《Subject 0001》Chapter 4


Anna walks in front of the three soldiers, who are all having a conversation about their meeting with "the most dangerous criminal" they have. Anna is still having a hard time believing it. He seemed fairly nice as well. She thinks about when he tried to comfort her. His hand was cold as ice, as if it was the hand of a dead, and his eyes were not a far fetch from that either. Black like his hand, and just as cold as well. She feels like he needs her help, but she doesn't know how. How would it be possible to help a guy under such close guard at all times. She's deeply concentrated when suddenly one of the guards panic. "Oh shit! Guys I lost my..." then he quickly stops himself and looks at Anna. Anna looks at him with confusion, and he looks back at the other two. "I'll go on ahead," he says, then turns and runs full speed away. The two guards look at each other, both equally surprised like Anna. "That can't be good," one of them says, looking back at Anna. "No help worrying about it," the other guy says, and continues walking. Anna is surprised at how easily they brush it aside, but mostly she is curious about what made the guard run off like that. What might have happened, and did it have anything to do with the guy they had just visited? "I lost my?" Anna recites for herself. But the guy in the cell had never moved towards any of the guards or even made gestures towards them. Weird.

Suddenly the remaining two soldiers stop up and take a hand up to their helmet, listening to a speaker Anna know from experience is build into the thing. They look at each other, and turn around, running back down the hall. "Just go back to training!" one of them yells without even looking back. Anna stares after them, then noise behind her makes her turn around, and a group of about 13 soldiers, including the third guard that had accompanied her come running past her, probably on their way to the same place as the others. That's when it finally occurs to Anna that the only thing that way is where they just came from.


Anna turns around and sprints after all of them. What is happening? She makes it just in time to see the soldiers close the door to the cell. She continues on a few meters to the door that leads into the observation room. She busts in, and looks as the soldiers surround the guy and Harper step into the ring of pointing guns. When did she get there?

Anna suddenly gets confused, the only way down to this cell was the one she just came from, and she was certain Harper had not moved passed her. Only a step behind Harper walks a girl Anna's own age. She has short, brown hair. She walks with a straight back, displaying few emotions other than disgust pointed at the guy in the middle, almost as deadly as the guns.

Suddenly Harper starts speaking.


"We know you have the keys Leon, giving them to us now is far the easiest option." Harper looks directly at Leon, making sure, she shows no sign of being afraid. Leon seems much more interested in Rachael, only a meter away from Harper herself. He doesn't answer Harper. The worst part being that Harper isn't even sure he ignores her on purpose or actually didn't hear it, since he so easily gets distracted.

"Her name is Rachael," Harper says, leading the subject onto something of more interest to Leon. The sentence catches Leon's attention as expected. He looks up at Harper, then back at Rachael.

"I don't care about her name. What is her name is what I want to know." The soldiers all look back at Harper and Rachael. Only few of the soldiers in the room knows of Rachael's power, and it is suppose to stay that way. Harper looks around the circle. She sighs then.

"Everybody leave, and no one try to eavesdrop." Many of the soldiers seem hesitant to follow order, but as the elite soldiers turn and leave the room, the others are not far behind. After about ten minutes all soldiers have left, and the door is closed off, locked from the outside. Harper then looks back at Leon, ready to continue their conversation.


"Teleportation," she replies, keeping it simple at quick. She didn't even feel like bothering with all these side questions from Leon. Why would he even steal the keys. The soldiers might be disillusioned about their safety, but Harper knows that Leon can escape anytime he wants.

"pretty neat," Leon says looking at Rachael with his own form of mocking approval. It's not evil, not dominating, it's simply childish.

"Pff," Rachael says from behind Harper, and Harper looks back at her with surprise. She would not normally show emotion, yet that was a clear sign of disapproval.

"You really are as dump and ignorant as they say, but I still can't believe that you could be as strong as they say." Harper is overly surprised. Not only is she showing emotions, she is acting just as childish as Leon.

"Haha, was that a challenge I just heard, because you can count me in," Leon grins and stands up a little straighter. It's obvious he is ready for a fight, yet he is still not serious in any way, making bad jokes and laughing all the time.

"You sure you have the nerve?" Rachael taunts, but Harper is afraid she doesn't have the strength to back up everything she just said. Rachael gets into a fighting stance, spreading her legs and bends a little in the knees. She raises her arms, the right arm straight in front of her, the other beside her face.

"Wait, hold on, what's this? You gonna attack me with karate moves? That's hilarious!" Leon, still not the last bit serious, just laughs his head off at Rachael's stand. Rachael is almost boiling at this point.

"Shut your mouth and fight me!" She yells and suddenly she teleports.


Rachael appears behind Leon. She feels victory already within her reach. She prepares a blow with her left arm exactly at his temple, planning to end it in one blow. He was nothing but big talk, she thinks as she moves her arm at his head with incredible speed. No one would be able to dodge this attack from behind. Or so she thought.

She is just about to hit home, when suddenly Leon moves his head to the right, away from the hand. Rachael misses, and out off balance because of the sheer force behind the attack, she stumbles towards him. All Rachael gets to think is how he knew where the blow would come without looking, then an arm appears to her left, at the edge of her vision, straight towards her temple. She closes her eyes, and crumbles into a ball her arms covering anything important from the fall that will come after the blow. Time moves in slow-motion, it's a painful waiting game, one you know you will lose.

Then she hits the ground. She lands on her arms and legs, covering everything else. She stays in the same position for a little while, not sure if she should expect an attack from Leon. After about ten seconds, she decides to unfold herself, and looks up at Leon, who is standing right in front of her, grinning at her. She stares at him, this guy just humiliated her. She had never tried anything like it. Never had she been beaten by anyone. She sobs, and only as she hears herself sob, does she realise that she's crying. He stops laughing, and looks at her, his disappointment is clear. It only makes it worse.

She quickly gets to her feet and walks over to Harper. Harper who seems to have read the situation, just nods to her, giving her permission, as Rachael grabs onto her and teleports them both out of the cell.

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