《Lord of lust》024
Taking a seat in the African style chair sam looked at the obvious African forest style of the room while the elephant prepare two cups of coffee." when I was called down because someone wished to reinstate their license I expected someone a lot older," receiving his cup sam smelled it before turning down the bitter receptors on his tongue before taking a sip," but I'm curious how skilled you were six or seven years ago but that's later now I have to ask you a couple of questions. first off why did you lose your last license?" then took a sip of his cup.
"I no longer had a use for it at that and I haven't until recently"
"HHhmmm, what did you use it for?"
"a passport, identification and a way to earn a little extra cash"
"What kind of jobs did you take?"
"mostly jobs that involved or suspected the involvement of ghosts, witches, demons, or creature of the night in general". the elephant asked why he took these kinds of jobs." some of my oldest memories include ghost I was raised amongst witches mt first friend was a demon, my early years were of creatures of the night that is why!"
'so they are creature he was familiar with but how much of that was a lie, there was no way a witch would take in a male child or a demon would befriend a human,' as this went through his mind sam could read the disbelief in his expression and could guess what it was about it wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last. the elephant blinked as the pleasant smile the teen had been wearing became a little stiff. rolling his eyes he asked the next question did he plane to do jobs like that now sam said yes without hesitations. the next few questions were about sam's team workability which he did not have the best answer for.the questions after that were about sam's skills with clients again not a good answer but he said he didn't use violence well he wouldn't use it first.
"How are you with traveling? what your preferred method of travel?' sam was asked as his cup was refilled before answering he added sugar and cream to his coffee as he reverted his taste.
"I enjoy traveling and no real preferred method of travel.' he said happier with the taste. the elephant hummed as he refilled his cup.
"How are you in life-risking situations?"
"thrilled!" the elephant spit tanked.
"trilled?!" he asked eyes wide"
"if something can threaten my life, then it is something big and complex that gets my blood pumping, my adrenaline rising to its limit!"
"you're an adrenaline junky?"
"I try not to indulge in it," a thought occurred to him that's what she meant when I could have a lord at ten."
"well that a quality a freelance should have." then the elephant threw his cups at sam who caught it gently before placing it on the table. "you know most people just dodge," then retrieved his thrown cup. standing up the elephant left the room to return with paper forms and a pen causing sam to gulp." fill these out and you'll have your new license in seven to fourteen business days," huffing he grabbed the ben and papers before getting to it. it was a long forty minutes later that sam finished and handed the papers over. upon seeing the gray mammal spit tanked sam expected that and what was about to be said while the temperature of his face rose.
"Your handwriting is horrible," a pause ", what langue is this?" he asked while he rotated the paper.
"a mix," said lowly
"of what ?" to this Sam shrugged.
"I was never taught how to write formally so my writing is just a collage of what I have picked up over the years."
"it's going to take some time to decode this so you're going to have to wait for your license."
'i expected that', "thank you for the help and your time" with that sam said goodbye before heading to the gym, where daniel was probably waiting with his camera.
turns out he had more than one and mikes, rubbing his forehead sam walked into the locker room to get changed, walking back into the main area he greeted his friend. "so do you have a plan or are you gonna wing it."
"yes, I have a plan I had one before I joined the gym," sam then proceed to where the weights were kept to put on five pounds arm and leg weights. swinging his arms and leg to test how affected he was, smiling sam walked over to one of the sandbags. taking a stance he pulled his arm sam prepared to throw a punch when daniel shouted for him to pause so he could activate the cameras three of which the floated around sam one getting an over the shoulder angle another getting a birds-eye view and the last getting a left eye-level shot pressing record he told sam to go, pulling his arm back once more sam hit the bag with his full weight.
when the bag swang back sam hit again and again and again until his arms were tired and his knuckles hurt, while he was punching hear could hear daniel taking into a mic. stepping back from the bag sam switched to kicks, alternating between his right and left legs. when his legs felt weak sam stepped away from the bag over to the yoga mats. to start his stretches he tried touching his toes good news he could bad news his back made a loud cracking sound in the process." are you okay?" the skinny teen asked with his free hand warily reached out.
"Yeah I'm fine but do me a favor and run your hand down my spine and push down on the 7th bump you feel." slowly daniel did what he was asked, pushing down the specified spine bump another cracking sound could be heard. pulling his hand away as if burnt daniel demanded to know what the hell that was. "artificial bone I forgot about until this moment. but seriously can you push down on it.
"shouldn't we call a doctor," daniel asked while reaching for his device.
"no, a doctor will remove it I need it to stay there!" statted annoyed while he flexed his fingers.
"then why do you want me to break it?"
it only temporary its made of memory material, I'll just have to lay still for a few minutes for it to retake its shape." though he couldn't see his face he knew his friend was still unsure so he promises if something went wrong he could call an ambulance, so wearing a mixed expression and using a shacking hand he pressed down on the bump until it gave way, instantly sam straightened his back before falling back onto the ground.' that hurt in ways glad I turned down my pain receptors."
"you alright," daniel asked fingering his device, sam hummed before closing his eyes.
opening his eyes he turned his head to his friend," so shall we do something for the video channel while we wait from the artificial bone to repair its self."
"fine, so you can explain your work out"
'i forget how little you know about physical health, my work out is to build pink muscle witch consist of doing light weights with high reps and heavy weights with low reps, I trowing in a mix of flexibly training and combat practice."
that sound pretty intense work out shouldn't you warm up first
"That was my warm-up"
"you're going to tear something."
"technically a work out isn't fruitful if you don't tear a little muscle,"
"no comment, so why pink muscle?"
"it better the red or while muscle and they fit my fighting style best.
your fighting style, you mean reacting to your opponent
"yeah that",' i forgot he hasn't seen me fight the other way.' daniel quirked an eyebrow at sam's mixed expression.
"Why are you in a gym you use rune and mana tricks mostly,"
"that true but its neer a bad idea to improve on your weakness, that a reason for you to join me.
"no! so that all you plan to do today.
"at the gym yes"
"okay by the way what with the eye?"
"you remember that cat I hit with my alarm clock with
"twice" daniel interrupted with a smile
"yes, but let's say this morning that delt their payback," he grumbled rubbing his cover eye.
"a great example of why you should stop throwing your alarm clock, I don't think your mother is happy about it"
"she more upset I keep hitting someone with them then I'm throwing them than the fact I'm throwing them," then in a low voice, "I guess it because its an improvement to my earlier reaction to them." daniel hummed in response before a thought crossed his mind.
"hold up that bone you forgot about it until it cracked not long ago, so what your saying is that until now you've never had a problem with it?"
"no, I forgot to do the maintenance for it, the past little more then a year I think, really should have since the last few days have probably done a bit of wear on it touching my toes was probably the last straw." raising his sense of touch sam checked on the state of the bone,' a bit more and I should be good to go.' the next couple of minute samlet the noise of the gym wash over him as daniel started to increase his nervous questioning. the second he felt the bone in one piece he leaped to his feet. stretching his back he smiled at daniel, "See what did I tell you it's fine". 'i just have to remember to maintenance it.'
reaching down to touch his toes sam began to go through a very of stretches when he completed the stretches, he changed the weight for heavier ones before going back to the bags and striking it five times with each limb before switching to lightweight and doing 25 five strikes each then he stretched before going back to heavyweights.
sam continued this cycle taking frequent water breaks until his body had no more strength and every inch of his body was soaked with sweat." well that it from me today " the emerald-eyed teen said out of breath hands on his knees after catching a bit of his breath sam returned the weights before going to a vending machine to grab after workout drink. chugging the berry-flavored drink, sam told daniel he was going to grab his bag.
"wait, aren't you going to shower?" asked as Sam walked away.
"I'll shower when I get home" sam responded when he returned with his bag.
"Alright but I'm staying out of smelling range," he said as he deactivated the cameras and mike, while sam sniffed one of his pits and recoiled he had forgotten how badly he could smell when he sweats,' at least it human sweat.' when the recording equipment was packed the two left the gym but not without saying goodbye to the receptionist. they walked through the parking lot to daniel's car talking about what they could do next for their video channel, the talk continued until they arrived at sam's place. saying goodbye he walked to his front door, but before he could open it his covered eye began to burn like the stars.
"shit, it's happening now" grabbing at his eye sam ripped the door open. leaning on the door sam started to unwrap the bandages before the helper added his two cents," I warned you that this was a dangerous process, now if you go to the store-"
"Laeh, tsiser, nehtgnerts, worg, rewopmi"
"My lord!" standing took a step towards the stairs.
"Laeh, tsiser, nehtgnerts, worg, rewopmi" another step.
"Laeh, tsiser, nehtgnerts, worg, rewopmi" another step.
"Laeh, tsiser, nehtgnerts, worg, rewopmi" and another.
with each step, he repeated the chant infused with the power of a witch, as his hair grew. when he reached the stairs his now free eye began to shed red tears. ascending the stairs he wiped the tears and used them to draw the pentagram of his eye into the palm of his hand. at the points of the pentagram, he wrote the words he was chanting.
stumbling at the top of the stairs, he got up and continued to chant. directing his witch power to his hand and eye he stumbled his way to the bathroom, leaning against the door he shoved it open. stumbling in front of the sink he used it as a crutch, "LAEH, TSISER, NEHTGNERTS, WORG, REWOPMI" he screamed as he placed the pentagram over his bleed and burning eye. screaming at the top of his lungs maintain the control of his power, from the space between his hand and eye a velvet-blue and purple light escaped.
taking deep ragged breaths sam peeled his pentagram free hand away from his face, smiling he let out a demented giggle and then proceed to clear his throat.' I thought that was gone.' "so what were you saying about it being a dangerous process" sam asked the helper as he opened the eye he had closed all day, revealing its changed state the sclera was still white but there were multiple symbols of some kind floating around in it the iris was a rotating blue pink purple and violet-blue the pupil had taken the form of the satanic incubus symbol.
"It seems I underestimated you, my lord. I sincerely apologize!"
"it alright you are not the first to make that mistake and it's unlikely that you'll be the last one that you better prepare your self because things are about to pick up" the mirror reflected his excited expression with his mitch matched eyes.
- In Serial33 Chapters
The Nost
Jack and Ann have taken me on a great adventure full of mystery and incredible technology, I hope you'll join us. Three chapters will post each week in December 2021 and January 2022. The journey will come to a close on January 31. I know you have a lot of reading choices, but if you have space left in your literary adventure cup, please join Jack and Ann as 2021 turns into 2022, happy reading! The demon whispers inside Jack’s mind. “They are not worthy, they are cattle, these new humans you covet. The so-called creator has betrayed you, replaced you with these organic imitations. Slaughter them all.” It’s funny, not in a ha-ha funny way, but a sad, my madness doesn’t make sense type of way, Jack thinks, because wasn’t he human? Worse still, the voice comes with impulses that are hard to resist. Violence usually ensues. That’s why he joined the military. A way to channel his urges into mind-numbing physical effort and war. It works for a time. But alcohol and fighting can only carry on for so long. Finally, he realizes, his only way out is suicide. But when he opens his eyes, he’s in the In-Between. The creator has other plans for him, and she won’t take no for an answer. Apparently, this isn’t his first life and if he doesn’t free her from her prison, it won’t be his last. His curse is to be reborn without end, without rest, without memory. Only madness. Now Jack is on the run from forces he doesn’t understand. It’s a new world. The mundane replaced by ethereal artificial intelligence, spontaneous virtual realities, and homicidal bible salesmen. But the creator promises the demon’s voice will disappear as soon as he finds the right girl, the right bond. After that, they just have to escape the clutches of those who hunt them, find the Isle of Song, and free the creator from her prison. Or maybe this time, in this life, Jack will figure out what true freedom is. Come along on this action-packed thriller as Jack fights to remember who he is, tries to end an eternal war, and atone for sins he doesn’t remember…yet.
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Bring 'Em Back Alive & Unfinished Business
(THIS WAS PREVIOUSLY ON MY LAST PROFILE- I STILL HAVE COMPLETE OWNERSHIP! DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME STEALING THE BOOK!)BOOK FIVE OF THE SOULMATES SERIESWhen Ketch returns with Gabriel and (Y/n), who were presumed to be dead, Dean is given the opportunity to open the rift to find their mother and Jack.Meanwhile Sam tries all he can to figure out the story as to how (Y/n) is alive after nearly nine years of being dead. Only after the soulmates leave, Dean and Sam must put aside finding Mary and Jack as their number one priority and instead search for their little sister and the archangel.(I do not own Supernatural or (Y/n), the only thing I own is the not-really-romantic subplot.)Warning: This is an entire episode of Supernatural: Season 13 Episode 18 and Episode 20, so buckle up for the matching scenes and incredibly long chapters.Book One: Tall TalesBook Two: Mystery SpotBook Three: Changing ChannelsBook Four: Hammer of the GodsBook Five: Bring 'Em Back Alive & Unfinished BusinessBook Six: Beat The Devil & Exodus
8 217