《[NaNoWriMo] The Mortal God's Melancholy》Chapter 10: The second test
“You seemed pretty strong from the beginning, but now, you’re just pathetic.”
A young boy grins as he teases Kael from a distance, brandishing his spear that emits a fog of white mist, obscuring his surroundings.
But rather than being bothered by it, he seems to revel in it.
His legs are frozen in place, preventing him from moving, dodging, or planning anything else to comeback with.
“What happened to all that arrogant talk? All bark but no bite?”
He continues to intimidate him, but it doesn’t bother Kael since his mind is fixated on trying to escape his bindings.
With crossed arms, Gastor has a look of disappointment beginning to show on his face.
He believed in his new master as well from the very beginning, but he seems embarrassed of his own thinking.
-Kael, try absorbing the energy of the ice, then you might be able to wither it away, breaking it easily.
In his mind, he is being advised by a former god, giving him his knowledge of dealing with his own subordinates, but to no extent is be shifting the balance of the scales.
Yes, the replacement god, a vessel, Kael Wright, continues being optimistic in his own mind set, although edging to just surrender most of the time, he manages to pull through with his own with and melancholy.
A trait best avoided in his opinion, but one that he possesses in irony.
He does as he is told, closing his eyes as to tap into the energy flowing around him, never an abundance to give him an advantage given the abilities of this god.
The ice seems to crack faintly, budging to its destruction.
Kael punches the ice surrounding him, sprinting like a maniac towards the surprised boy, fumbling on how to hold his spear firmly in place.
“Wha-how did you break free?”
“Take this you arrogant kid! Mortal smite!”
Kael winds his arm, retreating it beside his torso, continuously absorbing the energy around him, then transferring it to his fist; which glows a weak, white light, pulsating as it continues to get stronger.
He releases his blow, smacking the young deity back with great force, breaking the trees that he collides against, freezing them as well.
The mist around them does not disappear, rather it stays despite knocking away the source a few meters off his vicinity.
“What do you think, Vixalis? Is he finally done?”
-I don’t think so. The mist masks my senses, so I can’t make out his presence and location.
“Keep your defenses up, you’re far from over!”
The man who presides over the battle gives Kael a friendly advice, and one that he must follow given the new surprise heading towards him at a great speed.
He looks behind him after the warning, bewildered, but managing to roll to the side almost immediately.
-Your reflexes are improving; this is quite a momentous change!
“I hope that was meant to be an encouragement, cause it sure doesn’t feel like one.”
-Don’t worry about that too much, pay attention to your enemy first and foremost.
He looks behind him, seeing crystalizes icicles stuck on the trees, casting a freezing environment in them, as if turning them into stone.
“It doesn’t feel like he’s getting serious at all, rather, he still seems to be playing around with me.”
-Well, he is a child after all, despite being a deity, his nature will come first no matter what.
“Do you have any other advices to give me other than being careful?”
-Not particularly, if I were commanding this body, then I could possibly utilize my own powers, but it is not. This is your body, and I cannot intervene over a soul. That is a decree made by the gods. And, it is also a given that you might lose your life if I were to take control of it.
“Alright, forget that. I’ll think of a way, but for now, how about I try wearing him out?”
The young spear wielding deity emerges from the bushes, covered in leaves and twigs, he looks to the man who had done him grievances with scorn.
“I’ll make you pay for that!”
Throwing a small tantrum, he twirls his spear in front of him, creating a fan that develops a fierce blizzard storm directly to the enemy he faces.
Running as fast as he can, Kael uses the trees for cover, thinking of a way to disable the enemy’s hold on his heavenly weapon, giving him a slight advantage.
Having improved exponentially in absorbing energy of nature around him, Kael manages to keep moving, failing to lose consciousness as he would in the past.
But now, he seems to have gauged how much energy he needs to use, and how much he needs to keep.
“Hey, Vixalis, I want to try something. Will you help me?”
-By all means, I’d be more than glad to be of service. What do you have in mind?
“I’ll try using Gastor’s power. That’s valid in this duel, right?”
-In all technicality, yes, it is allowed.
“That’s all I need to know.”
Kael’s face turns serious, he then stops moving, hiding behind one tree that will serve as his defense while he connects with Gastor.
I honestly don’t have the faintest idea of what I should do to be able to use Gastor’s power, but, it may just be the same as contacting them in the first place.
-I believe I can help you with that. Now that you have his power in your disposal, you need only say the words that will invoke their spirits, giving you power over them.
He closes his eyes, imagining the flow of energy around him, their minds connect in this moment, sharing one thought and one consciousness.
-Repeat after me.
“Spring, come forth, fill the barren wasteland with your presence. Your strength, might, dignity, and above all, your wisdom.”
Having said the incantation, he begins glowing a shade of green, wrapping around him.
Incidentally, Gastor is wrapped in a green light as well, having the face that says, “About time,” smiling in amusement.
He then takes the form of a small ball of light, flying towards Kael with a great amount of speed, merging with his body, as if melting into him.
-Do you hear my voice, Kael?
A grizzly voice loudly calls out to him.
“I can feel your power as well. This is amazing, the amount, the limitless potential.”
-Do not feel confident yet. This is just the first part of your trial. There are a few more that you need to pass, the next is to manifest my power into yours.
“Manifest? How does that work?”
-It is simple, just like how I would transform into my feral image, a bear’s to be exact, you will have to use my power, absorb mine just like you would to nature, and gradually, you will begin to take form of the god of spring!
“I understand.”
However, Kael is disturbed, the tree behind him has been turned into an ice crystal, and the forest all around him is the same.
Having nowhere else to go, he must act fast, and resolve this transformation at once.
He closes his eyelids once more, placing a hand on his left chest, feeling the irregular beating of his heart.
The process is being made difficult due to the intense pressure and thickness of the air surrounding him, almost as if it’s suffocating him.
“Come out from hiding, you coward!
The winter deity begins taunting him, readying his spear as to not be caught off guard as he was last time.
Suddenly, a projectile takes to the dark starry night sky, launching like a stone thrown from below, seemingly to reach the heavens.
The deity looks in awe as his eye is caught by the stars that glimmer.
Unknowingly, the projectile begins to come down, breaking the barriers of wind that dare blockade its path.
Within a second’s time, the projectile is identified as a large being, bearing down with extreme power raging from him.
The earth shook as the being landed, creating a wide crater around it, destroying the trees and the land.
The deity had covered himself with an orb made of ice, keeping him safe inside as nothing penetrates the hard exterior of the glacial ball of cold.
The fog created by the quake begins to waver, revealing Kael, but in a different light, one that wears bracers on his wrists, and leather leggings while his torso remains bare of any clothing, except looking more built than he was previously.
He tightens the green bandana on his forehead, looking maliciously at his enemy.
“Time to settle this, right?”
He asks, returning his intimidations with his.
“Keep talking, I bet you were just as weak as you were a while ago.”
The deity grins widely, tightening his grip on his spear with two hands, enticing the shroud of winter around him to get stronger.
He leaps forward, pointing his spear, while Kael stands defensively, using his braces as shields.
He catches the tip of it, connecting with a devastating blow to the deity’s face as he pulls the spear’s hold, drawing him closer.
Returning immediately, the deity sends a flurry of strikes, injuring Kael nearly at every part of his body, yet he defends in a steadfast manner, remaining calm while he assesses his enemy.
The battle it out, returning blow for blow, strike for strike, becoming a heated battle between the two, destroying everything around them in the process.
-Excellent, you’re doing well, keep at it, Kael.
Gastor speaks, encouraging him as Kael continues taking more power away from the deity of spring.
Without responding, Kael’s disposition intensifies, becoming faster stronger at the cost of his energy and stamina.
Yet, the deity does not hold back, returning with a fierce array of attacks, nearly killing Kael due to his inexperience in battle in many instances.
Finally, the two are exhausted, standing opposite of head other, desperately trying to catch their breaths for one last powerful blow that will decide the outcome of this duel.
-Don’t waver now, your body’s wearing down, which is terrible. You need to finish this now before it gets worse for you. A deity’s stamina is not like a mortal’s; we are much more versatile than that.
“That’s why I’ll finish this with my signature move. I’ve gathered enough reserve energy for when this happens.”
Kael smiles, standing upright as the green glow around him becomes stronger, brighter, illuminating the dark night with a lush radiance of calmness.
“Still not giving up? Well, I’ll commend you for lasting this longs, but you’re long overdue. This will end in my favor, so get ready!”
The deity glows as well, matching Kael’s with his own blue light, becoming much stronger and imposing.
He takes to the sky, leaping a great unreachable height, looking to be as close to the moon.
He stays there, afloat, raising his spear into the air where a small ball of ice forms, seemingly drawing in the energy around it as it begins to grow in size, taking shape of a boulder’s within a second, a meteor in a minute, and now the fraction of the moon’s size after a few more minutes.
-So he’s getting a bit serious now, figures, he’s just like a kid, or rather, he is. An annoying one to boot, but one with great capabilities. Now, how will you overcome this, Kael?
“I don’t know myself, but nothing will happen if I don’t try. I’m already pouring in everything that I’ve got. So I’ll probably faint after this.”
-This’ll be amusing then.
“We’ll see.”
Kael begins charging all his reserved power to his right arm, readying his ‘smite’ yet it feels lacking for some reason, as if there’s not enough to supplement the amount of power that’s floating in the sky.
Nevertheless, he continues, drawing in as much energy as he can from the deity within him, and the nature around him.
He roars out as to contain the power, exerting a great amount of pressure as it rampages, taking the size of a small orb surrounding Kael’s fist, glowing that faint white light that he’s used to seeing.
The massive ball of ice is launched, growing larger, but not because of the energy being accumulated, rather, it starts to get closer to the ground, blasting through the air and the clouds.
Without another word, Kael leaps to the air, using Gastor's strength to launch himself to the air, with the intention of challenging this power with his own.
The deity, confused by this act, something that he had not thought of happening.
Without fear, or with fear, he draws closer.
Though he had thought of this as a deranged plan, he went through with it.
Does he enough power to overcome it, does he have, those are the questions he asked himself as his legs shook when grounded.
But now, as he bullets through the air, all thoughts of hesitation are now out of the option, there's no turning back.
They collide, his fist, and the unbreakable sphere made from winter's embrace.
There they stop, challenging each other to a battle to see who will move first.
"What the, how can he stop my northern descent? This can't be possible for a mere mortal to accomplish!"
He lies there, in awe of the act transpiring before him.
An act that defies his logic.
May it be the truth, or is he just oblivious?
Yet, with all the damage and the injuries that he has received, Kael continues pushing forward, his very life energy is being pushed to the limits.
His arm feels as if it's being crushed under the weight of the planet itself, a bit more and it might snap, breaking without a chance of healing.
... I'll help you out just this once. Next time, be stronger, then you won't need petty help such as this. You might just stand above everyone else.
Kael feels an incredible surge of energy pouring into him, an overwhelming feeling that gives you the feeling that you can do almost everything.
and with that, his arm becomes stronger, his bracer cracks in the pressure, and so does the sphere.
His eyes are replaced by a bright green glow, his aura changes, taking dorm of a different personality.
He grits his teeth in rage, his muscles contract, and he shifts to fully face the sphere.
With a loud shout, he lets loose the energy that had aided him, spreading everywhere, as Spring and Gastor would bring forth the emergence of new power, he has ascended his form of Spring, becoming a god that commands the season of new life.
"Guardian's rebirth, Nature's vengeance!"
Both of Kael's hands glow, he strikes the sphere simultaneously, left and right, getting faster and faster with each passing second.
He riddles the sphere with a barrage of punches, each one taking a chunk out of the sphere, breaking it as the entire body cracks under the might being exerted upon it.
With one last punch, he sends of a shockwave that shatters the sphere from the inside, causing it to break into countless of pieces.
Kael, with no more energy left in him, descends, falling back to the earth without consciousness.
The shockwave passes through the broken sphere, heading towards the deity, blasting him with a strong concentrated energy towards the far reaches of the earth.
As Kael falls, Gastor redoes the bond between them, separating himself, returning to the ground, and Kael reverts to his normal clothing, unscathed.
He catches Kael just in time before he falls, and he sleeps, his body is limp, and the exhaustion has taken a large toll on him.
"You did well, better than I could have hoped for."
He begins walking as he carries him in his arms.
"You've taken a lot out of me, which was unexpected. Mortals sure are interesting, aren't they, Vixalis?"
-Indeed, that is why I am grateful for you being here and helping him out.
"But what of your wish, will you stick to it? I still doubt his ability to become the very strongest, but I know he can become one that might equal a god, just not those at the top."
-Even I know nothing of the future. He has become hell bent on coming out on top, only time will tell if he has what it takes or not. As you have said, humans are unpredictable.
"And that has been proven today, so I stand by my words."
-Now now, let us return to the settlement for a while. Cuiv will come soon, I know that he is not of a prideful nature, so I am sure that he will formally concede defeat. And, Kael deserves the rest, including you, his savior.
"Speak nothing of it to him. There's no need. I just thought that it would be a waste to lose someone like him."
-That is true.
They leave under the light of the moon, having yet again destroyed the environment around them, Kael seems to have won over the deity of winter, who has been sent flying off into the distance of the unknown.
Inside the temple, a ruckus is being caused, a man rouses the attention of everyone in attendance as he shouts the name of his sister.
"Amaterasu! Where are you!"
He shouts her name only to receive silence and awkward gazes.
The temple guards emerge, taking charge of him, whereas he responds with malice, electrocuting the guards instantly incapacitating them.
"Let go of me and tell me where my sister is!"
He seethes with rage, creating a fierce current around him, yet not injuring the sacred and pristine grounds of the temple, seemingly alive.
Two weapon wielding gods emerge to pacify the raging god of storms.
"What is the meaning of this?"
A giant of a god clad in golden armor emerges, wielding a massive sword that sits on his shoulder, wearing a centurion helmet, and a cape.
He begins silencing the crowd with his presence, then proceeding to question him again, only to be met with an aggravated response.
"Tell me where my sister is! She has been missing for two suns."
"Calm down, tell us what ails you so that we may clearly understand the gravity of the situation."
Wielding a massive Guan Dao, the man enters to calm the weary god down, serving as a mediator.
The two convene as they see the god of storms off, his head cast down in shame and sadness as he returns.
"This is a concern that should be taken notice of. There are now two gods missing. What have you say of this, Aries?"
"I shall tighten the security of the temple. Tell the Japanese gods to not worry for I shall be sending one of the most reliable gods to search for the missing one, including ours."
"I do hope that they are found. I sense a bad omen coming, don't you?"
"I do not try to believe in these kinds of things, Guan Yu, I believe that when something occurs or happens, it is because of ones actions that an event transpires, not because of some mysterious force."
"Quite the philosophy given that we are gods, and that we are mysterious forces in a way."
The god named Guan Yu laughs to himself, calming the harsh mood surrounding the temple.
"That is quite true, but for now, it is best to not make things worse. I shall wait for the reports to come in before taking action."
"Very well, I wish you great luck in your endeavors."
"And to you as well, Great Saint."
Aries sees the god off, then he goes his own way behind a wall away from anyone's eyes and presence.
There he loses his mask, revealing himself as a purple skinned god, possessing a smile deadly as any blade, a personality or a trait, rather, that would be called devious.
He smiles, then laughs as he is unable to hold in his sinistry.
"Things are going too well. No one has caught on, and it makes me question their abilities and inabilities as gods. Frankly, I’m quite disgusted to be amongst those oblivious gods."
He laughs sarcastically, trying his best to keep it to a minimum.
"It is all just beginning. I can't wait for the curtains to open!"
He then fades into a dark black smoke, disappearing without a trace as the rest are caught in a net where a spider crawls around, waiting for the right time to take its just dues.
Awakened by the sound of a rooster crowing, Kael gets up, his body aches with a slight movement, preventing him from making any excess actions.
He looks around with his groggy eyes, trying to make out anyone in the room.
"Wait... When did I get here? And where am I?"
He wipes his tired eyes, stretching his body as much as he can.
Then standing up to find out the answer to his own questions.
Everything around him carries an air of familiarity, as if he's been here before.
The signal that finally reminds him is the lively, and bustling sound of people shouting outdoors, selling their wares, children playing around, all very familiar to him.
"I must be in Vajra then. That explains that much. And I must have been brought back by Gastor, makes sense."
The door opens, alerting him right away as he faces the door.
"Oh, you're awake, thank goodness."
He backs away as a painful memory comes to him.
He backs himself to the wooden wall, doing his best not to cower in fear so much.
"Why are you so far away, Kaellum? Is something wrong?"
"Don't give me that, don't you remember?"
She tilts her head to the side, unable to catch on, puzzled.
"The training!? You don't remember when you almost beat me to death?"
"That time? I clearly remember that. But what do you mean by nearly beating you to death?"
She returns a question, clearly not knowing what she had done.
He begins reminding her, trying to suppress his anger and fear as they sit on the floor, opposite of each other.
As he finishes, Svanvhit displays a sincere apologetic look, something that he thought wouldn't have shown on her face, yet here it is.
"I am terribly sorry. I did not mean to do that, it's just that you told me not hold back, so I gave my all so that I could teach you a lot."
She buries her face in her hands, holding her tears back.
"Wait, don't cry!"
I comfort her immediately.
Though I'm not the best at making someone feel better, I can still try my best to know how It's done.
She seems to have calmed down after minutes, then a thought occurs to me.
Does that mean that it's my fault for being too weak to fight her on even terms?
What a shameful and an embarrassing way to make a girl cry, way to go, Kaellum.
"Don't worry about it too much, but I want to ask, are you okay?"
"What do you mean?"
"Was there a strong thunderstorm yesterday?"
"Yes, but I am fine, except the settlement has taken a frightening blow, and the people are doing all they can in rebuilding. It was far stronger than anything we've ever seen before as well."
"How is Parsha and Elisha?"
"They are doing well. The village has almost finished in rebuilding most of the damages, so there is nothing to be worried about."
She says with a smile, though I still am concerned about them, I think I'll visit them after this.
"How can you be so calm about things? Aren't you terrified in the least when something like that happens? I'd be hiding under my covers if I were you."
"Well, I guess we have grown used to it. We have to manage, otherwise the children of the future will have nothing left for them."
She then stands, and I merely stare silently at her in amazement, seeing how strong she is, she is also a woman of good judgement.
"Come, breakfast awaits you. You must be hungry, Gastor's waiting for you in the hall."
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