《Black Heaven》Chapter 6


Inside the untouched green forest covered with enormous trees, the group was discussing their next plans.

“Simple Slave contract?” Bernard looked at Mary curiously.

Gaia had many uses, be it magical operations, scientific devices, or even biological body functions. Gaia was a phenomenon that was in everything in the universe and was essentially One.

"Yes, there is a spell like this in the spell Tome I got from the System. The contract is one-sided. One person becomes Master and the other is a slave. It does not have many functions because it is not a powerful spell. Only the Master has the right about the life of the slave. In short, you will be able to kill her or she may suffer in pain for hours with a mind command of yours. Margery is useless for me since I can't control more than 2 Zombies right now.”

Bernard, under Mary's direction, sang short magical syllables. Then he cut his finger and pressed the bloody finger to Margery's forehead.Margery, in desperation, did not clench her teeth and resist the spirit stamp.

~ Sizzz ~ Margey felt an incredible anguish as her soul was stamped.

According to the information obtained from Margery, there were only two Nymphs in The Raw forest who had mini gaia cores, and 2 people were at the early mini core level.

The mini gaia core level and other advanced levels are divided into 4 sections; Early mini gaia core, medium gaia mini core, late mini gaia core and peak mini gaia core.Gaia mini core and gaia condensation levels have a big difference in power.The early gaia mini core level has exactly 10 times more intense essence than Lv.9 gaia condensation, so the news was a bit depressing for the group.

Bernard turned to the group and said, "Don't worry, two of them are early core like me, I can kill two of them myself." Bernard was confident.

Strahd turned to Margery in astonishment, "Holy lightning crystal?"

Margery confirmed, "Yes, the sacred lightning crystal is a rare material used in making bonded essence weapons. Holy lightning has a lethal destructiveness against Evil nature beings because of its importance there are a dozen lv.9 guards guarding the crystal cave."

Essence weapons could only be used by an individual when he formed a mini core.When the essence weapon was connected with the weapon, it remained inside the person's mini core. It could be used from the mini core upon request. Essence weapons could have very different powers according to the materials used and the type of weapon.

When a connection is established with an essence weapon that has not been owned by anyone before, 100% power of the weapon can be used, but only 70% of the power of an essence weapon that previously owned can be used.

Since the world they were in was low level, It didn't have too many and powerful Gaia materials, but this was an advantage for the group on the one hand. In a high level world, it was certain that there would be many powerful beings that would destroy the group in a second.The group gave priority to the Holy lightning crystal, because The Serene Leaves were grown in the garden of the council's main headquarters.


Among the giant trees there were 7 Nymphs around a rock ledge and 5 giant wild boars grazing in the environment. The wild boars were one of the guardian forces of the forest domesticated by the Nymphs. The pigs, 5 meters in length and 2 meters in height, had giant incisors of 25-30 centimeters andTwo pairs had half-meter giant tusks.

After watching the cave entrance, Bernard turned to the group, "Everyone will act according to the plan we have agreed, take your places."

As occasional chuckles were coming from the group,A sphere of flame suddenly fell in the middle of it. The flame ball was constantly creaking and was very unstable.

“What's that?” as the Nymphs were beginning to stand up in surprise Fireball exploded.

~ Boom ~

Mary was satisfied with her new spell. "Flame bomb."

A 20-foot reddish yellow glow appeared at the location of 4 Nymphs, scattering arms, legs, and various body parts.

Nymphs who were Separated from the group suddenly alarmed, "There's an attack!"

2 zombies started running towards the Nymphs.The Nymph who was close to the zombies, threw out her astonishment and counter-attacked with magical words, "Blood wine".

Vines covered with 20 centimeters of thorns sprang from the ground and surrounded the 2 zombies. The vines had blood sucking properties but had no effect other than immobilizing the zombies for a while.Zombies did not have a problem such as losing blood.

Trying to contain the zombies with magic,The Nymph couldn't pay much attention to her surroundings, then suddenly she heard a noise near her ear. ~ Pew ~

While trying to understand what was happening, she suddenly felt the urge to vomit, then all the veins on her forehead contracted and her eyes turned to bloodshot, and 2 seconds later she fell down suddenly. ~ Thud ~

The other 2 Nymphs gathered the wild boars around them and were fighting with the 3 people in front of them.

"Margery you traitor! When the council finds out what you've done, it will tear you apart and make wood manure!" The Nymphs were enraged. How could a Nymph cooperate with the enemy in her homeland and kill other Nymphs? This had never happened before.

There was despair in Margery's eyes. If she could choose death she would choose without thinking, but she was not even allowed to die anymore, "Merve, Fatma surrender. I don't want to fight you.",She begged.

“Hmm, you bitch, you forgot that we Nymphs will choose death over bondage. When help comes, you will all go to hell.” Nymphs did not pay heed to Margery's pleading.

Bernard turned to the Monk, "Before we can get support from inside the cave, we have to get things done."

Bernard roared then swung one of his arms towards the distant Nymph, his arm suddenly extended 20 meters and passed through the pigs in front of one of the Nymphs. Bernard caught the Nymph's neck with his Hand and pulled the Nymph with all his might. tossed it meters ahead at the tree. ~ boom ~

"Noo, Merve!", The Nymph Fatma was horrified by what she saw. Gaia mini core vibrations were emanating from Bernard's body.Nymph glued to the tree like a fly glued to glass when got hit.Blood was oozing from all of her 7 orifices and all of her internal organs popped out. She was dead.


The Monk jumped briskly over the pigs and was hitting the pigs' heads with his iron fists.Since he never landed, the wild boars were helpless to deal with the Monk.

Nymph Fatma knew that fighting a Mini core warrior would only result in death.She immediately summoned one of the Boars and attempted to escape.

Bernard suddenly jumped 20 meters of air and spat out a fist-sized liquid from his mouth.

The purple venom liquid hit the Nymph on the Pig like an arrow.

“Ahhgg”,The venom solution melted through Nymph's chest and hit the body of the Pig below. Within 10 seconds, the Boar and Nymph turned into a pile of melted meat like Wax.

"I can't believe Bernard's physical attributes and his poison skill have reached incredible power. Indeed, there is a huge difference between the mini-core and gaia condensation levels." Strahd was stunned by Bernard's combat prowess.

4 Nymphs suddenly jumped from the cave entrance. "Oh my god what's going on here?... Hey! Why is this ground so soft?",Before the Nymphs could wake up from their surprise, they noticed that they were bog down in the ground at the cave entrance.

"Mud Swamp", after Mary dropped the bomb, went to the cave entrance during the turmoil and cast a swamp spell.

Mary was happy with the progress of the operation. "Margery's information is really consistent."

While the 4 newly arrived Nymphs were busy chanting enchanted syllables to get rid of the spell of the swamp, they noticed a thread wrapped around their necks. Four ~thud~ voices were heard.Four heads separated from their bodies fell into the swamp. Strahd came out near the entrance to the cave.

Margery dropped to the ground and started to cry. There was a deep regret in her.With tearful voice,"I was very ignorant.How fucking naive I am. They were my kin. And I sent them to death. Because of me !!! Because of stupid me !!! Agghhh ...."

Strahd felt really sorry for Margery the moment he started walking towards Margery, he heard Bernard's voice,"Leave her be Strahd. Whatever you say, it will not be of any use to her. I recommend you get rid of that useless conscience.This...This life, We have not chosen this life. We have nothing to do about it.We're just a chess pawn, at least for now…”

The group searched over the dead Nymphs. Strahd took a pouch but couldn't open it,"What's this?"

With playing a pouch in her hand,Mary said,"This is a space pouch. If you direct the Gaia essence to the pouch, you can learn the content and use the pouch."

Space pouch seemed to be a truly primitive invention compared to the Gaia space in the minds of the group.

When Strahd controlled the space pouch, he found a variety of magical plants and a few trivial materials,"Hmm, what's this?"

Strahd pulled a jade stone with strange symbols from the pouch, unobtrusively directed the gaia essence on his body to Jade. All the information on Jade appeared in his mind.

"So this is some kind of a book huh? Ohh Pill refinement! There are a lot of recipes for spiritual pill making here. Not bad."

The group couldn't find many items from their Nymphs pouch. It was natural when this world was considered a low level world.After Margery recovered, the group made their way to the cave.When the group entered the cave, they found that the inside of the cave was covered with stones that emit bright blue light.It was really a magical scene.

As they advanced 250 meters from the tunnel road in the cave, they entered the area of a large natural blue stone.Strahd was stunned by the sight he saw. The cave chamber was about 150 meters in diameter. There was a small pile of crystals in the middle of the room and a 1 meter Lightining 5 meters above the crystal pile, constantly emitting blue lightning sparks.

"These are Holy lightning crystals. The blue Lightning at the top changes the structure of the cave and over time the holy lightning crystals appear. It is not known where the Blue Lightning came from, but whoever wants to touch it, it instantly turns to ash. Including those in the mini core level.", Margery looked a bit more recuperated.

Nobody wanted to try their luck because of the strong gaia vibrations emitted by the blue lightning. The group shared it jointly among the blue crystals.

Bernard turned to the group and said, "Okay, we can't stay too long here. According to Margery, the attacked Nymphs should have used the magic formation in the cave and sent the news to the main headquarters. After we got out of the cave we need to proceed in the direction of Headquarters and make preparations for the sneak attack. Let's go."

Meanwhile in a 3-storey 70-meter-wide building made of wood without glass,An old naked Nymph opened her eyes and shouted, "Who dares!"

The Nymphs was called Titania.She was in the last years of her life, her green hair was white, the branches on her head were dry, her face and body were wrinkled.She was head protector.

"Guards !!!"

Three Nymphs came immediately,"Yes, protector."

"The call for help came.The Sacred crystal is being attacked.Contact the other 2 protectors and prepare for assault immediately.”

“We shall protector.” Nymphs bowed and left the room.

Titania took a blue sphere in her hand.”,Whoever attacks us will be punished in the most cruel ways.Just you wait!”

Titania was at mid gaia mini core level and the other two were early mid core levels.

Within 2 hours, an army of approximately 50 Nymphs gathered.Leading head 3 Nymphs,all of them were sitting on the wild boars.Some carried arrows in their hands and some primitive knives.And they all had a fire of vengeance in their eyes.

Never before have anyone attacked the forest of The raw and they would teach the attackers a great lesson so that it wouldn't happen again.

“I will have wild boars fuck you all day night.Afterwards I will hang you from your balls to the trees of the forest.” Titania Swore.

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