《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 5: Cat v Dog
PETER WAS IN A MONDAY MOOD SWING – it had been 4 days, since his last tennis self-practice, at the school court. He lazed-in his bed, thinking hard whether if he should go or ‘not.’ He lacked the sleep as he had a nightmare, after watching a Netflix show.
It was the second season of a show, called THE SINNER – where a kidnapped 12-year-old kid, who was PRISON SENTENCED LIKE AN ‘ADULT’ – for poisoning both of his abductors. Coincidently, the boy too shared his own last name – Walker – who wore an orange prison jumpsuit.
‘Was this an omen?’
Peter was anxious and worried – that Paul had massive leverage on him, over the tragic road accident, happened 2 years ago – which killed Solomon Walker, their father.
… Peter would be pronounced guilty – ‘if’ Paul testified in court against him, for distracting his father on the road, before the truck slammed into their BMW. His Inspector-mother would be ever-happy to TAKE HIM ‘DOWN’ – for being his-father’s-son, because of the hatred feelings she has harboured for both-of them…
He felt unloved…
… he also dreaded – the intimidating thoughts of adult criminals, who he would have face then in prison – in an orange prison jumpsuit – just like creepy, and lost looking tween kid, Julian Walker in that Netflix show.
Peter was contemplating running ‘away’ from home…
… running away far, to live a life of as a one-armed fugitive – always on an alert look-out, over his shoulder for the hunting posse, led by HIS OWN MOTHER – who would gladly take him down, unmercifully.
But he felt he needed a cover – HOW ‘EASY,’ it was to spot a one-armed fugitive in public. He thought of his old prosthetic arm, that he boxed…
…– and ‘relocated’ in the garage, days ago.
‘… why not… I got $5000 in my business account…?’
Running away far, to live in different ‘city’ – with a new identity, and living a brand-new life, written in a brand-new slate. Making new friends, as he doesn’t have any in Perth…
… except for Jane Wilson…
… who would be the last friend, he made in this unloving-city – but she too had disappointed him…
… by ‘believing’ in Ms King’s scam.
Then, he was recalling her Saturday visit, to his bedroom – they bonded so well with positive VIBES IN THEIR GLOWS, and later had gone out to Chinatown for lunch…
… and the ‘attraction’ continued…
… it was an uplifting feeling that he got, AFTER A VERY ‘LONG’ TIME, since his accident – and, it felt so ‘good’ inside.
But Sunday came and…
… the blind girl BLEW IT ALL AWAY, by taking the wrong-side – and ‘opposed’ him, with the rest of the conspirators – who wanted to TAKE HIM-DOWN, in the adult domain world.
He felt ‘betrayed.
Now he felt-angry, and he needed A ‘FACE,’ TO BLAME – Principle Harris – came instantly in mind. He sat up in his bed – remembering in the office, he was lectured to take 2 steps behind, to make ‘one’ POSITIVE STEP AHEAD. That was bullshit…
… he should take 2 steps ‘ahead,’ and NEVER GET SLOPPY, to get caught.
It was a quarter past 9 AM… when he finally decided to get off his bed and go downstairs. He knew his inspector-mother was at work. ‘Only’ the crippled…
… two-faced twin of-his… would be around at home, downstairs.
PAUL WAS SIPPING HIS HOT COFFEE at the kitchen counter. He decided to take Alicia’s advice to ‘forget’ Jane, as she had already decided, that she was ‘not’ interested in a cripple – but chose, his one-armed brother instead…
He wanted to get over it, and ‘see’ the greater good – after the SeeIn’s revelation.
He kept reminding himself always, since yesterday, that Jane Wilson was ‘not’ the only blind girl in the world.
… he decided to stay positive and do ‘good’ things from this day onwards. Paul decided ‘not’ to provoke Peter – and live harmonious, by sharing the same roof with his twin and his mother, in the house that his late father built for them.
He simply had to get the ball rolling, by ‘doing’ some little-good-deeds – so, he made breakfast for Peter.
Paul saw… Peter coming down from upstairs. He greeted him…
“Top of the morning, Pete – come, dig in, I made brekkie for you.”
His gesture surprised, the suspicious Peter – who saw 2 hard-boiled eggs and a peanut butter sandwich, on the kitchen counter-top. The one-armed boy remained quiet and did ‘not’ react. Paul said next…
“You ‘not’ going for tennis practice, mate?”
Peter looked up. “You are drinking coffee…?”
Paul chuckled. “Yea, I like it black too.”
Peter questioned. “Are you old enough to drink coffee?”
“Is there an age limit, to drink coffee…?”
“Dad, when he was alive – he told me that, I should be at least 15 before I drink coffee because it contains caffeine – and that is highly addictive.”
“I know Dad doesn’t drink coffee like you, but… don’t recall Dad having a-talk with me, about caffeine – if that is so… then ‘why’ you drink the energy-drink Red-Bull, it is high-on caffeine too, right?”
“There is different – I’m a sportsman, and you are ‘not!’”
Peter told aloud, before he took the newspaper from the couch, and headed upstairs to his room.
His ‘intention’ of going to the garage, to retrieve his prosthetic arm, was stalled – his cunning 2-faced twin was around, and would be suspicious… and ‘tell’ about it to their mother.
ALICIA PARKED HER MOUNTAIN BIKE, in front of the café in Fremantle Market. Ms King waved to her, looking outside the café’s window glass panel. The Chinese girl was uncomfortable, to meet Ms King, behind her best friend, Jane’s ‘back.’
She ordered a hot chocolate and joined the booth where Ms King sat – who was sipped her Matcha-green tea. Alicia had a question…
“How come they-admit they ‘glow,’ but I can’t ‘see’ it?”
“’ Even’ I can’t see it too. But, all 3 of them are indeed ‘cursed’ by the Sakhr. And, with them glowing, it will be beneficial to ‘blind’ Jane, where the twins will act like ‘beacons’ – to guide her ‘over’ to them.”
“Can Jane float? Peter said she floated in the hospital.”
“Yes, she has that ability – I WAS ‘THERE,’ in the ward, that night – and I witnessed it ‘myself.’”
“Will Paul and Peter have those abilities too?”
“I don’t know, Alicia – I have ‘not’ seen any-signs of it. But one needs to be totally-positive and balanced, to get ‘those’ extraordinary abilities – AND, ‘ONLY’ JANE has it.”
“But Ms. King, those boys always fight, like cats and dogs – how do you go-about, to deal with this?”
“This is why I ‘wanted’ to meet you, girl – we need a strategy, to separate the twins, from escalating the negativity – which in return, feeds the evil-BlackStar – that will be devastating for humanity, with mass natural disasters. Now, ‘WHAT’ CAN YOU say about Jane Wilson?”
Making a face, the Chinese girl said out…
“… but-unfortunately, Janey ‘prefers’ TO-BE WITH PETER – her good-intentions were… she wants to give a ‘purpose’ in his life.”
Ms King nodded… and had noticed that, yesterday – blind-Jane had held Peter by his hand, led and brought him in the ‘open,’ from the bathroom where he hid.
… Alicia added. “Paul, also seem to be interested in Janey – but I ‘told’ him to back-off – and yea, PAUL LISTENS to me.”
Ms King continued to nod, and said…
“You keep doing that, you’ve to distract Paul, and have him on ‘your’ side – rather than him, go confrontational head-on with that negative Peter…
“… and also… Inspector Walker should never suspect, of ‘WHAT’ IS GOING ON, with both of her sons. It is a far complicated situation, for ‘her’ – to comprehend…
“… but you Alicia, be-patient with Jane also, okay? She is ‘cursed’ and would sometimes be ‘irrational,’ in her sayings and doings, as she is with-Peter. Don’t get in her ‘way’ – and your role-here is strictly as a ‘peacemaker’ – among those 3.”
Alicia thought of the diamond-shaped cursed scar, on Jane’s upper-forehead, that resembled a third-eye.
“Ms King… why would you think Jane, will be different, and irrational?”
“Because, this Jane Wilson is-IN ‘LOVE,’ and would ‘not’ be the same rational blind girl, whom you once knew.”
JANE WILSON WAS RESTLESS THAT WHOLE Monday evening. It has been closing to 24 hours… since she ‘last’ heard anything from Peter.
She doesn’t have a smartphone to contact him… but she once ‘had’ SIMY, that can do ‘those’ functions by the command of ‘her-voice’– but, her SIMY was now ‘dead.’
She had asked Anthony, her father – to purchase her a cellphone… and he agreed. Even Shelley, her mother was supportive, so that she can GPS her blind daughter’s whereabouts.
All-day, Jane had consistent strong urges, to ‘see’ Peter – and, to urge him to stay positive – or else Perth the city, would be hit by major natural disasters… if he is in the ‘negative.’ And of yesterday, Jane truly believed in the SeeIn’s forewarnings – she knew intuitively, that something-really ‘bad,’ was going to happen soon.
It was late evening, and her father was ‘not’ home yet, attending a work-related urgent sales meeting. So, Jane ate dinner with her mother and her baby brother.
Jane’s appetite was ‘not’ there ‘either’ … and she was ‘not’ in the peace of mind too. Her father had promised her a smartphone, but was still at work…
… Jane excused herself, by saying. “Mummy, I want to go walk with Piper – it’s been days since he ‘last’ went out.”
“Okay, but don’t go too far.”
Jane put on her safety helmet and clicked the retractable baton-walking stick, on her belt. She exited the kitchen door…
… and, her dog-cage was outside. She reached for the dog’s collar and leash, which were hung on the wall – the big dog, Piper howled in delight in the tall cage, while standing on his hind-legs.
A couple of minutes later, both the dog and his blind master were outdoors. Jane Wilson wanted to desperately to meet up with Peter – she had grasped mentally the ‘location,’ where the Walkers stayed… and had been there twice before, with Alicia.
She also ‘knew’ of-a bus, that went around to that neighbourhood.
Piper the visual impaired guide-dog… blindly followed blind-Jane taking a different route –rather than to ‘their’ usual field… where they used to run and play. And, in next to no-time, they hopped on a bus…
… the public bus did ‘not’ go directly to Peter’s house, per se. They later got off in the nearest bus-stop, and have to walk across, a different neighbourhood for 10 minutes. Jane was ‘anticipating’ barking dogs – with Piper trespassing, and marking-in ‘their’ territories…
… during her first visit to the Walkers, riding pillion on Alicia’s mountain bike, on Saturday – they were chased by a pack of angry dogs, and they both narrowly-escaped… but laughing all the way to Peter-and-Paul’s home.
There was an odd silence, in the neighbourhood, in that late evening…
… Jane felt something a ‘missing.’ The blind girl ‘only’ heard her big dog’s heavy breathing nearby – intuitively, she unleashed Piper’s collar…
… and folded-in her walking stick – to become a baton weapon.
Before long, Piper let off a deep growl… and Jane’s hair at her back of her neck stood. Next…
… came the wild ‘snarl’ in response nearby…
… Jane ‘saw’ a pair of glowing-red dots, which approaching over, unhurriedly. Piper was barking furiously, barricading its body to protect Jane, from the roaring black panther…
… Jane backed off and froze. Both the animals were circling each other, ready to pounce.
Jane shouted. “Piper, run!”
The confused dog saw the blind girl running away, in the opposite direction. The black wild cat’s attention was focused ‘next’ to pursue the escaping girl. It sprung and leapt from behind – but Piper bit the cat’s tail, from the rear…
… Jane fell on the grass, she heard Piper’s yowl-in-pain – when the panther had-bit the dog’s neck… going for its jugular vein.
Jane cried as she felt as ‘sudden’ surge of electric power, and she SHOT A FIERY BOLT off her palm. It directly hit the bigger cat… and it RELEASED BITING Piper in the neck.
She got up on her feet and blasted another bolt in the dark – hitting the ferocious wild cat in the midsection. It cried out in pain again, AND RAN ‘AWAY’ – from the blind girl, and her fallen dog…
… the dark perimeter at that moment, lighted-up with floodlights ahead. The black panther was disorientated – and RAN ‘STRAIGHT’ INTO vertically hung nets, and soon, tranquillizer darts shots were fired at it, by park-Ranger-guards…
… who were-on 24-hour surveillance, since the maneater escaped from the South Perth Zoo – and the Wildlife-Rangers had tracked it, by the trail of ‘dead’ dogs, reported in the neighbourhoods, where it hid at daytime. The trail of the half-eaten mutts – bitten for ‘sports’ were highly found – in that Rangers’ triangulated neighbourhood, location-search.
The authorities had also discovered a blind girl and her injured guide dog were caught up in the ‘middle’ of their daring-search. They too earlier ‘saw’ 2 bright bolts… FIRED IN THE DARK…
… and were baffled, from where ‘those’ came from.
Media reporters crew and an ambulance came forth and transported the injured Piper to the vet. The visually-impaired Jane Wilson…
… who was featured… in the captured black panther headlines, of every newspaper in Perth.
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