《MOLTEN》Ch 8: Master.


Religion in the world of Ard is an etremely delicate matter since each angel is worshipped separately in different nations, as each of them made sure to give their own elements to their original worshippers; this is what made each nation possess different elements than their peers or rivals in other countries.

However, one thing they had in common, which ultimately united them to a certain degree was their hate for the angel of death and anything related to him…

Somewhere around Brand-jords’ territory, a woman that had what seemed to be a slender build with a thin waist and very prominent curves around the hips area, that wore a black hooded rain cloak that reached all the way to her stomach, was walking through a large forest looking almost lost when suddenly she stopped in front of some thick bushes and trees looked behind her for a second then looked up...

The woman in black: Huh, i didn't even notice i was being followed...

Then armed men and women that were hidden on top of trees and in bushes behind and in front of the women in black came out to greet her...

The woman in black: The sentries got better

Sentry: Thank you for you compliment, Lady Gale. Please follow us this way; the master has been expecting you…

Gale: Lead the way then.

The woman called Gale then followed two sentries to a trap door hidden inside a large trees' trunk which led somewhere underground…

Inside what looked to be a hideout, Gale was greeted by all sorts of people with different elements as indicated by their hair and eye colors, wind, water, fire, etc… There were young people working or standing guard, elderly people chatting, cooking or playing cards and even children playing tag and other kinds of childish games. This was clearly a haven of some sorts with no rivalry or discrimination against different element users…

The deeper Gale went the less people she saw as she approached the deepest room in the hideout...

The sentries showed Gale the way and they reached a sealed off room deep inside, that had all sorts of weird and old looking talismans written in an ancient language decorating its’ gigantic thick door; the room seemed impregnable.


Next to the door was a thin and tired looking man, who had dirty and unkempt light bluish hair and full beard, sitting on a chair just admiring the sight of the ancient talismans and door in front of him, before he noticed Gale standing next to him…

The master: Ahhh, Gale you’ve come at last.

Gale: Yes I have master and I completed the mission you assigned me to…

The master: Sentinels, leave us.

Sentinel 1&2 (in unison): Yes master!

Both sentinels left the two alone in front of the locked room after they were ordered to…

The man then got up from his chair overjoyed and grabbed Gales’ shoulders, his tired facial features almost disappeared when he smiled brightening his face instantly.

The master: ohhh that’s what I expected from my talented youngest disciple, many of your brothers and sisters actually expected you to never come back when you volunteered to go to that accursed island.

He then started to shake Gale uncontrollably as he couldn’t control his joy. Gale then grabbed one of his hands gently then said…

Gale: can you please stop shaking me. You’re going to make me nauseous.

The master: Ah, I apologize…

He instantly took a step back and turned his back to her his cheeks clearly red with embarrassment.

The master: Guhum! “Throat clear” So disciple Gale what have you learned in your expedition to the abandoned island. (he then straightened up in an attempt to look more dignified)

Gale: Rumors that said the island was overrun by demons were all completely false.

The island was completely abandoned all I found were remains of ancient encampments and cities that were completely ruined, but most importantly. I found the ruins of a great temple…

When I entered the ruins I found burn marks all over, but thankfully some writings on the walls survived, and it indicated something very interesting…

The master: Go on.

Gale: It said that the temple belonged to our orders’ ancestors…

The master: I knew it! It was as I suspected! That island is our orders’ ancient lost homeland “Thain”. Now Tell me, What else did you find inside the temple?!

Gale: When I entered the inner sanctum, I was surprised as well as horrified…


Inside was a massive pit in the middle the sanctum that looked to have been dug using manners outside of human capabilities and filled to the brim with murky and dirty water that was full of life: from frogs to fish, snakes, bugs and all manner of creatures that lived in swamps.

When I got closer and peeked inside the water I could see hundreds of charred remains of human bodies that had lost all manner of skin and flesh merely sitting there as food and home to all the creatures that lived there, our brothers and sisters…

Gale suddenly stopped talking for a moment and started looking at the ground with a disgusted look in her face.

Her master then came closer to her and held her chin up with his hand to face him…

The master: Our great ancestors may have been massacred unjustly but our order still lives on and we will make the culprits pay, I swear this to you…

Gale: Yes… (She then slowly stepped away from her master)

Gale: Now all the books and artifacts were burned in a pile next to the pit but thanks to your research I found a hidden room in the inner sanctum, it contained a box that had nothing but a decorated book with nothing more than a few pages and a scroll that contains what seems to be a family tree? I am guessing… (She then grabbed a backpack she was carrying and took out the book and the scroll from inside)

…But they were written in a language I could not read nor decipher with my limited knowledge, I’m hoping you have more luck doing so. (She said while handing over the items)

The master: You have more than exceeded all our expectations my disciple, no my daughter… (He said after taking the book and the scroll)

Gale: You honor me, father Zair…

Zair then grabbed the book and opened it with clear enthusiasm on his face and started reading and quickly flipping pages one after the other…

Master Zair: I see…

Gale: So you can read that language.

Master Zair: Yes, it’s in old Vitae. The language is unique so it was probably written with it knowing it will make the book hard to read, thankfully I studied it a bit…

Now I don’t get everything but one part is prevalent and emphasized in the entirety of the book: “The descendant to ascension is the key”

Gale: What could that mean?

Master Zair: That can only mean one thing my dear daughter…

The ancient stories that talk about the existence of descendants of our lord and savior Abaddon the angel of death are true and to open the gate we call “Mortis” we will need to find one…

Gale: That is impossible, don’t the stories say that they were all hunted down and killed by the other angels’ apostles?

Master Zair: For our future, we will have to try and you shouldn’t worry as I have a hunch we already have our first lead.

Gale: What do you mea… OH! The scroll! The family tree!

Master Zair: Exactly! This must be a family tree of the descendants; our brothers in Thain sacrificed everything to protect it from whoever massacred them…

Gale: …and we will honor their sacrifice by finding the descendants that still live.

Master Zair: Indeed and to reward you for your bravery and accomplishments I have decided to give this mission to you, you may be the first to gaze upon the descendant of our most holy angel of Death.

Gale shocked and almost tearing up kneeled in front of her father then raised her head towards him…

I will honor you father, no Master.

Zair then gently put his hands on her cheeks…

Master Zair: Praised Be Our Lord Abaddon And May You Walk Eternal Death With His Blessing.

Gale: May I Walk Eternal Death With His Blessing…

She then quickly got up turned around and started walking away from Zair

Gale: Thank you father and watch over me (She whispered to herself)

Gale was then given unlimited access to the cult of “Eternal Death” supplies and spy networks in order to find the last descendent of Abaddon…


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