《The Dungeon's Son》9. The Capital


Kaiser Remington

"Don't worry, you can rest properly once we get home. For now, let me inspect this carrier." I said to Aldea as I analyzed the rampaged carrier. I looked using my gift and saw no traces of Jard.

"Maybe my parents already took him when they escaped. Let's head back, Aldea." She nodded at me and took her again on my back. I glanced again before heading back home.

After running for an hour, I can already see from afar our home and noticed a carrier parked from the outside.

'Please be okay.'

We finally arrived at home and I immediately heard mother's voice worrying about me. I brought down Aldea to her feet and took a heavy breath before knocking on the door.

Hearing the knock, I heard someone running at the other side of the door and she opened it with tears in her eyes.

"Flora." I said with a comforting voice.

"Brother! You told me we'll be playing hide and seek!" She said as she hugged me tightly.

"Sorry Flora." I said petting her head.

"Hmm. Why is our son already bringing a girl at this young age?" Father interrupted.

I didn't notice that I'm still holding her hands tightly.

"Flora, let your brother take a bath so we can talk about it at the table later." Mother said while drying up her tears with a handkerchief.

"And you." Mother said looking at Aldea. "Take a bath as well after Kaiser. We have a lot to talk about later."

"T-Thank… you."

It's too good being able to live and dip myself in this good cold water. Too bad, I'm starting to feel sleepy again. Ah, I don't want to leave this world, this sensation, and my precious blessings.


"Brother, are you sleeping in the bath again?"

Flora's voice sunk unto my sleeping body.

"Sorry, I'll finish up. I just felt drowsy." I reassured Flora.

I wore the clean clothes that mother left outside the bathroom and assists Aldea to the bathroom.

"Please be at ease. We won't eat you." I said to her at the bathroom's door.

"T-thanks, Kaiser." She whispered with her head looking at the floor.

"What?" I asked trying to tease her.

"Brother let Aldea take a bath, hmp." Flora interrupts. "Aldea, I'll leave a new change of clothes on the table near the bathroom's door."

"Kay." I replied.

I then helped mother prepare the tableware and got the chance to talk with my family after they sent off the guards that accompanied them home.

"Father, what happened after you escaped? Is Jard safe?"

"Well, I almost died after clashing with the two guards. If your mother is not present there during that time, I had no chance to escape them.

"What about Jard? Is he alright? I met him when I searched for you earlier."

"So you're the one that gave him the potion huh. Thanks, son. If you didn't arrive at that time, Jard would be gone by now."

"Thank goodness." I unconsciously said with relief in my voice.


"Oh Kaiser. Worrying just like your old man." Father said.

"Now then." Mother interrupted with a strong tone. "Do you know whose child you brought home?"

"No, but I eavesdropped the guard's conversation after confirming that you've escaped the cage and heard that there's a girl caged inside that's why I…"

"Kaiser Remington, you don't get it, do you!?" Mother cuts my sentence without letting me say a single word. "I know that you know how to fight but everything is different outside! You're still four years old yet you risk your life just for that reason!"

"…" I couldn't say something because what she said is true but I'm not like the other bunch of kids outside. I'm different. I just can't help but lower my head during that moment.

"Carla, don't scold him too much. He's still a kid that's why he doesn't know his mistakes." Father interrupted. I turned my head upward at father's sudden entrance and was surprised that he's not upset.

"But!" mother implied but father's persistence is harder as mine. "Are you not happy that he's back? Whatever happened at the cave should be left behind and we must rejoice at our son's return."

"Brother l-lied but I'm happy that he's back." Flora added.

"If you two insist then. Kaiser, I'm sorry for venting all my anger to you." Mother said calmly.

"No mother. There's no need to apologize, I know my mistakes and it's your right to be upset with me." After I said that, mother hugs me tightly.

"Whose daughter does Aldea belongs to, mother?" I asked after she lets go of her embrace to me.

"She's that daughter of the ruler of the middle-class in our society. We must return her by tomorrow and pay our respect to them." Mother replied firmly.

"I thought there's only one king that rules from above?"

"Well son, the highest and middle-class needed to have their own ruler because they're a big help to the Capital's economy." Father said.

"I-I'm done." Aldea said. I turned around to take a look at her and noticed her hiding on the wall concealing half of her body.

"That looks great on you Aldea!" Flora said as she went at her, took her hand, and gently pulled her near us.

"Now, let's not make the food get cold. Please accept our menu for today, Aldea." Mother said as she lowered her head at Aldea.

"N-no, please don't be sorry. This is more than you could give me after Kaiser saved my life." Aldea said in a calm voice.

Mother looked at Aldea then looked at us. We all burst in laughter and proceeded to satisfy our hunger on the table.

"Mother, I'll sleep on the vacant room for tonight. Please let Aldea sleep beside Flora on my stead." I requested after cleaning the dishes.

"Our boy sure is a gentleman at his young age. I can't wait to see his future being chased down by girls in the Capital." Father said after he smacked my back.

"Father don't be like that. I'm not compared to your godly characteristics."


"He sure knows how to use sweet words. Be ready for the future." Mother said as she teased Aldea.

"Y-Y-Yes mother!" Aldea replied with a confused looked.

"Mother?!" Flora asked.

"HAHAHA you jealous?" I asked Flora.

"It's sleeping time children. We have to take Aldea to their household tomorrow so we must sleep early."

After setting everything up, I accompanied Aldea to their bed and proceeded to my room.

I lied my back down the mat that mother prepared earlier and closed my eyes. As I started to feel drowsy, it's suddenly interrupted by their voices in the other room. Though I can't clearly hear what everyone is saying, the loudness of their voice reached my room.

'Just let me sleep for today.' I sighed.

I wandered my eyes on the ceiling for a while when I suddenly remembered my newly acquired magic. I sat up and immediately took a meditative position. I activated God's Vision to the state of my mana body and new magic.

As a result of my struggle, I can clearly observe my refined mana body emitting its color of orange. I then noticed a small orb that's been placed on the solar plexus of my mana body, it emits the violet color.

'Maybe I can test my power right now.' Since I'm in a dark room with only the moon's light coming from the window that lit the room.

I opened my eyes and imbued shadow magic on my arms and legs and tried to execute some attacks.

'Woah, this power is really incredible.'

I spent the night refining my mana body and using my shadow magic.

"Good morning brother! Did you sleep properly last night?" Flora asked as she barged inside my room. Standing beside her was Aldea already dressed.

"A-Are you coming with us later?" Aldea asked.

"Yes, don't worry I'll be accompanying you up to your household."

'WHAT!?' I was amazed by what they call a household. I thought that she lived in a normal house but I didn't know that they have a mansion.

"Now, shall we come inside?" Aldea said as she waits for me after getting down the carrier.

"Oh yes." I replied.

As the guards standing outside saw Aldea with us, one rushed to open the big gate and on rushed inside the mansion.

We were escorted inside by the guard and now standing in the front of what looks like the family's head, Aldea's father. Beside them is what looks like another family with the same class as them.

"Father!" Aldea said as she runs toward her father.

They embraced for a moment when I noticed the other family's son which looks the same age as us walks towards us.

"Hmp, surrendering yourself huh? It's better to surrender than to keep up our chase to you, kidnappers." The young kid said.

I saw my parent's eyes knot and Flora being afraid.

"I think your parents didn't teach you proper manners." I said defending my family.

"Huh?! What did you just say?" The young kid said closing his distance and grabbing my shirt. Since he's taller than me, he can easily grab me upwards.

"What are you doing Lir!?" Aldea shouted removing Lir's grasped over my collar.

"Explain this, Aldea." Aldea's mother said.

"When I was kidnapped by some strangers, they brought me in a cave and I was caged for three days until Kaiser came to save me." Aldea immediately replied.

"And how did he do that?" Her mother asked looking at me.

"I did it not because I know that she's caged but my parents were also kidnapped and attacked the night yesterday. I tried to follow their trail because of Jard's advice to me." I replied.

"Hmm?" Aldea's father replied while touching his chin playing over his small beard.

"Tsk! If you're the savior of Aldea, prove it! Let's have a duel!" The enraged Lir said.

Father is about to talk but I raised my hand telling them to stop interrupting. "If I win, you'll have to provide my sister an educational assistance in this Capital's most famous school."

"And if you lose?" Aldea's father asked.

"It's up to Lir." I said turning my back at them and looking at my family.

"Father, mother, and Flora. I'll defend our family's honor so please, let me have the duel." I said as I kneeled at them.

"Hmm, since it's your decision, we'll support it." Mother said offering her hands for me to support me standing up.


We're all gathered at the training grounds with some guards and the three families including us.

I was given a wooden sword and leather body armor while Lir wore light chainmail that seems to be his favorite duel outfit.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Flora shouted at Lir.

"Cheating? This is my personal armor and not provided by the Aldea's family, don't misunderstand it." Lir said as he bursts into laughter.

"It looks like Lir is going to enjoy this match." The man said that looks to be Lir's father.

"Don't worry everyone! After I beat this arrogant one, I'll kick their family outside the town and will never be allowed to set foot in here again!" Lir declared after finishing his setup.

"You can't do that!" Aldea said.

"Aldea, the young man accepted the duel so every condition must be performed strictly."

I can see my family tremble in fear of the degree of Lir's demand. I bit my tongue and walked near Lir.

As the guard noticed that we're ready, he walked in between us and stated the rules of the duel.

"This duel will be arbitrated by me and I will state the rules. A wooden sword is allowed. Magic is allowed. Support or assistance from another party is not allowed, and lastly, brutal action is permitted as long as you can injure your opponent but killing is not allowed."

I can see Lir's bloodshot eyes before turning back to his distance earlier. I also did the same and took a stance.

"Now. Let the duel begins!"

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