《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 2: Intel
Although this was the first time Kami had ever been reincarnated into a fantasy world, he already knew what he had to do and that was gather information. Kami had read enough manga and watched enough anime to know there is a right way to this and there is also a wrong way and the wrong way will either leave you dead or broke and struggling in a world where you have the advantage from the start and were even given more with supernatural powers.
Kami had spawned into the world on a grassy and beautiful mountain which was hidden in a large forest which spanned at least a few hundred kilometres. In this world, his face was that of a handsome and young adult that one could mistake for an older adolescent with black hair, a slight moustache and a light goatee on his chin. He was dressed in scrubs that made Kami scowl
Next to Kami were the bare essentials for surviving in this world. The theft proof pouch and a wooden black sword which was easily recognisable as a katana, Kami picked it up and sighed.
"So he gave me a long stick" Kami sighed as he observed each part of the weapon he looked underneath the handle and noticed a white octogram seal which began to glow as he looked at it.
"Wielder recognised, holder of Asura identified to be Kami" a voice spoke directly into his head "I am Asura the weapon bestowed upon you from the Gods, you may freely ask me questions about this world at any time and any questions that are national questions cannot be answered unless the answer is wished for by you. As you have already been informed, you may ask me two questions per day that relate to you and do not exceed your current C class capabilities."
Kami was somewhat annoyed that he could not receive something better than a wooden stick but was very happy that it knew everything and anything there is to know about this world and he began to question Asura.
Kami learnt that he was on one of 8 continents and this one had 9 countries within it. Basically every country except the the country directly in the middle of the other 8 were participating in a free for all to take total domination of the continent where anything goes. All though it was a free for all they had unwritten rules they followed, the countries involved were split dead in half and were either labelled Ruminate or Mana. The inhabitants of Mana countries were able to use magic whilst the inhabitants of Ruminate countries could not, however they could use aura which can easily rival magic. Kami was in the middle of Rawal's forest which was located in Brunay a Ruminate country. In each country there was guilds, common ones found in every country was the Bandit, Adventurer and Head guild. Anyone can make a guild but these 3 were the most prominent. whilst the Adventurer guild sought peace and happiness, the Bandit guild wanted the exact opposite, guild wars were a common thing and is also sport. Brunay is currently allied with the neighbouring country Jarivi, if a citizen of a country attempts to enter a country that is at war with the country they inhabit they could face death, enslavement or at the very least rejection into the city. Kami told Asura to stop giving him information as he wanted to learn and ask any questions he still had or would get to Asura at a later date or to a person.
With that Kami asked for his first wish from Asura, which was to have bones, ligaments and muscles be able to bend very well and take weight of thousands of kilograms and not break. So he basically asked to be very flexible and hard.
"Wish within criteria, wish granted." responded Asura
Kami attempted a one armed push up and tried to touch his toes. He learnt that he could touch his toes easily but the one armed push up was still something difficult to do and the amount of reps he could do did not exceed what he was capable of before he died. Which was none. He came to the conclusion that his bones, muscles and ligaments were now very flexible and stronger but all the wish did was make him more flexible and have a higher strength potential meaning he could do really hard stuff but he was still going to have to learn how to do all of that stuff.
With this knowledge on how his wish worked and how future wishes will work. He set off on his journey to get into any nearby city completely forgetting how huge the Kawal forest was spanning exactly 342 km. He was going to be in this forest for 12 or more days.
Regardless of this fact, Kami was already planning on spending a few days training within the forest so that he was stronger. However he had absolutely 0 knowledge on how to deal with wildlife so he used his last wish of the day on that which allowed him to learn how to fish, hunt and camp. Immediately Kami began searching for a river to set up a makeshift home at, once he found one he checked the quality of the water and noticed he was actually at a fresh water river. Lucky him, he built a little shelter next to a tree which was about half a kilometre from the river and then he began picking up only long grass which he planned on turning into string. He found an abnormally long stone and began to chip away at it to make it into a sharp dagger, he then cut the grass until he had a few pieces of string he was pleased with and tied them together. Kami grabbed a few sticks and huge stones next, all of the rocks went onto the ground to form a small circle and all the sticks he collected except one was placed in this circle. The stick he kept was used as a rod for a fishing rod he was trying to make with the grass, once he had made the fishing rod. His process of collecting and building continued repeatedly for 3 hours. In the time he had built a shelter, a fishing rod, traps, a spear, a knife, a fire and was cooking 3 rabbits he had killed over a fire.
Other than getting food and sleeping, Kami spent the next 7 days doing high reps of body weight exercises making various wishes to help his training which consisted of but is not limited to faster recovery, faster learning speed and a highly adaptive body. At first he was just doing 5-10 km runs along the riverbed and a couple hundred push ups, sit ups and squats but by the third day he had built a make shift pull up bar and by the seventh day he was doing daily 20 km runs, 500 push ups, sit ups and squats, 300 one armed push ups, one armed pull ups and calf raises, 200 handstand push ups, single leg squats and muscle ups and an hour of the plank. The very uphill increase of strength and speed was heavily due to Asura.
"Asura" Kami began "What is my current disaster level?"
"The disaster level of Kami is C class City disaster level intermediate" responded Asura "Originally you was C class Town Calamity basic however you have recently risen in strength over the past 7 days"
In Kami's, mind even he was impressed how strong he had become over the last few days and owed it all to Asura, at this moment Kami realised fully how indispensable Asura truly was.
Kami was high on endorphines and felt great seeing how much he had grown, he even punched a tree out of excitement and sent it flying. He decided to spend another week within the forest training.
By the end of all the training he had completed he was a B class calamity, a true country disaster. Or so he was hoping for.
"Asura, how come I am only a basic country calamity after another week spent training?" Kami asked
"As one levels up in this world, the amount of strength needed to get to another level increases" Asura responds " At your current rate of growth, if you limit yourself to training your base form it will take at minimum one thousand days of training to become a continental calamity"
"Hmm base form huh, by base do you mean my physical strength?"
"Yes, and I have the capabilities of granting your wishes of physical, mental and spiritual growth"
"Does magic and aura come under spiritual"
"Yes, learning and excelling in either magic or aura is considered to be spiritual growth"
"Is it possible to learn both?"
"Yes but it requires a huge amount of skill and effort to learn just one and learning both requires the use of special equipment. In addition to this learning both leads to a completely different type of spiritual power entirely known as Fuwa. The strength of a persons Fuwa depends on how advanced somebody is with magic and aura"
"When a person obtains Fuwa, is it possible to use magic or aura still?"
"Yes but only with the use of special equipment as I stated before"
"What does this special equipment do?"
"Magic and aura are considered to be the yin the others yang, to use either magic or aura, the other must be sealed off or Fuwa is created. No equipment is needed when someone firsts decides to learn one or the other but if someone attempts to learn both then special equipment is needed to completely cancel out the other spiritual energy."
"Interesting, so how many people in this country became a B class calamity from strength alone?"
"Such information is considered to be a national secret, if you wish to use your final remaining wish of the day on this I may grant your request"
"Yes how many Asura"
"At the current moment, only Kami has become a B class calamity off strength alone, this information includes people who the country of Brunay are aware of as a B class calamity or higher as well as people who haven't reported their calamity level to officials."
Kami began to think that pretty much everyone in this country or perhaps everyone in this world greatly rely on spiritual power to become stronger calamities which made it clear to him how important it is and how very important it was that he learnt Fuwa.
"Asura I know it is a bit late to ask this but can you do anything other than grant me powers and... well... being a stick"
"No, this is all I am and will be, however I am considered to be your own body"
"Oh a loophole to the you can only make changes to yourself rule seems to have just been realised. Does that mean I can wish for you to become a real sword?"
"Such a wish is impossible as you have used up all possible wishes for today"
"Okay, so if I was to ask you to become a real sword with a scabbard tomorrow, would you be able to grant my wish?"
"At the current moment no as all wishes effectively make no changes to calamity level and only help to speed up or hinder ones advancement as a calamity. For such a wish it would be required of you to be an A class calamity"
"Wow Asura, how strong are you?" Kami says rhetorically
"Such a question is considered to be a celestial secret which has been simplified down as a national secret. The answer to this would have to be wished upon however you are currently out of wishes for the day"
"Don't worry, I plan on founding out myself instead of asking anyway"
With this Kami decided to spend the rest of the day resting and thinking. He thought about the world outside of Kawal forest as well as of Asura, something he once thought of as unlucky to be now totally indispensable and something he thought may be a God killer and truly thanked Lex from the bottom of his heart for giving him something that could rival a God.
Kami woke up the next day and was ready to take on what this world had to offer. He was finally ready to leave Kawal and head to the nearest city to him which Asura had already notified him to be the city of Jura.
"How long will it take me to reach Jura" Kami asked Asura
"If you walk it will take 13 days, if you run you should be out of the forest in a day and at the city in 2"
Kami then asked how big the forest he was in was and then asked how far away the city of Jura was. He learnt that he could run almost 500 kilometres in 2 days easily making the fastest Ultra marathon runner look like a snail next to him. He didn't believe he could actually run that fast.
Regardless he ran the whole way taking a 1 hour sleep, thanks to the wish he decided to make whilst running out of the Kawal forest he only required 1 hour of sleep every day to function properly. What everyone else did for 8 or more hours he did now for 1, and got the same results out of it.
At long last, Kami was staring down the gates of a grand city. The city known as Jura.
There was brief dialogue between the guards of the city who were at the gate, but after explaining what he planned to do in the city he was quickly let in even though he was dressed in grey and dirty rags with a wooden sword and huge pouch on his waist.
Kami walked through the gates and was shocked by the sights he saw. He remembered his own city and thought it looked like how a dirty old shoe would look to a new and fresh one. He instantly realised that there was the chance that the world he was in was at least 10 decades in the past to his own but that didn't subtract from the beauty of the city. There were kids playing gleefully, people buying perishables from food stalls and shops further than the eye could see. The streets were clean, animals freely roamed the country and the air felt just as fresh as the Kawal forest which again indicated that no extreme technological advancements had been made or it would've tainted the air. He looked up a bit and was greeted with huge banners for multiple different guilds but the ones that caught his attention first were the bandit and adventurer guilds. The bandit guild had black banners with a white skeleton whilst the adventurers guild was pure white with a design that looked like two swords piercing a shield. But the one thing that couldn't be ignored was the huge castle the furthest back which towered easily over everything else.
Kami was confused.
Not because of anything he saw, but because of what he didn't see, he turned around and greeted one of the gate guards.
"Excuse me, I see all these different guilds but I cannot see the head guild, the one responsible for all the guilds" He said
"Hahaha" the guard laughed "You must be from sort of town, I'll explain, the huge castle at the back is the head guild. All head guilds in each country are controlled by the monarchy however they can only directly control the head guild of their own capital city so they have nobles control all the other cities head guilds and report to them any major problems"
"You mean.." Kami started shocked "This city, the city of Jura looks like this but isn't the capital?"
"You are definitely from a town" the guard said chuckling "Most of the cities in Brunay are at this standard, but the capital is way better, and expensive, but for someone travelling here new this isn't a bad city to start off in. Adventurers bring in huge amounts of money each month allowing the citizens along with the taxes they pay to live mostly in luxury"
"Oh I see" Kami said whilst having his hand on his chin. He thought that he must join the adventurers guild.
"What about lodging?" Kami questioned the guard once more
"Normally you would just go to an inn but since you plan on registering as an adventurer you are will be given a month worth of free lodging in a random inn after registering and then you will have to pay"
"Okay thanks" Kami said as he wandered off ahead directly into the middle of the city to become a licensed adventurer.
As he walked, he started to think about Kawal forest and how even though it is huge he never encountered any monsters.
"Asura, was there anything of note within Kawal forest?" Kami asked
"Yes, but only elves and fairies. Had you done anything to anger the fairies, the elves would've shown up and attempted to get you out of the forest or exterminated."
Kami was grateful that he didn't plan on setting up a permanent base within the forest.
He was now at the huge wooden double doors of the adventurers guild, he could hear loud laughter and joy but it all ceased as he entered. He entered the guild hall and walked up to the front desk and told the receptionist he planned on becoming an adventurer.
"What does someone dressed like you with a wooden sword want with this guild?" someone said. This statement caused the majority of the people in the guild to burst out laughing.
Kami turned around swiftly
"Who said that" Kami said agitated. "It would do you well to not anger me, if you apologise I will forgive you"
"Apologise?" said the person stepping forwards confidently "I only stated facts, at max your D class, what do you think you can do when a town calamity fights you. Die." This caused laughter amongst the guild members again.
"And you are?" Kami asked smiling
"I am Nabras The Great, fear me. Not many people can say they became a town calamity off sheer strength" Nabras was a very muscular man with a huge double sided hammer the size of him clipped onto his back.
Kami assumed correctly in his head that 'The Great' was a self proclaimed title as a truly great person wouldn't flaunt their calamity, especially when it was so low.
"Well then Nabras, you are pretty much asking for a fight. And I am more than willing to fight."
"You think yourself to be skilled?" Nabras laughed "Okay, we can fight. If you manage to get yourself signed up successfully then we can fight. I will take you on in one of the adventurer training grounds. Alice if he is an adventurer there is no problem right?" Nabras smirked
"None at all" the receptionist responded slightly shaken
"Good, we can fight tomorrow at noon, get the best gear you can so you don't end up with injuries" Nabras chuckled and sat back down laughing and joking with everyone else again
Kami turned back around and began to fill in the required information.
Name: Kami
Occupation: Adventurer
Spiritual Power: None
Age: 18
C.V: I am a hard working individual who can amass the amount of money all the adventurers can gather working together separately and plan on becoming an S rank Adventurer as well as overtaking the Ace of this guild.
Kami himself didn't know how old his body was and didn't think about asking if Asura knew so he gave himself an age he thought was right
"So no spiritual power, how do you fight?" the receptionist Alice asked
Kami thought for a while, even though he had Asura, he didn't plan on using her until he could wish for her to become a real sword in case she broke
"I use my body, I only use my weapon when in extreme danger"
"So you planned on taking me on in a brawl against me known as the brawl king? The second you feel one of my punches you will draw for that sword of yours, I originally thought you had some sort of spiritual power if you seriously thought you could beat me. Guess I overestimated you" Nabral said chuckling
What Nabral didn't know was that Kami was amongst the most dangerous people in the guild, the few people that didn't laugh with Nabral did so as they knew. No A or S rank adventurers laughed as they could tell there was some sort of strength in Kami, he was even radiating it. And this is extremely rare to happen to anyone with no spiritual power meaning he was so physically strong that he was forcing his body to emit energy and Kami didn't even know it.
Kami ignored the remark and was directed into a special room to test his strength and aptitude for spiritual power which would all be calculated into a score to give him his ranking
Kami was asked to do as many burpees as he could in 5 minutes. He did 600.
He was then asked to punch a special wall that measured the amount of force he gave the wall. The wall was made from a special substance that was stronger than 10 diamonds and after the force is sent into the wall, the amount of force is calculated and then given back. The wall broke
Finally was his aptitude for spiritual power, if a person knew how to use spiritual power. The testing would be different and would be added onto Kami's final score. But since he can't, this this was only used to determine his potential future worth to the guild. He was directed to a new room with a two sofas and a table. The receptionist instructed him to sit down whilst she brought in a crystal and told him to hold the crystal in his hand, close his eyes and focus on his belly button. He did so and the crystal crumbled.
Alice looked at him shocked.
"One moment, what you have done today is truly impressive so I will go and bring in the highest grade crystal we have" Alice said as she hurried off to get the crystal
Kami felt rather pleased with himself. A few minutes passed and she came back with a white and black orb crystal ball about the size of a football(or soccer ball if you are American). She told him to place his hands on the orb and do the same.
His spiritual power was successfully measured.
"Thank you for your time. Please wait a few moments whilst I add all the results and give you your rank" Alice said whilst picking up the orb. She left the room and whilst she went she noticed that the orb cracked
"I am going to have to report this" she muttered walking briskly.
Alice traversed the corridors of the guild and climbed a few staircases until she reached the door to the guild master. Before she could knock the door was opened and she was ushered in.
It had been ten minutes and Kami began to get bored of waiting. Meanwhile members of the guild were murmuring.
"Hey, doesn't the longer you wait for your test mean the higher your rank?" someone said
"Yeah, I heard most of the A rankers waited for at least 5 minutes. The test is definitely done, even if you were to say he could use magic and did the other tests" another responded
"How long was your wait Oboros?"
"Around this long probably, it was a 20 minute wait" replied Oboros. He was a tall man with a strong physique and clean shaven face wrapped in light weight armour with a long-sword on his back.
"If even an A ranker says that.." someone muttered
"Wait time isn't everything, I'm sure this happened because he scored something that could either rank him as the highest D ranker or the lowest C ranker or something" Oboros responded, he said that but didn't believe it for a second.
All A ranked adventurers and above got to their positions from strength and the use of aura. Even some B rankers used aura to reach their position. Oboros refused to believe anyone rivalled all the skill he had acquired in the past half a decade could be rivalled off sheer strength alone.
"Yeah Oboros but I disagree that that bum is even a C ranker though. What was his name again?"
"Oh, he never told us did he" Oboros replied ignoring his previous remark
However, in the guild masters quarters, a completely different conversation was going on.
"If you are a non calamity, D ranker, if you are a basic town calamity C ranker, if you are an intermediate town calamity, B ranker, if you are an advanced town calamity A ranker and if you are a country calamity you become an S ranked adventurer. It is not that hard to give him his correct rank guild master Hugo" protested Alice.
"Even so, being given such a high rank is completely unheard of, especially with brute strength alone. He should be happy with the rank I'm giving him and if he truly deserves that rank then he can build up to it" Hugo responded. He was an old man with a huge white beard
"But to make him a B ranked adventurer.." Alice said
"Like I said, he can work his way up and that is final dismissed"
"Wait a second Guild master, I know I said his score, it was high but there is one thing I haven't told you"
"What haven't you told me Alice"
"He broke the magic wall and cracked the grand crystal"
"Well that certainly is unheard of" Hugo thought as he scratched his bald head "Fine, the highest rank he can get is #1 B ranker, that is that no more room for discussion"
"Understood" Alice said as she left and headed back to Kami.
Kami had waited a whole hour. The guild members were right about one thing, the wait time. The longer the wait, the higher your rank. But Kami's rank was forcibly lowered due to how rare such an event was. Even the greatest A ranked adventurers who became S ranked only had a wait of maximum half an hour. This was completely unheard of.
Back in the room where Kami was located, he was waiting impatiently for Alice to return. After the long hour which to him felt like a year she finally opened the door and escorted him back to the guild hall.
Everyone was murmuring in the background.
"You have been assigned as the #1 B ranked adventurer of this guild, normally there is a fee of two silver coins required to become an adventurer but the guild master has deemed you worthy of joining the guild for free" Alice told Kami
"For free?!?!" the whole guild began to mutter and murmur "Only A rankers and above are given such a luxury, does this mean he should be A ranked?"
"Nonesense!" exclaimed Nabras "There is no way this piece of dirt is higher than me. I am the #5 B ranked adventurer in this guild, there is no way he is higher than me. You what is your name." Nabras said pointing at Kami angrily
"Kami" he responded
"Remember what I said about having a battle?"
"Yes, I remember, tomorrow at noon. I will deal with you then."
Nabras turned bright red from anger and began to grip his huge hammer
"Fight me, tomorrow is too long. Let's get it out of the way and do it now. There is no way I can except someone like you looking like you do is stronger than me." shouted Nabras
"Fine by me, Alice can you set up a way for us to fight right now. I don't really understand how stuff like this works yet." Kami said smiling
"Yes I can, before I do I must give you this badge" Alice said handing Kami a gold coin the size of his palm. On the coin was #1 B.
"This coin will always show your rank amongst the members of the guild. Once you reach S class it is possible to join the Continental Adventurers guild or CAG. Once a member you will still be viewed as an S class adventurer here however you will have to start from the lowest rank D amongst the CAG and build your way up to the top. The CAG is only full of S class people and is a huge opportunity for any adventurers, many aspire to join resulting in them becoming adventurers for the various perks and opportunities available in the CAG. Never lose this coin. If you lose this coin you will no longer be an adventurer of this guild and any rewards from quests still pending will be forfeit." Alice explained
"Thank you" Kami said, he immediately put the coin in his theft proof pouch so he couldn't lose it.
Kami and Nabras were then escorted to an arena training room with a huge viewing area so the two could end their quarrel. A fight between B rankers was uncommon and word spread quickly. Anyone was allowed to watch the fight but there was limited seats so it was first come first served. All the adventurers and a few lucky civilians sat in the stalls to watch the fight.
They walked over to opposite sides of the arena and Kami looked down to ignore the constant taunts that Nabras was trying to give Kami.
Alice stepped in the middle of the room to explain the rules. It was simple.
Street fight. Fight how you would fight if your opponent was a monster.
Within the room was a special effect that sent all blows landed on your opponent into a black box. There was two, one for Kami, one for Nabras. Both boxes could take an equal amount of damage. Whoever's box broke first lost.
"The battle between #1 B ranker Kami and #5 B ranker Nabras will now take place. 3, 2, 1 battle!" screamed Alice running away from the middle of the arena.
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The Will of the Strong
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