《Subject 0001》Chapter 5


"What the hell was that?" Harper asks, obviously mad. Never before had she experienced Rachael act this way. Rachael just looks at the ground in front of her, not answering the question. "You will answer me young lady, right now!" Harper stares at Rachael who still seem unwilling to comply with the command. Then, slowly, she lifts her head to look at Harper, still avoiding eye contact though. "I'm sorry miss, he..." She stumbles over her own words, but try to continue. "He just really annoyed me," she says, and her gaze falls to the ground ones more. Harper's look intensifies as she turns the answer in her head. And her hands turn to fists as she is about to answer. Before she does though, she takes a deep breath, and as she exhales, her hands relax again. "I hope you realise how utterly stupid that reason is." she says, "and that because of your actions, subject 0001 is still in possession of the keys!" Harper's voice raises unwillingly as she says the last part. Rachael seems to shrink with every word, and finally Harper sighs as she looks at Rachael with compassion. "go to your room and get some rest, tomorrow we will ask him again, if he hasn't fled by then." She says the last part just to give Rachael a little more guilt. Harper knows though, that Leon will still be there the next day. Rachael looks up at Harper with sadness written all over her face, and something else just beneath the surface, both emotions only visible to Harper because of her familiarity to Rachael. "I'm sorry miss!" she says in a grey tone -trying to mask her failure- as she walks at a fast pace right past Harper and towards where Harper knows her room is. Harper sighs one more, as she follow Rachael with her eyes, all the way till she turns a corner. Rachael, as well as Anna, seemed to have a lot to work on at specific points. - Rachael walks as fast as she can without attracting attention from the soldiers she walks past. Her face is a rock, showing no emotions, as should be, but inside, an uproar of emotions fighting to show themselves press against her mind, making her thoughts shrouded. She grunts in displeasure. Rachael rarely showed emotions or even felt them, but if anything could bring them out from hiding, it was people like this boy; Leon. People who wasted the powers granted to them by unknown entities. Used them to do unjust actions like stealing, threatening and even murder. Rachael finally stops in front of a door with the initials "R.H." beside it. Rachael Hester. She enters the room, and is met by a boring and plain room. There is no decoration on the walls or even the small table beside her bed. The bed and table beside it the most prominent feature of the room other than a slightly bigger table with a chair in the left corner. A small cactus stands on the table and on the bed table a lamp. Other than that the room is empty, lighted by a roof lamp that seemed like it should have been changed a lifetime ago. There is no windows in the room, since it's build into a mountain side. Rachael goes to her bed in the right corner and sits down on the side. She sits there for a while, just staring at the white wall in front of her. Then she picks up her pillow and throws it across the room. "AAAARHH" she screams as she turns around and punches the bed continuously. Her hands hitting the soft blanket over and over again. After what felt like hours of doing so, she ceases the punching, and turns around, walking over to the pillow and picking it up. When every thing looks nice and clinical again, Rachael finally gets her feelings under control. She lays down on the bed and, finally feeling some resemblance of peace, she closes her eyes, and soon, falls asleep. - Anna sits in her room, contemplating what she had just witnessed. Her room is more natural than Rachael's, with a few posters of animals and landscapes on the walls and the table filled with more interesting plant life like a few flowers and an aloe vera plant. Her bed table is filled to the brink with magazines from the few times she visits the dome. The dome is the place where civilization has been limited to after kreosoans came to earth. It is enormous and fits all of the current population. Some groups who believe gods have challenged them and others who simply wishes a different kind of life have left the dome to live their lives in the wild. Some groups the size of thousands of people. Sometimes people like Anna -protecting the dome from kreosoans- visit the dome to check on everything or in rare occasions, to take a break. Anna pick one of the magazines up, flipping through the pages, not lingering on any one of them. Her thoughts were elsewhere. On the encounter between Harper, the mysterious girl, and Leon. She had been confused as the soldiers had all left the room, and even more so when the girl had suddenly disappeared then to appear again behind Leon. A rollercoaster of emotions filled Anna's head as she saw her attack Leon and get completely denied the hit. Had seen as she fell to the ground and not last. She had seen the dead look of disapproval that Leon had had in his eyes as they had left. She had left quickly after that, knowing Leon could somehow see through the one way glass. Now she sat here, in her room, confused to the point where she might just go and ask Harper herself. But she knew she couldn't let her know that she had seen it. Somehow she doubted Harper would want her to know about this girl who apparently had the ability to teleport. "Another miraculous", she thought aloud to no one in particular. One kept a secret from everyone none the less. Anna suddenly wondered what else Harper might be keeping to herself. Anna didn't get further in her thoughts as she suddenly realised -as if at another place until now- that she was close to falling asleep. She didn't bother to try and stay awake, indulging in the comforting pull of sleep and drowsiness.

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