《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 9: A power to be feared or fought
Anhur's chest deepens as he takes a breath inwards, managing to hold off the pain stinging him on his left eye.
He roars loudly, with enough power to send Thor flying back, landing a few meters away from the crater.
Surrounded by sand, Anhur is absorbed by it, slowly descending, merging with the shifting sands.
Thor quickly stands up, holding his hand out as he closes his eyes.
With great speed, the hammer homes into Thor, placing itself in his hand, surging with electricity.
He tries to move, but the pain he had taken from the spears linger, having crippled his legs as the bleeding does not stop.
However, the sand pit inside the crater begins to spread, taking over the barren landscape, turning it into a vast sea of sand.
Without delay, he takes to the air, searching for his enemy who seems to have disappeared mysteriously without a trace left behind.
The sands right under Thor begins to rumble, where several stone built obelisks rise from the ground, filling the land with pillars of Egyptian justice.
One more pillar rises from the sand, a few meters away from Thor, and from that obelisk, Anhur stands on top of it, wielding two spears in his hands, with one eye closed.
He breathes raggedly, showing how worn out he is just by looking, while his enemy is similar, yet does not show any signs of fatigue and exhaustion.
"What's wrong, god of war? Have you exhausted all your options?"
Thor taunts Anhur, thinking that he can now be defeated easily having been severely weakened by him.
"Speak for yourself, Norse. Arrogance has always been the downfall of your people, and in this battle, I shall prove just that."
Anhur returns with a remark, seemingly irritating Thor a bit as his brow twitches, his plan for intimidation backfiring.
The Egyptian raises his arm to the sky, elevating the pillars to be the same height as Thor's height in the sky.
Without delay, Anhur moves skillfully using the pillars as ledges to move from pillar to pillar to, closing in on Thor in a second's notice, surprising the god of thunder with a sudden burst of energy and power.
Anhur barrages his enemy by launching himself from a pillar, jetting towards Thor, then piercing him with his spears, landing on another pillar only to find another blind spot of his enemy, who desperately tries to find his enemy, swinging his hammer aimlessly.
Even with one eye, Anhur clearly sees the next pillar that he has to land on, clearly having a vison of his enemy, if his muscles contract, meaning that he's preparing for an attack.
Bleeding more almost everywhere on his body, Thor calls the clouds of darkness to fill the sky once more, stirring the rage of the elements within them.
He brings his hammer down with prejudice, sending down a fierce bolt of lightning down on his position.
Little did Thor know that Anhur had a plan in store for that, raising a lone pillar to intercept the lightning bolt, nullifying the attack as a spear is stuck on the very top of the obelisk, giving a clear reason as to why the lightning was dispelled.
Anhur continues his quick succession of barrages, injuring his enemy who is unable to move anywhere as the pillars surround the battle field.
Except, he throws his hammer in one direction, destroying the tall pillars from their middle foundation, collapsing on the ground only to create a dust of sand and dirt to make a faint fog in the ground.
Thor quickly repeats this as Anhur stays grounded on one pillar, staring at his enemy with an enhanced animosity.
Breaking down pillar after pillar, soon the ground is replaced by a ruin of stone, reverting it back to his world, one devoid of any obstruction to defy his power, his lightning.
"It is time to end this. Feel the wrath of Ragnarock upon you!"
Thor ascends to the air, beyond the clouds, disappearing as Anhur merely stares at the blackened sky, wondering instead of thinking of a way to fight back.
But, after finally suing most of his remaining energy to injure Thor, he has run dry, falling on one knee as he grasps for air.
A loud voice echoes through the horizon, waking the those who rest, making their hearts beat to the drums of a grand coming.
Lightning roars, thunder booms, and under it, is fear, uncertainty, hopelessness.
"When the age of gods has come to an end, a war shall be waged, and the Norse will be crushed, cursed to repeat the cycle in our rebirth, but at our peak, we are undefeatable, unparalleled, unchallenged. I, am Thor, son of Odin, wielder of the Mjolnir, and here at the end of the world, I stand as the cusp of my power, ready to battle for all eternity!"
Thor descends from the clouds, emerging as a colossal titan whose head still hides within the clouds, but his body covers the rest of the ground beneath them, and more.
The clouds clear in his presence, showing the omnipotence in his face, revealing an unpleased god, seeking vengeance as his casts his eyes down to the earth, looking at the weakened Anhur from above.
They lock gazes, but the war god ignores his enemy's newfound power, roaring to empower his body, forcing himself up as he brandishes the two spears on his hands.
"Your persistence, it is heartening, yet feeble. Cast down your weapons and I will accept your defeat."
He negotiates with him, his aura being benevolent, yet too arrogant still.
"I'd rather die with my pride rather than submit to you!"
Anhur yells out, his eye glows with a bright, gold gleam.
"The sands are filled with the victims of my spear, I call to you, give to me your wandering souls, and I will give you everlasting purgatory!"
Anhur begins to grow, taking a size of a colossus, yet still insignificant to Thor's size and raw power.
As the air begins to move, so does Anhur, thrusting his spear forward, punching a hold through the gale of wind.
In front of Thor, not moving a muscle, a large bolt of lightning strikes the ground that divides them, stopping Anhur from his attack.
With a mind of its own, the fierce element of nature strikes down Anhur continuously; his spear is unable to even contain the power held within every bolt of lightning anymore as he is struck down mercilessly, forcing his him to bend his knee in the presence of another god.
But, the torment does not stop, rather, the currents of lightning strike Anhur until his large frame is imprinted on the ground, as a sign of his humiliating defeat by the hand of the Norse.
Without any sign of movement nor breathing, the trumpets ring from the temple, sounding off into the distance, reaching Thor's ears signaling his victory.
He slowly returns to his normal size, landing softly on the ground as his feet reaches it.
A chariot soon emerges from a distance, formally ending this battle.
The orb then ceases from showing anything else, ascending one more to the ceiling in the sky, resuming the festivities as the Nordic looking people celebrate their victory while the Egyptian looking people look down in sadness and defeat.
"Now do you see his strength?"
Gastor asks, drinking a large mug of wine as he asks me soberly.
"I can see, but I can't gauge that, rather, I don't think I can even begin to comprehend his power's extent."
"Don't lose heart, if you train hard enough by the time that you face a god, you'll hopefully have all four of us aiding you. It won't be the same as last time, I will get my revenge."
He takes another swig after finishing his sentence, his voice slurs.
"Don't drink too much, alright? We have training after This."
I turn silent almost instantly, the sight of Thor's immense power makes me shrink within my mind.
I try to find some reason as to not be disturbed by this, but nothing comes to mind, rather, I don't think I can find anything to calm my nerves.
-So, you've seen what I have been alluding to?
"Unfortunately, yes. I can understand your pain better now. But, no way will I lose. Although I don't have the means to be as confident, but I will find a way to win, there has to be a way."
-I'm sure you will find it, and I will help you as best as I can, and together we might just do the unthinkable.
As I sit on the hall bench, facing the opposite way from the table, I sigh to myself as I worry about the imminent future.
I hear footsteps and wood tapping on the polished floor near me.
Knowing they're there, I ignore it and return to my thoughts, absentminded, but I don't really have anything worth thinking about right now, especially because of the disheartened mood that's brooding over me, canceling out any idea that I might have in mind.
A slight weight shifts over to my side, and a sigh escapes from the person's mouth.
I look to my side, seeing a familiar face, not one that I am on friendly terms with, but someone I've seen before, wearing clothing that seemed to be present from underneath her armor.
She is bandaged on different parts of her body, namely, head, limbs, body, and she carries crutches with her, eyes downcast as she sits the same way as me, facing away from the table.
Curious about many things upon seeing her in personal, I begin to ask questions.
"Uhm, excuse me but, you are Bellona, aren't you?"
She looks to me quizzically, but not in a friendly manner, much more of a suddenly annoyed one.
"If the bandages and the aura of disgrace, depression, and defeat do not seem to reach you, then must be awfully oblivious," she says harshly, casting her eyes on her hands, bandaged in front of her.
She sighs once more, as if enough sighs have been had already, then looking at me once again.
"Forgive me, I let my emotions go once again. The answer to your question in yes, I am Bellona, might I inquire yours?"
She looks at me like an officer would look at a cadet, with strong stern eyes despite being injured.
"My name is Vixalis."
"Vixalis... I've never heard of that name before. Maybe... Wait, are you the one that lost the very first duel against Thor? What are you the god of?"
"I govern the four seasons, but I did not lose, rather, I narrowly escaped death by returning here, nullifying the battle."
"I see, but what of your allegiance? Of what pantheon do you hail from?"
The question strikes me as something I've never considered asking Vixalis himself this entire time, rather, even I do not know of his allegiance, if he has any.
-Tell her that I am unaffiliated.
I repeat what Vixalis says from inside my mind, the answer seems to surprise Bellona as she further looks at me.
"Unaffiliated... So you are one of those kinds of gods, are you? Well, no matter. I won't pry where I am not wanted. But, why have you joined this sacred feast?"
"I come to be known, and many other things that I’ve come for, but still have not thought about much, but what is wrong with being unaffiliated?”
She looks at me with a renewed hostility, though not that severe
“You are unaffiliated, yet you know not of the rules and reasons for that? I truly wonder of whose life you’ve taken to be a god. Has the god not taught you anything? *sigh* I will explain it to you then.”
She looks up the ceiling, reclining a bit as she relaxed her posture.
“Being unaffiliated is much like a disgrace, meaning that you’ve been cast away by your godfather or mother, with your memories erased, you have no recollection of who you are. In this feast, it is quite shameful for entering by yourself since it is seen as an act of selfishness more than an act of being honored to compete.”
I take all the information in, trying to see what I can link to Vixalis, seeing as he is supposed to be one of those who have no recollection of their past.
I’ll ask him later, but for now, I think I’ll converse with Bellona.
“Putting that all aside, how are your injuries? Healing, I hope.”
“It will take more than just that to keep a war goddess down, but there seems to be lingering pain in various spots of my body.”
I look at her body, despite being bandaged, there still remains the charms in her looks, her short dark hair, her sharp gaze, a well-toned and fit body, a goddess by her own right, and image in my perspective.
“Don’t let your eyes wander where they are not wanted.”
She says this with authority, bringing me to my senses immediately, returning my gaze to my hands.
I hear her silently giggle to herself as I turn around, cautious of what to do now since I might have made her quite angry.
Someone puts his hand on my shoulders, the weight shifts as if being applied pressure by.
“You’re getting too cozy there, Vixalis. It’s time to go, we have much to prepare still.”
Gastor greets me, walking off after delivering his words, trying his best to look sober.
“Well, unfortunately I have to go. Thank you for your time, Bellona.”
I curtly bow, acting as properly as I can to a well-respected war goddess, or to maybe just get a good image through to her.
“You’re quite odd despite being an unaffiliated. I will look forward to talking with you some more in the future.”
She sees me off with a smile, one that captivates my senses.
Gods and their charms truly are terrifying.
I make my way to the entrance, meeting up with Gastor who is passed out, snoring as he leans on a pillar.
A guard scratches his head as he looks at the drunkard disturbing the peace and image of the temple.
“Hey, you! Do you know this person?”
“Forgive me, he seems to have fallen tired.”
I shake Gastor, hoping to wake him up as quickly as I can before I receive the unwarranted attention of all the guards in the temple.
Looking at my side, I hatch an idea, immediately pulling Gastor from his arm towards the empty chariot.
I have tie the reins to his arm, propping him to the side as to not fall off, and we descend back to the earth, where all are unaware of the presence above them.
But, the ordeal continues as I must find a way to drag Gastor back to the settlement.
Instead, I use all my strength in pulling him under a tree where he sleeps peacefully.
Meanwhile, I use this time to rest as well, questioning Vixalis about all the information that I’ve been given by Bellona.
“Is what she said true? Vixalis? Do you now remember anything about your past?”
-I’m not sure… I do know one thing, it is that before I became a fully-fledged god, I was under a man whom told me of who I am and what I do. That is the only thing I know.
“Strange, everything is too vague to make sense of right now, but I don’t think we have to worry about that for now. I guess I’ll start training by myself then.”
-Why not start making a pact with winter’s deity. I think that it would be best to challenge it since you have the power spring.
“I don’t think that that’s a great idea right now. My ally is knocked out cold, plus, I’m still quite depressed over the display of strength that Thor had shown us, but I will try to gather some more energy around me.”
Thinking about it, how do I use Gastor’s powers specifically.
-You bond with them, specifically speaking that you are to merge with them and become one and the same.
“How does that happen?”
-Well, one deity must be conscious for one. Otherwise, you’ll just be granted his power with limits, not the very extent, do you understand?
“Vaguely, but I do know what needs to happen now. But, honestly, I need to learn how to do some basic hand to hand combat. Thinking of Svanvhit might get me killed, I could ask Bellona, but she’s injured, plus we just met recently, and as for Gastor, he could do, but he is indisposed at the moment.”
*sigh* “Will I even be prepared in time for my battle?”
-You will have to manage training yourself in the meantime.
“I guess I will have to. I don’t have a choice lest I give myself to desperation.”
Beginning my self-training, I practice punching and kicking the air as an amateur, failing miserably at any attempt at a flashy move or combination.
In a dark room, illuminated by a torch and a glowing purple orb, two people converse.
One is bound, and the other hold the orb, presenting some sort of image within it.
“It truly is unfortunate that you have to miss such an event. It pains my heart as well, but not enough to heal my pain and anger towards you lot!”
The angered man paced around the room, his boots echo as the candle flickers.
“Soon, soon I will have my revenge. It is close, I can feel it. I cannot wait, and you will play a very large role in that whether you like it or not.”
“That is what you’ve delusional yourself in thinking. If you think you can defeat the gods then think once more, for you are a lunatic!”
The man bound in chains is struck by an iron fist, his cheek reddens, but is undiscernible under the light of the similarly red flame.
“That is what I have been speaking of. You gods have become immersed in the thought that you are all immortal, thus cannot be defeated, well I do not want to spoil any surprises, but I shall prove you all wrong, and in a very grand scale.”
“Mortals are born with limitations, yet you do not recognize yours. Awaken from your slumber, for you are dreaming of something that will never exist.”
“Always so stubborn. I grow weary of striking you. If you think we mortals are so insignificant, then ask yourself why you are bound in chains, degraded from a god to a normal human. We are capable of so much more, yet you are all in you prime, nothing to improve upon.”
The man takes the torch, heading to the door with a grimace, but not before looking maliciously at the elder man ties with chains on his wrist.
“Try to realize for yourself what your flaws are, that will be the greatest torture you can give a god, telling him his imperfections when people are made to think that they do not have some.”
He slams the door shut, leaving no light to remain for the man.
In a bright hallway, just outside of a cellar leading to a stone built dungeon, a dark haired man emerges, wearing royal clothing to match his swagger.
He is approached by a man wearing lesser attire than him, as some would call 'peasant's clothing'
he presents him a scroll, kneeling as he lowers his head.
"My lord, a message come to you from the royal scholar."
The man takes the scroll, examining it.
"You are dismissed, good work, now spend the rest of your day to your leisure."
"Many thanks and praises to you, my lord!"
The peasant happily leaves, sprinting.
The man reading the scroll mutters to himself, "Excellent, another step of my plan has been completed. I am now inches closer to my goal."
He hurries to a chamber somewhere, ignoring the people around him with puzzled gazes, but not intentionally.
He goes through what seems to be a maze of corridors, reaching a farther room, one tower away after flight of stairs that seemed to go on forever.
Without hesitation, he opens the door, greeted by his ally, a man wearing a cloak over his identity, not reveling who he is, except the man who entered knew him already.
“I see that you are eager, a favorable trait, but one that cannot be managed at times.”
The man wearing the cloak spears calmly, holding parchment papers on both hands, examining them as he speaks simultaneously.
“Spare me, I have quite a lot to deal with already, I can’t have my progress being hindered stress. Now, tell me, what is it about our great capture.”
“Indeed, straight to the point. Very well, we have successfully caught the goddess of light, Amaterasu, and she is being kept in the holding below us, restrained of her powers just like with our other guest.”
“Is she the one with the mirror?”
“Yes, she is the one. There is no need to worry about anything else other than the time we have left, which is plentiful.”
“I advise that you make your runic stones more potent. Our ocean dwelling guest seems to be undisturbed by it.”
“It will take me a full day if I am diligent, two if I let time take its natural course.”
“Do as you will, I care less about your technique, all I focus on is the outcome.”
“That is a bad philosophy, I advise that you change it for your own good.”
“If there is nothing more than chatter, I will leave. I have matters to attend to.”
“By your leave then, my king. Have a wondrous day.”
The man in the cloak smiles from under his hood, waving with the papers still in his hand.
He is now left alone in the confides of his chambers, surrounded by books, papers, dust, and various treasures of which he calls his own.
A purple stone glows from under his table, pulsating brightly as if detecting an anomaly.
He takes it and proceeds down the chambers, just right below him.
“How is the goddess doing? Great I hope.”
He is met with a strong and hostile gaze, yet she can’t do anything as she is bound, surrounded by the same stone he has in his hand.
“What have you come here for, mortal?”
“Now now, no need to be so rage filled about all this. There has to be a tip in the balance of power someday, and that has come, so I hope that you do understand the circumstances.”
“What you hope to accomplish, it is a mirage that you believe to be true, like a bridge that you choose to tread upon knowing that a mist covers it, along with the road that you chose.”
“Quite philosophical. I feel enlightened already, but that is not for me to decide. It is for my employer. My task is to merely fulfill his requests.”
“What do you hope to gain from all this? You are able to pacify a god, yet you choose to work under someone, that I do not understand.”
“That is because you are gods. You are all missing an answer to an important question that you ask yourselves. I don’t have as much hatred of the gods unlike my employer, rather, I do not have anything against you all in general, just so you know.”
He turns to face the stairs from where he came from climbing the stairs, waving goodbye to the woman bound in chains.
“I’ll be upstairs if you need me~”
Two beings stand in a darkened forest.
The leaves themselves seem to have been frozen, and the land seems mist filled and desolate.
Kael pants, trying to grasp for air as he finds it too thick to breathe in.
He is covered in wounds and scars that have been frozen into place, including both his legs.
"What's this? You haven't even put up a fight yet, was all that talk earlier for nothing?"
A spear wielding, white haired boy wearing thick nomadic clothing all over his body, stands opposite of Kael, taunting him with words, whereas Kael cannot find the means to strike back.
He clenches his fist in frustration, trying to absorb some energy to power his smite.
From a safe distance, Gastor yells out to Kael for moral support.
"You can do this, Kael! Remember, you can't fail no matter what, otherwise, It'll severely hurt your chances and ambitions!"
Keeping in mind that he has to be alert for a finally attack, which might me lethal, Kael prepares himself, having a plan in mind for subduing the winter deity.
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