《Lord of lust》025
in the last month, there have been a series of strange break-in and assaults across the city, the assailant is decried to wearing a tux with there face blurry, they have left no trace of their presence exact damages from fighting and a strange mark on the floor or wall. The police have been able to confirm the intruder is after something, what that thing is they are unsure but are deterred to find out. they a sure everyone this criminal will not get awa-.
at that sam closed the new article no longer able to contain his laughter, "Hahaha...". 'my lord you shouldn't be laughing at this the local law enforcement could prove to be a real problem!' taking a deep breath and clearing his throat sam addressed the bodyless voice, "I know but this article is too funny they make it sound like the police are a step away from catching me." standing up from where he was sitting on his couch and checking the time sam walked up the stairs to his room where he grabbed his shoe before he walked out the front door. putting on his shoes sam started jogging down the street moving around under and over anyone he came across.
coming to a stop in front of a tree Sam let a breath of steam as he supported himself on his knees,' still, nothing but steam for the moment but I should get smoke in a week or so.' lifting his armpit he took a sniff,' nothing great that means I made it right'. turning around sam rushed back to his house just in time to see daniel pull up to his house, jogging up to the car sam tapped on the window.
daniel rolled down the window before greeting his friend," so how are you this fine morning?" with a bright grin.
sam smelled bull," what are you doing here?"
"you remember how you said you have work today," oh so that's what he's planning. it had taken less than forty-nine hours after calling Veronica that had been able to get her hands on the flowers setting them up in the bar they took care of the vines and gave the place a nice lavender-rose-sunflower sent, so sam was able to get back to work within the week. the reason daniel who never showed interest before was because it turns out that sam was popular on the internet, it all started because sam off handly answered a random ass question like he had done research and wrote a paper. how was it his fault he had extensive knowledge on the weaponizable fruits and vegetables, but it did get them quite the following as sam answered more questions that were abnormal.
"you're not following me to work and if you try," sam's hair turns white and his eyes turned red filling in the rest of the threat. Daniel swallowed his spit he knew sam wouldn't hurt him but he also sam didn't need to hurt him to make him regret it.
"ughhhh, fine I won't follow you to work. guess I'll have to figure something else out for the day." a lightbulb went off in his head, "gotta go bye." with that daniel hurriedly pulled his car out of the driveway to race down the street.
it didn't take long for Sam to realize what was going through his head, "I have got to stop making double meaning promises, but I guess that what I get for a demon for a childhood friend. I wonder how that ass hole is doing these days." while he reminisces over some memories sam walked inside and into his room to get changed for work.
Five minutes later Sam was descending the stairs wearing black loose pants with grapevines that spelled out midnight with a matching t-shirt and unzipped hoodie. but no shoe or socks veronica had no problem with him being barefoot, then again some of their customers didn't wear pants. steeping in front of his front door sam raised his hand to knock on the door.
"I knock for the entrance to the bar of midnight," KNOCK. sam related this twelve times each time the door slowly turned black, becoming completely black after the twelve knock sam opened the door to reveal a small locker room. stepping inside sam closed the door behind before turning around and opening the door again but this time it opened to cobblestone hallway. the hallway turned into a large room the north side wall was covered entirely by a bar and shelves filled with all kinds of bottles. the south bar was cover by music instruments and a small stage. the east wall way covered by hundreds of door nobs no two the same. walking away from the west wall sam paid no attention to the cobblestone shifting and sealing the passage leaving a graffitied cobblestone wall.
the floor of the bar was cover with 50 to 60 small tables about half-filled, as sam weaved his way through the table he was greeted by several of the occupants. leaping over the bar sam greeted the owner," hello Veronica!" turning to him sam took in his boos usual appearance a sleep-deprived college student of Chinese ethnicity. bags under her teal eyes her black with blue strips hair was in a messy ponytail.
"sam thank god for your here. luke came into day and he crying up a storm," Veronica looked like she might join him soon. sam patted her on the shoulder," alright I'll take care of it but I warn you that my friend may be coming in with a camera."
'i'm already here" Daniel said as he popped up from behind the bar with jazz hands," by the way why didn' you tell me your workplace serves monster!" he whispered screamed his eyes moving frantically, in response sam rolled his eyes.
"form and shape of the body mean little to the form of the soul, do not let their appearance scare you, they quite nice people, no go talk to them I have to calm a weeping storm god's child before he floods a city or something." leaving his friends with a confused look sam walked to the end of the bar where teen was face down on the counter weeping surrounded by empty glasses. "you know you shouldn't be drinking it makes your control slip."
"I know but look at this," luke pulled up a picture from his ring-shaped device the picture was of a small child dressed like Raijin waking another child dressed like Fujin with a holographic thunderbolt. look how cute they are!" he shouted as he shoved the picture into sam's face.
unfazed sam nudged the hand to the side, "you truly love your kids don't you but you have to stop getting drunk when they are too cute its the reason people call the police on you thinking you're a child prediter...wait a moment" luke refused to look at sam. saying nothing sam collected luke glasses before putting them in the sink to be washed before turning to give luke a glass of water." so what's with the costumes Halloween isn't for five months?"
"costume birthday party, they wanted to go as there grandfather and granduncle." luke answered as he looked through the picture he took of his children in there costumes more then half the posed for.
"these are some excellent pictures," daniel stated from behind luke scaring the god's child out of his chair. sam just threw an olive into his face, doughing the Olive he took a seat next to luke who was climbing back to his seat." so I talked to someone and he asked if I would like to visit hell, then I came here.
"let me guess he was wearing an upside-down Christianity cross
"then that guy was a demon who was hitting on you. he was asking if you would like to come to his place." after hearing that daniel's face turned an interesting shade of red. clearing his throat daniel puled out a mike-collar and handed it to sam before pulling a hover camera from hid backpack and handing it to him as well. putting the collar on sam turned on the camera causing it to hover around him recording. it was a few minutes before they went live and during that time sam served a few drinks and chatted with a few customers.
"Hello and welcome to our video, today we are at sam's workplace the midnight bar," the camera then spun around doing a panoramic of the bar and its customers. when the camera was back on him daniel pointed to sam and asked him a few questions about the bar. sam thought a moment before answering," the bar is located in Schrodinger space," Sam held up a finger to hold off daniel's question", we serve a vasty list of drinks and finger foods, we can serve any kind of creature, were open 25/7/365." handing a filled shot glass to a sparingly dressed female sam continued," Schrodinger space in simple word is enclosed space that is there and isn't at the same time." sliding a beer down the bar sam paused to think for a moment before pointing to the wall covered in doorknobs," each of those doorknobs represent a real door somewhere around the world when they open the bar is behind them but when there not it might be."
"so what your saying is that if you open the door the result is certain but closes it's unknown yes"
"Yeah that's correct." daniel asked how hard it was to create shifting space," incredibly so, the energy needed alone is incredible then adding in the concentration needed plus the right material which had to be processed in a very specific way makes it a low-level miracle for a normal human to make one, mostly because of the time need is about a hundred years at least." sam finished his short lecture by pouring a drink into a martini glass and sliding said glass down the bar to sea green dress wearing women.
"I have more questions but let's answer some of our viewers first," daniel used his devices to scroll through the list of question people had for sam until he found an interesting one." okay here we go, puppy queen676 ask my job has a strict dress code requiring that we wear pants for safety reasons but because of what we sell and the fact we are moving around a warehouse it becomes incredibly hot and uncomfortable any suggestions."
finishing up the whipped cream on a cake slice he had pulled from under the counter sam answered promptly, "okay I have two ideas the first is long skirts or if that doesn't work or isn't allowed try dessert survival pants their designed to be comfortable and keep external heat out while keeping you cool, and if all else fails you can get a lawyer because I'm not sure on the specifics but they are making you risk overheating." daniel watched sam she talked and half-filling two cups with a red iron smelling liquid then vodka before handing the cups to a couple you looked like they were born on the beach.
"okay puppy queen there your answer and sam does that skirt thing actually works?" sam laughed a little," oh definitely when people make dress codes they do so thinking guys will only wear pants or shorts not even considering dresses or skirts."
why did you specify guys
girls don't have this problem their busy struggling with pockets and being looked at like pieces of meat not that the second thing doesn't happen to guys as well truthfully it happens to everyone really." daniel nodded in agreement before moving on to the next question.
"hail_the_dancer, ask what kind of books did you read to know all you do?"
"less than you think, most of what I've learned is by word of mouth the best way to learn in my opinion." saying that sam pulled an explosive orange and a peeler from under the bar.
"How so?" daniel asked as he scooted away from the dangerous fruit.
"During my travels, I have heard the stories of more than a few people learning useful bits of information." carefully moving the peeler sam removed the orange rind while trying to keep the fruit from detonating.
"how many stories have you heard?" daniel scooted farther away.
"hundreds!" just the memory of them made sam giggle and nearly set off the fruit. taking a deep breath sam removed the rest of the fruit rind. placing the rind down sam tossed the orange to a suit-wearing chimpanzee who dug in before placing the rind into a small bottle of vodka. placing the bottle back under the counter. "so next question?" the rest of sam five hours shift was filled with sam answering questions from there viewers while serving customers replacing empty bottles, cleaning glasses tabes the bar top, mopping up spills and vomit, stoping serval people from hocking up and fucking in the bathrooms (siphoning a bit of there lust), stoping bar fights by wining them, the usual at the midnight bar.
"...and that's the end of this week's video see you next time singing off this is daniel and sam." turning off the camera daniel placed them in his bag before turning to sam who was finishing up a couple of orders, "how do I get out of here?"
"go over to the wall, find the doorknob of the door you came through, grab it waits for its door to form ope it and you'll be back on alpha star." sam instructed his friend. 'that was pretty good considering this is the first time he was around what the majority calls monsters," letting small smile grace his lips greeted his coworker who came to take over the bar. leaping over the bar sam walked over to the doorknob cover wall and grabbed the one belonging to alpha star island, it was a pretty simple gold with black accents. it didn't take long for a matching door to form sam twisted the handle and pulled the door open to a quick alleyway where Daniel was leaning against the wall opposite of the door.
"you didn't have to wait" sam addressed his friend as he closed the door behind him.
"wanted to, plus I need a moment to calm my self."
"understandable," was all Sam said before walking out the alley with daniel at his heels. the two chatted mindlessly as they got into daniel's car and moved down the road. six minutes into the drive sam received a message from the DMV alerting him that he could retake his driven test now.
'you took a driving test ?!?" daniel look a sam with an expression of amazement and confusion sam just shrugged, "I took four, but I can't drive well not how the law would like."
"then how do you drive ?"
"action movie chase scene"
"your jocking?" he hesitantly asked sam was sensitive with this kind of thing.
"am not, learning how to drive from a getaway driver can do that to you." the emerald-eyed teen replied dismissively.
"getaway driver?" Daniel mumbled as the car turned into a highway. but did not comment it was low level weird for sam. they return to meaningless conversation for the rest of the drive to sam house. getting out of the car sam invited the other male in for some food seeing as he didn't eat at the bar." no it's fine I'm craving something spicy and spicy foods don't like you,!"
"so true" sam said before saying goodbye and walking into his house. closing the door sam walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge complementing if he wanted some premade or fresh. grabbing a container full of a fish paste his mother made sam closed the fridge," there is still a decent amount of food in there so I don't have to go shopping soon. unless I start using the stocking pile technique soon, but that depends on the heart fire technique."
sam opening the container was interrupted by the helper speaking, 'are you sure you should relearn this temperature control technique first, I don't see a need for it anytime soon in your plans?' before he responded sam channeled his body heat into the food.
"your right there is no need but I want to for several reasons, the first is that it makes it comfortable to wear anything anywhere at anytime witch was always my favorite part of it, two it works well with my demon power for some really neat tricks, three this is the original order I learned them so I know there are no unexpected side effects for cross energies."
'understandably! would you like to do the progress check?' the helper asked as sam grabbed a fork.
"yes open my [status]," the human said as he stabbed his fork into his hot fish dish.
- In Serial67 Chapters
Law of Shadows
Mercs are causing trouble in my city. They are hunting someone, whatever the cost. It’s not like I care that some lowly humans died, but if I don’t act now it would set a bad example. So what would the hero do? Probably he would save the victims and protect them while the enemies keep coming… Yeah, as if I would ever do something so troublesome! They aren’t calling me the demon lord for no reason. I suppose I’ll just shoot the victim and be done with it. ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— Author's Comment: If you find mistakes, pls tell, thx. I don't like mistakes.[/window] Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently, I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. I have no problem with translation and reposting of the story, as long as the person in question isn't doing it for money or stealing my identity. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur)
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