《Black Heaven》Chapter 4


Boom! There was a 20 cm depression in the cave wall.

"Not bad." Strahd looked at his fist. He had now at least 750 kg of punch strength. His body was much more durable. He thought he was physically close to Bernard and Monk in physical strength. In terms of durability, it far exceeded them.

“Still, I'm not strong enough to take the risk.” Strahd has never been an overly brave guy. He was always the type to invest in the game he was sure to win.Body tempering was an extremely painful and time consuming phase.He washed with the stream water he had previously stocked in his inventory and drank water.When the body tempering phase was over, he would almost die of thirst and lack of energy.Thanks to the spiritual plant, he achieved the steel body mastery without any extra effort. All he had to do was endure the suffering.

Strahd pulled out the Gaia power stones he had cached,"According to the book of Cultivation, I have to direct the Gaia energy according to a certain diagram in my body." He took a stone in both hands and started directing the energy from the stones to his body. The Gaia energy was getting more concentrated in his body at each cycle.At the end of the 7th day in the cave, "Lv.7 Gaia condensation! The voice in my mind has begun to become more pronounced. Now I can divide my mind into 2 and think of different things at the same time. Unfortunately there is still no noticeable physical strength contribution to my body ..."

According to the book of Cultivation, Gaia has a different nature in each person. In later stages, individuals with mental power can develop terrible abilities. This was Strahd's only consolation.Strahd came out of the cave at the end of the day. Everyone was emitting stronger energy vibrations than they did a week ago.

"Well friends, there is a small village within half a day's walking distance. As it is the furthest away from the kingdom, it doesn't have close contact with other settlements. So we'll have plenty of time to take over the village.Let's check the village once or twice in secret to avoid any surprises. Since we came out of simulation, we can automatically understand and speak the languages of different worlds. So I don't think we will face a problem in communication in this low-level world. Okay let's go ",Bernard automatically became the leader of the group.Stradh could see that Bernard had a leader charisma.

"Was he a soldier before?",The group decided not to talk about their previous lives by non-verbal agreement. Everyone was respectful to each other's privacy.Life in the village of Hemlak was difficult, there was a constant shortage of food, and sickness and death were common.The village had about 70 small stone houses, and the technology was extremely primitive.Probably, in this low level world, it seemed that technology could not surpass the first age.Jack was a 17-year-old young boy who was crippled by a wild animal attack and Jack took all the burden with his mother.Apart from agriculture, the most income generating job in the village was hunting.But to deal with the Demon beasts, you had to be at least junior warriors. Gaia cores of Demon beasts could be sold in large quantities of gold to traveling merchants. Jack was preparing for the awakening ritual.Although he had tried 3 times before, Jack Gaia was not able to awaken.Childhood love Linda married the ugly Deniz in the village 2 months ago.Linda told Jack that she had given him 3 chances, but Jack somehow failed the awakening rites.


"Sorry Jack I can't wait for you any longer. The women in the village are gossiping that I'm a whore. I can't take it any longer.",Linda was 16 years old. Village women were often married off as she turned 13. If a woman was still not married after 13, she would be considered problematic.Perhaps it was thought that the girl had sex before she got married.Jack was waking up every morning cursing at Deniz. ”Why doesn't The Gaia ever see me” Jack's eyes started to fill up again.Suddenly he saw the villagers gathering in the village square.

"What is this?Why is there a demon beast head near the village” The villagers were confused.

Then the village carrying the warriors came, armed with swords and spears. They were led by Doug.His brows scowled,"This is not a good omen. Let's search around the village with two groups"

A group of 4 was secretly watching the village from afar. ”Of the warriors on patrol, the highest level was at lv.9 gaia condentation. They probably don't have a stronger warrior.” Mary opened her eyes. She had the ability to scan around.The group of 3 hunters who went hunting from the village the next day did not return.Later, many hunters who had been hunting for a week did not return to the village. The peasants began to feel uneasy. They began to think that they were cursed by the demon god.Daug forbade the remaining hunters in the village from hunting.

While Jack was drinking water from the courtyard, Linda came up to him,"Jack, Deniz didn't go hunting and came back."

"Why are you telling me this, Linda? Frankly, I can't say I'm sorry. I must say I can even admit I'm glad." Jack frowned.

“Jack,Deniz is my husband. Will my widowhood at 16 really make you happy? You have to find him.If there is even a little value for what happened between us, you should help me. Please, I am pregnant. Do you understand? I don't want my child to grow up without a father "

Jack felt like he got stabbed in the heart. Something vaguely mumbled in his mouth. She finally heard the word "fine."

Jack and Linda set out in the evening to search for Deniz from the village. When they crossed the full mountain trail, they saw 4 human silhouettes in front of them, and 4 smiled at them, but this smile resembled a devilish smile.

"I haven't had sex in a long time." Everyone looked at Monk.

Jack took Linda behind him, "First you have to get past my dead body."

Strahd felt helpless,"I cannot act individually in the group.I cannot bear drawing their ire."

Monk suddenly appeared beside Jack. He hit Jack's neck and He become paralyzed. Linda pleaded, "Please mercy, I'm pregnant."

Monk smiled at the girl mercilessly, "Noone can take you from us here."

Bernard looked at the Monk,"I read that Monks are forbidden to sex with women."

"Who said I wanted the woman?" Monk grinned.At this moment Jack knew he was in a deep trouble.Mary stood up, "What about the girl?"

Bernard said he was not interested, and Strahd said he had not yet been so dehumanized.

"Well, it looks like you're mine baby" Mary licked her lips lustfully

Monk led Jack into the bushes, and Jack's screams of pain and pleasure were heard all evening.Sentences were heard sometimes "kill me",sometimes "I will kill you".But there was no sound heard from Linda.


Two days later Bernard gathered the group again,"The villagers apparently won't leave the village soon. According to the information we got from Jack and Linda, there are no high-level people in the village. Everybody get ready, we are attacking the village tonight."Jack was wearing a leash around his neck, and the sparkle of his eyes was gone.

"You understand that you are my little bitch right? I won't see you looking at anyone else. When we're done like that, I'll take you back. Be a good bitch and wait for me here.",Monk gave Jack a kiss and set off.

Strahd looked around and was suddenly startled. "What's that?"

Linda stood beside Mary, she had white eyes, had a gray complexion, her lips were torn and standing like a lifeless puppet,"I tried the spells from the spell book on Linda. Right now Linda has turned into some a kind of zombie, a Fast Walker.".Linda's stomach was huge, but Strahd didn't want to look and ask any further.

Nightfall, two guards were waiting at the entrance of the village, occasionally making hand jokes to each other and wishing the time to pass as soon as possible.One of the guards wanted to hit the other playfully with his arm.He swung his arm but couldn't see his arm. As he tried to find out where his arm was, he heard a voice across the street.

"It is here." Strahd was waving the guard's arm.

When he turned to his friend to ask for help, he noticed that all the flesh of his friend's upper body had melted and smoke was coming out of his skull.Just as he was screaming, he saw his vision slide down and his head hit the ground, and then his whole vision darkened.

"Venom is very intense." Bernard was content with the effect of his poison skill.Two venom teeth grew out of his mouth and he could spray venom.

Mary approached with Tome in her hand,"I have a spell called the Madness Fog that makes people go crazy. But it is only effective on low-level livings."

Bernard agreed, "If we push the whole village into chaos, we'll deal more easily with the warriors. Do it."

Mary let out a diabolical scream, and the Tome in her hand glistened with an ominous glow, and The fog from The Tome began to spread throughout the village.In the evening,the guards on the northern front of the village were killed.So that no one noticed the abnormal fog until it was too late.People woke up from their sleep and started screaming.Some of them banged their heads against the walls and smashed their heads.Some began to chop their children and wife with a knife.They were attacking their beloveds and friends.The village was in complete turmoil.

Doug noticed the spell and suddenly rushed out of his house.Nothing was clearly visible in the fog,“God forgive us.” Doug had never faced anything like this in his life.This Madness fog seemed to be definitely a wizard's job, but wizards were only found in the capital of the country.What kind of wizard stops by this village and what can he ask for?Doug, barely trying to navigate, began rushing towards the houses of the other fighters. Sometimes a mad peasant tried to attack him and had to kill the attacker.The two warrior houses Doug went to were also empty, but he gathered a total of 6 people from the next 3 houses.

"We don't have the strength to lift this fog without killing the wizard who summoned the fog. We need to find the magician." Doug raised his weapon.Although Madness Fog was very dangerous, it was able to protect itself from the effects of the fog by looping the Gaia essence in it. Other warriors could successfully resist it, although it was not easy like Doug.They couldn't see beyond 3 meters.

“Everybody follow me.” Doug thundered and started running. Why didn't he hear any footsteps behind his back?Doug turned and saw the other warriors lying on the ground covered in blood.

"These guys are even weaker than Stage 2. I can't believe it." Bernard waved his ax and cleared the blood from the ax with air pressure.Doug gathered his courage and prepared to attack Bernard. “Don't kill him, I'll try a new zombie spell.” It was Mary who spoke.Doug felt a slight pain in his neck, and a slight blood started oozing from his throat.Strahd had pulled his invisible thread back.This was when Doug realized how despicable and miserable his presence was. He was an LV.9 warrior, the strongest man in his village.Yet,he was just an insignificant ant in front of these demons.As he was preparing for a suicide attack, a bald man with a red kasaya appeared behind him.Monk used martial arts,squeezing Doug's neck with his arms.He locked Doug's arms with his feet.Doug couldn't move his arms, no matter how hard he struggled.Doug finally fainted when his brain was not pumped with blood.

“The village is done, Lets go to the awakening circle and get the spoils now.” There was a glint of joy in Bernard's eyes.

The awakening circle was under a small temple in the center of the village.The temple was a single-storey building made of stone, the interior of the temple was covered with statues of various creatures that were a mixture of human and animal.When they got into the awakening circle, there was a 3-meter-tall leafless tree in the room covered with round stone bricks.A hollow rod was attached to the tree. A drop of gold liquid was pouring from the stick into a small water bottle.

Bernard took the flask in his hand,"the spiritual tree in this temple draws the gaia energy in the surrounding and transfers it to the gold essence inside. We will share the liquid in the flask in 4 equal parts.I do not think that people will come to the village in a short time from anywhere else.We can use the Spiritual fluid to create our gaia mini core. A period of 1 month is good enough to create a mini core.”

Everyone took their share of the golden liquid and chose a house from the village.Mary also turned Daug into a zombie too.The village had turned into a battlefield. Each one of the group chose two alive beautiful young women to serve them. Monk naturally took the handsome lads.

"I can't believe that I thought The Monk was a good man at first heheh. Is everyone in the simulation really crazy?"Strahd thought gloomily.There were also a large number of normal people on the earth. So where were these people?

Mary placed both of her zombies around the village for safety. When Jack looked at Linda's shameful body, he felt deeply in agony, but he didn't make a sound. Monk punishes him ruthlessly every time he protests, and Jack just didn't have enough strength to fight back. After the group completed all its preparations, they went to their homes and started cultivation.There was a mad excitement in their eyes...

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