《Subject 0001》Chapter 2


The woman in question stares at Leon with confusion. He sighs and lower himself, landing on the ground. "I'm here to save your ass is what i'm saying," he says, explaining the situation in an annoying way. "all you have to do is tell me what to do." He pauses, then continues, "just tell me to kill these bastards so we can get on." The woman keeps looking at him with a stare, then slowly says, "kill... These bastards." Leon throws back his head in enjoyment, laughing loudly. "Obedient are we?" He says through some more laughing, then turns around on his heels looking at the mess. The kreosoans get into motion again, but instead of attacking the special force, all of them turn their attention towards Leon. Leon lifts his hands up in front of him and a dark fog appears out of nothing, consuming everything. Cries from the kreosoans can be heard everywhere and it continues like that for a while. Two times the screech from other members of the special force is heard through the thick fog. Then, as quickly as the fog had appeared, it disappears, only Leon, and the irregular standing left. All the other kreosoans lies around on the battlefield, dead. Everybody from the special force stands up from chrouching positions and stare around them in wonder.

Anna stares at the boy who has magically appeared, rescuing everybody. He is clutching his left arm. It isn't bleeding, and no wound is visible, but it is completely black, small scales, showing instead of skin. It is a terrifying sight, and Anna can't explain it. The most easy explanation would be the irregular, often capable of using powers, not usually at disposal for the normal kreosoans. But such an effect as the one the boy is exposed to, wouldn't be a possibility for the electric type. Then it strikes her, the fog, him hovering. He was one of the miraculous. People who is granted the powers of irregulars. There are few people with such powers at it is, but seeing skills like shadow type, was news to Anna. She didn't even know such irregulars existed. For some reason, after the presentation to it's powers, she didn't feel like meeting one. The boy is breathing heavily, and doesn't look to be in good condition. He lifts his right hand up in the air, pointing at the irregular. He forms his hand into a gun, his thump pointing up and his forefinger pointing at the kreosoan. Then, as the kreosoan jumps forward towards him, his face forms into an exhausted smile, as he takes down his thump and on the same time says: "Bang." A loud explosion sounds, but nothing shows. The kreosoan stops running, falls and tumbles to a stop in front of him. A big hole in the kreosoan's stomach shows what the explosion was. Everybody stares at the kreosoan in surprise, then the boy. He wince as the dark scales grow up along his right arm as well. He looks over at Anna with a smile, "well, my job is done," and as the last word leaves his lips he collapses on the ground.



The plane lands and the special force steps out, all in a cloudy mood. No one is happy, because casualties were plentiful. Harper looks on as everyone steps out, some helped along by fellow recruits or doctors, others talking about what had just happened and who the boy was. Finally, the last to step out of the plane, comes Anna, carrying Leon, an arm around his waist. Harper quickly moves towards them, all the while she signals with a hand behind her for some soldiers to move in to take Leon. Two soldiers pass by Harper and get a hold on Leon who they pull away from Anna and handcuff instantly. Anna looks in surprise as it happens, then she goes into action, pushing one of the soldiers aside.

"What the hell are you doing!" she yells as she tries to free Leon from them. Harper moves in to hold her back, and Anna gets even worse.

"What is this? The guy just saved our lifes, and he's in a critical state!" Harper tries to calm her and after a while she finally does.

"He isn't what you think he is," is all Harper replies as they pull further away from Leon. Anna looks up at her, obviously confused.

"Now that isn't a very nice way to treat the hero, is it?" Both Harper and Anna looks in surprise as Leon looks at them both, head lifted, standing upright by himself. He looks down on his handcuffs, then back at Harper, a provoking look on his face.

"I thought I might actually get some candy now, since I didn't get any before." He grins. Anna looks on from the sideline, totally baffled.

"You get to go right back in your cell is all," Harper answers roughly as she grabs Anna and pulls her off. As she leaves she yells over her shoulder,


"Get him out of here, now!" The two soldiers are quick to obey, hearing the bosses harsh tone. Leon is pulled off to his cell to ones again serve his sentence. As he is pulled along he makes an exclaim himself,

"Ruuuude!" he yells, but still with a slight grin.

Anna walks beside Harper, but she isn't relaxed. Far from it. She is confused, tired and not least, angry. Why was the guy who saved them all, getting handcuffed and taken away. And how could he still stand after what he had done.

"I'll explain it, just wait a little more," Harper says, looking at Anna with concern. Anna looks up at Harper, her eyes almost teared. Then she stops abruptly in the middle of the corridor. Harper takes a few steps more, then stops and turns around to look at her.

"No!" Anna almost yells, and Harper looks at her with surprise and confusion, taking a step back.

"Tell me everything right here, right now! Why the hell is that guy getting treated like a criminal?" She stares at Harper with determination, and Harper already know that trying to convince her otherwise is a lost cause.

"You're right on the money," she puts it simply. Anna lookes confused at first, then slowly, she seems to realies what Harper means.

"Him? He just saved our lives." Harper nods slowly, thinking of how to explain it.

"He's not your avarage criminal, I guess you could say." Then she turns and continues to walk down the corridor. She waves her hand at Anna to follow up.

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