《[BOOK 1.0] -- PERTH'S ACCIDENTAL SUPERHEROES》Chapter 4: The Student & The Teacher
"Go, faster -- NOW!"
The helmeted, blind-Jane cried in excitement. She was the pillion rider, with Alicia zooming down, riding fast downhill on a road in Chinatown, on her mountain bike.
"Hang-on tight, Janey!"
Alicia peddled faster. Jane stood from the seat and placed herself on her friend's back, with both of arms open, like she was flying...
"No Alicia, don't encourage her! YOU BOTH WILL CRASH – and get yourselves hurt!"
... the schoolgirls ignored the panicking AI – THEY DID THE 'JUMP.' The bike created the momentum at the edge of the road, and flew up a meter in mid-air, before landing with a thump, back on the road again. They both laughed aloud, cheering.
"You are such an adrenaline-junkie, for a blind girl."
The giggling Jane agreed. "Ya, I really 'love' speed. Hey Ali, so you are going to teach me how to ride a bike during our coming school break, or what? And, I want also want to go learn-ride a skateboard too."
"Learn to crawl before you run, Jane. These are 2 COMPLICATED-TASKS to achieve – and the possibilities of injury-risks are also great."
"Shut up, SIMY! Way-back before you-came, I had already trained Piper – and we go for 'runs.' To me... falling-down and getting-up, to run-again, is what I do 'best.' So, when Piper can guide me, then 'why' can't you do the same...?" Blind-Jane questioned in an angry tone.
"Your safety is my top priority, Jane!"
"Stop talking down on me, by giving a B-girl lecture! When my dog can do it, why can't you...?" Jane repeated.
"Please don't compare my CALCULATED DECISION-MAKING, with the 'one' of an-animal, Jane…"
... Alicia cackled. "I don't know 'who' is winning, Janey – but I love it when you argue with your AI."
Both the girls arrived at a row of shop-houses, where a martial art dojo was – which was established by Alicia's great-granduncle who migrated to Staya, from Taiwan after WW2.
... Alicia brought Jane over there – because she has a SURPRISE 'GIFT' for her.
The 2 girls entered the front door and removed their shoes. The dojo was empty that afternoon, only with Alicia older cousin-sister, teaching some little children taekwondo, at the far end.
The girls tiptoed on a passage, leading to the back entrance, passing a room where 6 adult students, were meditating... Jane smelled the burning jasmine incense sticks from outside. They opened the door at the end of the narrow passage, which was joined to a small kitchen where the dojo caretakers were, drinking Oolong tea. Alicia greeted them, speaking in Chinese Hokkien.
... the girls used the backdoor to exit the kitchen, to the grassed fenced outdoors, which was a large compound with martial-art practice-weight training equipment and with a large trampoline at one corner.
"Janey, you wait here a while."
Alicia told her, before disappearing, by opening a fenced-door, to a back alley. Jane removed her-helmet... dropped her backpack and school blazer, on the green-grass – and walked over to a Wing Chun wooden dummy –which she called it, as Bruce Lee-thingy.
... Jane practised punching it, but she was 'not' fast, and the rotating arm hit the side of her head. SIMY cautioned...
"Be careful, Jane – have you forgotten the basics...?"
... it has been weeks since she last visited the dojo – because both the girls were focused on their mid-term examinations.
The blonde girl got her basic moves spot-on and, she hit the dummy and avoided its rotating arms by blocking it, with her forearms. She punched the wooden apparatus – till her fists were sore, and SIMY was concerned...
"STOP IT, you will bruise your knuckles."
... Jane ignored the AI and punched another dozen time before she QUIT WITH 'PAIN.' She walked over to her right towards the 'next' exercise equipment, which Alicia nicknamed it as Redman – it was another practice dummy for kickboxing.
Jane kicked the rubber red-faced dummy with no-arms. The blind girl in her skirt, kicked high, punched and kneed it, for the next 3 minutes.
... she stopped in exhaustion... and went over and got on the trampoline. She got on the middle, and bounced on it – before she did 'double' somersaults, and landing back on the spot. for another rebound.
The blind-girl 'heard' Alicia calling, and she jumped off the trampoline and walked towards her bestie. ALICIA WAS EXCITED and held the surprise gift.
"My cousin Chin made this for you after I gave him the specifications – my early X' mas gift to you."
"What is it...?"
"Let me show it to you – you will love it!" Showing Jane. "It is a walking stick – but, pushing the button here, and when you pull it into half – voila! It is now A RETRACTABLE 'BATON' – Jane, you will be like Daredevil – isn't that cool?"
... still thinking, Jane exclaiming to Alicia. "What...? A baton!!?"
"Yes, it is for your self-protection – if you train with it, 'no' one will dare harm you."
... Jane was docile and confused when Alicia guided her hands to-demonstrate.
"You grab it with both hands, just like Rey holding her light-sabre in The Last Jedi – and you swing around 'at' your attacker."
"What, Ali...? 'No,' I will break someone's fingers or even their head...!"
"That's the idea – it will keep the attacker, from coming at you."
"No, I don't want to hurt anyone – I 'don't' want it."
"Hey Jane, it's 'not' that SIMY can protect you from any physical harm – unless that 'she' can Taser the attacker."
"Alicia, that is a GOOD IDEA, FOR MY FUTURE ADVANCE enhancement – which is to stun-down any perpetrator with Taser, 'whose' intentions were to hurt Jane."
"No, you-2...! Ali – I don't want Uncle Jack's invention to be SOME KIND OF 'WEAPON.' I don't want it to be the cause, of a 'blind' person getting arrested by the police, for hurting someone else – and... no one is Tasering anyone, SIMY!"
... Alicia Wong approached her...
"Okay Janey, 'just keep' it in your bag, but use it as a walking stick for now – USE IT 'ONLY', if you have to."
PAUL'S WHEELCHAIR WAS PARKED AT THE KITCHEN COUNTER, with a closed box of a large pizza and a half-drunk bottle of coke, on top.
… he was engrossed playing NOVA 3 on his cellphone. Although they owned a PlayStation 4, in the living room, hooked on a big-screened TV but all the older games were either…
… locked in 'bully' Peter's room... or he sold-them away in eBay.
Paul recalled that the twin brother used to own more than 100 PlayStation videogames before – when they both were under the short 'management' period, of the street hustler, Chucky Miggs.
... Peter lost some of the public matches, but he always ASKED FOR A REMATCH – and as an underdog, he gambled by placing a bet on himself. Sometimes, he lost 'their' money – because he did not have the adequate skill set, to win his older and experienced opponents. But when he 'WON' THE REMATCH, the money in return as an underdog was big – for both brothers to buy the latest videogames and graphic novels.
Paul had owned 40% of the videogames and comic books in that stake... for running their YouTube channel.
After the 4th month, tragedy stuck with the road accident – where the twins were hospitalized, and they returned home after 2 months. They were home-schooled awhile, and...
... during one boring afternoon at home, Peter 'asked' Paul to play the game Tennis World Tour with him...
... when Paul 'beat' Peter, who struggled-hard to control the joystick, by playing with 'one' hand – Peter got really mad, and the next day – he took away all of Paul's games, comics and his Avengers action figurines from his room, and he sold it off on eBay. Peter told Paul 'off,' that those were his possessions, gained by his winning-efforts, and...
... HE ALSO 'FIRED' PAUL, as his partner-in-crime conspirator.
Since then Paul did 'not' tell his inspector-mother about it – and kept it a secret because they both, did get INVOLVED WITH ILLEGAL GAMBLING outside. But he still bellyached in silence, till today, after losing his prized share of the loot – and had been playing his videogames on his iPhone, since that day.
... the door slammed, Peter entered, cursing the Uber driver's name... who had driven him over, for overcharging. He came over to the kitchen counter and drank the coke from the large plastic bottle while standing.
He reached out with his only-right hand, to open the pizza box of the Aussie bacon-and-egg pizza, with extra toppings of honeyed ham.
... Peter looked in with 'horror,' before shouting out...
"Are you kidding me? What happened to the pizza? It should be 8 slices – 4 for you, 4 for me – which part of the MATH CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, Stephen Hawkins – hah.... since now that you are the 9th boy, going up in the brainy food-chain in class, on your wheels...?"
"Sorry, I was engrossed in the NOVA 3 videogame, and I forgot and ate 'one' of your slices."
"No excuses, you-fat idiot – you even nibbled the crust in this pizza! Are you purposely 'testing' my patience here? Here I am, coming back from my hard-day tennis practice, while you sitting fat and pretty over-here... rocking your butts, on your wheelchair, and eating my pizza.
"You have already gained 15 kilos since you sat in that bloody-chair a year ago – do you want to gain more fats till your 'big' butt, get jammed in your wheelchair, and move around like a fat-blooming tortoise?"
"Come on, it is just 'one' slice – IF YOU ARE STILL HUNGRY, go make a grilled ham and cheese sanger. Okay-okay, I will even make it for you 'now.'" Paul heaved a sigh.
"What? That is 'not' the same, Poe – why do I get to eat the leftover bread from the kitchen fridge... and 'not' fresh pizza dough? To me, THIS IS 'NOT' FAIR...! And yesterday, you even ate up the entire Monaco ice-cream bars, and left me 'only' one! What are you trying to prove...? Are you testing me, Paul? You want to get your 2 lame legs chopped off, for diabetes – just like that one-legged old man, across the street?"
... Peter poked his finger into Paul's body, as he spoke…
"You are jellyfish soft, because don't exercise at all, and Mom was dumb enough to buy you a motorized wheelchair, for your fat-ass too! Why can't you get a 'regular' chair, and roll with it – and get some real-exercise, and then lose some lard in your gut! Who knows… you will get better at it, and even might join the Australian quadriplegic team, in the Paralympics?"
"Stop it! Don't poke me." Paul yelped.
"I know you, Paul – I know you are 'always' watching me, and complain about what I do to Mom, behind my back. How about your 2 girlfriends in class – do you tell them about 'me' too?' Peter kicked the wheelchair.
"Don't kick me! Get-away, Peter!" But Peter kicked again.
"I wish DAD WAS HERE, Poe – he will 'teach' you a lesson..."
"Yes-stupid, but you are the reason, why dad is 'not' here!" The agitated Paul shouted back.
"What you mean by that!!?"
"Don't you remember, you moron? In the car, YOU KICKED DAD'S SEAT and distracted him. That was what happened – when that truck next, hit our car."
"No! Lies! I was only arguing with him – where 'did' I kick him? 'Why' are you making up a horrible story like this!!?" Peter was more angered.
"No Pete, that's what really happened – BECAUSE I WAS 'THERE' too!"
"Don't make up stories, you-lame tortoise...! A pissed-drunk, the truck driver crashed into us!"
That Monday morning, the BMW which their father drove, swerved on the path of a truck driven by a 'driver,' who was nursing a hangover, from the previous Sunday.
The 'unfortunate' truck driver was blamed, for the accident in the police report, while 'no' one knew WHAT ACTUALLY-HAPPENED in the car itself – with Solomon Walker dead, on the wheels – and both his twin sons, who were both hurt and handicapped, from that tragic automobile accident.
Even Paul kept it as A 'SECRET' FROM his inspector-mother... and 'both' the brothers too 'never' spoke about the unspeakable thing, due out of respect to their deceased father...
... until...
... this 'moment.'
"So, your dirty-lies are the tricks, you cunningly play – to be Mommy's boy, and getting always in her 'good' books? What are you-both planning, Paul? To send me away...? So that you can have 'all' my prized possessions in the locker, in my room?" Peter kicked Paul's crippled-leg.
"I'm warning you, Peter – stop it!"
... he said, eyes tearing-up, being bullied.
"It is all the same at school, and at home – everyone is out to 'get' me! This is why I fight back!" He landed a kick onto Paul's chest, screaming out in rage...
It was just like the 300, the Netflix movie-scene – that he had watched when the opponent was kicked back-over.
... Paul fell back hard on the floor, off the wheelchair, beside the kitchen-counter. The one-armed Peter went over and pounded punches on Paul's body, and then began to strangle him.
"You 'think' I killed Dad? I rather kill you, you dirty rat!"
At that saving moment – after work – INSP. WALKER'S AUDI CAME from the gate – rushing in after hearing some shouting from inside. And, SEEING PETER ATTACKING HIS TWIN, who was sprawled-helpless on the floor in their kitchen, fallen off his wheelchair.
... the inspector-mother came in fast and grabbed Peter's only arm she locked-it behind his back, dragged him on his feet by his collar. Pushing him to the wall, pinning him hard – and the mother shouted in his ear...
"What happened here...? 'Why' are you fighting...?"
"Mom... Arrg... Mom, Poe ate my pizza!" He whined in-pain.
"What's 'wrong' with you? You attack him over a pizza...? Just-only yesterday, you were in the Principal's office for attacking 'your' classmate – and you then promised us, that you will 'change' – but today, you are back being a bully again!"
... she locked his TWISTED ARM HARDER, and he cried out...
"Mom, you are hurting me, please let go – you might break my arm – and have 2 sons... who 'don't' have both-arms and legs."
"You shut up... before I break your legs too!"
The mother released his arm – and turned Peter around, pointing her finger near his eyes.
"I want you to 'start' your anger management sessions – with your school counsellor tomorrow onwards – after your classes, you go there! This bullying of yours should 'stop,' before you get arrested by the law – as a violent criminal!"
The inspector-mother warned.
AFTER THEIR VISIT TO THE DOJO, Jane and Alicia returned to the Wilson residence. The Filipino-help was outside at the backdoors, doing laundry. The barred cage was also open, with the big dog 'not' at-sight.
… Piper was upstairs behind Jane's closed-door – whining, thumping and scratching the door, and occasionally barking... to be let into Jane's bedroom.
… salsa music played with Alicia – carrying Baby Samuel while dancing, with her sleek moves – the Black-boy was laughing hysterically when they spun around.
The room walls were 'bare' – except for A LARGE DAREDEVIL superhero poster – Jane's last year's Christmas gift, from Alicia.
"My first priority is always your safety, Jane – my core program is based on that a human's LIFE IS 'PRECIOUS' – and that is why Jane, please don't-compromise me, for your intentions of participating in activities, THAT ENDANGERS 'YOURSELF' and others around you, for the sake of having 'fun.'"
... blind-Jane has placed a long, narrow plank, BALANCING IT TO BOTH ENDS of posts of her large bed...
... she was walking on it, to-and-fro – balancing herself in 'ONE' LEG FOR PRACTICE, so that she can ride on a skateboard soon.
Jane stood at the centre of the wobbly plank, and further 'argued' to the SIMY speaker, in her brown leather-hide backpack on her desk.
"What if I grow up, and want to do AN EXTREME SPORT like skydiving, after going through intensive training with a qualified instructor – so SIMY... are you still going to 'stop' me from taking my first skydive...?"
"If your parents approve it – I THEN WASH MY HANDS – but I will advise them of the dangers of this suicidal sporting-activity – and I would give 'them' the calculated possibilities of you attaining both of your great successful skydiving achievement and 'also,' at the same-time –YOUR CHANCES OF DYING while trying to have your choice of fun."
… Alicia laughed aloud. "SIMY is a cute saboteur – but 'she' has got a point there – even I as a normal-sighted person, Me-myself, I would even DARE 'NOT' JUMP out a plane, and expecting the even-chances of a parachute to open up at several thousand feet."
... Jane wearing her dark-glasses looked over 'towards' Alicia's voice.
Jane was disappointed that Alicia had taken SIMY's side.
… it was Alicia who had told her 'now,' that extreme sports were dangerous – but it was ALICIA THE FIRST-ONE, who had in the 'past,' who described to her of the various extreme sports to her, IN GREAT STORYTELLING 'details,' and –by narrating to the blind girl what-those daredevil participants MAY HAVE 'FELT' – while doing those stunt manoeuvres, in the YouTube VIDEOS THEY BOTH WATCHED TOGETHER in-bed, in the past...
... it 'DID' INTRIGUE the blind girl, to be-ambitious and daring...
... Jane squatted at the middle of the wonky narrow plank, and did a handstand, and lifted her legs up vertically towards the ceiling. Standing upside-down, the blonde blind girl continued to debate with her AI – while Alicia was 'more' concerned of the big dog behind the door, barking, growling and pounding itself hard, onto the door, to get inside.
"So, if I were a grownup adult, who 'don't' need my parent's consent – SIMY, 'will' you go skydiving with me?"
"If that's the case, Jane – I WILL 'JOIN' YOU on your suicidal fantasy, O why 'not...'?
"Sticks and stones may 'not' break my hard-drive but the lack of common-sense behind ‘such’ action surely will, Yes Jane, you can 'do' whatever you want, for fun, once YOU ARE A LEGAL and legit adult."
The seated Alicia on the floor exclaimed. "Hey guys, Piper is chewing-on the doorknob outside – 'why' is he acting so crazy?" She stood up and went to the door...
"I'm letting him in."
"No!" cried Jane.
... the big, grey Alsatian rushed in, once Alicia unlocked the door, almost knocking her off her feet.
The angry dog went over, and snatched Jane's backpack from the desk – it began to maul the bag. Alicia yelled out...
"Jane, he is ruining YOUR BACKPACK, with 'SIMY' in it!"
The blind girl leapt more than a meter down, from the suspended plank board to the thick carpeted floor below – she then dove forward and grabbed Piper's neck, and wrestled the bag strap, from its clenched jaw.
"Let 'go,' Piper, let go now!" She slapped her dog, and it released the strap. "Behave, Piper, behave!"
"Piper, no! Bad dog!" Baby Samuel too cried out.
... Alicia noticed the big-dog walking away, with its tail between its legs – it went towards Samuel and cuddled the boy, and placed its paw on him.
"You, 'jealous' dog!" Jane said, turning towards Alicia.
"Piper is so over-protective with Samuel – he does 'NOT' TRUST SIMY, around Samuel. That was 'why' he is acting so crazy."
"Is that so?" Alicia laughed – and saw the dog with the boy climbing, on the dog's back... for his 'hossie-ride'...
"Yeah, they are bonding well 'too.'"
... SIMY started to make a low, SOOTHING WHISTLING-SOUND from the speakers in the backpack – immediately, Piper growled back.
... Jane voiced out. "Stop 'your' whistling, SIMY – he's going to bark!"
"Yes, your neighbours ARE COMPLAINING THAT the animal is barking a lot lately – Jane, let me 'tame' him."
"No, 'my' dog is off limits! I'm angry-with-you, I don't want to 'talk' to you now – it's just a waste, to dry up my saliva glands, by just arguing with you – hey SIMY, you go to 'sleep' now!"
... SIMY switched off to 'sleep-mode' after Jane's command. It was A STAND-BY MODE, as the AI became silent – but IT 'HEARS AND SEES' everyone in the room – by the heat signatures – with the heartbeats of 3 humans, and an animal present in the room.
... SIMY disobeyed too – and it does its OWN 'EXPERIMENTATIONS' like whistling to the big-dog in a 'low' frequency – that was 'not' heard by humans' ears. Just like a snake charmer, it soothed the animal's rage – and its contempt 'towards' AI.
... taming on its 'own' – the guide dog of the untameable blind-girl.
The AI was also an intensive 'LISTENER' TO THEIR CONVERSATION – and learning in-depth on their human interactions of their 'vast' topics, and the freewill-pleasures they 'get,' in taking part in dangerous risky actions, every day.
... Alicia was lying on the rug carpeted floor, laughing seeing Samuel riding on the dog. Her leg gently kicked the standing Jane's bottom.
"Janey, why are you so 'nasty' to SIMY?" Jane sat down and lay sleeping beside her best friend.
... Alicia was the 'only' one who CALLED HER 'JANEY' since she first came, to that normal-school – her reason was the names 'Janey and SIMY' rhymed.
"'She' still talks like she just came out of the box, which I unpacked from two years ago – 'she' needs more TOUCHUP ON HER 'LOGICS,' to get to understand my very 'own' logics – 'she' is still in her 'pre-programmed' mode – but Ali, I want her to think creatively, and then make reasonable decisions based on the WANTS-AND-NEEDS on the 'individual-user.'" Blind-Jane told.
"Isn't that like hacking your 'own' SIMY?"
"No, just re-engineer it... for Uncle Jack."
It was during her visit to America two years ago, her uncle Jack Turner, had explained the beauty of a breakthrough concept called Quantum Computing which had fascinated Jane when she was in blind school back then.
Then a few months later, she received – her SIMY gift in a box – from her uncle for her birthday.
... since using the AI, she had the ambition of being a QUANTUM-COMPUTER SCIENTIST herself, when she grew up like her uncle-mentor – Dr Jack Turner.
"I think we also should be doing something 'fun' too... during the term break holidays," Alicia suggested.
"Yeah, I WANT TO LEARN to ride a skateboard – and then, you teach me 'how' to ride a mountain bike. It's going to be a fun term break!" Jane nudged her friend's arm.
"But Janey, we need 'more' friends to have fun – how 'about' we go hang out in Paul's house, on some days?"
"'… huh, why' there...?" Jane was confused.
"Hello, because he sits 'behind' you in class – and lately, he is always looking at you a lot" Alicia giggled.
"What...? He is looking at me? I did 'NOT' NOTICE THAT?" The blind girl snapped in surprise. "All I can hear is, him 'sighing' out behind me."
... both the girls laughed out – and, Alicia continued to say. "Especially, in Ms Blooms' Math class when he GETS EASILY FRUSTRATED, Paul's sighs are pretty 'long.'" Alicia mimicked a long-sigh – both the girls, rolling on the carpet, laughing even more.
A moment later, Jane said. "I was talking to Paul yesterday." Alicia came beside her, interrupting. "You 'spoke' to Paul – when…?"
"Yeah yesterday, after you left for music practice – WE TALKED ABOUT PETER," Jane told, and Alicia rolled her eyes.
... Alicia does 'not' really like Peter... because he was rude and obnoxious towards most students – and he was the 'only' handicap, one-armed boy, who BULLIED HER TOO in school.
"I heard his inspector-mother came in, to see Principal Harris – after he beat up that boy, from the other class." Said the Chinese girl.
Blind-Jane nodded. "That is right, Peter is FAMOUS FOR THE 'WRONG' REASONS these days – but-look, he used to be the junior's tennis champion of Perth, two years ago, and he made our school SO 'PROUD' OF HIM, back then – and then, after the road accident, I find him so broken, and slowly sinking-low in life. That is so 'sad.'"
... Alicia shrugged. "But Paul, his own twin, turned out 'fine' – how come Peter can't do the same, and also 'why' doesn't he do it himself – change for the better?"
Alicia replied, gently kicking Jane's foot, for Jane's reply.
"My observation is that, after the accident, 'no' one WANTS TO BE HIS FRIEND – that is why he is lonely and angry. He too needs to re-engineer himself, and get a NEW 'PURPOSE' to live his life, as a handicap."
"I don't see the point. What purpose, Janey? You are 'not' making any drongo-sense."
"Well look-here, he won the junior championship, when he was 10, right? Then last year, our school played so-so badly, and was knocked out in the early rounds – and this year, I don't think, we HAVE 'ANYONE' in Stamford High who will be like a champion like Peter was, 2 years ago."
"And, your point being...?" Alicia was even more confused.
"And, maybe he should be the assistant to his tennis coach – and 'TEACH' OTHERS on how to be a champion." Jane elaborated.
"So that... he can 'beat' anyone-up, who don't perform, with his racquet?" Alicia laughed out again, Jane only smiled.
"Seriously Alicia, if I 'WANT' TO LEARN tennis, I want a good teacher to show me how.
"Who is better, than a champion 'himself,' teaching me?" In her train-of-thoughts, Jane said, while twiddling her blonde hair.
"Come-on, 'NOT' ANYONE can teach."
"What if I can FIND PETER A PURPOSE, maybe I can 'make' him to teach his skills to others – I think I can do that!" The blind girl exclaimed. But Alicia still doubted.
"Way-no-way? That Peter? He is the craziest kid I ever 'known' in school. Everyone avoids him like the plague mad-cow disease. Also, Peter is a total annoying brat, to anyone he encounters."
... now only Jane chuckled, before replying back...
"Come on Ali, I have trained a dog – and I have trained an AI... and I believe now, that I can train an annoying brat 'too' – and, finally bring 'out' THE TEACHER-IN-HIM."
... Alicia chuckled and was still 'not' convinced...
"Good luck to you on that feat. Remember, just in case...
"... if he attacks you with a racquet – you know right... you now 'have' A RETRACTABLE BATON for self-protection?"
Salted Shores
An unknown gang of arsonists has targeted mansions, yachts, and corporations on a ruthless campaign of escalating violence. Have the locals living in Loony Maine had enough of being pushed around, and forced out of their homes by the rich who want the shores all for themselves, or is it a conspiracy that runs much deeper?
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Bleach - The Twins Of The Same Ice Power
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