《MOLTEN》Ch 7: Encounter


After meeting Violin the headmaster of the Venatores academy, both Grey-shade and Morrigan were left in his care by Olaf stating he had some business to attend to and so they were both shown the academies facilities.

This includes: The classrooms, the dorms, the training facility, and competition arena…

After which they were taken to their respective rooms.

However, the male and female dorms were built far from each other. This meant that Grey and Morrigan were going to be split up for the first time in their lives...

Violin dropped Morrigan off first then proceeded to lead Grey to the male dorms. On the way they kept having small talk when Grey noticed something that Violin said:

Violin: In this academy we like to instill the sense of camaraderie and teamwork in our students early on.

That’s why we put two students from different backgrounds on the same rooms.

Grey-Shade: I will have a roommate?

He asked before they both reached the entrance of the male dorms…

Violin: Yes, so I hope you get along. Your room will be the third one on the right corridor, have fun . (And with that Violin left Grey to his own devices.)

Grey-Shade a little bit nervous followed the headmasters’ instructions then stood in front of his rooms’ door. He then proceeded to take deep breaths as he resolved himself to try and cope with the pain of losing his loved ones and try to overcome it one step at a time, first is making a good impression…

Grey then slowly opened the door and to his surprise he found the room to be unexpectedly large for a students’ dorm room, as it contained proper beds, shelves, containers and extra space for two people…

Towards the edge of the room sat a young man near an open window reading a book. He was very dignified as he had a thin and tall build with not too much muscle and he also looked handsome with shaved side hair as well as well kempt and decently long orange top hair that is fully pulled back, while also having fine and sharp facial features, with seemingly tired and half opened eyes that had a sharp look; While looking at the man you couldn't miss one very distinct rectangular shaped earing that he wore on his left ear that went down all the way to the top of his shoulder. In addition, the young man wore fine and tidy clothes with a long sleeved dark red and black tunic that had decorated gold and white buttons and sleeve edges, as well as pure white cotton gloves and plain black pants and boots…

Grey-shade become even more nervous as he kept watching his future room-mate gracefully reading and flipping book pages, enough to make his stomach ache a bit.

But, determined he went up to the young man and greeted him anyway…

Grey-Shade: Good day, my name is Grey-Shade Son of jin. I am a new student in the Venatores Academy and i am your new room mate, how about you? (He said feeling a little happy as he thought he nailed his self-introduction)


The young man still reading his book slowly looked up and turned his head towards Grey and stared at him for a few seconds with his cold and sharp look.

Grey-Shade started to get anxious from the silence and tried to break the ice…

Grey-Shade: Umm, you know…

The man suddenly interupted him...

Young man: Did I ask you?

Grey-Shade: What? (He said while confused)

Young man: Did I ask you your name?

Grey- shade was so confused as he did not anticipate any of this, so he didn’t know how to respond…

Grey-Shade: I’m sorry I thought we, as room-mates, were supposed to get to know each other somewhat?

Young man: Well that’s not happening, the bed and shelves on the left side are mine so you can take the right side and don’t talk to me unless necessary; we don’t need to be on friendly terms…

Grey-Shade: What the hell is wrong with you?

Young man: I will not repeat myself again…

He then violently closed his book, got up, then walked up to the door and left the room…

Grey shade remained there, bewildered by what he just witnessed.

Some-time later…

After getting accommodated Grey-shade went to the cafeteria for lunch where he was supposed to meet up with Morrigan before their first class…

Grey was waiting on a table for a while when he suddenly spotted Morrigan entering the cafeteria, he was going to wave at here and call out her name when he noticed that another girl was accompanying her, so he hesitated.

Morrigan started looking around then she saw Grey, waved at him then brought the girl that was with here to Greys’ table…

The girl was short but she had a bulky frame with upper and lower body muscles that were prevalent even with her wearing heavy clothes; she had a baby face with round cheeks as well as well defined eyes and plump lips. She also had amber colored hair and eyes.

Morrigan: Hey Grey I wanted to introduce you my room-mate Lylia she’s an older student.

Lylia: Hello it’s nice to meet you Grey, Morrigan has talked a lot about you. Tell me is it true that your grandfather is Demon-bane Olaf?

Grey-Shade: Yeah it’s true; it’s kind of embarrassing when someone asks me like that.

But I’ve got to say I’m pretty jealous with how you both get along with each other

Morrigan: What do you mean?

Grey-Shade: My room-mate is such a pain to deal with; you know, just earlier he told me to not talk to him anymore. Man I wanted to have a good school experience too…

Lylia: Well with time you can get to know each other, so you don’t have to rush it.

Grey-Shade: I hope it’s going to be that easy.

Morrigan then realized that they had class soon…

Morrigan: Oh yeah, It’s almost time for class; we should go so as to not be late…


Lylia: Well good luck with your first class, i'll talk to you later Morrigan.

And with that Lylia splitt up with Grey and Morrigan and the two made their way to the classroom, entered the room and took their seats.

Grey-Shade noticed that just across the room near the windows was siting his supposed “room-mate” reading his oh so favorite book.

Naturally He was angry, since he didn’t like how he was treated earlier and just as he was going to get up and face the man, Headmaster Violin came through the door and stood in front of the students…

Violin: Well hello there dear students, as you all know I am the headmaster of this academy, but I will also act as the teacher of practical Rouh (Spirit) use.

Many students were surprised and started to whisper among each other…

Grey who was sitting near Morrigan and Lylia asked Lylia why so many students were surprised that Violin was their teacher…

Lylia: Wait, you don’t know Violin? Demon reaper Violin?

...He was is a legendary retired Venatores!

Grey-Shade: now that you mention it Olaf did mention he was an old friend, so he was a demon hunter friend huh.

Violin: Quiet (he said with a low voice that was somehow heared by every person in the room…)

Violin: Since it is our first class together I won’t go too in depth when it comes to history and all that, but I will cover the important parts of Rouh and its usage…

Everyone was intrigued, as it was extremely rare for a legend to share his or her knowledge to others especially when it came to how to use their elements and Violin was known to be one of the best at it…

Violin: First of all Rouh is divided into multiple elements that you can differentiate in people through hair or eye color; for example in Brand-Jord you may notice that many people have either orange to red or brown to yellow colored hair and eyes and they represent the elements of fire and earth respectively…

So each country has different elements that the people who live there possess, and it goes as follows:

-Brand-Jord is dominated by fire and earth.

-Wasser-Wind is dominated by water and wind.

-Lastly Vitae is dominated by the elusive element of life or nature.

Violin: …Rouh is also not a haphazard source of energy that you can freely use; it has severe restrictions and harsh consequences for breaking them.

You see in our bodies next to our heart is an astral one that is unseen by the eye and we call it“Rouh Container”

This so called "Container" acts exactly as its' name implies, it contains your elements Rouh energy and depending on how big your container is you can use more and more of your element.

Now the size of your container, if you are curious about it, does not change from the moment you are born and it can give you a huge advantage in fights as it determines how strong your weapon can be or how much time you can manifest it.

So as you guessed, depending on your talent you can become extremely powerful.

These are the Rouh container classifications:

-Ascended Class (unknown)

-Emperor Class (the highest recorded class and they can use their element freely without any consequences)

-King Class (have high affinity with their element compared to before)

-Paladin Class (from paladin up you can use your element weapon without worrying about getting tired)

-Sentinel Class

-Knight Class

-Classless (Cannot use their element)

Then Violin proceeded to explain each Rouh classification and their characteristics, and before long the time for class was over...

Violin: Well that’s about all I have for you today. I will explain everything to you in detail another time, for now you don’t have classes the rest of the day.

we don’t want to overwork you since it is your first day, but you will be having a class with me like today and the Rouh practical combat usage class with a new professor starting tomorrow…

Good day to you all.

And with that Violin left the classroom using his cane to navigate to the entrance.

Students started to leave one after the other, then Grey-shade got up and intercepted his room-mate before he could leave…

Grey-shade: Can you at least tell me your name I don’t even know what to call you.

Young man: You again, I remember saying that I don’t like repeating myself. Am I mistaken?

Grey-shade: And like I said just why do you have to be so rude like that?

Young man: You are such an anoyance, if i tell you my name would you be so kind as to leave me be?

Grey-Shade: Umm... Sure.

Almond:My name is Almond Dir-Cilcy, now move.

The young man then gently pushed Grey aside and started to dust his hand off as if it were dirty and left the class room, Grey was extremely annoyed…

Morrigan then approached him…

Morrigan: sounds like a real piece of work.

Grey-Shade: Tell me about it.

Mann, i really wish i could have gotten a room mate like Lylia...

Morrigan: Yeah she is pretty resonable i guess.

So tell me, do you have any plans for later?

Grey-shade:Well, I was thinking of touring the training facilities and everything…

Morrigan: Oh, good idea maybe we should ask Lylia to give us a tour?

Grey-Shade: Sounds good...

And with that the duo went and left the classroom, touring the academy with Lylia for the rest of the day…


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