《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 8: The Meeting


Gof Village.


It has been 10 hours since the village was attacked when it was finally dawn.

The villagers gathered together as they buried their dead folks. There were 55 dead villagers. Many cried as they buried their loved ones. They were a small community, it was hard not cry as they all knew each other.

As they mourn, Bravo Team with the exception of Rex, stood and watched from the side in silence to pay their respects.

Qwen walked up to the front to which the villagers created a path for her when she walked through the crowds out of respect because she and the men she came with were their saviours, they also feared her and the rest of Bravo because of their quick and brutal way of dealing with the barbarians.

She held flowers in her hands which she had collected before the burial commenced, walked up to the village head and stood besides him.

"Ms. Qwen, it's an honour to have you and your men here with us." Pherb bowed slightly to show his respects.

"It's what we should do to honour those who have passed." She replied.

"I thank you again, I shall go to the front and give a speech. Do you mind if I just leave you here just a minute or two."

"Go on ahead, I'll stand right here." Qwen gestured her hand to let the village head go up to the front.

"Thank you again Ms. Qwen." He said before making his way up to the front.

"I thank you all for being here as we bury our fellow brothers and sisters. It is definitely a very sad day for all of us. We have known them, played with them, grew up with them, laughed and cried together. Through the best times and through the hardest times, we were in it together...." Pherb said as he tried to control his emotions.

"We ask why? What have they done to deserve this? All they ever wanted was to enjoy this little life we've got. To love, have a family, to grow old and to have a peaceful life. But they were denied of such because of the wicked. They took away our loved ones.......I hope that their souls will find peace in the afterlife. " Pherb concluded his emotional speech before making his way back beside Qwen.


"Mind if I place a flower each on their graves....it is a sort of tradition where we came from." Qwen requested to which Pherb nobbed his head as a reply.

After placing a flower each on the graves. Qwen stood to at the front looking at the villagers.

"I just want to say something if you won't mind......You may not know me or my fellow here..."

Gesturing towards Bravo team.

"We are sincerely sorry for your losses. I may not know how you're all feeling right now but I still feel the pain just seeing them buried. Nothing can make up for what you have lost today. But I can tell you, you will rise from the ashes and find comfort with each other but always make sure to keep those who have passed in your hearts.....there is a saying from where we came from... 'the song is ended, but the melody lingers on.'....it means, though they may have passed, their memories will live on." Qwen gave her speech before heading back to where she stood before.

After the funeral came to an end, the villagers then forcused on rebuilding their village. Some cleaned the paths, while other tore down the burnt huts.

As they were doing so, the village head along with some elders of the village gathered in the heads home to meet with Qwen and Gaz.

"Where's Master Chief? Why isn't he here?....I didn't see himnin the funeral either." Qwen questioned the second in command.

"Bravo One is not much of a funeral or meeting type of guy, nor is he a talker." Gaz answered.

"Atleast he should be here, he is the team leader....anyways lets just get on with this."


Qwen and Gaz to their seats as the rest of the elders took their seats.

"We are truely grateful once again for saving our village....it is our honour to welcome you to Gof village." Pherb once again spoke with sincerity.

"Ms. Qwen informed me that the main reason you people had come to the village is to get information of this continent?."


Pherb said.

"Indeed and we are prepared to pay a huge sum for just little information.....but before you give me the information. I just want to ask.....do you use these as a form of money here?...if yes, than what is the estimate for each."

Qwen questioned as she showed the gold, silver and diamonds. They had no copper because the treasure were all precious metals and minerals.

"What?!!!! You have these?.." the village head and elders were stunned.

Are these guys so rich....

This were the thoughts of the villagers in the meeting.

Qwen and Gaz knew that they finally confirmed that they indeed use these precious metals and diamonds as a currency.

"We do use Golds, Silver and Diamonds but only the rich have these type of wealth, we the peasants only could afford copper coins." One elder with grey hair and a long beard said.

"100 coppers is equivalent to 1 silver, a 100 silver is equivalent to 1 Gold, a 100 gold is equivalent to 1 Diamond." Another elder interjected.

"We in the village hardly see any silver or gold, especially the diamonds....we could only have 50 copper for a whole years earning from selling our goods to the nearest town,..... if we are lucky....we can get a silver but that is too rare." Pherb added on.

"Well we are willing to give you this bag which contains silver, golds and diamonds....sorry we don't have copper to give so this is the only thing we have available." Qwen said.

Pherb and the elders were once again flabbergasted.

'No copper coins to exchange, only silver, gold and diamonds.....how fucking rich are these people.'

They all thought.

"Hahahah....Ms. Qwen, please don't joke with us, how can you give us so much wealth just for information that you could get anywhere else?." Pherb asked with some doubt.

"We are not joking....we are willing to give you this bag for the information because you are the first people we came into contact with." Qwen answered.

"Even if we were to give this little information, we can't ask you to give us anything because we owe you a great debts of gratitude for saving us." An elder stood and spoke as he readied himself to bow.

"This bag we brought is to buy the information, also you guys don't have to owe us....you see it's our job to protect those who can't defend themselves.....we are part of a secret organization that protects the lives of every person who are innocent, may they be of royal or noble, poor or rich, peasants or slaves. We will protect them all from the wicked, evil and the oppressors. So you don't owe us anything....so accept the bag." Qwen said

"Thank you so much for everything you have done. You guys did so much and we could only give so little." Pherd who was emotional as he spoke, slightly bowed, followed by the rest of the elders.

"Do not bow your heads to us, we are not Gods....we are just normal people like you all...so lift your heads up." Qwen said to the elders and Pherb.

"We thank you once again for you and your men Ms. Qwen" Pherb said as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Good....so have a deal?" Qwen said which they all nobbed as she confirmed they were in agreement.

"Yes.." they said in unison.

"Also just a warning.....so much wealth brings so much trouble......so be discrete when you decided to buy thing from town or anywhere else." Qwen warned the villagers in the room.

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