《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 8: A spear and a hammer
"Wake up! We're almost there."
I wake up, realizing that I had been riding on Gastor's back, which is rather uncomfortable as his entire body moves along with him.
It seems he's reverted back to being a bear at some point in time that I am unaware of.
Looking at the bright light above us, it seems that not a lot of time had passes since I fell asleep.
The last thing I remember was fighting Svanvhit and getting beaten up badly...
-It was quite disgraceful, but do not take it personally. You still have ways to go, and defeats are good teachers.
"Whatever you say Vixalis. You'll see, I'll be up there soon, to be the god of gods."
"Even I wonder how such a thing might come true, well, I can't predict the future, so I can't really say anything for sure."
Gastor interjects, making sly comments and ridiculing me with cautious words.
"You'll train me, right?"
"Is that an order, or a request?"
"Which one would you prefer?"
"It's up to you. You're the one that gets to decide, just like how Vixalis governed us four guardians, justly."
"Well then, can you train me, Gastor?"
"I have no reason not to, nor do I have anything to do in my leisure."
Having come to an agreement, I turn my body, facing the sky as I lie on the moving bear's back, quite uncomfortable because of his constant movement, but his warm and cozy fur makes up for that.
"How can you be calm at this time? Aren't you nervous that you might be selected?"
"Well, there's no use worrying about something right now. But, it's not like I'm not thinking of a way to get by if I ever do get chosen."
"I can never understand how a human mind works. You, are by far the first I have encountered."
Gastor goes silent as I do not respond, taking his words as a compliment rather than ridiculing.
Needless to say that I already have a plan if I ever get chosen.
It's not the best, but I'm quite proud of myself for thinking something like that out.
-How diligent, you're gathering the energy from the nature around you.
"Oh, so you've realized, huh? It's become a habit now, plus I'm starting to get used to being worn out so much that I can exceed my limits further."
I start thinking about my next plan of action, not about the feast, but about making a bond with another deity.
The more the merrier as they say, but in my case, I'll need all the help I can get, plus, what's the use of being called the god of the four seasons if you only have one season in your arsenal?
Not that it's bad of course, but you have to have a plethora of options to choose from, just like those mmorpg games that I played with my friends back home.
We had to prepare for raids by going on quests for money, upgrading our skills, stocking up on potions and other necessities, buying up good equipment, the works, and much more.
It was fun, and I thought about how great it would be if you lived in a place like that instead of the real world, oh do I regret my words... But, I won't back down this far in the game.
Though I haven't really fought anyone, I don't really have a choice, so might as well stick with it, right?
-Your mind is truly complex at times. I wonder where you get these kinds of ideas from.
"Well, I have a lot of worries, so the best place to be at is inside my mind, where I can talk freely to myself, and to you as well."
-It seems that you've adjusted quite well despite the being thrown into the fray.
"Well, to survive is to adapt. So, do what you can and do it skillfully as I say, you'll probably get through it."
-What a strange philosophy.
"I have a question that's been bothering me."
Gastor once again speaks up.
"Doesn't it bother you about how that girl turned into something else entirely? Well, not transforming into something, but rather, a sudden change in her aura, it perturbed me strangely, feeling a strong sense of bloodlust."
"Well, I won't let it bother me now, since we're heading to the temple, so I can't really think of anything else other than the task at hand. When we do get back though, it'll bother me to no end until I figure out the answer."
"I understand."
"Also, don't forget to call me Vixalis when we reach the temple. No one knows a god named Kael, so it's for the best."
I add, remembering that I have to keep my profile as Vixalis when with the gods, except Hotei, who knows of our little secret.
We reach the base of the temple in no time, and there on the base is a Pegasus, relaxing on the field like no one's business.
"Hey, I have an idea, Gastor."
"What is it? Not something too obscure I hope."
"Oh no, just a little challenge. Let's see who can get up to the top first. Me riding the Pegasus, or you, running up the stairs."
I offer a little test for my new ally, wanting to see how strong and lean he truly is, and if it seems that he might defy all odds.
-That doesn't sound fair at all.
"I accept, let us begin right away," Gastor says, stretching his arms and legs out, showing his brimming confidence.
I walk towards the Pegasus with a smile on my face, thinking that I had already won the challenge seeing as how fast these things can go, plus, I get to see the wondrous view once again, something that'll ease my mind off of my worries even if for a little bit.
Taking the reins, disturbing the peaceful creature form his rest, I look to Gastor, "Are you ready? You can start as soon as we take to the sky."
He doesn't reply, nodding instead as he faces forward, smiling from the looks of it.
I whip the reigns, signaling the Pegasus to flap its wings without delay, incidentally, Gastor makes a run for it, dashing without hesitation as per the agreement.
However, the Pegasus ascends instantly, reaching half the height of the temple in mere seconds, closing in on the entrance above, raised by pillars of great height.
"Ahh~ The sky and the sun are just perfect today. I believe I already won just by this."
I close my eyes, feeling the warm rays flood all over me, the wind mixing to form a comfortable atmosphere, almost a miracle that I get to experience this every time I ride the Pegasus down and back the mountain.
Without another seconds' wait, we arrive to the top, the Pegasus' hooves echo and clap on the temple's well-polished floor, where I can even see my reflection in if you focus hard enough.
Laughing heartily to myself as I puff out my chest, I look around seeing no trace of Gastor anywhere at all, meaning that I've won, but the prize being bragging rights, even though it was the Pegasus that raced him, not me.
"Well, I won't laugh at him for losing, but I won't wait for him."
I start heading inside without Gastor, thinking he might need a bit more time seeing how many steps there were when I took my first glance at it.
It would be impossible to do that, not unless you were a god of speed, which he isn't.
-You're cruel at times, do you know that?
"I'm not cruel, just crafty, but I don't know how those two words go together, so let's just leave it at that."
Walking inside the temple without being hindered by the guards as they seem to remember who I was, I head on in to a hall filled with much noise, gods and goddesses feasting as usual.
Except, a surprise was waiting for me, and that one was Gastor, drinking wine and laughing his heart out with Hotei, seeming to be familiar with him.
"Hey, Kael! What took you so long? I almost got bored waiting for you?"
I go silent, feeling embarrassed about what I had remarked earlier about him being slow, and me being cunning; the words come biting me right back.
-Well, this is humiliating. Don't worry, I won't remind you of this.
"Thank you, Vixalis, thank you."
With my head downcast, I walk towards the triumphant drunkard, sitting beside him on a long table with connected chairs, and on the table are appetizing food of many varieties.
Replacing my recent failure with food, I stuff myself, switching between the main course and a cup of water, I manage successfully doing what I had intended.
"May I have the halls' attention?"
A loud voice of roaring thunder calls out, taking everyone's attention instantly as if it were the most natural thing to do.
"The time has come once more for us to witness a momentous battle between two gods that will compete for the throne."
He holds his hand over the stone slab at the base of his altar.
The stone tablet glows brightly, lighting the names of the various gods that will have a chance at battling one another.
"Now, mother Gaia will present us with the competitors of this day's sacred feast!"
The stone glows brighter as Zeus calls out the name of Gaia, and a voice follows, a motherly tone to be exact.
"Let us be graced by the presence of these two great gods as they face each other in a battle that will decide the outcome of this Millennia. I call out, the name of Anhur, the Egyptian God of War!"
The crowds roar out in a raging applause as the god in question appears, a lion walking on its two legs, wielding a velvet red spear and sharp claws and piercing gaze.
"An animal's image huh? I expected something like that to pop up, but who would’ve thought that it would me from Egypt."
As I finish my sentence, the god Anhur seems to face me, seething with rage as his yellow glowing eyes pressure me greatly.
I don't back away as I am petrified by his gaze, yet he approaches me, dragging his spear on the ground, the people turning their attentions to me with quizzical looks.
He snarls as he gets closer, roaring out his words that are directed to me, "Did I hear you refer to me as an animal!?"
He intimidates me further, our faces are as close as it can be to each other’s, yet I still don't move, nor respond at all, maybe my senses died that very moment because of fear and nervousness.
Anhur raises his spear high up to the air, bringing it down with great speed piercing the air, but coming to an abrupt halt as a hand seems to tightly grip Anhur's arm.
Gastor seem to have noticed as well, having taken a battle stance, his fist raised in my defense, his smile disappears as he stares at Anhur without fear.
The one holding on to the war god's arm speaks out, calming both parties.
"Well aren't we lively today. Remember to refrain from starting a duel within the temple halls. Only the sacred battles are to be held here and blessed with the presence of the gods, not a mere grudge to your pride."
Overflowing with confidence, the one who says that smiles, ignoring Anhur's snarls of intimidation.
He retreats his arm at once, seeming to calm down, but it does not show on his face as his teeth protrude.
He turns to face me, "Consider your life forfeit if you are to be ever matched with me," and he turns around to leave, approaching the altar where Zeus stands, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Nothing to see here, everyone, please direct your attentions back to mother Gaia as she still has yet to introduce the second competitor."
They follow as he says, murmuring to each other instead, curiosity getting the better of them.
"Are you alright, Vixalis?"
Gastor asks, returning to his relaxed state, combing over his long brown beard.
"I'm fine, nothing happened, yet, which was quite lucky of me."
Wait, I know of that name, that aura, Is that you, Vixalis?"
The man who had saved me seems to know Vixalis, the one in my head rather.
-Oh no, t-that's T-Thor!
My senses awaken as I hear the name said from within me.
"I see that you have returned. It was a shame that you are still here, but I applaud your tenacity in coming back to fight me once more."
I merely look, not replying, or not knowing what to say rather.
He strikes me as a very confident god, carrying immense power, but not boasting it.
"But, needless to say that I will emerge victorious, and this time, I will see it through that you are eliminated. I hope you remembered our talk back then about how you are not as worthy to be here. Keep that in mind, will you?"
Thor walks away with a smile, thinking that he had won the argument, which there was none at all.
"I remember that man. I still have grudges waiting to be repaid after what he had done to us."
Gastor says angrily, his expression changes drastically as he clenches his fists in anger, looking grimly at the back of the Norse, hammer wielding thunder god.
The voice continues, announcing the other competitor.
"I call forth, Poseidon, the Greek god of the oceans!"
An even louder roaring applause fills the temple, not dying down even after passing thirty seconds, which is already too much for a simple applause.
Yet, I don't see anyone approaching the altar, inciting suspicion among the crowd as their roars die down, becoming estranged murmurs.
"In the case of an absence, another god will take the stand... I call forth, Thor, the Nordic god of thunder!"
They celebrate the man, making him out to be the popular being in this feast as the gods and goddesses crowd around him, shouting good luck and other encouragements.
"How convenient..."
What truly boggles my mind is the absence of Poseidon. Isn't he an important god, one of the big three of Greek mythos?
-It truly is odd, that you are correct on. There must be a reason, but someone as respectable as him should not be late nor absent in this sacred feast. This must bring Zeus to shame as it stains the image of the Greeks.
I look to the man in white sitting atop the only altar in the temple, massaging his temple aggravated, shaking his head slowly.
"I wonder what reason he has. Zeus is acting as if he already knows about Poseidon's absence, merely waiting for the people to judge him and the rest of the Greeks, maybe?"
-Whatever the reason, the battle continues, but surprisingly, it's between two very obnoxious gods. I do pray that Thor loses as I'd rather take my chances with Anhur than that god.
"Is he truly that fearful?"
-Oh, you don't know the first of it. Not even the combined power of the deities could overcome him. It was a devastating loss of epic proportions. He looked to wipe me off the pace of the pantheon.
"He told me about something he told you 'back then' what was that?"
-Well, it's nothing that important, just a squabble between gods, nothing else.
"You can't start hiding things from me now. Come on, out with it."
-Very well then. It was about me entering the feast being a minor god and all.
"Well, what's wrong with that?"
-Firstly, my powers were never meant to be used for violence or any sort of battle. My only use for them was for, well the seasons themselves, shifting them in and out just as I was born to do, yet I entered anyway.
"You still haven't told me about your reason for coming to the feast. Does it have anything to do with that?"
-Yes, actually, that has everything to do with my reason, yet I cannot tell you of it, please let me tell you when the right time comes.
"Fine, but don't hold back on the important stuff too much. This has a lot to do with me now, so we're one mind, and we have to work like that, alright?"
-I-I understand.
I return my sights to the celebrates gods, two fearful ones with the title of war god, and the other being the right hand of the Aesir, Odin.
If I were to fight either of them, then I would surely come out defeated.
I better keep a good eye at these two, any one of them that emerges victorious I will have a chance at fighting, which in my state is truly unfortunate.
As Thor stands in front of the alter, parallel Anhur, two chariots drawn by two Pegasus' come flying from the left and right entrance of the temple, where they are to be whisked away to their battlefield.
Gaia's voice speaks, telling of their duel's location.
"You two are to fight in the desolate and barren lands of the great canyon Evirethus, go at once!"
And with that send off, they ride their chariots into the morning sky, the orb made of water descends from the ceiling of once again, landing a few meters from the ground, gushing and bubbling as it settles down, slowly revealing the image of a deserted and empty plot of land where cliffs and other land formations are located.
"Quite the grand battlefield. It seems that they want to see them wreak havoc upon the land. And if they were to do so, then it would still reach the temple, that is just how powerful these two are, maybe more."
Gastor explains his views, whereas I all the more focus on the massive orb of water that will serve as the 'eye' in this grand scale battle.
After waiting for what seemed to be five minutes in time, they arrive at the site, landing, crashing the ground as they do.
They look to each other as the sky under Thor darkens, rumbling and curdling.
Anhur, however does not seem at all bothered by this.
I will have to repay you in force for stopping me in my judgement."
Anhur speaks, threatening Thor right away.
"Oh, that farce? I see that you do not let grudges go at all, rather, you seek to finish them all no matter how ancient it may be. I applaud your persistence, but it will serve you no good here in this sacred battle. Discard all grudges and honor the tradition, or face my wrath in soiling this feast with your petty pride."
Anhur's teeth show as he snarls, not taking too lightly of Thor's speech, which was on point, and maybe what I could have said to him, but much better.
The god of war brandishes his spear cutting at the air easily with a light cleave.
His claws emerge, sharp and deadly.
Thor raises into the air the weapon he is most famously known for, Mjolnir, the thunder hammer.
As the hammer and the air meets, the clouds cast overhead roar in rejoice, echoing a powerful clap of lightning.
Wearing a sturdy looking, dark blue armor set, his golden strands of hair and his blue cape flutters in the air as a storm becomes inevitable.
Anhur moves first, using his legs to run at breakneck speed.
Thor meets him in the middle, their fists collide, destroying a fraction of the canyon around them.
Anhur quickly attacks with his spear, skillfully, thrusting at a speed that cannot be seen, to me of course.
Thor sees this quite clearly from his demeanor, dodging each one as he sidesteps with ease despite the weight on his armor.
Thor counters, smashing Anhur's spear down to the ground, like hammering down a nail on a piece of wood, slamming down on the ground, impaling the canyon soil.
Anhur, anticipated this, starts clawing at Thor, dealing him damage as he surprises his enemy with a guerilla tactic in fighting, intentionally improvising with his weapon to catch the enemy off guard.
Thor takes to the air as he is dealt a considerable amount of damage, the skies above him forks lighting, ready to strike down any enemy.
Anhur backflips to the spot where his weapon is, pulling it out with ease, looking up at Thor, whose eyes glow a strong blue shade.
The war god goes down on three limbs, his right hand holds his spear.
Thor aims his hammer down, instantly shooting bolts of lightning down, ravaging the land as more of them descends from the heavens in a dazzling white and blue flash.
Skillfully, the war god does not take any damage, running past the place where the bolts are supposed to strike, leaving not target to be struck by it.
He begins to near Thor, still casting his hammer down as more bolts of lighting, each one getting larger than the last.
Anhur stops in his tracks, a combined force of lighting, stronger than anything else quickly flashes from the clouds, nearing Anhur, who winds his arm up, throwing his spear unto the sky where the deadly bolt of lightning is supposed to hit, intercepting it.
As he is given a time to breathe, he prepares for a devastating attack, drawing breath as if his lungs drew in an infinite amount of air.
After filling his body and mouth with air, Anhur roars loudly, strong enough to shatter the clouds behind Thor, dispersing them into nothing as the blue sky emerges, the brightness of the sun beaming forth, seemingly giving the god of war strength as he opens his arms out to embrace its warmth.
Unimpressed, Thor, like a jet, speeds downwards Anhur, crashing into him, taking him by his neck, beating at the god with his hammer, striking a current of lighting into Anhur with each smash.
The war god claws Thor, forcing him to rage his hammer upon the unfortunate war god who had injured his face, smashing him to the ground, creating a crater to go along with it, Thor remains floating as he levitates.
Thor's face bleeds, seething with pain.
He then commences to throw Mjolnir towards the fog where lies the war god inside, further deepening the crater to no end as a loud crashing noise ripples through the air, sending enough vibrations to be felt in the temple.
Without his hammer, he descends to the ground, turning his back to the crater, going somewhere.
He picks up Anhur's spear, coursing with the lighting's energy.
Thor approaches the crater, sliding down to the war god, shamefully being smashed under the weight of the mystic hammer as it sits on his chest, unable to lift it diespite his efforts.
A faint cracking noise could be heard, indicating that his bones are being broken due to the heavy hammer.
"I must repay you for what you have done to my face, but my approach will be slightly different."
Losing his smile, Thor brandishes his enemy's spear in front of him, displaying his face, still bleeding due to the deep cut his enemy had inflicted upon him.
Thor takes his enemy by his neck, mercilessly impaling his enemy's eye socket, a fountain of blood spills out, and a roar of anger and pain ravages the sky.
The crowds' reactions are mixed, some turning their backs on this heinous display of rage, some watch intently with smiles on their faces.
I myself can't seem to tell what I should be feeling right now.
Thor, not finished, twists the spear lodged into Anhur.
The war god, not taking this lying down, carves his claws into Thor's neck, spilling more blood.
Anhur then raises his left hand towards Thor, shifting the barren soil inside the crater, turning it into sand.
With a forced roar, countless spears, all looking similar to the one piercing Anhur, emerges, skewering Thor from many angles as they mysteriously rise from the sands.
As Thor further deepens the spear that he holds, so does the ones stuck to him, more than one impales him, some through his leg, some through his torso, and many other different places.
The two are in an utter stalemate, both bloodied and battered, they look far from finished, intent on winning, yet only one of them will emerge victorious from this.
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