《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 6: The B-story
THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED JANE WILSON WAS FEATURED in the captured black panther headlines, of every major newspaper in Perth, the next day. That was the A-Story – but the B-Story was...
... on the heroic guide-dog that was injured, while trying to protect – his blind-girl master from danger, while caught-up in the middle – of the crossfire...
... by the Ranger staff, in their-beast-hunt – where they, managed to bring down the 300 kg, maneater black panther, with tranquillizer darts.
Earlier, during the course of 'that' Monday evening... Jane had asked her mother's permission to 'walk' her dog and left. After, Shelley at home fed her son – and was upstairs and put Samuel to sleep. She wanted to come downstairs, to have a peaceful me-time, with of glass of wine and a comedy show.
... a phone call came – and it was an excited-voice, of their housekeeper – Lola Flores calling in...
"Dr Wilson, 'what' IS JANE DOING in the middle-of-the-night in that neighbourhood."
"What...?" Shelly was flabbergasted.
The neighbourhood was 9 km away... from 'where' the Wilson lived, in the hills.
"She is in 'some' trouble. Jane is on-TV now!" The urging voice of Lola replied.
The panic-stricken mother of the blind girl grabbed the TV remote control and switched on the news.
It showed IMAGES OF HER BLIND DAUGHTER, at the side of her unconscious dog, with paramedics lifting the animal and transported it, to the nearest vet. Jane too got into the ambulance, before it sped off.
'Some' of those competitive, TV media crew followed the ambulance – for a follow-up scoop, of the B-Story.
AT THE VETERINARY CLINIC, JANE WAS INTERVIEWED, by the TV media – the bold-faced blind girl spoke on camera – recalled on how her brave dog, Piper 'had' protected her from harm's way before the dog was bitten by the big, black, wild cat.
It was only 'half' the truth because something-strange happened to her body then – and she shot fiery light bolts, twice – from her palm, that hurt and disoriented the panther, to let go its bite onto Piper's neck.
… JANE LEFT OUT that side of the story...
Jane was then asked by the TV reporter... 'what' she was doing in the neighbourhood. She was nervous when she replied...
“We got off the bus, I wanted badly to meet this BOY, ‘MY-FRIEND,’ my classmate Peter – and during our-journey there, and that’s where it all happened.”
At least she was glad that she told 'some truth' to make her whereabouts credible, to be palatable as an 'alibi' – which she had expected a serious-lecture, from her mother later – but, 'NO' ONE SHOULD-KNOW about the fiery bolts, which she manifested – and deployed in the panther attack.
Despite the cover-ups, blind-Jane was also anxious and worried about the health of her faithful dog, Piper – as she DOES 'NOT' WANT TO LOSE another life-saving companion – like how she recently had lost her SIMY.
Jane then breathes easy, when the -doctor, came and informed her and the TV reporters, that the big, grey Alsatian had a blood transfusion, and was responding well – and, will be up and running, in no time.
Next up, Jane's parents came walking in the vet clinic – the TV cameras were 'on' them, hugging the blind girl, who broke down and cried, by repeatedly saying that, she was sorry.
The TV reporters knew they had a fresh scoop of a human-interest 'story' of Perth, in between the recaptured of the escaped black panther, from the South Perth Zoo – and had requested for a family-interview – but, Dr Shelley Wilson declined, by saying...
"No comments!"
Let alone, she was already feeling 'guilty,' for 'not' being aware, and in control of Jane's whereabouts that evening – which made her look like a bad mother.
Minutes later, the Wilson family left the vet clinic. Anthony took his daughter to McDonald's when she said she was hungry. Jane ate 2 Filet o' fish-burgers, fries and a coke in the booth, where they sat. Drinking her coffee late at night, sitting opposite her B-girl daughter, Shelley was silent and – was observing her, with misgiving.
The mother later spoke out...
"You've continued in being a disobedient, and irresponsible girl – and now, you even lied to me this evening, saying you are 'just' taking Piper, for a walk."
Anthony intervened. "Not-now, Shelley – we 'go' home and talk this..."
The irked doctor-mother blurted 'more' accusations, and badmouthing...
"A 12-years-old, going late out at night, all-by 'herself' to see some degenerate son, of our very own Perth's police Inspector. I wonder what parenting, this inspector-taught him – for Christ sake, she is supposed the bloody-law, around here – and yet, with this sloppy, poor-up-bringing – and that, made-him to be a bloody-one-armed brat. I've read some mother who in 'Facebook,' had commented... that he is out-of-control, and violent too."
Jane whispered. "I have told you just now, Mom – that I'm 'sorry,' I made a 'bad' move, by going there."
"Yes, it seems to be a 'REPEATING' MISTAKE PATTERN, that you are getting into-lately – you 'had' chased after him in a thunderstorm then, and now...
"... you went-out 'again' in the dead of the night, and nearly got yourself mauled by this wild beast! And, 'who' is this-bloke to you, and, by-the-way – is he your one-armed boyfriend...? I didn't know-even B-girls too, preferred bad boys."
"No, it's 'not' like that, Peter is just a classmate, just a fellow-handicap in school."
"Taking a bus to see 'your' boyfriend, late in the evening, was that it? This lying-your-way-out, in every situation, should 'stop,' Jane – and you SHOULD STOP-MIXING WITH this Peter too – I don't want to be dealing with 'another' case of teenage pregnancy and, in my line of work in the clinic... I have 'seen' it all."
"Come on, Shelley," Anthony spoke out again.
That was a dark and disturbing 'thought,' for the dotting, and concerned father, to bear.
THE NEXT DAY, JANE WOKE UP EARLY in-that Tuesday morning – and opening a gift box from her father – her very-first smartphone. She chose 'Morning Flower' as her ring tone...
... up until then... her ex-SIMY, had used to handle all of her communications, on the orders in Jane's voice command – now, here was a brand-new Samsung smartphone with a blank contact list. And, Jane wanted TO 'ADD' ALICIA WONG – her best friend, to be the first one on the list.
Jane had 'not' memorized Alicia's phone number or any numbers per-se – after a moment of pondering, she came with the inkling, that her mother 'had' Lily Wang's number, who also happens to be Alicia's elder cousin.
Anthony, her father had gone to work then – Shelley, her mother was about to leave for her clinic, when Jane approached to ask for the 'favour.' Her mother, still hung-up with mistrust, lashed out...
"You were overconfident and arrogant back then, with your 'SIMY-this-and-SIMY-that' – now LOOK AT YOURSELF 'NOW' – being over-dependent on that damn bloody-device, that you have 'NOT' MEMORIZED any numbers to-call – even if, in the case of emergency!
"I bet you don't even know this house-phone number too – but yet, you WENT OUT ANYWAY, in the middle of the night to see your-boyfriend – and endangered yourself and Piper. Now, listen here Jane, I will TAKE AWAY 'THIS' PHONE – if you dare contact that delinquent brat!"
The doctor-mother warned.
CAROLINE WALKER, IN HER BATHROBE, PICKED UP today's newspaper, lying on the driveway. The headlines loudly amplified – black panther recaptured, with a photo of the wild cat, tranquillized unconscious.
She came back inside the house and dropped the daily papers on the couch. Paul was there too in that early morning, at the kitchen counter playing NOVA 3.
"Poe, don't waste your time, playing videogames all day. Go-study or read something."
Moments later, the inspector-mother was in uniform and left for the police station. Paul obediently placed his iPhone on the kitchen counter-top and wheeled off to his bedroom to study-something. Before he reached there, Paul was distracted by the black panther's photo IN THE NEWSPAPERS – with the screaming headline...
… in his bedroom, Peter woke up unmotivated again – he felt sloppy and lazy – and this was, in his 5th day of skipping his tennis self-training. He looked around, from his bed – at his few remaining pieces of stuff, exempted from going to the garage storage.
These were his 8 tennis racquets, posters of John McEnroe, a painting of himself in McEnroe's pose gifted from a fan... newspaper clippings of his protégé glories and trophies. He sighed deeply, and it pained him – that he 'HAD' IT ALL ONCE, in his former life... as a whole, able-bodied athlete.
He sunk low in self-pity, that his glory days were now 'over' – after they-had amputated his tennis-playing arm. Peter too glowed a darker, deep purple.
The urge of being a RUNAWAY WAS STILL THERE.
... he felt the dangers of going to prison, were stronger today – and he could clearly foresee his mother, and his own twin were-both PLOTTING SOMETHING 'BAD' – that would convict him for being responsible, for his father's death.
... but-where will he go? Who was there, to give foolproofly advice, to dodge getting caught?
... his 'former-manager,' Chucky Miggs came to his mind. He was street-smart and taught Peter HOW TO GAMBLE masterfully. That was 'then' ...
... when he had his good arm – and played to win his rematches.
... Peter heard Paul calling him, from the living room.
... Paul was reading the newspaper... as he switched on the TV, at the same time to catch the local news at 8:30 AM. He read that Jane Wilson was said to be going to visit her 'boyfriend' – when the panther attacked...
... and her guide dog was injured, by-protecting her.
Paul CALLING-OUT TO PETER upstairs 'again' – and also multitasked as he phone-called up Alicia to check to know IF JANE WAS ALRIGHT...
... while at that same time, Alicia too was biking over to Jane's place, after receiving the first-virgin-call from her BFF'S NEW PHONE. Jane had called Alicia to come over, to assist her to GO REVISIT PIPER, in the vet clinic.
Alicia also gave instructions to Paul – to pass Peter, Jane's 'new' phone number and urgently, to 'ask' him to call back.
Peter came slowly downstairs... and noticed Jane's 15-minutes-of-fame in the TV news, of the recaptured black panther. Then, the one-armed boy saw the interview Jane did, at the vet clinic. In her first-time interview, the blind-girl was slap-dashed...
"We got off the bus, I wanted badly to meet THIS 'BOY,' MY FRIEND... MY classmate Peter – but, during our journey there, and that's where it all happened..."
Paul got off the phone with Alicia – and saw his twin, standing and watching the TV news. Paul was really enthusiastic when he said...
"Pete, Jane just GOT A 'NEW' PHONE – and Alicia is going to send the contact details and, Jane wants you to 'call' her back, she said that it is urgent."
"Go-keep it for yourself, Poe – they are 'your' friends." Replied Peter, shaking his head slightly, in disapproval.
Paul was abashed. "You, ungrateful fellow – SHE RISKED HER LIFE' last night, coming to see you, her boyfriend."
"What boyfriend? I hardly just met-her, a week ago – and my relationship-status is still single – and you Poe, 'don't' go around, and complicate that too."
"What? It is said so in the papers, she MENTIONED 'YOU' ARE her boyfriend."
"What...? No way! Hey-Poe, what boyfriend you talking about? I just heard a moment ago of her TV interview – bla-bla-bla... wanting to meet her classmate Peter." Peter chuckled, pointing at the large screened television.
Paul was still mortified, and pointed at the sentence on the newspaper, that he held-up – Peter came over, and read. He laughed even louder, saying.
"They have 'fooled' me twice!!? This bloody paper THINKS OF SENSATIONALIZING their stories, just to sell copies – 'today,' I am Janey's boyfriend – 'yesterday,' I was the fool who RAN OFF IN THE THUNDERSTORM... and was got rescued by vet-hero, Captain Elvis the faker Presley, hahaha – and guess what, Poe... you don't have to believe all that you read, these days – it's ALL FAKE NEWS!"
"But JANE CHOSE 'YOU' – you should-be lucky to have her!" Paul said back in spite. Peter chuckled again.
"Look at you, Poe – giving me, your twin, some-brotherly heartfelt relationship advice – but sorry about that, mate – I'M 'NOT' INTERESTED! I'm a sportsman first... and I don't need the distraction from a Sheila who fancies-me. Hey, you go ahead and I KNOW DEEP-DOWN, you 'fancy' her, right-Poe-pee-poe...?"
... Peter winked, and took the newspaper – and went up upstairs, saying...
"Poe, you holler 'when' pizza is here-later, yea..."
WHILE GOING UP THE STAIRS, PETER WAS SUSPICIOUS too by Paul's act of 'kindness.' Yesterday it was preparing him breakfast – today, it was giving him Jane Wilson's new phone number – and throwing-in, some concerned, lovey-dovey brotherly ADVICE OF BEING 'LUCKY,' of being Janey's boyfriend.
He should 'not' be sucked into Paul's bullshit, yet cunning ploys.
'What ya up to Paul...?'
Peter thought-hard and he could 'not' anticipate, his crippled twin's next angle or move. Maybe he was using 'the boyfriend' angle – to delay his plan of running away from home... ... delaying his time, by placing 'JANE' AS THE BAIT, to keeping him lured – until the 'big' move, of the two-faced cripple, of dropping the bombshell to their Inspector-mother, for the 'murder' of their father, 2 years ago.
Peter was annoyed of 'what' kind of twin, he was born with to – and, with those negative thoughts, and emotions – it made the one-armed glow to dark.
... infuriated, he opened the door of his bedroom and tossed the newspaper on his bed – crumpled, it opened to page 3, with Jane's photo on it…
… where the word 'boyfriend' was, in the fine print.
He sat at the edge of his bed, picked up the papers, and re-read the sentence – with the word 'BOYFRIEND' OVER and over – the one-armed boy's heart sank.
He recalled bonding-well with Janey, when she entered his bedroom, that Saturday afternoon – she touched the stump of his arm and said, she can 'see' HIM GLOW...
... she even hugged him, when nobody had hugged him since... 'not' even his inspector-mother, in those-trying of 2 long years – after the accident...
Janey did also call him 'Champ' – even though, he was 'no' longer one.
... the heavy depressing thoughts drained him, as his eyelids felt heavier and heavier, and he soon laid his head down ...
"Wake up, Son of Solomon!"
He opened his eyes... in the nocturnal setting with reddish dark skies – and saw a silhouette of a lean and lethal black panther, perched on…
… a low hanging branch, of a leafless tree, with other inter-twining branches, creeping. The big cat leap-down on the ground, in front of him – and snarl, with gleaming 'red' eyes...
... it then morphed, and transformed into a Black, African man with dreadlocks, who walked towards him – Peter recognized 'him' from his life before, when he had his good tennis arm.
The dreadlock haired man spoke...
"Do you want to play with the game-of-destiny, Son of Suleiman?"
Peter was stirred AWAKE BY SOUND of knocking.
Eyes wide awaked... but he was dazed, as he stared at his room door.
... he recalled that Black man, was the NIGERIAN NAMED HAJJI – who gave him the cursed Talisman of Aandaleeb, back then, at the clay tennis court.
'Why' DID I DREAM of him?
… Peter got off his bed and answered the knocking door. He opened it, and looked down, to see PAUL ON HIS WHEELCHAIR – handing a pizza box to him, saying with a silly smile…
"Pete, your pizza is here – sore throat, cannot holler – so, I deliver." Said the twin, pointing at the scar in his throat.
Suspiciously, the one-armed twin nodded to Paul and took the box, and slammed the room door back shut.
‘… weirdo…’
He placed the pizza box on his bed. Peter opened the box to discover – 5-hot SLICES OF PIZZAS – with 'one' extra slice...
'Is it one of the trickster-PAUL'S CUNNING ACT of kindness...?' Peter bit the pizza... while digesting that thought.
Then, a sudden-WTF moment imploded inside Peter …
… did Paul deliver the pizza to him – 'when Paul HAVEN'T BEEN UP upstairs, ever since the accident!!?'
... Peter was eyes-wide-open – stirring up…
… after a weird DREAM-IN-A-DREAM sequence…
Hearing his stomach growling loudly, he opened his eyes. Looking at the alarm clock nearby, and it was past one – on Tuesday afternoon.
The one-armed boy rose from the bed, with a kick-upright that landed him on his feet, and left his room.
"Poe? Poe...?"
Peter called out. He had 'no' replies back, from downstairs. He descended the stairs – downstairs which was quiet...
... the one-armed boy entered the kitchen, a box of pizza sat on the marble-top kitchen counter. It had some black pen-marker scribblings done, on the pizza box cover...
'Pete, I tried calling you at noon,
I guessed you were asleep.
Now is my nap-time too.
Enjoy your pizza 😊'
... Peter slowly nodded to himself, seeing Paul even signed himself off, with a 'smiley'... on the box. He opened the lid – coincidently, there were 5 slices of pizza in it.
... one extra slice of pizza – probably, Paul WAS REPAYING BACK to the slice, he wrongfully ate last week – where in return, he got a clouting, from his one arm.
He greedily-ate the cold pizzas for 20 minutes, at the kitchen counter... brooding on what his cunning twin was UP TO 'NEXT' – SERIOUSLY, Peter was clueless. It annoyed him a lot, and he... glowed dark crimson.
He emptied the pie box and drank his coke. He left the kitchen, headed upstairs to his iPhone, which he left to be charging, in his bedroom.
There were 3 miscalls, and one text-message – all from his brother Paul – and, he had 'also' sent Jane's contact details... anyway...
... he was tempted to call Jane, BUT RESTRAINED HIMSELF – would he get 'sucked' in by his twin's ploy? His priority was still 'NOT' ENDING UP, in an adult’ prison – and next was being a-lone runaway...
He needed a distraction, from his rising anxiety attack – and switched to YouTube to watch some videos. A viral video was trending popular in Perth – growing with lots of hits, and subscriptions...
... it was the recent recapture of the black panther, WHICH HAPPENED OUTSIDE the neighbourhood, where Peter lived.
Apparently, one of the Wildlife-Ranger staff... took the video, while waiting in the dark.
While the video was streaming, Peter scrolled down, and read the comments, from the video consumers – about the 2-BRIGHT BOLTS…
… that incapacitated the wild cat, were apparently called as a miracle, by some-Divine intervention – that saved, the blind girl and her brave, hero dog.
While some others argued, that the bolts were of some supernatural forces from Africa, based on some made-up MCU pop-culture reference.
Peter then watched the 10 seconds video action – shown in slow-motion for 18 seconds. The visuals were 'not' clear, SHOT IN THE DARK, with Cloverfield-like shaky camera moves – with 2 bursts of bright lights, shot at the unclear panther in the dark BUT, THE AUDIO of the animal's pained cries, was evidently 'heard.'
The video and its written comments – bewildered him too, to think-hard…
'So, Janey... could 'not' only levitate – but also shoot thunderbolts too now... how cool is that, for a being-my cool girlfriend...'
... Peter slept into a nap... in pleasant thoughts of 'his' blind GF – but, woke up screaming with nightmares.
Sovereign Of The Karmic System
What would you do if you could control and use your Karma?
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Logical Labyrinth
This story is now being rewritten under the title of World of Tala. The link is http://royalroadl.com/fiction/11167
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I don't say strange things
Хосок всегда утверждает, что он женат на работе и ему никто не нужен, но друзья считают иначе. Хосок - гениальный кардиохирург и вполне доволен жизнью, но это пока он не знает о масштабах пиздеца в лице Кан Сыльги.История о том, как Юнги продолжает писать педагогическую поэму под руководством чутких друзей-педагогов, Чонын учится новым методам пикапа, друзья-сводники охуевают в геометрической прогрессии, а Хосок заебался.
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Captain (Glamrock foxy x male reader)
Y/N loved building little machines when he was younger. But life was hard for him, exceptionally since he was super shy. He needed a job, so after looking for a while he finds a job as a mechanic for the Mega Pizza Plex. But during there he finds a fox that will change his life.Fnaf is owned by Scott Cawthon. The fictional characters is owned by me. You own you. I don't own the pictures unless I I say I made them.Minor swearing,
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Mamma Mia((Meryl Streep & Pierce Brosnan))
Mamma mia! It's been 20 years. 20 BLOODY YEARS!!!Three men! Sam Carmichael, Bill Anderson and Harry Bright!One daughter: Sophie Sheridan.Sophie often wondered about her father and that's how she has gotten into this mess.She invites three men that she read up in her mother's diary.Donna Sheridan knew nothing about her daughter's plan and didn't have to know. It was a so called 'surprise'. But there's one thing, knowing your father out between three men isn't always that easy! And spending way too much time with you favourite ex lover can be very dangerous!
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Classroom of The Elite FanFic: Ayanokoji The Lucky bastard
What if Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is a dumb nice guy who has the maximum luck stat. What if Kiyotaka uses only his luck power to survive in ANHS. He will not hide his ability because he doesn't have it. And he literally learns only piano, calligraphy, and tea ceremony. Spoiler Warnings: Classroom of the elite Vol. 1-11.75 Original Work: Classroom of the elite The original title, work, and characters are not mine. I'm not an English native speaker. so I'm sorry if this turned to be a suck novel.
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