《Subject 0001》Chapter 3


"You want to what?" Harper exclaims in a fit as she hears Anna's request.

"Have you not heard any of the things I just said? He's a criminal, a murder!" Harper stares at Anna with something resembling rage. Yet it is one only caused by the wish to protect Anna, and so, Anna calmly replies.

"He might be a murder, but he's the murder that saved the special force and my life." Harper is still angry, and scared. She takes a deep breath and walks around the table, moving up to Anna. She places a hand on both of her shoulders, then looks her right in the eyes.

"He might seem innocent, but remember, he isn't." They look each other in the eyes for a while. Then Anna slowly nods.

"I get that, but still, I want to meet him." Harper continues to look her in the eyes. After a while she turns around and walks back behind her desk. It's filled to the brink with paperwork and pencils. The room is completely empty other than the desk and a chair on both sides. Behind Harper, the whole wall is replaced by glass with a view to a massive forrest running up a mountain. Harper picks up her cellphone from the desk, clicks one button and takes it up to her ear. The room is silent for a while, then a voice can be heard from the phone, though not loud enough for Anna to hear. Harper talks a little with the person on the other end, then ends it of with,

"Just three of our best should do, he normally stays calm. Have them get her at my office."

Anna looks at Harper with disbelief. Three of their best? But she simply nods as the two of them make eye contact.

"Well, I'll have to go now, I have business to attent to," Harper says as she passes by Anna.


"Heeeeey, I'm kinda bored here," Leon yells as he sits in his cell. It's massive, and empty. All there is is a table in the corner and a bunch of toys on the ground. It's all electronic toys, and a bunch of them has been pulled apart and put together into weird machines. Other than that, all that is present in the cell, is cards. Just a regular set playing cards, but spread across the floor twentyfold.


Leon is standing in front of a mirror which obviously isn't a mirror on the other side. He's starring at it with intensity, and as if looking through a window, he stares right into the eyes of the soldier watching him at the moment. The guy on the other side of the glass shakes his head, incredulous, then takes a step to the right, trying to avoid the gaze of Leon. He's gaze follows.

"Aargh," Leon says resignedly, as he turns around and walks into the middle of the room, then sits down, cross-legged. His arms are still black, but the spikes has retreated, as if just hiding on the other side of the black skin. It doesn't bother Leon, it doesn't hurt, or at least he can't feel it.

He picks up a card, and looks at it. Nine diamond. The corners are completely bend, ruined because of the fact that it is used to throw with. Leon closes his one eye. And looks at the card. Then, as his eye turn completely black, the card is covered in black smoke or plasma. then, as the black smoke dissipates and Leon's eye turn back to having a normal pupil, black as coal, the card is as good as new, the corners perfectly straight. He looks up at the soldier on the other side of the mirror, and smiles.

Then in the room in which the soldier is in, the door opens. Three soldiers walk in together with the girl he saved little time ago. Leon smiles at the interesting event, and stands up and walks over to the mirror. The four soldier Start talking back and forth. The girl looks at Leon through the glass, and Leon looks at her. Leon decides to waves at her, and she jumps back in surprise. She looks up at the soldiers, busy talking with each other, then back at Leon. After a short while, she lifts her arm, and waves back. Leon's smile grows even bigger.

One of the soldiers see their waving and looks back and forth between the two, then he turns confused towards the soldier who is guarding Leon, and they talk again, this time pointing and looking towards Leon several times. After talking for quite a while, the three soldiers finally part with the guard, and walk out the room again. Shortly after they have left the room, the door into the cell opens, a door build into the wall to the left of the mirror. The three soldiers run in first, guns raised and pointed at Leon, quickly surrounding him. Leon looks on with curiosity, since the event is a first. Once again a few meters behind the soldiers, comes the girl. She seems unsure as she walks through the door and into the cell.


"Well hallo again there," he says and takes a step towards her, raising his arm. The soldier all tense up lifting their weapons just a few centimeters, showing their unease. The girl takes a step backwards as well. Leon looks disappointed at her.

"Had hoped for better from a squad leader, but what can you expect from the team that just had to get saved by a criminal." Leon says it taunting as he looks Anna straight in the eyes. That's when a spark is lit in her eyes. Leon smiles inwardly, as the girl takes a step forward instead.

"You expect a squad of sixteen to beat an irregular and more than thirty kreosoans?" She almost yells at Leon.

"We did all we could to fight back out there, and we lost precious members, so you can shut your mouth about that crap!" She is angry, it's very obvious, but at the same time, as she finishes the last sentence, a tear runs down her cheek. Leon is surprised. He walks up to her, the soldiers seem unsure of what to do. They look at each other, always making sure their guns are pointed at Leon. Leon takes up his left hand, the one still black as coal, the other hand slowly turning back to it's usual color. He lifts her head. Leon is about half a head taller than Anna. He then removes the tear with the black hand. Anna doesn't move. She stares into Leon's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure they were good comrades to you." Leon has seen the power that lies beyond the girl, but not much farther in, lays a fragile self, one that, according to Leon, is a little too close to the surface. With a weakness like that, she will never become a strong leader. By apologising, Leon just fed her weak self, but Leon knows just fine, if you try to get a wounded animal to stand, it'll bleed to death. First, you heal it, then, you help it onto it's feet. Not that this girl is any of Leon's concern anyway, seems like shes got Harper's favor. Leon is pulled back to the real world as a soft voice begin talking in front of him.

"I came to thank you," she says. Her voice is soft, almost silent, and weak. It's hard to listen to. It pains Leon to know this is the leader of the special force. To think that Harper let this person keep control of the battlefield.

"I was just doing what I was told." It's the truth. Had Leon denied helping Harper, surely she would have tried to force him somehow. Now that Leon considers it, maybe he could have kept their discussion running long enough for the kreosoans to finish the job.

"Oh, well," Leon thinks to himself, looking at Anna. No harm done, she's at least better than nothing.

"Does it hurt?" She asks. Leon looks at her with confusion and see her looking at his arms. He grins. He should stop all these concerns for something a world away from him.

"Not really, though I guess it might just be because I'm used to pain." Leon keeps grinning, but the girl seems serious as she looks up at him with compassion. Leon is annoyed. Here he is, trying to change the mood to something better, and she gives him a look like that.

"Oh come on, that ain't anything bad you know? Not feeling pain is great, right?" He looks at her, but she seems to still be sad. Would she stop?

"Well, thanks for coming and all, but I'm sure you have somewhere to be so please, be free to leave now," Leon says as he gestures to one of the soldiers to take over. The soldier quickly gets up from crouched position and gets over to the girl, takes her under the arm and pull her with him out the door. The two other soldiers wait till the two are out before they back out of the room as well. Leon simply waves them goodbye as they begin closing the door. What a terribly annoying event, hopefully the first was also the last.

Leon turns around towards his room again. He pulls his hand out from his pocket and examine the keys he has stolen with his ability. At least something good came from the visit.

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