《Problems of Modern Society》Chapter 9 - Clickbait Channels


OK so, a problem in society falls down the path of social media. Now we all know social media would have wrongs in it from the start but maybe not to this extent. Like clickbait YouTube videos come to mind when I think of social media. Let me tell you... It's a problem and honey this a problem as big as my debt.

A clickbait YouTuber is someone who posts content with fun looking thumbnails and titles and tricks you into watching a boring ten minute long video with no point. By the way, almost all clickbait channels have the same videos and same titles. I think that the best example for this garbage is FIVE MINUTE CRAFTS. You knew it was heading this way lol.

Five Minute Crafts is a channel that makes modern day horror stories and creepypastas with their one hour "crafts." The crafts take hours long to do despite the title saying "FiFtY cRaFTs tHaT TaKe OnLY FiVE MiNuTeS." Also, the crafts suck... They just plain suck. They are the nightmare that keeps me up at night. They are the reason I have insomnia. I spent three years on my YouTube channel and have only sixty subs (wowza woman on YT *shameless plug*.) I spent years making music and garbage comedy videos and they just made three videos that they reuse over and over and over and over again and again. It's sooooo bad.

I give up why do I try spending time on stuff that I get no credit for. Anyways, fish bait good clickbait youtube bad. The END I HAVE SPOKEN.

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