《[BOOK 1.0] -- PERTH'S ACCIDENTAL SUPERHEROES》Chapter 3: The Ugly Rematch
THE SCHOOL BELL RANG, INDICATING the last lesson of that day, was over. Most of the students were leaving home – but, others like Alicia, who was also a violinist, in the school's orchestra band... had to stay back for an hour, for her music practice.
She had 20 minutes before going to the music-studio, and stayed around, chatting with her best friend Jane. Paul noticed them, while the others were leaving the classroom. His brother Peter also left with his Babolat tennis racquet in his hand, for his rematch with Zubeer Khan.
Paul sighed...
Now, he 'too' had to stay back, and delay calling his Uber driver-friend, so to keep an 'eye' on Peter – in case, he 'got' out of hand.
Paul felt burdened and sighed again. He hoped he had 'SOMEONE' TO CONFIDE IN – just like the friendship – that was bonded-strong, between Alicia and Jane.
... Paul saw them laughing while interacting with the SIMY device on speakers.
He noticed Jane was talkative and loud when she was 'alone' with Alicia. Jane Wilson rarely spoke to him – and, he too was 'shy' to talk to her, anything outside of their studies. It was only through Alicia, they both spoke 'more' to each other.
While alone, they both 'hardly' spoke and if they did in class, Jane spoke back, in a 'low' whispering tone.
... Paul admired Jane's passion, and her determination as a blind girl – who can 'do' almost anything a sighted person CAN DO, AND EVEN-BETTER – with the aid of her artificial intelligence SIMY device.
He sometimes 'felt' inferior to her by her numerous abilities – and still be the 'top' student of their class.
Paul realized that everyone else had left the classroom, and he turned his wheelchair and headed to the door. The seated, Alicia called him to wait, and Jane followed her.
The three of them left the classroom and headed to the hallway.
... 2 Chinese girls, with one lugging a cello suitcase caught up, and Alicia followed them, after saying her goodbyes.
"Bye Paul – hey-Janey, I will swing by your house, after music class."
... Paul was now alone, with Jane.
"Are you going home...?"
"Yes, I have to feed the dog. Are you calling your Uber driver?"
Paul replied in a troubled voice. "Not yet, I need to check-on Peter – he is at the outdoor courts."
... Jane 'too' had heard, some-boy talking about Peter, during the lunch break...
Jane recalled. "Oh yes, the rematch... good luck to Peter, I hope he 'wins.'"
Instead, Paul sighed and shook his head, and replying...
"No, he is only going to make a fool of himself. There is 'no' way, he can beat any of those boys. And, when he loses, he will then get really mad, and create a big hoo-hah-drama, by arguing with everyone."
... Jane was quiet a moment. Paul too was relieved, that he managed to confide with Jane, for the 'first' time.
Jane then nodded and said softly...
"When I first came to Stamford High, Peter 'was' the talk of everyone here. He then had won the overall junior championship in the Perth school districts. even I 'was' so excited, to be in the same class with the champion. But then, the sad-accident happened – after that, he became a different person, in 'class' ever since."
What she said, had silenced Paul – as he soon realized that she 'had' admired Peter before, while he was just a 'nobody' in class back then compared to the protégé champion Peter was, his twin brother.
He felt small, like a 'helpless' cripple.
… Jane then asked. "So, you are now going, to the gym...?"
"Yes, my mother 'told' me to keep an eye on him, so that he will 'not' get into trouble."
"Do you want me to follow you, Paul? I can take the next-bus back."
"No-Jane, I-got this... you must go home... your 'dog' must be hungry."
... Jane said bye, to him and left.
He saw her leave by the SHS left-wing path, towards the side exit gate out of school. Paul headed towards the corridor towards the tennis courts. He thought of the brief conversation, that he had with Jane...
... his twin Peter was indeed the tennis protégé that he was at 10.
In those 2 years before, he sometimes 'also' beat the Stamford High's senior school players, in practice. He then went and WON, THE JUNIOR DISTRICT TITLE in Perth – and he was a media sensation at that moment, appearing for sport radio interviews, and local TV sport show spots.
Their parents were 'so' proud of him and were supportive of his fast-progress in the school tennis circuit. Even Paul was 'behind' him, all the way – when the twins even had a YouTube channel dedicated to posting PETER'S SUCCESSFUL WINNING-STREAK VIDEOS – with a half-million subscribers following Peter – beating every opponent whom he faced.
Paul and 2 other friends had recorded the videos with their phones... and later edited and uploaded on YouTube. It even HAD INTERVIEWS of the 'arrogant' Peter challenging anyone in Perth, who could beat him – and soon, Peter's odds, by the age of 10, had a good track-record, of 7 to 10 wins with his challengers, who were-much 'older' than him.
His YouTube fame exploded too – that drew 'over' 200 local-public spectators in some weekends, at the public court where sometimes Peter battle youths, who were twice older.
The word of mouth too attracted some 'shady' elements, when a LOCAL STREET BOOKIE named Chucky Miggs, soon represented Peter as his manager.
That soon sent Peter into, the dark path of illegal gambling – both online, and at the public tennis court – where THE 'FIXED GAMES' was played.
Paul was Peter's accomplice – and they kept the bookie's betting activities, a 'secret' from their parents.
It soon was like any boy, their age had dreamed of – with lucrative rewards of expensive gifts received, and some free-cash, where the twins had the MONEY TO-SPLASH and buy videogames for their PlayStation, comic books, action figure models and upgrade-Netflix subscription on their tablets. Soon they saw more than 20 videogames, and almost a hundred comic books, delivered to their doorsteps, every month...
... but 4 months later... everything ended when the TRAGIC ROAD ACCIDENT HAPPENED, which crippled 'both' the boys...
... Peter lost his good tennis playing arm – and HIS FAIRYTALE PROTÉGÉ STORY ended on that day too.
JANE WILSON STRODE ALONE at the east-wing corridor, that led to the other exit out of school, which was nearer to the bus-stop. Halfway there, she heard some voices chatting ahead. She whispered to SIMY...
"Who is there, SIMY?"
The camera in her dark-glasses captured, and the facial recognition scanned, as the AI 'probed' at the heat-signatures ahead.
"Some students – Charlotte Thompson and Zoe Williams are with some boys, from the cricket team – Jane, it is advisable to 'turn' back."
... Jane walked on until she reached the stone steps. Charlotte got-up and confronted her.
"Hey blind girl, where is your Chinese bodyguard?"
Zoe Williams added. "And, that fat, lame tortoise on the wheelchair?" Jane ignored both of them and descended the stone stairs. The girls followed her and tormenting further.
"So, what this-robot, the talking-parrot-headphone that you are wearing, is going to 'protect' you? Hey, YOU ARE CORNERED – now, you 'admit' HOW YOU CHEATED in your exams, ever since you got here!!? Do you think you will GET AWAY WITH IT every time, blind-girl? Let's see 'how' you are, WITHOUT IT!"
... Charlotte grabbed the SIMY headset off Jane's head... and, her dark glasses fell, rolling off the steps.
Jane cried out. "Give it back to me."
One of the boys yelled out, laughing. "Look at her eyes – IT'S SO FREAKY!"
... Zoe came forward and clapped her hands at Jane's face, and ears. "You come and get it, you BLIND BAT!"
Jane was on the last few steps – she was disorientated, and fell down the stone steps. The students were scared, gazing at her sprawled below. Charlotte threw the headset at Jane's feet, and 'ran' away with her boyfriend, out of the school gate.
But one of the cricket-boys came over to 'help' Jane – in-self-defence, SIMY dispersed a piercing pitched, alarm siren from the backpack speaker... when the boy came-closer – so he-too backed off and panicked, and also ran away.
… Jane shouted back...
"SIMY shut the alarm!" The sharp sound-muted at once.
"Jane, are you hurt…?"
Blind-Jane was on her fours, her hand searching the pavement.
"SIMY, my glasses and headset – direct me TO IT NOW!"
PAUL TRIED TO REACH HIS UBER DRIVER, but his phone was out of battery. He remembered playing his NOVA 3 videogame during his lunch break and drained-up the power. He also had forgotten to pack his phone-charger, in his bag. He cursed out...
... his motorized wheelchair, then rolled headed to the west-wing of the school, where the outdoor had 3 tennis green, wire-fenced courts. He pushed the swinging door out.
Paul gasped in-disbelief, upon reaching...
... there was a lot of commotion – with the 30 student spectators who were outside, with the fuming Peter inside the court, in a heated argument, with the senior boy, who was the umpire.
The 'rematch' game had just ended with Zubeer Khan BEATING PETER 6-4...
... but Peter was dissatisfied with the match-point.
"The ball was in!" The umpire shouted out.
Peter yelled, and approached the net. "BULLSHIT! The tenno was out! How dare you cheat me...? You now even cheated someone WHO HAS 'ONLY' ONE ARM, just for some laughs – do you think I'm YOUR BLOODY-FOOL!!?"
Peter had beaten the senior boy-too, 2 years before the road accident. He 'now' felt, everyone was 'out' to get him.
Zubeer Khan came over with the $20 note-bill and displayed it to Peter. "You lost once again, Peter – go back and train-harder and, you might qualify for the next Paralympics."
… Peter lost it – he jumped over the net, and beat the running Zubeer twice, on his back with his Babolat-racquet... who then fell on the court. Peter kicked his legs, shouting-out...
"Why do you ALL CHEAT ME...? The ball was out!"
... Peter saw the $20 note on the ground, and he picked it. He bit, and tore the currency note in half – and threw it back on Zubeer's face. "None of you have beaten me fairly so, what ARE YOU ALL afraid of?"
... Paul SAW COACH JONAH RUNNING over... and entered the court, seeing Peter yelling at the fallen Zubeer.
"You did not win, you cheated! You-all cheated!"
... Coach Jonah grabbed the racquet from Peter and dragged him away by the collar.
"You, Walker! You are going to the principal's office!"
Paul sighed, and he rolled away to the nearest payphone ... he had to call his mother, to report the 'incident' to her.
A SENIOR-GIRL STUDENT RESPONDED to the SIMY's loud siren alarm earlier, and came in to aid the fallen Jane Wilson, at the foot of the stone stairs. She took the shaken, knee bleeding, blind girl to the school's infirmary, for medical treatment.
The Black older girl, was a Zimbabwean, by the name Akatendeka Ibori – who had also attended Stamford High, in the same year as Jane. She BEFRIENDED JANE OUT OF HER CURIOSITY, 'once' she learned that Jane has an adopted brother, from Kenya.
In the infirmary...
... Nurse Nancy was putting ointments, dressings and plasters strips on Jane's right knee, and on the scuff marks on her elbows, and nicks on her chin – all resulted from her fall.
"Thanks a lot, Aka – I think it is getting late for you too. I can manage now, and go home." Jane said, to the Black girl...
... Akatendeka left, but she headed to the music studio... where Alicia Wong had just finished her music rehearsal.
The Chinese girl CAME RUNNING TO JANE, with her violin suitcase.
… Alicia intercepted Jane outside the infirmary... and they spoke outside at the pathway, in front of the closed door, of the student councillor's office.
Inside that office, the school counsellor Diane King was doing her paperwork, at her desk.
She overheard Alicia talking to Jane, behind the opaque glassed door. Her eyes briefly 'glowed.'
"What happened?"
… SIMY replied to Alicia instead... from the backpack speaker...
"Jane was pushed down the stairs by Zoe. Charlotte was there too."
"Shut up, SIMY – nobody pushed me, I ran and 'fell' down the steps," Jane replied, and Alicia stared at her for a brief moment and then hugged her tight. She whispered in Jane's ear...
"What really happened? Tell me the 'truth,' Jane – did Zoe push you down?"
The blind girl trembled and sobbed...
"Yes... they were still pissed about both-of-us, being the top students in the class. They pulled off my headset, and I panicked... and fell." Alicia clasped both of Jane's shoulders with firm grips, looked-into her, and said in spite...
"This has 'GONE' TOO FAR! They have 'laid' their hands on you this time. We should 'report' this to Principle Harris – and, there is a CCTV camera over there at that place, we now have got 'SOME' EVIDENCE!"
... Jane's voice shook, in fear. She grabbed both of Alicia's palms...
"No Alicia, don't do that, it will backfire, if I report – it will be worst for 'me,' the next time."
"HOW SO...? You will be protected. It's 'not' that you know some martial arts if there is a next time."
"But, you know my parents – they are so over-protective over me – and it will cost my freedom to freely do the things I want in my life, with this SIMY learning technology – and to further help to 'perfect' Uncle Jack's invention, for all the blind people later, to benefit."
Alicia was silent as she heard her BFF blabber a moment, before responding...
"But Janey – you got hurt?"
"Okay-okay, if the next time they come-close, into threatening me in any way, I will personally go to the Principle – but for 'now,' let the story stay that I 'tripped'... and fell down the steps."
Both the girls were then startled by a loud phone – ringing inside the councillor's office. They walked away fast.
Inside the-office-room, Diane King the school counsellor, who was an Indigenous Australian, picked up the phone receiver.
"Miss King, the Inspector is coming shortly. I want you to be here too."
"Yes, Principle Harris, I will be right over there."
Her eyes briefly 'glowed,' in a shade of green. She got up and left her office.
ON THE LONG BENCH, OUTSIDE the Principle Harris office, sat the counsellor Diane King, with the sobbing Peter Walker. The office door was open, and the middle-aged Principle Tom Harris was standing over his desk, talking on the office telephone.
"Thank you so much, Mr Khan – I will assure you that this sort of incident, would 'not' happen in the future to Zubeer. Thank you again." He hung up the phone.
Outside, the crying Peter whispered to the counsellor...
"... but Miss King, I said that I will apologize to Zubeer, so 'why' call my mother? She is going to kill me now."
"Peter, come in now." A male voice called from the office.
The one-armed-PETER STEPPED INTO THE OFFICE, with his head hung down. Diane King followed him and closed the door. Principle Harris pointed to two chairs by the wall, beside the door. Peter sat, with the counsellor beside him.
The door knocked and opened – Peter had a glimpse of his-twin Paul 'outside' the door, on his wheelchair. His mother entered – she seemed larger than life to Peter, at that moment – all dressed up in her police uniform. She gave him a stern look, and he looked away, wiping his tears.
Inspector Caroline Walker walked in alone, closed the door – and shook Diana King's hand, who was closer to the door, and they exchanged brief pleasantries.
This was his mother's '3RD' visit to the principal's office in the 6 months, after the tragic road accident. Peter had landed in trouble 'before' – also for fighting with another student...
... and for beating up his-twin Paul in the canteen, in a separate occasion.
The principle shook the inspector's hand before she sat, at the chair closer to his desk. Peter looked up and said out...
"Mom, it was Zubeer Khan. He insulted me, and even 'cheated' in the tennis court!"
"Shut up!"
His angry mother commanded.
"Can I 'not' say my side of the story?" He whinnied.
"No, and you shut your mouth-up. You don't talk when 'adults' are talking!" After the brief silence, with everyone observing the one-armed boy sulk, Principle Tom Harris then spoke up.
"Yes, Inspector Walker, I made a call to Zubeer Khan's father. He owns a bakery in town. And, he is 'not' taking any action on the school, regarding this incident. He was really-understanding about it... and he even humoured that, boys will be boys and they fight – but, certainly 'not' in this prestigious school, I reminded him back."
The mother glanced at her son and replied at the staring boy...
"I gathered... that he attacked this boy with his tennis racquet – what-if the next boy is 'not' lucky, and he suffers brain damage? Remember-Peter, you are lucky that you are still a boy in 'school' – because in my line of work, if you are an adult, then you will be charged with bodily assaults, and you can even go to jail for that."
"But Mom, I am 'not' a criminal." He whispered and mumbled back.
Principle Harris cleared his throat and added...
"Inspector, can I also say, that Stamford High is 'not' also a place for illegal gambling. This is because Peter has also been caught for gambling, as he placed a bet in the game he played earlier. We don't want to tarnish the school's reputation with these sorts of illegal practices, and – give sports a 'bad' name."
The principle showed his mother the $20 note, WITH TEETH-MARKS, that was torn in 2. The inspector shook her head with more disappointments, staring at her frightened son, moving uncomfortably in his seat.
... Peter had fear though, that Paul had 'told' their mother about his betting habits too – and hoped that he is 'not' too stupid enough to tell on their past secret, of his outside association with the local street bookie, Chucky Miggs, from a couple of years ago.
"Illegal gambling can land you in jail too, Peter! Stop being a spoilt-brat, and thinking that you own this school, and do whatever-illegal, as you 'please' in here – and then act like, this is your own devil's playground to fight, and bully others...!"
She raised her voice at him and made eye contact with the counsellor, who nodded back. Inspector Walker concluded by saying...
"Principle Harris, since that Peter has been caught fighting the '3rd time,' in your school – I will 'PERMIT-YOU' to give him the 'most' severe punishment as possible, in return." Peter's eyes bulged.
Clearing his throat, the principal nodded. "Ahem, since that 2 of the 3 fights happened, are all tennis related and as a 'fair' punishment, I will make a stand that Peter will be 'BANNED' FOR ONE SCHOOL-TERM, from playing in both gym practices... and in the coming tournaments."
His mother nodded in agreement... but Peter yelled out irked... at the final verdict...
"What? You-all CAN'T DO THIS to me!"
"But Peter, you will be ALLOWED TO PRACTICE ON YOUR 'OWN' in the courts, but...
"... you will 'not' have any contact with any of the team players, with the possibility of you injuring someone else – and believe me, that Coach Jonah is going to keep a sharp eagle-eye on you, from now on."
... Peter stood up saying aloud at his principle. "NO! NO! NO! You can't do this, and 'END' MY DREAMS!"
His mother raised her voice again at him, pointing...
"PETER, YOU-SIT DOWN this instance, AND SHUT UP!" He slowly sat back, and Principle Harris spoke again...
"I am 'not' finished yet, Peter – it will also be compulsory that you attend, by continue going to your earlier anger management sessions which, you had 'skipped' with school's Student Counsellor-King this term.
"In the next school term, Miss King will 'also' be monitoring your progress, until we see SOME 'NEW' CHANGES in you, in both good behaviour and studies.
"Peter-listen here, if there is 'no' progress in you – or if you skip your further sessions with Miss King, then you will BE BANNED ALL TOGETHER from playing tennis, for the rest of your school-going life, here in Stamford High." The nodding counsellor beside him agreed.
Peter wailed in a pitiful voice. "WHY ME...? Why is the world, SO 'UNFAIR' TO ME...?"
Principle Harris stood up from his desk and approached the one-armed boy.
"Look here, you are 'only' banned for one-term – where you can't play tennis with the boys, maybe for 'only' 4 months. In these four months, is where you have to work hard TO 'CHANGE' YOURSELF.
"Just like your brother Paul, he had changed a lot – and IMPROVED IN HIS STUDIES, ever since the road accident. Look at him 'now,' his grades had dramatically improved, and your mother is proud of him." The inspector nodded, at the principal's comments...
"But, I understand it takes some 'time,' for changes and improvement, and the progress to absorb in you – yes, you have lost your dominant arm in the same accident as Paul – but, it's the frightening thought in your head now, which you can't 'let' go – I know that shouting-angry, and sometimes crying-sad, that you 'not' the best-any-more – that as you were, more than a year ago – when you then, had proudly 'won' us – the district junior championship for our school."
... Peter cried tears, reflecting at his reversed fate 'now.'
"But, if your dreams are 'still-strong' to be the best again, then, you 'should' take this time-out, and use these 4 months to practice playing well, with your other 'only' arm...
"This is where the CHANGES IN YOU WOULD BEGIN, PETER – and your path to be the top-best, that you were once were, will open-up 'again.'
"So, in these few months, you must take 2 steps back so-that, you can take one 'new' step forward TO BE A CHANGED-BOY – who keeps diligently doing his routine, of what he is doing, without giving up – by daily practising hard in improving his game – and in his studies too, just like 'how' Paul did.
"It is only then with all of YOUR DAILY ACTIONS – you will be the school's tennis protégé again just as you were once before. You can be the champion once-again, Peter.
"But the choice is 'yours,' Son – the question now... do you really 'WANT' TO CHANGE?"
A Will Eternal
A Will Eternal is the fourth major xianxia novel by the renowned Er Gen. It tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man who is driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever, but who deeply values friendship and family. The story takes place in the same Universe as Er Gen's other novels, but is a separate story and can be read alone. That said, it does have connections to the other novels, especially I Shall Seal the Heavens. Those connections only pertain to a handful of chapters, so you can read the novel as a whole and enjoy it without first reading ISSTH. However, the best reading experience would begin with the later portions of ISSTH. This novel is much more comedic and light-hearted than Er Gen's previous works, although it has its fair share of action and drama. For a more detailed introduction, check out this video by the translator himself!
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