《MOLTEN》Ch 6: Exodus


In the middle of the sea was an old looking ship. It had green moss and minor cracks around the lowermost parts of the ship. Going up, you could see a person holding into the wooden guardrails of the ship, crying and vomiting his guts out.

The passengers looked crestfallen: most of them were crying or consoling their family members. They were all very sad about what happened to their hometown and their friends, but they could do nothing about it; they could only survive.

After three days of a relatively uneventful voyage…

The ship finally reached land, as it approached a decently large island that was neighbouring the mainland and connected to it with a bridge. The refugees could clearly see a city build on the side of a huge dormant volcano near the sea… The city was called Brand-Jord.

They were very anxious as they didn’t know what was awaiting them so far away from their now destroyed home…

The ship docked at Brand-Jords’ docks and the refugees were all escorted and taken care off by the city guard. The citizens of the city were fearful of the news the ship brought, that of a new demon threat.

Olaf grabbed both Grey-shade and Morrigan then they exited the ship, and started making their way towards the grand plaza. Grey-shade noticed on the way that anywhere they went people let them through and some were saluting or paying their respects to Olaf.

After few minutes they reached the Plaza…

Olaf: Look you two I have, I have some business to attend to very quickly I’ll meet you back here at noon… (He said after letting go of their hands)

Olaf: You’re free to explore the city in the meantime, be smart and don’t cause trouble.

Morrigan: Alright, let’s go Grey.

Grey-shade: Okey…

This was the first time Morrigan and Grey ever left their small town, so this was a new experience for them…

So they started exploring and after a while they came across a large gathering of children to the side of the road. They were sitting on chairs facing a woman wearing a priest outfit; this was a classroom.

Grey-Shade got curious as to what the woman was teaching them, since he never saw anyone dressed like that in his hometown. So he and Morrigan stuck around to listen…


The teacher: Alright children, today we will be learning about the angels.

The teacher: Do you remember what we learned about them in the last session?

Student: Yes teacher, we learned that they created our world.

The teacher: Precisely, good job remembering. The three angels made our world and created us in their image, our city is dedicated to the worship of the angel of earth and fire Ignis.

The teacher: This brings us to today’s topic…

The teacher: Today we will learn about the traitorous fallen angel of death (She paused for a moment) Abaddon.

… One student suddenly raised his hand.

The teacher: Go ahead.

Student 2: But teacher, aren’t there only 3 angels who created us?

The teacher: Ha, well you see when the three holy angels created humans, we started to worship them. It is not known exactly what happened, but angel scriptures say that the angel of death became jealous and betrayed his siblings.

The teacher: He made demons as revenge and it almost brought humanity to extinction, thankfully our holy saviours the three angels sealed the angel of death and gave us the gift of elements to protect ourselves…

Grey-shade and Morrigan were standing to the side of the children and listening to the lecture…

Grey-shade: Interesting, I knew about the three angels but not about this angel of death.

Morrigan: We are still young. There must a lot we don’t know about.

Grey-shade: So this Abaddon is who caused all our suffering… (He mumbled to himself)

Just as the teacher was wrapping up the class a well-dressed man, with jewellery dangling and jiggling around his neck and wrists, passed by Grey and the class ringing a small bell announcing over and over again that people should come to the main square, as there will be an important announcement…

Morrigan: Maybe we should go and see what this is about?

Grey-Shade; Sure, let’s go…

…And with that said they made their way to the main square where they found a huge crowd of people waiting in front of a large platform in the middle of the square.

After a few minutes a man started to proudly and slowly make his way up the stairs to the platform. The man had sharp features with some scars on his face, as well as yellow hair and eyes.


He also seemed stocky and muscular as he looked menacing wearing a dark grey cloak over thick clothes with hints of him being heavily armed and armoured underneath; he also wore these unique large steel pauldrons over his cloak that had distinct embossing on gold decorations.

The man definitely seemed important, and once he made his way up the platform he started addressing the crowd…

Gener al Darius: Good day to you all, I am general Darius and today I have an important announcement to make…

General Darius: 4 days ago the town of Spring-haven was destroyed by demons.

The crowd started to get agitated and scared. Some people started to panic and speak to each other loudly…

General Darius: Silence!!! (The generals’ voice was so loud it could be heard by everyone at the town square)

General Darius: Everyone, you should pay attention to what I’m about to say…

General Darius: From the reports we got, the demons that attacked the town were only a decent sized force. They were able to destroy it only because they attacked at night but that won’t work again…

Gener al Darius: All towns and outposts towards the outskirts of our nations’ territory are being fortified the moment I am addressing you, Oh citizens of Brand-Jord…

General Darius: You don’t have to worry about anything, we the army, the shrine priestess and the Angel of fire and earth will protect you…With that being said, you are all dismissed.

And with the conclusion of his speech, the general went down from the speakers’ area and with his personal guard left the square…

The people there were left puzzled and perplexed, but somehow the panic and doubt they felt only moments ago was gone. They only felt relief from the fact they resided in the capital…

After some time the crowd started to dissipate and in the middle of it Grey-shade and Morrigan were just watching as people passed them by…

Morrigan: I see, so that’s how they’re going to deal with this…

Grey-shade: It would have been much better if they just hunted the god damn demons!

Morrigan: … Grey-shade, don’t tell me you actually want to hunt the demons that attacked our town?

Grey-Shade: Of course I do! They killed my parents…

Morrigan: Listen here, we are far too weak to do that, stop thinking stupid things and be glad we survived.

Grey-Shade: What the hell are you saying! My parents took care of you too, how could you say that?!

Morrigan: Don’t get me wrong, I love both uncle and auntie but she wouldn’t want us to go commit suicide right after she sacrificed herself for us to escape.

Olaf: Morrigan is right you know. (He said from behind both Grey and Morrigan and both of them jumped of panic)

Olaf: Sorry I startled you.

Olaf: Look Grey (He then put his hands on Greys’ shoulders) Your parents were one of the greatest demon hunters I ever trained and they couldn’t defeat the demons that attacked them.

Olaf: You are going to have to face reality, you are weak. After all you haven’t learned how to use your element yet, and to remedy that…

Then a slim man wearing a hood and bandages over his eyes, while walking around with a cane approached the three.

Olaf: You too will be admitted to the Venatores military training academy, and this man is the headmaster…

Violen: Hello you two; my name is Violin I am an old friend of your grandfather and you two will be under my care from now on.

Olaf: Well basically yeah, so from now on you two will learn how to use your elements and spirit tools.

Grey-shade: I see, so we will get stronger huh, I like it!

Morrigan: Okey, when will we start gradpa Olaf?

Olaf: Well, you start right now.

Grey-Shade: Wha…?

Olaf: Violin is going to take you two to the academy. Well, I’ve got some stuff to do so good luck.

Olaf then left the group alone with Violin…

Grey-shade: He just does whatever he wants…

Violin: Yeah you get used to it. Well then kids let’s go…

Then Violin went ahead walking and tapping his cane on the floor with each step…

Morrigan: I wonder what the academy will be like, I can’t wait.

Grey-Shade: Yeah i I can’t wait either…

Violin: Come one kids let’s go.

Chapter End…

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