'd like then." She said while giving her hand at me without hesitation.

"Absolutely." I smiled. As we were dancing, I can sense that this is not her first time dancing as she knows how to do it. The people turned their attention back at us but after a few moments, they were amazed at someone dancing in the back of us, I looked back and I smiled as I saw my parents.

I smirked and released my fine dancing moves as the night goes deeper than it is.


"What an elegant performance you did back there, Kaiser." Aldea's father said at me as I was resting on the large balcony on the north side of the building where the feast is hosted.

"Thanks, I just copied it from my father." I replied back without looking at him. The awkward silence continues to grow so I initiated what I'm going to say. "Does the head of the middle class need something from me?"

"You sure are not an ordinary kid." He said at me telling me that I'm correct. "I'm just about to warn you, Kaiser. Not as your enemy but your ally."

"Ally?" I replied back looking at him for the first time.

"Well, I want to remove the Aiken family as our collaborator and I want your family in their position." He said with a serious look, his words are true and I can see no lies in it.

"What made you decide that?" I asked him as it piques my interest.

"Your power Kaiser. It's too dangerous and when you grew up, you'll attract more enemies to come at you." He replied with a soft and whisper voice.


"Is it because of my shadow element?"

"Yes. The element that you had is only the one element that no one ever had except Kaiser, The god of war and destruction." The words that he said meant that I'm the only mortal that gained this element.

"What are the risks? Can you tell me more?" I asked with my patience running out because of thinking more about its danger to my family.

"That power is the reason why the Shadow Worshippers was formed."

"Shadow Worshippers?" I asked.

"They are the one that traveled the whole world in order to get the shadow element and revive Kaiser and used him as their weapon."

"Where are they right now?" I asked again while tapping my foot.

"Rumors said that they're the one guarding the cave where the knowledge orb is placed." My eyes widened as I remembered the sacrifice that I've heard when I went into the cave.

The eerie silence grew faster as my mind is struck with many disturbing thoughts. If they're going to ambush us, then it means that my family will be in danger.

"I can help you and protect you if you agree to collaborate in our family." He said as he holds my shoulders with his hands.

"What are the conditions?" I asked looking at him.

"I want you to bodyguard my daughter." I suddenly let up a laugh at his conditions which is a bit disrespectful but since his eyes tell no lies, I asked him back again.

"Why protect your daughter?"

"It's because my daughter is considered as a vessel for Kaiser." I was startled as I connect the dots that's been lingering inside my mind.

"Our family's ancestor is Krono and it is known for decades."

"But if they know about my ability, then it would bring disaster in your family as well."

"That's why we'll hide you and train you for four years. During your training, we'll fake your death and after four years, we'll reveal you as my family's relative, you'll become Aldea's cousin. At the age of twelve, you'll be able to attend school along with Aldea and your sister. What do you think about my plan?" He said.

"If I disagree? What would happen?" I asked to see if he has plans.

"It would destroy both of us."

"Explain it to my parents and tell them that I agreed to your contract but if they never accept it, I'll back down as well."

"Wise decision because right now, not only my family will benefit from this but yours as well." He said as he walks away back inside the feast.

Kaiser said that I can copy all of the elements which meant that I can conceal my shadow and utilize the other elements when I trained for four years. That plan of his is good but that's my only option right now, I have to survive this.


The feast was over and we were offered to stay at their mansion for the night. When morning came, Aldea's father, Ismael, explained everything to my parents and they agreed upon it. As a result of their successful transaction, Ismael promised that he'll provide my family their needs when it comes to finances and goods.

Today is the day when we'll go to the adventurer hall and come back to our home to take some of my valuable things.

"We've already arranged the carriage for your family." Ismael's wife said at us.


"You've already done more to us. I don't know how we can repay you." Mother said.

"No need. Your acceptance is what every one of us needed and we would do anything to help you." Ismael said.

"We'll be off now, Aldea." I said at her.

We waved our goodbyes as we went to the adventurer hall to update father's license.

"Kaiser, thank you for doing this for the family." Mother said at me as she hugs me tightly.

"No need to say your gratitude mother. For once, I want to thank both of you for your upbringing to me and to Flora, be good to them okay?"

"Y-yes." Flora said as she hugs me with tears coming out from her eyes.

"Our carriage sure is fast. Let's go now. We're here at the Adventurer Hall."

As we were waiting with father for his license, I asked him how to get to the Dungeon.

"Kaiser, in order to go to the Dungeon, you needed this key of mine and cast magic on it until the teleportation gate opened. We all use the teleportation gate that the Hall provided but if I want to go to a random Dungeon, I'll be forcing this emblem in order to open a random teleportation gate for me." He said while pointing at a small emblem that's tied on his neck.

"Do you want to be an adventurer brother?" Flora asked which is sitting behind me.

I nodded back at her and said, "Yes Flora, I want to be strong like our father."

It took us an hour and as time passes by, fewer people are entering the hall and only the receptionist and our family have remained.

"Yo! My license permit is now done, let's go home." Father said.

As we walk outside the Hall, I've felt a mana surge covering the Hall, I immediately looked around and this magic has a strong magic user. We saw our carriage's driver unconscious and lying to the ground so all of us went at him to check him.

"What happened here?" Father asked.

"R-Ru. Run." He said as he passed out and loses his consciousness.

I used my God's vision to look at the surrounding and water magic is surrounding us, no, it's a combination of air and water.

"Ho ho ho! It seems that our main is here!" A man in a cloak said as he walks near us. Father and mother heightened their defenses by raising their magic, I instructed Flora to go and hide in the Hall.

"We must escape this, father, mother." I said at them as I used shadow element to envelope my whole body.

"I thought we were wrong but you really got Kaiser's power huh." Another man said and this time, it's Frill with his red-colored aura and fire magic releasing from the pores of his skin.

"KAISER RUN!" Father commanded as mother and father rushed towards the two of them.

The two enemies also attack back at them and as I was watching them, my body was frozen by the amount of energy that they're releasing, it's from Frill.

"Father, you must escape now!" as soon as I shouted, Frill released his fire-imbued claymore and quickly slashed father but I made it in time as I leaped towards them with my magic and blocked the claymore. I can see from the side that mother's being pushed back by the cloaked man.

"Father! Please help mother!" I shouted at him standing behind me, I want to buy time but can I even handle this guy?

Father went to mother and I stopped Frill from getting near them. "Fight me, Frill." I said at him ejecting my father's knife.

"So you're the one that kills the guards in the cave. Magnificent! It proves to me that you're Kaiser. Now, give me your element so I can wake him up!" Frill replied as he launched at me.

I did the same and fight him in full power.

As minutes continue to grow, we exchanged blows and elemental attack but as this continues, my mana body is starting to get drained and I was being pushed back. "What's wrong? Can't handle the power?" The cloaked man said walking towards me.

I looked back and saw my parents lying on the ground. Father was still half-awake as he stands up to release earth magic to the cloaked man. "You can't do that!" Frill said as he swung his sword and fire magic started to went towards my parents at full speed.

"NO!" I screamed as I used my remaining mana reserved and used shadow magic to save them.

It was near second but it's a relief that I've managed to save them using my fragile body. The explosion was so devastating but I managed to save them with a little bit of my shadow magic – I was standing with my two arms spread, destroyed clothes, and bleeding body. I fell down and my weakened body makes me drowsy.

"You sure are tough." Frill said.

"I can't lose… here." I whispered to myself as I start to stand up again. The two of them walks towards us so I desperately started to gather shadow magic on my hands but as I was channeling my magic, mother and father interrupted me and take hold of both of my arms.

"Enough Kaiser." Mother said.

"You've done more as we did." Father said and looks at me.

"Please, let me… fight." I requested at them. Father took his emblem which serves as the key to the dungeon. I was immediately captured by the earth magic that father summoned and he imbued magic on his emblem and activated a random teleportation gate to dungeon.

"Mother? Please don't do this." I said without doing anything because of my body's weakened state with tears flowing out of my eyes. I was desperately begging them to not do this.

"Till we meet again, Kaiser." Mother said as she slowly heals my body.

"No!!" Frill said as he started to dash at us in full strength but he's too late, father already pushed me inside a teleportation gate.

This time, everything happened as if I was in slow motion. As I was thrown into the deep abyss, all I can see is my parents looking at me, smiling while tears are flowing in the side of their eyes. Father looks back at Frill and stops him with his earth magic while mother waved her hand and said something. Though I can't hear it properly along with my body losing its consciousness, I did understand her.

What she said was, "I love you, Kaiser."

The white fragments closed the teleportation gate as I finally lose my consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

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