《Dungeon Core Online: Loremaster (fan fic)》DCO: Loremaster ch 22


It did not take long for the two players to say goodbye to the boss. Amy decided to start researching information about the job and Terrance just returned to his garage and started working on building more elites. Every day dozens of them are damaged or destroyed by the trolls as they keep attacking them to get to the players they are protecting. Against mobs, the elites do nothing to help or hinder. But their primary purpose to players rapidly became clear once they started to intervene in fights of players vs players. The elites act like in-game NPC equivalent of bounty hunters. And every goblin, orc, and troll-type character who has engaged them multiple times has mainly come from a single dungeon. The Green Skin Dungeon. A rather unique character that uses only said types of and other monsteristic type characters. It is hands down the most hardcore dungeon in the game. Nothing is off-limits in the dungeon. All kinds of crime from theft and murder to more unsavory things that happen to captives. It is one of the few dungeons that make you sign a double consent. First one to allow you in the dungeon town and another for the dungeon itself. The town itself is actually peaceful and is split into two factions. The first, the greenskins, which had forced almost ninety percent of the player base of the dungeon to either convert, side with the other faction, or quit the dungeon altogether. It has the largest population of seventy percent of the players currently and controls a raid building like Terrance’s police station.

Their building is called the seven chieftain hut and is controlled by the leader of the greenskin faction. Yurk Uo’x, A fiercesome level 92 who is believed to be one of the highest players in the whole game. On the other side are ‘the warriors of light’ but are more like survivors and victims. Their leader a ‘Paladin of Light’ is a respectful level of 79 but the mismatch in both numbers and ‘numbers’ have plainly put his faction as the ‘feeder’ faction to keep the greenskins sharp and keep them from becoming content.


Amy put the report down after shuddering thinking about some of the stories of the dungeon that was quite literally picking a fight with the Random Dungeon. It did not take her long to decide to accept the detective job that was offered. At first, she started by gathering information on all the captured bounties since the system was implemented and found over eighty percent of bounties turned in and almost a hundred percent of the elite turned in bounties were from this one dungeon. Digging deeper into it she discovered that the players of that dungeon have been taunting the Random dungeon for days for a fight. But the RD players were more interested in higher-level dungeons who seemed to be more fun. This caused the GSD players to start upping their taunting to trolling and other such actions as kill stealing and stun locking players to slow down progression or farming. Even the top players of RD were not immune to this as GSD top players started hunting them down. That is until a certain knight named group came in when Yurk and his crew were about to gank another high-level team and ripped him a new one.

Upon reviewing past war and skirmish voting records, Amy found that this taunting/trolling method had made the RD players start voting more and more to fight against them. In the last war they had, they missed out fighting GSD over the Bone Dungeon by less than five votes. It is safe to say that the upcoming skirmish will be against the Greenskins.

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