《MOLTEN》Ch 5: Clash


...Then suddenly the demons stormed the couple...

Jin: Grey, Morrigan go with pike we will be coming after you in a minute. "He said before taking his tool and activating it revealing an orange blade."

Jin: Stay behind me Tanya you don't have a tool.

Three demons quickly surrounded Jin when they noticed he had a weapon, while the last one attacked Tanya...

It started swinging its claws from all directions. But, she dodged all its blows with ease and flexibility keeping it busy, while Jin was taking care of the other demons.

The three demons were ganging up on Jin, as they attacked together; the later barely dodged their blows as he was slowly getting injured...

While Tanya and Jin were fighting, Pike, Grey and Morrigan were making their way to the ship through all the traffic...

Then Grey noticed the guards waving and signaling to the people to advance or stop. As the group got closer and closer to the guards, Grey couldn't help but worry about his parents so he told one of the guards that demons were near the docks.

This instantly caused a panic among the people and everyone started rushing and pushing others out of their way. The guard scowled at Grey-shade then dragged one of his comrades and headed towards where Tanya and Jin were fighting...

Grey, even though he caused so much panic, was relieved as he thought he had done his best to provide backup for his parents...


Jin got more and more injured from the onslaught of the demons attacking him, while barely blocking and dodging; at least he was avoiding fatal hits

He didn't have time to check on his wife either. If he did he would be done for. So he stood his ground and kept blocking and dodging...

Tanya was easily dodging and outmaneuvering her enemy as he was slowly getting tired...

Tanya: You're a clumsy chap aren't you? "She said when she suddenly noticed the demon looking behind her"

The demon then suddenly rushed her, she easily dodged his rush by stepping to the side but he wasn't aiming for her as she soon noticed. He was aiming for two guards behind her...

Tanya: Oh no..."She said to herself"

Tanya: You guys Run!

The guards heard Tanya but barely noticed the demon charging at them because of the fog and they were easily massacred by the monstrosity, seemingly clever to target the unaware backup...

Tanya then kicked the demon on the face and hit his eye which then blinded him, giving her enough time to pick a tool up from one of the guard's corpses and activating it revealing a blinding yellow blade...

Jin: I don't think I can hold out much longer..." He thought to himself"

...Then suddenly he fell down because of a rock leaving him at the mercy of one of the demons...

Jin: I'm done for... "He said before closing his eyes..."

Jin was then surprised, as instead of getting killed he heard the sound of fighting, which then quickly turned to silence...

Tanya: Come on big guy rise and shine. "She said to him while kicking his foot"

Jin: Oh it was you, but how? "He then opened his eyes noticing that the demons were chopped up in different ways."

Tanya: I got a weapon somehow; anyway more of them are coming, so are you going to get up or not.

...She said while looking at dozens of demons, who kept looking at the couple.

Jin: Why are they just standing there? Are they sizing us up?


Then the demons started making way for someone to pass, and from the fog appeared a dark figure.

As it slowly approached its appearance started showing clearly. It was the demon general, walking slowly with his arm crossed behind his back and as soon as he passed the demons ranks he stopped and started looking at Jin and Tanya.

Jin: What in the angels name is that?

Tanya: Oh no, that's no ordinary demon. Jin we have to stop them from crossing to the ship at all costs.

Jin: I hear ya.

Tanya: Let's go together!

The demon general then signaled his soldiers to charge at the two defenders and stood his ground, as wave after wave of demons were passing him from both his left and right...

Tanya and Jin also charged at the demons, and as the two sides clashed demons started dying one by one.

They tried to kill the couple but the latter's teamwork was too much for any regular demon to handle... As the demons started to die in droves, the demon general suddenly signaled for all of them to stop attacking.

He then made his way towards Tanya and Jin. The demons started retreating and getting away from the generals way as he was approaching them, which made the two humans even more nervous at the monster coming at them.

Tanya: This is bad Jin, This demon is bad news...

Jin: I know that just from the way he looks...

...The general then stopped not more than a few feet's far from Tanya and Jin...

The demon General: ...You seem like strong warriors, yes? But you keep bullying my soldiers... Why don't you try getting bullied instead... "He said before uncrossing his arms and stretching them a bit"

Tanya and Jin suddenly started to breath heavily...

The demon General: ...Well then, are you coming or not?

Then they both prepared their weapons, getting ready for the battle ahead...

Then demon general: ...If you're not coming...Then I will..."He said before suddenly attacking both of them."

The humans reacted a bit late, having enough time to barely block the general's blow. Jin was thrown back while Tanya was thrown towards a house to her left through the door and into the living room.

She hit the ground pretty hard which made her tool deactivate,as she was struggling to get up.

The general then decided to attack the strongest and followed Tanya to the house.

Jin slowly got up, as he noticed that the demons started attacking again and he was the only one protecting the docks now, so he stood his ground and fought the charging hordes.

Meanwhile Tanya was slowly getting up when she noticed that the demon general was in front of her; she was startled which made her jump suddenly, but the demon wasn't attacking, he was just walking slowly towards Tanya...

The demon general: ... You are not weak right. So show me what you've got human... "He said with a cold and lifeless voice"

Tanya then calmed down, activated her tool and took her stance. Her left leg in front and right one in the back, while using her blade with two hands and pointing it at the demon from her right side.

The general then suddenly rushed her and started swinging at Tanya. The attacks were clearly faster than what any mere retired demon hunter could handle, but she was not a mere hunter; Tanya was trained by one of the best demon hunters and her instincts were top notch even if they were rusty.

This helped her barely dodge and parry the demon's attacks. However this was all Tanya could do, she couldn't return the generals attacks, so she only dodged, blocked and parried his blows while they were changing from the living room,the kitchen to the second floor.


Tanya couldn't handle the general's onslaught in a closed space, she had to use her speed, so she jumped out of the window and landed on her feet which she then proceeded to do a barrel roll to nullify the impact of the fall.

The demon general soon followed her, she could not run away from him her only choice was to fight...

...Jin was struggling immensely with the demons, he could kill a few but there were too many and as they started to overwhelm him, he suddenly heard a loud crash near him, as if something extremely heavy fell down...It was Olaf, the old man then quickly proceeded to wipe out many demons on his path...

Jin: First it was his daughter and now it's him who saves me..."He said to himself before getting up and continuing to fight"

...Tanya kept struggling with the demon generals attacks, especially because of his long arms and speed; she couldn't find an opening anywhere, and the demon had seemingly unlimited stamina...

Tanya then suddenly parried one of the general's attacks and tried to counter by cutting one of his arms of, it was perfectly timed ...but the demon suddenly spun in the other direction and hit her so hard she was thrown where Jin and Olaf were fighting...

Jin: Oh hey Tanya,are you okay?

Tanya:... Yeah, are the kids gone yet?

Jin: Close, they are almost done loading the ship, say do you need help?

Tanya: I would love some help...

Olaf: Oh hey Tanya..." He said while cutting up numerous demons"

... The demons then stopped advancing, as if they were scared of Olaf...

Tanya: Dad, there are too many demons, can you please protect the kids while we're gone...please?

Olaf: I can fight with you...

Tanya: No, this demon is too strong father, it's an Elder...

Olaf: Oh no..."He said while touching a scar he has on his eye"

Tanya: We will buy some time, so make sure the kids get somewhere safe...Okay?

Olaf: Alright... "He said before heading for the ship"

Tanya: Alright dear, are you ready for some serious action...

Jin: Hell yeah I am...

...The demon general slowly emerged from the fog, taking his time as if he was sure of his victory...

Tanya: Here we go again...

...Meanwhile at the ship...

Pike: Finally we can get out of her. "He said while boarding the ship"

Grey-Shade: yeah, but where's my parents?

Morrigan: Don't worry grey, they are very strong.

Grey-Shade: yeah, you're right... wait, is that? "He then noticed Olaf running towards them"

Morrigan: That's Olaf isn't it?

Olaf: Hey kids, you boarding the ship ? good... Your parents are buying some time while we board, they'll come join us in a bit.

...Then both Tanya and Jin blitzed the demon and started attacking him from all kinds of directions...

Tanya kept attacking from the right while Jin was doing so from the left, in an attempt to overwhelm their enemy.

Alas it didn't work, the general easily blocked and parried all of their blows... he then countered Jin when he found an opening and cut of his dominant arm...

Tanya: NO!!! "She screamed before grabbing Jin's collar and pulling him out of harm's way"

...She then threw Jin behind her and started blocking the general's blows, but she started getting tired. After all it has been years since she last trained...

Tanya was slowly losing ground when suddenly her blade was blown away from her hand by one of the demon's powerful blows... She was done for and she knew it... The general then kicked her leg which made her kneel before him...

The demon general: ... Good fight, you are going to have to die now... "He said while preparing to deal the final blow to Tanya"

...Tanya, exhausted kept staring at the demon's hand that he slowly got up to stab her, and she kept remembering all the good times she had with her family, her father, her husband, her son. Then, she closed her eyes prepared for death when suddenly she felt very hot...

As she slowly opened her eyes she saw Jin in front of her with fire surrounding his body and forming in place of his missing arm.

He then attacked the general by unleashing the fire at him, throwing him a great distance. At first glance it looked like the demon was hurt, but in fact it was only a scratch, as he easily got up and started staring at Jin...

The demon General: ...controlling your element are you, but will it last?

...Jin started bleeding from his mouth, eyes and nose as he kept using his flames...

Tanya: Jin, you'll die if you keep using your flames, STOP IT!

Jin: I can't do that you'll die instead... and I can't allow that.

Then Jin rushed the demon and started attacking him using his flames...

...In the meantime

...All the civilians boarded the ship thanks to Olaf's protection and the ship's captain was giving the signal to depart...

Olaf: You can't depart yet; my daughter is still fighting out there.

Ship's Captain: I don't have a choice the demons are upon us, and you can't protect us from a horde. We got to leave now!

Olaf: But...

Sailor: Sir, look near the houses something is giving of light...

S-captain: What the hell is that?

Olaf: Oh no, Jin...

The more Jin kept fighting, the weaker he got and the weaker his attacks became, making them easy to read and dodge.

The demon general kept getting closer and closer to him, showing him that he could kill him anytime he wished to... When suddenly Tanya appeared behind the general and attacked him using her weapon she picked up, Jin noticed his wife and attacked from the front as well.

This surprised the general as this was the most danger he had been in this fight...he then grabbed Tanya by the hand and threw her at Jin's flames, which forced the latter to deactivate the flames from fear of hurting his beloved, Tanya then fell down hard on the ground.

This gave the general the opening he needed to get close to Jin and grab him by the neck...

...Tanya slowly got up then faced the demon who was chocking Jin in front of her...

Tanya: Unhand him...

The demon General: ...Or what?

Tanya: ...You will die...

The demon general: ...hmm... I think this would be more interesting.

...He then proceeded to squeeze Jin's neck harder and harder...

Tanya: No...

Jin: I lov...

... The general then broke Jin's neck and his eyes instantly lost light...Tanya was shocked as she lost her footing and fell down, while she kept staring at her husband's eyes that became devoid of life...

The demon threw Jin's body away then started walking towards Tanya...

Suddenly the earth started rumbling, and cracks started appearing around her...

...The cracks started to get larger and larger as the rumbling started getting louder...

Tanya: Jin...Let's meet again on the other side "She said as blood started gushing out from her eyes" Gyaaarrggghhhhhh!!!! "She screamed"

...Then the earth started to form waves as if it was the sea, then stone houses and pathways started unraveling as cracks started appearing everywhere around the earth, and the demons started falling down into the abyss that formed...

Tanya: Let's go for one more round, Bastard!!!

...Tanya then barely standing, started controlling many pieces of stones and earth constantly throwing them at the general, which he easily dodged... Tanya got so frustrated she couldn't damage the demon, so she tore apart a stone house near her and barely lifted it up in the air before throwing it towards the demon...

Tanya: ... dodge this you bastard...

Then the demon general quickly got inside the flying house and came out of a window on the opposite direction, then started running towards Tanya...

Startled, the earth user put up a wall in front of her from the stone slabs that were lying around next to her, and then made the earth do a wave carrying her away from the demon.

The wall was easily destroyed by the general but it wasn't meant to stop him, only to buy time ... Tanya started bleeding from her mouth very heavily while she started closing her hands, struggling to do so as she was carrying very heavy houses in the sky...

The demon general could only look stunned as Tanya suddenly unleashed the houses that were in her grasp leveling the earth around the two, and destroying the area around the docks completely...

...As the dust and rubble cleared, it showed Tanya lying down on top of some rubble and stones... She slowly got up as she started coughing up blood...

Tanya: I don't have...much time left... now where is the bastard? "She thought to herself as she started looking around"

Tanya kept struggling to look as her eyes slowly lost light, she was slowly losing sight. Death was looming, but she had one last job to do, to avenge her husband...

Just as she started trying to get up she was picked up by the collar. Tanya then froze still and could not look at who picked her up...

The demon General: ...That was very strong ability; you are gifted, or was... "He said with the same cold and monotone voice"

...The fog and the dust slowly passed with the sea breeze as the sun started rising up. Even though Tanya was slowly becoming blind, she could still slightly see or rather feel Grey-shade as the ship he was in was slowly getting farther and farther away from the town he spent his whole life in...

Tanya cried a little bit as she found that she had fulfilled her purpose, that of protecting her child...The general then laid Tanya down on her back then gently grabbed her neck with both of his hands and slowly chocked the defenseless women. She had no strength to struggle she could only gasp, and fidget as the life was slowly being sucked out of her body; until finally her body laid still among the rubble and the town's ruins, but her eyes were still fixed on one thing, the ship that was on the horizon...

...On the ship were many scared townsfolk who barely survived,it is no exaggeration to say that they went through hell as they witnessed many of their loved ones die in front of them, as they were now reduced to being refugees searching for a new home.

...Grey-Shade was crying next to Morrigan who was comforting him; both of them were sitting next to refugees...

Grey-Shade: ...If I was stronger "sob", I could have saved both of them...

Morrigan: You couldn't have done anything about it, the demons were too strong and there were too many... even Grandpa Olaf couldn't do anything.

Grey-Shade: ...

...On top of one of the masts of the ship, Olaf was sitting and looking at the horizon and the sea...

Olaf: Oh, Tanya how could this happen...

Olaf: Don’t worry i will take care of Grey-shade, and protect him with my life… So you can, wherever you went rest in peace.

...In the captain's quarters...

"A sailor suddenly barged into the captain's room.

Sailor: Where to captain?

Ship Captain: Make preparations for a tough voyage...

Ship captain: We're going to the capital of Brand-Jord...


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