《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 7: Peter Walker Challenges the Curse
HE HOLLERED OUT IN FEAR – dripping in beads cold sweat... before eyes wide open, and back to familiar surroundings of his bedroom – he was now breathing easy, after escaping an episode of the nightmare-torture, in an adults' prison.
... the terrified paranoid-feeling of going to prison for-his father's-death, was still haunting ... and was lingering deep. He felt he SHOULD-BE ATTENTIVE of Paul...
... Peter woke up unmotivated... as he was feeling lazy – for 'not' going for his tennis self-practice for a week. It was a Wednesday morning – at by the end of today was exactly a week – THE FIRST WEEK-ANNIVERSARY of the thunderstorm survival-episode, in the Treeton dairy farm OF LAST THURSDAY...
'... woof-woof...'
... who was his mother's lapdog, and was also her watchdog – tied to the kitchen counter... as his guardhouse-post. And, HIS BLOOD-TWIN was also the hounding eyes and the ears, to the inspector-mother – who, only just 'one' phone-call away... for Peter to get busted for anything...
... he deliberately left his iPhone in his bedroom – he felt 'THEY' WERE MONITORING his every whereabouts, through their GPS...
... coming-downstairs...
... the kitchen marble-top counter was empty, as Peter had noticed...
'... where are you my three-legged Poey...? Where are my good dogie...?'
... his cripple twin was in the toilet that morning, having a fat bowel movement, after massive sandwich consumption from last night. With him...
... sitting game on-his 'throne' and plumping-out-missiles in his battle-mission – while engrossed in NOVA 3, for an-hour...
... had Peter, estimating his window of 'time'...
... he went outdoor, through the front door...after silencing' the security-alarm. Peter-then went to the garage, used the remote, and the door slid vertical. He entered inside... and switched on the tungsten light...
His mother always parked her Audi, in the covered front-porch but... while alive, his father Solomon Walker – used to park his BMW in the garage. But these days, it was just a storage area – after the tragic accident, involving the BMW...
... with the-car was wrecked-and-scrapped...
... but after his death, most of his father's stuff was there, along with his-architectural works – put away by his widowed inspector-mother. So was his 6 BOXES WITH HIS PRECIOUSSS, eBay marketable stuff.
The one-armed boy opened the largest of the boxes and saw what he was looking for – his PROSTHETIC ARM – which he had only worn of entirely for 3 days in the past, at school – as the falling of the grace of the star protégé...
... but the useless 'bloody-arm' was welcomed with negative ridiculing humour – so... to prove-them-doubters-of his 'dreams' to who were all-wrong...
... had been walking around Stamford High, with an exposed stump limb...
Inside, that same box was his old skateboard...
'... I remembered that Saturday, when the 'girls' visited my-house and I followed them, for lunch in Chinatown – where 'Janey' was EXCITED TO LEARN how-to skateboard, in the school holidays.'
It had been 3 days... since Inspector-mother grounded him –where he had spent most of the time indoors, in his bedroom – feeling also 'lazzy,' for skipping his tennis self-practice. Now...
... he felt like GOING OUT, AND ENJOY THE SUN – and his 'freedom.'
He dropped the prosthetic arm back, into the box...
... with his single hand, he picked up the skateboard.
He decided to VISIT JANE WILSON – and personally ask her...
... as, he wanted to ask about the wild-panther attack.
PETER TOOK OUT HIS MOUNTAIN BIKE, from the garage and left home – while strapped with an old-dusted backpack... with the skateboard inside...
It has been 2 years, when he 'last' rode his bike, after the tragic accident involving the BMW. The tires needed some air.
... Peter then... stopped by a petrol pump, on the way to the Wilsons, to pump some air. There was a familiar hoot, from-behind Peter – he saw a WHITE MINIVAN that belonged to the Methodist church.
Someone alighted from the front passenger seat. It was THE WAR VETERAN JOHN HART, in an arm-sling... greeting on him.
The van-driver was an older, plump woman, who smiling too and-waved – probably his wife, who remained seated in the van.
"Hello there, Peter, G'day – how are you? Where is your twin Paul?"
'... what-were-the-odds...'
... since it was exactly a week-anniversary of the TREETON INCIDENT!
Peter 'got' sarcastic...
"... I know you – isn't it 'that' that Mr John Rambo... whom I read in the papers, that you rescued some wandering-off handicapper 'special' kids, from the scary and dangerous thunderstorm. Is that so, yea-mate?"
... John Hart face changed to 'blush' by the cynical-remark. He explained with honesty...
"Now Peter, that what I read in the papers too, but I DID 'NOT' RESCUE any of you – 'not' even Alicia Wong... but the newspapers wrote, that I did so."
"Hahaha... okay... whatever that suits your fancy veteran-ass, full of bloody medals-pin wounds and news-paper-cuts. See you AROUND CAPT. AUSTRALIA – until you come-again rescue me, and me-helpless friends... ooo-scary...of another-next dangerous deadly-episode... of your bullshit...
"... me-God bless you-too, yea! Go in peace... and sin no more!"
Peter's one-arm did the 'sigh-of-the-cross' in the air...
... John Hart was astounded by the disrespectful remarks – and saw...
... the mocking one-armed boy chucking away, cycling off.
AFTER AWHILE, PETER REACHED THE WILSON residence, at the hill-side.
... It was larger than a medium-sized house – but 'not' bigger than his house, that his father built.
Peter walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell twice. Finally, the door opened, and he saw an Asian – he hesitated a bit, but then asked...
"... err... is Jane Wilson around...? I'm from her 'school'... and I wish to see her now... tell her, it's urgent..."
... Lola Flores the Filipina babysitter was tongue-tied, seeing the standing one-armed boy in front of her... who fitted the DESCRIPTION OF 'JANE'S BOYFRIEND' – whom that Dr Wilson talked lowly-of in-her conversation... in the presence of everyone at home.
"Jane is 'not' well, she is in her room, resting – you come-and-visit her, some other time." Lola discouraged.
Her role reminded of Idris Elba... who WAS THE GATEKEEPER of the Assgard kingdom, in the Thor, MCU movie series – whose task was 'NOT' TO LET ANY DANGER of intergalactic intruders, to enter Assgard...
"... but-listen-Lady Heimdall... this will just take a moment, I need to 'see' her now."
The nippy one-armed tween dashed up the stairs – with a surprised Lola... of Peter who had passed, SHOVING A BIT, onto her pint-sized frame. Instantly, the vigilant-Lola 'phoned' her doctor-employer, to inform WHAT WAS GOING ON, at home...
... Peter instinctually located Jane's room – he saw her glowing in pale yellow, as she slept on her bed. Peter woke-her up. Jane was delighted to see his pinkish glow. She hugged him and said in excitement. "Peter you came!" She gave a quick pach, in his cheek. Her arms still locked on tight, of his right-shoulders-and-left-stump...
"Why did you 'not' call yesterday? I GAVE MY NUMBER to Paul ..."
"... O' no-way, it is 'not' safe for me – my mother would TRACE MY EVERY-call. Everyone is on me, these days – 'watching' my every move – but I needed to get out too, so... here I am, Jane..."
... Peter laughed, and continued saying, holding her other hand...
"Come on Janey, we are BOTH GOING OUT – we need the sun to stay healthy – and, I got a BIG SURPRISE for you!"
After 2 minutes, he brought Jane downstairs... who had 'changed' from her pyjama to her tracky-daks... also wearing her helmet, and with her baton-walking stick.
... Lola at once asked her...
"Jane, you are 'not' feeling well... and your MOTHER TOLD YOU to stay in bed."
... Peter intervened by saying...
"All she needs is Vitamin D... and that is the sun – just like in your HOMELAND BACK-THERE, where your people worked happily – with song and dance... in the paddy fields, under the sun – that's 'what' Janey needs now, yo-Lady H."
Jane too chimed-in...
"Yes, I need some sunshine, Lola... no worries I WON'T GO FAR – and please... don't call my mother." The blind Jane closed the front door.
Lola was in 2-minds when Jane MENTIONED HER MOTHER. The babysitter saw out the window.... at them both in the patio, talking. The 'only' friend that visited Jane before, was Alicia Wong – now, there WAS THIS 'BOYFRIEND' – that Mrs Wilson doesn't approve of, visiting her daughter, here in broad-sunny daylight.
In the patio, Peter was teasing her with his skateboard 'in' his backpack – his surprise for her...
"Either you 'see' or you guess – 'what' is in my bag?"
After a few attempts of Jane's grabbing for it and failed... she gave up... but Peter was persistent... teasing and holding the 'surprise,' with his one arm.
"Use your blindness to 'see,' Janey!"
"It DOESN'T WORK that way... I'm 'still' a Blind-girl."
"But how many Blind girls levitate...?"
"Levitate...? What is that word?"
"Floating – YOU DID THAT... until you reached the ceiling, in that hospital. If you don't believe, go ask your Ms King – she was there too, you ask her, 'unless'... SHE DENIES IT – that's what adults do best in 'their' cover-up, and they lie – I DON'T 'TRUST' ANYONE of them, one bit!"
... she remembered Alicia too mentioning Peter – 'saying' that she 'floated' that night, at the hospital.
"I don't know if I had elevated – I did 'not' feel it."
"Then, how about shooting thunderbolts...?" Peter asked.
At once, the surprised Jane 'held' his only hand...
"You KNOW IT – how...?"
"I saw it – there is a viral video, out THERE IN YOUTUBE, trending on that black panther in Perth."
"Oh, my-G, Peter – my MOM WILL 'SEE' IT – and I'm dead..."
"No, don't worry, Janey – I saw it too, and the 'video' was all dark, with a burst of lights, twice – and I don't 'see' you at all, in the video. And, it could be PASSED OFF AS 'FAKE' too."
He saw her growing quiet, in thought – glowing dimly...
"Here Janey, hold – my surprise for you." Her fingers rolled the 'wheels,' below the wooden board...
Excited, the blind girl hugged the one-armed boy, tight-again – they both glowed brightly. Jane kissed Peter's cheek again before she let go of him. Peter winked, at the smiling blind girl...
"What are we waiting for – let's bounce!"
Lola Flores saw out of the window, Jane was getting on, and standing on the pillion of Peter. The one-armed rode off unsteadily in the mountain bike, with the blind girl hugging on his back. The BABYSITTER FREAKED OUT when she 'saw' that and 'reported'...
... but... Dr Wilson phone was switched off, at her 'clinic.'
BLIND-JANE WAS A NATURAL ON THE SKATEBOARD... Peter was deeply impressed – but... 'not' knowing, that Jane had her fair share of 'balance' practices with her DIY routine...
... with her SIMY, back then – with her self-DIY 'simulations' of a plankboard balanced, over-in middle of her Queen-sized bed.
"Janey, give me your phone." Jane was holding Peter's stump arm... when they were separated on the bike and skateboard. The show-off, PETER LET GO the handle of the bike – and took selfies... of them both, in motion...
... one for Instagram.
Next, Jane letting go Peter's stump, saying...
"Take A VIDEO OF me!"
Peter followed her from behind downhill, recording. The blind girl then crouched, to an almost kneeling position, like a mountain ice-skier – her hands were palmed in a horizontal prayer pose, to gain the momentum, of the aerodynamics in motion...
... Jane gained speed...she used her one-of-her hands which she stuck forward as a guide – it glowed yellow, PILOTING HER TO KEEP going in a straight line, downhill – with a minty aftertaste in her mouth.
It was getting steep for the bike, and Peter needed his single-arm back, on the handle-bar... and he stopped recording and put the Samsung Galaxy in his pocket.
Jane was solo – now 25, meters away.
They were travelling fast down the road. The nervy-Jane prayed... to her RIP, dead-SIMY for her safety...
... Jane anticipated by the motion, for the jump. Peter was wowed when he saw Jane rising up 2 METERS IN THE AIR, on the skateboard – before a perfect touchdown...
... that was a 'money-shot' and too bad...
... and Peter REGRETTED 'NOT' CAPTURING it, on the Samsung – of a blind girl's FIRST-TIME MAIDEN successful attempt, in an extreme sport.
But the ride was 'not' over... the road was still SLOPED STEEP... JANE was still in motion downhill...
... she was now 50 meters away from Peter – he was peddling hard, to catch up – so to warn her... that the path further led to a T-junction, where traffic flowed...
"Janey... get off the board!"
The blind-girl was focused on keeping to a straight line, and heard of Peter's call behind her. She responded...
Opposite the T-junction... was an old mall – and on the shoulder of the road, was a parked police patrol car. Corporal Frank Smithy noticed a skateboarder crossing the road... where there was 'no' oncoming traffic, at that time...
...he was more puzzled, that the skateboarder was the 'SAME' BLIND GIRL... from the black panther attack, which happened 2 days ago...
... Corporal Smithy next saw the biker, chasing over the blind girl – he recognized the one-armed boy – the delinquent son of 'his' superior Inspector Walker...
... who was dangerously crossing on his bike... that caused a Ford to brake, horn aloud, and the driver cursing out.
The uniform police cop had to call-in – AND 'REPORT' to Inspector-mother Walker of the whereabouts of Perth's infamous-couple...
... the Smithy being-police, WOULD LOOK-AFTER-one-of-their-own.
AN HOUR LATER... MS. KING WAS HAVING her matcha-green tea infusion at home...
... and, she received 2 phone calls... from 2 mothers.
The first call from Insp. Walker – and she complained aloud that she 'grounded' Peter but, he slipped away, to MEET HIS 'GIRLFRIEND' whom, she had 'no' knowledge of existed – then, the Inspector-mother came to 'know' at the police station later, until somebody... pointed out the 'proof-of-existence' – in the fine print, in yesterday's newspaper.
The 2nd call was from Dr Shelley Wilson...
... Ms Diane King had gone out to the hospital, after the thunderstorm incident at the Treeton farm that Thursday – where the Sakhr, cursed the 3 handicapped children...
.. she had INTRODUCED 'HERSELF' as the school counsellor, to Shelley Wilson. She gave Shelley her card... Ms King then arranged a group counselling session, later that Sunday.
The next day 'was' the unfortunate-black panther attack...
... Shelley Wilson had-called the counsellor-King... saying that-she read in the newspaper, and surfed-up in 'Facebook'... that the delinquent son, of Insp. Walker was the 'boyfriend' of her B-girl...
... the doctor-mother was 'not' happy about it.
The 'present' call, on that Wednesday morning, was – the doctor-mother complaining, that the one-armed tween had stormed into her 'house' and – Jane followed him on his mountain bike. She was 'not' happy about it, either...
... this arrived Ms King to the conclusion that – THE 2-MOTHERS should meet-up, face-to-face.
PETER AND JANE WERE HAVING BRUNCH in Taco Bell, in the old mall. After a half-hour skateboarding, both the handicapped tweens were having Burritos, Tacos and Nachos.
"You WILL BE 'POPULAR' by then in school, Janey... having all those mad-cows' stories you can tell, from Treeton dairy thunderstorm – and also, the panther attack on your poor-dog."
"But I don't 'like' that – make me LOOK I'M RECKLESS, which my mother keeps reminding that always... that I might be injured or cause injury to others. My parents are SO OVER-PROTECTIVE 'over' me!"
"Yeah, Janey, we live in their adult's world, and THEY DICTATE 'THEIR' unwritten laws left-right-and-centre – even my own inspector-mother, ALWAYS THREATENS ME, by saying that she will arrest me – and Paul... my evil-twin has 'some' leverage on me?"
"Huh...? What leverage does Pauly have on you?"
"His word against my word – but my mother will 'BELIEVE' HIM MORE – he got a secret, that can put me away in prison!"
"What...? What 'secret' is that?"
"...err... Poe will say, that I 'was' the cause of my father's death in that accident, 2 years ago. It seems I'd KICKED HIS DRIVER-SEAT... and cause a moment of distraction for my father – and it caused the crash."
"' Did' you kick?"
"I don't know – and I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER, 'what' the argument I had with my Dad in the first place. Everything happened too quickly, that morning... till that drunken-truck driver slammed into us, to the road-divider...."
"Why do you 'feel' your Mom, will arrest you, Peter?"
"She is 'not' emphatic anymore... and without a doubt she will arrest me, because my mother had stopped loving me, for the longest-time – she is now influenced by other adults, like Ms King and Principle Harris – and that is a sure-deal, that I will 'go' to jail soon."
"No-Champ, you will 'not' go to prison – you are just thinking like HOW A PARANOID does – with all those negative thoughts and actions, which you-Peter are now living in fears, that ARE 'NOT' THERE – but it's in your mind!"
"No, Janey – but it is there, and YOU DON'T 'SEE' IT – there is, a cunning-plot against me, and only I-know it, I've seen the 'signs' – that there are truly those adults, like Ms King, who ARE OUT TO get me!"
Jane then spoke out, in a firm voice, holding his only-wrist.
"Come on, don't do that to 'yourself' – what ABOUT THE SEEIN'S PROPHECY... on what negative emotions can do? It will feed the BlackStar, who brings natural disasters over here."
... Peter FELT RIDICULED, BY THOUGHTS of the boogie-man crap.
"So... you still believe, that Middle-eastern bullshit, that Ms King fed us, to make-us-behave...? 'You' of all people... who had USED SIMY TECHNOLOGY, with an advanced AI interactive tool – but, 'how' could then you swallow up, that con-woman's ploy... huh...?
"... Janey-how can't you 'see' that SIMY and SeeIn, they are THE BOTH SAME-THING – they are both AIs – and that con-woman has been using that, to deceive us both."
But Jane differed...
"No, I don't think so – I'm blind, I have used the 'my' camera from my dark-glasses and even then, I need SIMY to 'process-the-delayed information that I saw. But now... after being 'cursed,' I CAN SEE COLORS, shadows and hews, how is that possible? Tell-me, Peter – I can see you glowing in red, and you too said so, I glow yellow – 'HOW' IS THAT possible?"
"I don't know, maybe SIMY's AI is an inferior model to that SeeIn – although you had mentioned that your prototype of SIMY cost a million bucks. But WE ALSO DON'T KNOW how technologically advanced some other countries outside Straya are – LIKE CHINA – where this SeeIn-device is like an Apple™... that had might come from a mega-factory over-there... with these products are in mass-productions, using child-labour in the billions.
"That China-made SeeIn was 'what,' that Ms King had USED, TO DECEIVED US – but, you only don't say it, YOU SHOW IT TOO, right...? If I want evidence of that this BlackStar, who creates this natural disasters-exist – you BETTER 'SHOW' ME that evidence, not-only just talk about it!"
... Jane thought Peter's logic was 'BLINDER' THAN HER – and, 'not' seeing her point. That Sunday, in the group session in his house, SHE COULD 'NOT' SEE SeeIn – but only followed and interacted, with the SPOKEN VOICE OF SEEIN, that she heard.
"I think all 3 of us are 'cursed.' That is 'why' we glow!"
"No... I am 'not' cursed!" Said the one-armed boy, in spite...
"Then, WHY DO YOU GLOW...?" Questioned the blind girl.
"You shut up, Jane!" The angered-Peter punched the table.
The 2 had their first relationship-tiff as boyfriend-girlfriend – they both sat quietly in Taco Bell ... thinking 'not' eating.
After a bit, Jane then said...
"I want to go home."
PETER TOOK JANE HOME. The blind girl stood in the pillion, as the one-armed Peter rode –they did 'not' talk, in the-entire journey back.
It gave time for Peter to do some soul-searching – even though Jane was the only friend he got, but she was a deadweight, both mentally and emotionally in their pre-relationship, because he was 'running-away' soon anyway.
Even Jane felt that she had failed to give Peter's life a 'purpose,' as she had intended to...
... they both were GLOWING DULL to each other.
From the window, Lola noticed Jane arriving back and was at the front gate... while the babysitter was feeding Baby-boy Samuel. Outside, Jane got off from the bike, and she handed back the backpack with the skateboard. The one-armed boy mumbled...
"Keep it."
"Thank you, Champ! So, are YOU COMING AGAIN tomorrow? I want you to continue to coach me, to play tennis."
... Peter was dumbstruck a second. Jane saw him glowing back to her favourite bright colour – pink. Peter CAME FORWARD AND HUGGED her.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you, back there."
"Don't be," Blind-Jane whispered in his ear... and kissed his cheek, still hugging him – and ruffled his hair... with herself glowing brighter yellow, while in her thoughts of her 'beacon'...
'Peter-piper – you're 'STILL' A WORK in progress.'
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