《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 3: Residence
And with the word 'battle', Nabras darted straight ahead with his battle hammer drawn and lunged straight at Kami whilst the crowd roared. Kami was slowly walking towards Nabras and was using this opportunity to understand how a 'fight to the death' works. However, both parties didn't see this as a fight to the death, they both thought this was a lesson to teach the other. One thought they could win out of ignorance, the other out of knowledge. Kami dodged the hammer and it left a huge dent within the floor. Kami assumed the material used must at least equate to concrete. Kami was using this battle to try and determine how much damage a C class calamity could cause to try and predict what he himself could do as well as understand fighting better.
No matter how Nabras moved, Kami easily dodged each attack, Nabras viewed him only dodging as weakness and fear and it further fueled each attack whilst Kami was on the spot learning about openings, how important footwork was and was getting ready to exploit Nabras' openings.
The upper echelon of adventurers(A and S rank) could see that Kami was pretty much just dancing around Nabras.
"So this is all a town disaster level equated to huh?" sighed Kami "I am glad I spent all that time training"
"Are you mocking me!" screamed Nabras as he attempted to hit Kami with another one of his attacks.
This has been going on for 5 minutes but Nabras already began to tire, his openings got wider, the start of his swings were slower. Even his movement was slower. All the running Kami had done paid off as he was able to have a physical fight for almost as long as a day with no breaks.
"I don't do this type of thing often but there is too great a difference in skill and strength so I will tell you my attacks" Kami said disappointed
"Difference in skill and strength? Are you looking down on me. I am winning here!" bellowed Nabras
"No matter what you say I will do this anyway. I am right handed. I plan on fighting you only with my left hand and I wont attack with all my strength, maybe 30%? When you swing next, I am going to punch your chin, then your stomach and then your chest the second your hammer hits the floor"
"I really will hit you this time, I ain't gonna lose to dirt like you"
Nabras jumped up and with and pointed his hammer at Kami, he wanted to force him into the ground. Kami put his right hand behind his back and easily again dodged the blow to the left. Kami thought that he could just stop the battle hammer in mid air but that would break Nabras and Kami didn't want that. Time looked as if it had slowed down and felt like the air was full of cold wind to the spectators. Kami delivered a blow to the chin, Nabras' box cracked, he then crounched and punched his stomach, the black box cracked yet again and he finally delivered another blow to his chest, the box exploded like glass with all the blows controlled. Kami quickly jumped back since all the damage was put onto the box Nabras was completely fine.
The crowd went silent. Alice quickly came in between Nabras and I
"And the winner is..." she said walking towards the victor "Kami!" she exclaimed raising his arm. The crowd cheered
"To hell with this!" Exclaimed Nabras, the crowd dropped off again "Let us have a real fight to the death Kami!" He ran towards Kami battle hammer still drawn. Now that the match was over. The black box did not offer protection, not that it mattered.
Various adventurers hopped off the view area and into the arena to stop Nabras.
"Will the adventurers make it to Nabras first or will Nabras make it to me first Asura" he asked
"Nabras will reach you first" she responded
Kami still had his right hand behind him, now he raised both fists into a guard. He swiftly reached Nabras and placed his hand on his chest, he then tripped up his feet and with his hand still on his chest pushed Nabras downwards into the ground which resulted in a huge crack in the ground with the diameter of a few metres, way larger than any dent Nabras had previously made. The resulting force made Nabras cough up blood and sent his battle hammer flying into the sky. Nabras was out cold.
The adventurers that were on their way to stop Nabras stopped advancing. Kami looked up and grabbed the hammer with one arm. The battle hammer that Nabras had been swinging with two. Kami headed over to the adventurer that was closest to the him and handed him the hammer before walking off.
The crowd was in awe.
As kami left the arena, he could people questioning the match believing he cheated, others saying he was only playing with Nabras and a lot of other things. However everyone was saying this all at once so it was hard for Kmai to hear anymore than that. Kami deduced that it was hard to become a B rank and most people would be C rank until they left the adventurers guild. Kami deeply believed that he was going to have to get into this guild of elites the CAG very fast if he wanted to fit in.
Well blend in, Kami's goal for now was simple. Blend in. He drew too much attention to himself as he was amongst or even surpassed the greatest beings in the country. He needed to blend in so he could work silently at bettering himself so he could achieve his final goal of becoming a God. The culprit that caused this to happen was Asura, since she was able to grant him wishes as he pleased twice, he monopolised on this to grow to the strength that would've taken someone else minimum 2 years in a fortnight.
Kami headed back to the guild hall. Even there murmurs still continued specifically on Asura. They continuously talked about how Kami was holding back and how Nabras couldn't even get Kami to use his right hand let alone Asura. After a short while a debate popped up that got almost every guild member involved. It was about what rank Kami truly was.
But by this time Kami had got up and was heading to the receptionist as he was waiting for Alice to return however he was stopped by a large hand grabbing his hand. It was Oboros.
"Don't start thinking you are above the rest of the guild now that you dealt with Nabras" he started "There are huge gaps in strength, skill and knowledge the higher up the ranks you go"
"I see" Kami started smirking "This is what they call newbie crushing, didn't think people actually adopted this. It just shows the person is weak if they have to take on new people to assert their strength as they aren't the strongest and hate knowing that. Oboros, don't take this the wrong way because I have no intention of fighting you" Kami grabbed Oboros' hand by the wrist which was still on Kami's shoulder "If you attempt to fight me and waste anymore of my time, I'll crush you" Kami squeezed his wrist so hard that the bone crushed.
Oboros jumped back and howled in pain, feeling his pride was hurt by having his arm broken and the rest of the members hearing him scream, he didn't even bother to try and defend himself. Instead he sat down and ignored everyone.
Kami went back to business.
"I was told I was going to be given a place to stay for free for a month" Kami stated
"Yes of course, with all that happened I almost forgot to give you an accomodation. You will have a room within the Vrelei Inn. They have already been notified just show them your ID and your adventurer coin and they wi-"
"ID?" Kami quickly interrupted her
"Yes ID, do you not have one? Simple matter if you don't, all you have to do is go to the Head Guild and request citizenship, if you are accepted you will become a citizen of Jura and they will give you an ID, they will also ask for various questions and properly check your calamity level with 100% accuracy. There equipment is far better than what we have even though are equipment is good and shouldn't break no matter how you attack"
"Okay, I will return tomorrow to understand how quests work and do one"
"Quests, before you go I will quickly explain" Alice said pointing over to a huge board that spanned the entire wall of one side of the guild hall "Quests are found here, anyone can submit a request, the request is then checked to see if it is a hoax and if it's not it is added to the board. Whoever successfully submits a request has to pay the guild to get the quest done. 30% of what they pay us is taken for use within the guild, the other 70% is put on the poster for each quest with a picture of the problem and rank difficulty. The rank difficulty is equal to your own rank. You can do a quest that is one above your own rank or beneath it however for A ranked adventurers, if they wish to do an S ranked quest they must assemble a party of at least 3 to do it. After that they bring the quest poster here and I read out the details of the quest to the adventurers attempting to complete it"
"Hmm I understand, then when I come tomorrow I will pick a suitable quest for me" Kami responded
"Before you leave one more thing, if you complete 5 or more quests above your own rank level or complete an amount of quests leading to the guild master believing you deserve a promotion you rank up. Only the guild master knows the complete criteria but to first rank up you need to have completed more quests than the #1 ranked person in your own rank and after that only guild master Hugo himself knows what to do"
"Thank you for the information" Kami said as he was finally able to leave the front desk and he walked out of the guild.
As he walked out the sun hit him hard and made him look down. He looked at his tattered scrubs and decided it was about time for him to get a new outfit.
Kami walked down the street and passed various different shops until he came across a clothing shop which he deemed to not be too expensive or too cheap. Just right. He walked in and was immediately greeted by a store clerk who spoke to Kami. Kami told the clerk what he wanted and the clerk had him measured before having him stay in a waiting room.
Kami was shocked by the pleasant hospitality he was shown even though he was dressed like a homeless person. He thought the clerk didn't care as long as he actually paid him and didn't waste his time.
After a short while, the clerk came back with the clothes and had Kami try them on. Perfect fit. Kami was wearing black leather shoes which were springy and easy to run in with black pants that had a huge white ribbon in the shape of a tie that dangling down next to the outside of his leg. At the bottom of the tie was a black octogram symbol. He was also wearing a plain black shirt which was actually light armour though it wasn't very strong and he also had a large cape with a black pointy hood with another octogram symbol on his back in the middle of the cape.
The cape could be turned into a backpack at will revealing the rest of his clothing. Everything was how he had asked, perfect. With this Kami began to negotiate prices. Originally 1 piece of gold, he managed to knock the price down to 4 pieces of silver. He then pulled out the platinum coin he had which disappointed the clerk as he wished he could've made Kami pay a full platinum coin for his outfit. After receiving his gold and silver change he left the store and finally headed to the head guild with his cape as a backpack. He also thought about a place to put all of the money he had as the pouch of coins he had was fairly heavy and was easily annoying Kami who had to bring them with him.
Kami decided the smartest thing he could do was carry them around until he found a use for them which he was aware was going to be no time soon.
As Kami walked to the guild he asked Asura how the head guild worked.
Their is 1 main head guild in each capital city of a country and the ruler of the guild is the king and controls the country however the monarchy has other head guilds in each city which work to help the monarchy control each city and understand the needs of the people. The monarchy appoints his most trusted nobles to do this. All other nobles are given pieces of land in a city. It is a parliament of sorts however all the nobles talk and the king gives his say which is the direction the country will face.
Kami understood it as figure heads being placed in each city acting as an interim king of sorts for the city. If this 'king' believes there are any problems in the city he notifies the king and the king does whatever he wants with the information. Kami thought it was a smart idea as all the king had to really do was make sure his city was fine and offer support to the other cities if he needed to and if he thought he didn't need to he could blame the 'king' of the city and have them forcefully removed and replaced and just say there was miscommunication between this 'king' and the real king which would keep the citizens of the other cities from directing their anger at him and starting a revolution.
Kami thought whoever came up with that was a genius.
Naturally, word about Kami began to spread fast and even though he had changed outfits he was quickly being identified. As he walked to the head guild he would repeatedly hear 'the one with the wooden sword' then continuous murmuring. He paid it no mind and eventually reached the castle known as Jura's head guild.
"Halt, who goes there" boomed a voice. Kami stopped
"Kami" he responded
"With what business?"
"I request residence within the city"
"You may enter" the voice told him and the front doors to the castle were opened immediately.
A pair of guards escorted Kami to a large room with the same magic wall he had seen at the adventurers guild of to the left of the room with a large blue mat and various other things he hadn't seen before though he assumed some of these contraptions would be explained to him anyway. There were also various seats and tables in the back of the room so Kami patiently waited over there.
After a few minutes, a rather round man entered the room wearing clothing that would fit a noble. Kami assumed that this must be the city's interim 'king'.
"Welcome welcome" he said fast "lets keep this brief I am fairly busy, take this card and come over to the front of the room"
Kami was given a money card which simply re explained how to money system worked. Or so he thought
100 bronze coins= 1 silver coin
100 silver coins= 1 gold coin
100 gold coins= 1 platinum coin
The first thought that crossed Kami's mind were a few profane words about how Lex had deeply lied to him which caused him to tense up. Kami quickly relaxed as he found out before he said what he thought aloud and a shop monopolised on his ignorance.
The noble asked Kami various questions varying from name and age to potential accommodation and occupation. Pretty simple stuff. Kami was then ordered to do everything he did in the adventurers guild to a T although the equipment varied and didn't break or crack when he was done.
"Okay Kami" the noble said "Few more tests and we will be done. Lift that barbell over there and squeeze that black rod as hard as you can"
Kami did as he was told. The barbell was special, it estimated the max weight you could lift when you touch it and would get heavier as you try to curl it so it is actually impossible to curl. The black rod was fairly squishy but it was the size of a wrist which suited its purpose, as you squeeze the rod it measures the max amount of grip strength a person has.
As Kami lifted the barbell he quickly dropped it after it became too heavy. Words he originally thought he had left behind within the Kawal forest. The man explained the test was over and left the room to retrieve the results. He came back quickly smiling.
"I have your ID here" he started " we can quickly make stuff like this however it says here that you are a country calamity. You are now under the ruling of the king of Brunay and as you will be aware we are currently fighting a war. All are welcome to freely choose to sign up however all calamities registered in a city above the basic city calamity must join the war effort. That includes you."
Kami looked devastated, he assumed he was probably going to have to fight in a war soon but he planned on just taking over an entire city and becoming their king and taking out over cities to become the countries king. Though when he thought about that even for him that was rather ambitious.
The noble continued to speak and in summary told Kami he had maximum of 4 months before he would become a knight and join the war effort and that he should use the time to prepare. He is also forbidden to leave the city unless doing a quest, if he is caught attempting to leave for any other reason, he will be subdued and used as a decoy in battles until he finally died. Harsh but Kami understood.
ID in hand he headed over to the Vrelei in to finally get to rest for the day. The sky had grown dark and what was once friendly figures walking down the street was now replaced with shady and possibly dangerous people blending in with the darkness.
Kami approached the inn and could see light through the window and loud laughter and celebration outside the door. He pushed it open and was greeted with tables upon tables of people drinking and eating, mostly drinking and cheering. His entrance was barely noticed, he approached the bartender and showed his ID and adventurers coin and was brought up to his room leaving the sound of the noisy bar beneath him. His room was fairly simple, a bed, chair, desk and drawer. And a square window looking out into Jura with the white moon in full view.
Kami took off everything he had and instantly fell asleep. Though he didn't need to sleep long he didn't wake up until the next morning.
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