《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 9: The Information


2 hours later...

"So did you get anything from the meeting?" Rex's voice sounded behind Qwen, who had just exited from Pherbs house.

She and Gaz were the last people to exit.

"Yes, you'd be surprised with the info we got, Master Chief." She replied as she turned back to look at Rex leaning against the wall of the house.

"Good.....I don't need to learn it right now....present the info once we are back...we need to head back to base for R&R (Rest and Recuperate)." Rex said as he pushed his back off the wall.

"Alright......I will inform the village head that we will be leaving soon." Qwen said as she headed to meet with the village head.

Rex checked his watch to see the time before pressing for his comms.

"Bravo Two this is One...status report?"

"This is Two, all good...Bravo Eight has taken care of all the wounded. Over."

"Good.....Rally up in 5. Lets get ready to move out."

"Roger Bravo One."

Other side of the village.

Pherb and the elders were very excited because they had just gained alot from giving information to Qwen. The wealth they gained could rival that of a merchant.

Since they were reminded of the troubles from revealing too much. The village head and the elders decided to keep it a secret. Through Qwen's suggestion, they put in place a system to ensure that the treasure would be used to develop the village and also avoid suspicion from outsiders.

While in the midst of their discussion, Qwen appeared before them.

"Mr. Pherb and village elders, sorry to disturb but I'm here to inform you that we are leaving now to go back....."

"Ms. Qwen.....stay alittle longer, let us prepare a feast to thank you and your men properly...we.."

"It's fine.... we have to head back, we have many things to do so I do apologise for not staying alittle longer." Qwen interrupted.

"Ohhh.....as you wish, we truly appreciate your help....do visit the village nextime.....we will throw a big feast for you all. On behalf of the village.....I thank you." Pherb bowed respectfully and said.

After saying their goodbyes, Bravo team retreated back to the forest to where they left their dirtbikes before riding off back to base.


Once they were back, they all headed to a room inside the cave. It was well constructed, it had a big table and office chairs around it, with a big screen mounted on the wall in the middle and a lectern stand on the side. It looked like a meeting room for executives of a big company back on earth.

Once everyone sat down, Rex then gestured Qwen to present her findings.

"First of all, I would like to commend you all for a job well done, we saved lives today, for that I'm grateful to be part of this team. So lets applaud for a job well done." Qwen complimented while clapping.

They all clapped. Rex was amused but he went with the flow.

Once they were done, Qwen continued.

"The villagers do not know much, but they know some information that is vital, for example......this world has magic.."

Don't we have that back on earth? The likes of David Blaine, Criss Angels, Dynamo..." Hugo interrupted.

"No, this is different.....this magic are used not as entertainment but for defending and offensive purpose. They are willed by mages, wizards, sorcerers and witches..."

"What's the difference between them?" This time it was Kagi, the South African, who interrupted.

"Not sure....but I do know that witches are only women while sorcerers are all male....I will have to do more digging into this. The villagers only knew this much details because they don't have any in the village, so..." Qwen answered.

"Carry on, do not dwell too much on this matter for now." Rex ordered.

"Yeah, so this world, magic is common.....also.....I know some of you would love this..." Qwen paused while giving a mischievous smile.

"There are also other intelligent lifeforms apart from us humans....they are known as demi humans...an example.....Elves..."

"WHAATT?!!!" Kim shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, the villagers said that every elven are born beautiful especially the women." Gaz said while smiling.

Except for Rex, the others had sparkles in their eyes when Gaz metioned this, especially for Kim who had a hobby of watching anime and reading Manhwa.

"Also, all elven are mages......there are also other demihumans....they look human except they have ears of animals, the also have tails and whiskers..."


"WHAAT?!!!KEMONOMIMI EXIST HERE TOO?!!" Kim interrupted again, he was on the edge of fainting.

Though the others were surprised, they remained calm.

"If that's what they are called......the villagers said that they are very cute and seductive..." Qwen continued.

"That's not all, there are also Dwalves.....they are said to be the best blacksmiths and builders....they are also the grumpiest small beings....."

"This sure is a fantasy world.." Pun, the Nepalese, said.

"Well yeah, pretty much......there are other demi humans but the villagers classified them as monsters, such as ogres, beastmen, trolls to name a few....." Qwen continued.

"And what of the kingdoms?" Rex asked, since he was really interested in the power that governed this continent.

"Well the South of this continent is ruled by the human kings. There are 3 human kingdoms in the South. The Albright kingdom, the Xethen kingdom and the Cenia kingdom.....There is only one power that controls the East and that is the Elven empire. The Elvens are united, same as the Dwalves who rules the Western side of the continent." Qwen informed.

"What about the North?" Gaz asked.

"The villagers called it the Demon land. They are ruled by clans. It is mixed with the other demi humans and monsters. There are so many clans, even the villagers have no idea how many are there."

"So which kingdom own the land that we are on?" Rex asked

"Well, none......we are located in the centre of the continent. The powers called it the 'Neutral Land'. It is said that long ago, the powers all agreed that this land will not be governed or taken by any kingdoms or clans. As much as they hate each other, they depend on each other....an example, the Human kingdoms have plenty of gold, silver and diamond ores, while the elves have the spirit ores used by mages, etc. The dwalve kingdom have precious metals to make weapons and the clans from the Demon land have precious rare herbs used to make potions. They use the 'neutral land' as a trade hub. The 'neutral land' has many trading towns which the rich powerful merchants govern......this land is the only land that any race can settle in and mix together....but..."

"But?..." Tim questioned.

"There is a risk living in this part of the continent. Since this land is not governed by any powers. Those who settle in this lands are not protected. Thats why they also called this land the 'Lawless Land'......Many villages are wiped out by other race, bandits, barbarians or wild beasts.....the villagers are either tortured, raped, killed or sold into slavery. No matter what race, if they settle here, they are liable to these dangers." Qwen continued.

"Are there any active wars going on?...." Rex asked.

"The villagers heard rumours when they went to the nearest town 4 months ago about a war between 2 human kingdoms. The Albright kingdom and the Xethen kingdom....that's all I have." Qwen said.

"How developed are the kingdoms interms of weapons, technology, if they have any?" Viktor, the russian former spy asked.

"Well they don't have computers if your asking but they do have a way of communication. They use what they call magic crystals which are developed by mages and runes masters....in terms of weapons...... pretty much the medieval type like swords, arrows except they have spirit weapons which is not common, it combines magic to the weapon which is forged of spirit stones and precious metal ores by the Master blacksmiths who have the ability to wield magic. This gives extra power and lethal attack to the enemy....their armour is the same....there are plenty ordinary armour while a few spirit armour." Qwen answered.

"Very good......are there any other information do we need to know?" Rex questioned.

"Actually there is......they said that apart from the kingdoms, clans, merchants, bandits and so fourth....there are also cult groups, mercenary groups, guilds who have their own governing body. They are not influenced by other powers." Qwen concluded.

"Hmmmm......alright, since the info the villagers might not be detailed. It is enough for us to move forward and see the best course of action we will take.....but before we continue forward.......starting tomorrow, we will develop our base. So sleep well today....any Question?"

Rex looked around the meeting room and asked.

No one answered.

"Alright.....your all dismissed."

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