《Black Heaven》Chapter 5


In the village house, "Why did you bring cold food , bitch!" ~ BAM! ~

"Mas ... cough cough. I didn't bring cold food . Please don't hit me."

"Are you questioning me?" ~ BAM! ~

Stradh withdrew his hand from the meat paste. "Who are you looking at?"

The other servant girl started to sweat coldly. "I haven't looked at anything, master. Please have mercy."

Stradh suddenly appeared before the maid girl, squeezing her throat with one hand and holding her up.

"Don't”~ BAM! ~“ "Fucking" ~ BAM! ~ "Answer me BITCH!"~ BOOM ~

The small room was covered with blood and flesh all over.A while ago,Strahd had left the group and started to cultivate with the gold liquid.He couldn't create the mini gaia core after he got to lv.9 gaia condensation.His memories of failures on Earth flashed to his mind. Strahd used to have big dreams and believed he had the strength to achieve his dreams, but each time his attempts were unsuccessful.These failures played an important role in Strahd's suicide.Strahd's bad memories were triggered when he failed to create the mini gaia core.The desperation he felt caused Strahd to lose his mind for a short time.There were an unbridled rage and brutality in his mind.

"I'll kill you all. Bernard,I'll fucking kill you too just wait you bastard.I will also blow brains of the bastards who put me in that simulation. ”Strahd madly swore.

If the attempt to create a Gaia mini-core fails, it was not recommended to attempt to re-create the core in a short time because the Gaia energy became irregular, and the individual could explode.Strahd took a deep breath and spent the remaining time stabilizing the gaia energy.For some time later Strahd left the house and went to the meeting point when the agreed time came.

Bernard was smiling. "Welcome fellows.I hope you have good news."

Everyone was grim, except for Bernard. It seems that no one except Bernard was able to create a gaia mini-core.Very strong vibrations of energy were emanating from Bernard, as he seemed to have a frightening power.the group would probably have less arguments with Bernard for an unknown time.Bernard smiled triumphantly at the silence of the others.Strahd was somewhat happy at the misfortune of the others, but he still had an incredible envy and hatred towards Bernard.The group received some superficial information from the locals about the low-level world they were in. It seemed that there were no settlements with very strong individuals other than the capital in the Northern kingdom.After 3 people in the group failed to create cores, the Group decided not to raid a village again in a short time, as there would be no attempts to create cores in a short time.Their new target was the Raw forest.After 3 people in the group failed to create cores, the Group decided not to raid a village again in a short time, as there would be no attempts to create cores again.Jack was looking much more intimate with the Monk now.There was love and reverence in Jack’s eyes.

"Probably The Stockholm syndrome.",Strahd smiled.

Mary’s new zombie Doug was looking frightening,It was no surprise because before, Doug was a lv.9 fighter before. Linda's stomach was very swollen, and white vapors came constantly from her mouth.Strahd didn't want to think about what would come out of Linda's stomach.Their new target was the Raw forest.The population of the raw forest consisted of Nymphs, a mixture of humans and plants.Nymphs were only females, humanoid creatures with large breasts and buttocks and sexy body lines.there were small branches of their long green hair.Nymphs, who succeeded in bewitching people, made people fall in love with them and exploited all the essence of people with sex.Nymphs had an innate mastery of earth magic.The plant called Serene Leaf which occurs naturally in The raw forest was excellent cultivation material for developing the gaia proficiency of the person.The plant called Serene Leaf, which occurs naturally in its raw forest, was developing the gaia proficiency of the person consuming the plant.With higher the Gaia proficiency faster individuals can cultivate and since the individual's gaia would be more pure, they could exhibit stronger abilities with less gaia use.Strahd was aware that his Gaia proficiency was very low. One of the biggest reasons he couldn't create a core was due to his lack of proficiency.Gaia energy appeared in brown for each person on the Gaia skills screen when they entered the platform in the room. According to the Cultivation book, the Gaia proficiency was divided into groups by color. The levels were listed as brown-purple-yellow-green-red and blue, respectively. There was no information in the book about whether there was any other level. The group set out for the Dew forests.


A small group was moving at a steady pace through the Green plains with sparse short trees.

"This must be the Raw forests, look at the huge trees?" Bernard could not hide his astonishment about the forest before him.There was almost no light penetrating through the forest from the enormous wide-stem trees that could reach up to 150 meters, and there were cicada sounds all around.The forest had a width of 200 square kilometers, according to information from the The room system. The villagers said that a person who entered the forest did not return again. Of course, this was not a problem for this mad group.The group started moving through the forest.According to the information in their minds, the serene leaf grew only in the center of the forest.So it would take a few days to reach the center of the forest. The group decided to rest after a day of walking without hesitation. They haven't yet seen any other remarkable creatures except a few deer and squirrels, and the whole walk continued without danger.Jack spotted a delicious looking pear 15 yards away, which was at the top of a 40-centimeter thin tree.When he took the full pear in his hand, a mouth 2 meters in diameter opened up from the ground he set foot on.The inside of the plant's mouth was covered with numerous large and small incisors.

~ Scream ~ The group was suddenly ready. “Jack!” The priest started running towards Jack.

Jack was in the plant of a big mouth up to his chest.When Monk just took Jack's hand and pulled,Monk had only Jack's head and chest in his hands.

"Fireball" Mary conjured a fast spell and a 40-centimeter fireball hit the arrow-like carnivorous plant. The creature's shrill screams were heard.Fire was indeed bane of all plants.The Monk went mad with anger and punched the burning plant with iron gloves wildly.

When the carnivorous plant was completely disintegrated, Mary shouted, “There are a lot of hard gaia vibrations around us!” Man-eating plants with sharp teeth suddenly appeared around the whole camp

Bernard ordered, "Mary, use the Hell Blast skill! Everybody get together!" The Hell Blast skill was spending excessive essence of Mary.Every time she used it,she would be very weak for some time.But she could not oppose Bernard.All she could do was grit her teeth and execute the order. The group gathered, "Hell Blast!" A flame barrier formed around the group and the flames suddenly expanded 50 meters in diameter.

~ bzzt ~ the bodies of burnt plants were aching like meat cooked on fire.

"Looks like the forest was really dangerous. Yet these creatures are at the gaia condensation level." Bernard shook his head with disappointment.

Nobody wanted to think about what he would do with the lips.The Gaia power stones of dead plants did little to do with the creation of mini cores, except to regenerate diminished essence, as the entire group had peak lv.9 condensation cultivation, except Bernard.Nevertheless, they collected even the lowest level stones and divided them equally.The group took turns keeping watch and rested until the morning.The next day they set out again.Margery was a Nymph, she had attracted many handsome knights, dried them to the bone, and finally got a peak Iv.9 gaia condensation.She was staring at her own beautiful reflection in the water in the small 70 square meter lake in the forest, "Soon." she thought.Margery imagined when she would create the Gaia mini-core. She would have a seat in the Nymph assembly.She would put lowly trash Nymphs in their place who constantly mock her.When she turned her head she saw a warrior sitting with his back facing the lake.She gasped with excitement when she realized that the lv.9 gaia energy was emanating from the warrior. If she could consume the essence of such a powerful warrior, maybe she could form a gaia mini-core. she stood up and took a self-determined glance at the warrior, "I shall defy heavens!" She began to walk towards the warrior, bouncing as if she was like a gazelle.She started muttering enchanting melodies with her angelic voice."Haha, let's look at me, my new victim. You are the one I have been waiting for. The chosen one hahaha".But something just didn't seem right. Why didn't the warrior still look at Margery. Was the warrior deaf?, "Well that's just a small problem, let's see if you still remain insensitive when you see my naked body ihihih".Margery quickly approached the warrior, put her hand on the warrior's shoulder and turned the warrior to herself,"Kiss me baby" ~ kiss ~


Margery tasted disgusting in her mouth, and she was horrified when she looked at the warrior's face;two white eyes,black discharge from shattered lips and a breath that smelled like the Dead.

"Yes! We got the bitch!" The group leaped out of their hiding places with a cry of victory.

"Nooo!" When Margery tried to escape, Zombie Doug’s iron-like hands held her arms and she couldn’t move a single inch. She decided to cast an offensive spell and started to mutter the spell syllables then she heard Mary's voice, "Don't push your luck my dear.We took a lot of trouble to get you alive. Or you were already dead.".Margery was horrified but wouldn't give up without playing all her trumps. Nymphs had innate bewitching abilities. Even if the target was female, it was common for females to be bewitched and engage in lesbian sex easly.She immediately used the bewitching eye skill. "Hmph!" Mary snorted and instantly got rid of Margery's bewitching skill.Sadly Mary too had innate bewitching abilities with the awakening of Gaia. Margery vomited a mouthful of blood from the spell backslash she used. Mary lifted the Tome in her hand and cast a binding spell. Various black magic symbols formed on her entire body and disappeared in her body.

Mary turned to the group,"All right, you can come in.She can't cast any spells now."

Strahd's eyes were lustful,"Shit, the Nymphs really have the reputation of the fairy tales."

"Be careful, even if no magic can be used, they can consume your essence through sexual contact.This is a talent they have inherited biologically. ”Mary warned.

Bernard walked over to Margery."I don't care about the sexual characteristics of this bitch. All I care about is that she has important knowledge for our goal, I've been a mercenary for a while in my life in simulation. Leave the torture thing to me."

While Margery was still in shock, she saw a big, dark person in front of her. ~ Bam! ~

When She opened her eyes, she noticed that her arms and legs were tied between two nearby trees.She couldn't use any magic for help, so she started screaming for help. Unfortunately, her screams were not heard. She saw that various symbols were engraved on the surrounding trees. These symbols were stealth magic runes that could scatter sound and other vibrations.Bernard comes up with a fiery iron in his hand."Well it's nice to have a magician in the band, otherwise how are we going to piss this piece of iron on fire haha". Margaret got shivers up her spine.

"Speak, where can we find the Serene Leaves?"

Serene Leaf was one of the most sacred items of the Nymphs. It was one of the biggest sins to give them to anyone other than the Nymphs, or to tell their place and endanger the development of the Nymphs race.

Margery gave Bernard a hateful look "Even if you kill me, you won't find out" ~ spit ~

The whole group suddenly fell silent, and Strahd gave Margery a pitying look.Bernard wiped the saliva from his face and put it to his mouth and gave her a smile.But this look was not an affectionate smile at all.

"The hard way then".He took that hot iron and inserted it into Margery's vagina.”Uaghhhh….aaahghh...No stop!!”.Bernard didn’t stop.He put the hot iron in and out of her vagina and ass hole for 10 minutes without a stop.

Strahd came up to Bernard, "Hey Bernard,shouldn’t you stop and ask questions from time to time"

Bernard shook his head, "No we're on warm-up laps for now."

During this time, Margery fainted 2-3 times. Every time she fainted, they poured cold water on her head and she suddenly woke up shivering, cold sweat running from her body and blood coming from her mouth from clenching her teeth.

Bernard let go of the angry iron, "Let's take some nails off now."One by one, Bernard began to rip off each of his nails with his vise-like hands.

Margery pleaded, "Wait, please stop, I'll say everything."

Bernard shook his head, "No, you don't look like you're going to say it all."

Bernard then covered her face with a wet cloth and wrapped wet towels around her body and began hitting her with a wooden bat.After he finished,he took the diapers off, Margey pleaded with having trouble breathing, "No no, I will say it all, please. I can even be your slave. Please, I will do anything."

Bernard nodded, "Yes,I believe you're going to speak honestly now."

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