《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 7: I Promise


19 miles from the cave.

Grof Village"


Some villagers stood horrified as they listened to screams of a matured man coming from the hut. Some scurried away afraid.

The rest of Bravo moved around the village searching for any last bit of them barbarians. Their main task were to secure the village before helping the injured.

"All clear of hostiles Bravo Two..." Victor the Russian member said after they did a quick sweep around the village.

"Good....help the medic patch the wounded villagers." Gaz ordered.

"Hey, ain't you going to stop Master Chief from torturing the Barbarian?........torture shouldn't be a way to solve the problem." Qwen interrupted.

"Then how should we solve it? Send him to trial, then to jail?".....How long since you've been recruited to be part of the organization exactly?" He questioned.

"A month ago, the arms dealer was my first intel assignment." She answered.

"You should know that we the Ghost Unit do not operate like normal soldiers.......we do whatever it takes to destroy the enemy, that includes torture or kill on the spot. Have you seen what these barbarians did to the women here?....you're a woman yourself...." Gaz said

"See the woman there....these barbarians tortured her and raped her....her breast was fucking cut off by them FUCKING CUNTS." He said as he pointed at a woman who the medic Pun was treating.

"But we are suppose to be better then them......the people will be afraid of us....look at them, they're all horrified." Still adamant about her ideals.

"They should be afraid....they should be afraid of what we will do to them if they were thinking of doing anything that will harm the weak, poor or the oppressed......You see Ms. Qwen.....To fight evil men, it takes good men to get their hands dirty, it's like killing fire with fire.....that is the only way....that is our way." Gaz explained.

"How do you even sleep at night?..."

"I sleep peacefully Ms Qwen."


Popping out of the hut, Rex said as he wiped his bloodied fingers with a cloth.

"You see Ms Qwen, I sleep peacefully knowing that monsters like these barbarians are wiped of the map...... many innocent lives are saved....so we don't show mercy to these predators." Rex said as he approached her.

"Bravo Eight, after your done with the wounded here, go and patch up the scum inside and put him on one of their horses and send him on his way." Rex ordered the medic.

"I thought you said you won't show mercy, why treat him and not kill him after you tortured him?...." Qwen said.

"Killing him is too mercyful for the likes like him......I let him live so he can be afraid of us......scared to look over his shoulders every second not knowing when we will appear....so scared that he wouldn't dare to be arrogant to kill or rape anyone.....this will drive him crazy that his mental walls will collapse.....that is what he deserves."

"Scums like him use fear as a weapon.....we simply gave them a taste of it."

Rex continued before leaving the group to patrol around the village.

Qwen just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Look Qwen....you just have to live the dirty work to us, just focus on the intel...that is your job after all.....so I suggest you start collecting."

Gaz reminded her before proceeding to help the rest of Bravo with the wounded villagers.

The villagers were still afraid of the new intruders, but seeing that these intruders were helping them, they calmed down abit.

"K..k...kind m....m....miss, thank you f...for your h...h..help." a middle aged farmer, after gathering a little bit of courage spoke.

"Not a problem, just here to help......may I ask if there are any leaders or anyone who holds authority here?" Qwen asked.

"Ye....yesss, the village h...he..head is h...helping out.....t...there he is." The farmer pointed towards an old man in his 50's.


"Thank you, I will go and meet him." She said before moving towards the old man who was comforting a child who had just lost both parents.

"Excuse me sir, are you perhaps the village leader here." Qwen said as she approached the old man and the child.

"I am Miss. My name is Pherb...so what can I do for you?" The old man asked with a sturdy tone even though he was nervous.

"Just some information about the land and everything." Qwen.

"I can't right now Miss. As you can see I have to comfort this child. I have to sort out this mess, so many of my village folks are dead. I can't give you the answer right now." Pherb said as comforts the sad boy.

"No problem, we will be here to help out. The men I'm with will help out patch the wounded."

"By the way Miss, what are you here for exactly?...we don't have much to offer accept the crops we grow." Pherb asked.

"We just want information, that's all....we are new to these lands so we wanted to find out more of it. We just stumble upon your village when we saw you guys were in trouble." Qwen explained while lying about how they found the village.

"Then I thank you and your men, on behalf of the village of Grof, I welcome you...sorry if I couldn't make a feast to welcome you all."

"It's fine.....anyways, it was nice to meet you.....once everything is sorted, we can discuss information, we'll give you a generous amount for it." Qwen said.

"You've done more than enough to help my village....I will gladly give it to you without asking anything in return." Pherb said with gratitude.

"Still you need it to rebuild, maybe buy weapons or farming equipments....so do not worry about it."

"Alright then, I thank you once again....I should go and find this child's uncle, he is the only surviving family member this child has. Till then Miss?..."

"Qwen.." she answered.

"Beautiful name fit for a beautiful maiden..." Pherb complimented before leaving with the boy to look for his uncle.


"What's the problem?" Tim said as he approached the downhearted beaut.

"It's just, if only we have gotten here faster....maybe we could have saved them all....that child would still be with his parents." Qwen said with a sorrowful expression.

"We can't change the outcome no matter what....this is fate, and we have no control over what happens next. All we can do is work with what we got at present. We are not Gods, we are just people after all....so don't burden yourself with it." Tim comforted.

"Thanks, I needed that...." Qwen appreciated her teammates words of wisdom.

"No problem, you're part of us now.....so suck it up and lets get to work" Tim said as he gave a light punch to her shoulder.

"Ouch, that hurts..." Qwen complained.

"Being a pussy are we." He teased.

"By the way, where's Master Chief?" She asked.

"Over there in the edge of the village." Tim pointed.

"Why isolate himself from everyone?." She asked.

"I do not know, but we shouldn't disturb him.....everytime we deal with rapists, human traffickers, pimps, sex traffickers.....he would go all out.....once the mission is done. He would just isolate himself for hours." Tim replied.

"I do know that he hates these type of people to the core......so lets leave him be." Tim continued before walking off to help the others.

Meanwhile, Rex who is sitted on a log with his back facing the the village and his front facing the forest.

Looking at the faded passport sized photo, he just sat there in silence, reminiscing the past.

"I promise to rid all these evil man from existence, .......or die trying....." he said with determination as a tear rolls down his cheek.

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