《Players in Remnant》What...?
Oh the painnnnnnnn…
Its super fucking EVERYWHERE!
He really should have turned on his {Physical Immunity I} when the crash happened.
Wait a minute, his undead. He shouldn't feel any pain on that. Nothing too bad...
…Eh, whatever.
Despite the crash not really hurting him, his vision was rather… impaired at the moment.
Then he felt a pleasant sensation came through his body, the feeling of fear tasted throughover the mist of his spirit…
The feeling still disgusts him despite the pleasant taste…
Trudging out of the tunnel, the light tampered his vision for only a second before seeing a crowd checking on the crash.
It didn’t take a moment longer for them to notice him and began screaming and running away. The latter is only done by a few smartest ones.
He could see team RWBY down in a daze, slowly trying to regain themselves. Not long after a King Taijitu emerged from the tunnels, followed by the other Grimm released.
Then the rest of the people immediately took off in a wild panic.
He let the scene run flow before letting out a smirk.
Skull Spiders appeared out of nowhere, two landing near Lordez’s position and glancing their fangs to anything that decides to attack their master. A few Grimm were no exception when they got too near.
This only enraged the Grimm who saw and attacked their ‘brethren’ for no reason and their places be learned. Too bad they are too weak to deal any major amount of damage against the giant spiders.
“W-What are those-!?” Ruby shouted as she noticed and pointed towards the Skull Spiders that are absolutely dominating the swarm of Grimm.
“Spider Grimm!? They seem to be new!” Yang exclaimed in confusion not before dealing with a couple of Creeps.
It was understandable for them to mistake the Skull Spiders as Grimm, but this was just how they appear to be. And it helped with his plan…
Lordez brandished his greatsword before motioning the Skull Spiders standing beside him to leave. Giving them commands to protect the civilians and slaughter the Grimm. If anyone dares to attack them, disable them but not kill them.
The spiders seemed to ‘nod’ at the mental order before leaping off towards team RWBY.
The girls were about to retaliate against the giant spiders’ attack, but not before they noticed Grimm behind them. Faster than they can react, the Skull Spiders dealt with them. Biting them with their fangs and stabbing them with their armored legs, the Grimm were slaughtered without any effort.
“W-What just happened? What are they doing?” Weiss voiced her confusion and shock upon seeing the spiders’ actions.
“They are… killing each other?” Blake commented in confusion. It was pretty obvious, but none of them could believe that these Grimm were attacking their own.
Or perhaps they are different types of Grimm?
Lordez stomped his way towards a King Taijitu. The giant-ass snake noticed this ‘being’ and it could feel the malicious aura surrounding it. It radiates negative energy, but different…
It didn’t feel like Grimm despite its unholy appearance.
Confused, it then decided to strike the being, sensing its killing intent, for it to back off. The being disappeared the moment it strikes, and then it reappears in front of its face.
This… Human Grimm, despite its face being the face of a skull, it made a wild, bony smile. After then, it brought its greatsword downwards onto the snake’s skull and obliterated its head into pieces.
Lordez landed on the ground with his knees before slowly rising back to his feet like a boss fight was going to happen.
Unconsciously, he growled. Getting too deep into his ‘animalistic’ role. Not knowing that he is facing towards team RWBY, who they mistakenly thought was directed to them and braced themselves.
Feeling that it is now time for his plan to get second phase, he craned his head backwards… Before letting out a roar boosted by magic.
The sound was deafening, enough to be comparable like an explosion going off.
Everyone and everything in the city winced horribly from the terrible loudness of the unholy roar.
Everything around Lordez halted to what they were doing, even the Grimm paused from the roar, the sound shaking their legs from its explosive announcement.
Team RWY had their hands over their ears as they felt their eardrums seemed to almost burst out. Even worse for Blake, as she flailed on the ground, painfully and temporarily deafen by his roar.
Lordez cringed at the sight of Blake on the ground, clutching her ears as she flailed around in pain. He would admit that it was his fault on that part. He had forgotten to take account of the Faunus and their incredibly sensitive senses.
But oh well, too late to cry out on spilled milk.
As this only served as a signal for his forces at the ready.
Suddenly, the Grimm are driven back by unknown forces.
From the shadows itself, came out even more creatures that should have only existed in fantasy…
Skeleton Warriors, Gunners, Soldiers and Liches came out from the shadows with the mist following as they moved.
They moved as a wave, attacking and killing the Grimm in their wake. And if five of them are taken down, it doesn't matter. For 20 more shall take their place.
The people couldn’t help but stare at their undead saviors. The rumored monsters of the mist from the outskirts, the “Vengeful Ghosts”.
The glow in their eyes is nothing but hate and redemption. And by the will of the undeath, they shall bring down the false nightmare, and rise the true darkness of nightmare they forth to bring.
A beowolf was a few feet close to harm an injured woman who was unable to run away, be saved by a tall and slender monster as it simply grasped the neck of the Grimm and crushed it without any effort. (Dark One from Metro 2033)
Two Skeleton Warriors were able to protect a downed couple just in time before they could even be mauled by an Ursa who had just been tailing them from behind.
The appearance of the Skeleton Warriors might seem easy to break their bones, but they were mid-tier Skeleton Warriors. A mere bear wouldn't be able to fend them off easily.
A squad of Skeleton Gunners provided covering fire for the civilians being chased by the Grimm. Not before the Warriors and Soldiers came shambling forward in melee against the Grimm, halting their push to an abrupt stop.
Lordez couldn’t help but feel a smile growing on his face. Feeling somewhat weirded out by being proud of… something right now.
He didn’t know why, but he had a strange feeling of pride swelling in him.
He broke out from his idle thought as he noticed a Boartusk charging towards the still unsuspecting, dazed team of RWBY.
He immediately moved to intercept it.
This made the team misunderstand its intentions. And for them, it looked like it was heading for Ruby, who was trying to reorient her mind to the present.
Weiss was the first one to get herself out of the daze and stepped in front of Ruby, her rapier at ready and thrust her blade at the incoming Lordez.. Only for it to evade it out of the way before decapitating the rolling Boartusk in half.
The team could only widen their eyes as they witnessed this monster… protected Ruby from the Grimm!?
Lordez growled, not long after for it to speak in a deep, husky growling voice. Surprising the girls once more.
“Stand… And DELIVER!” He shouted once more, bringing another shockwave from his powerful growling voice. Only this time it wasn’t boosted, and neither was it loud enough to have the Faunus’ ears burst off.
And another simple accident was that he unconsciously activated his {Nightmarish Aura}.
The girls’ reaction to this vary. Ruby’s rear was on the ground, looking at Lordez in unadulterated fear. Blake’s pupils contracted to almost the smallest degree that her eyes looked like they were completely white. Weiss collapsed to her knees, shaking uncontrollably and was foaming in her mouth. She went unconscious. Yang trembled from the dread and fear, she looked like she was trying to put up a fight, but she failed miserably.
Their bodies shook uncontrollably, in fear, having them freeze in place.
Lordez noticed this, and it only took moments before he resisted the temptation to facepalm at the accident he had caused. He sighed, only that it came out as a growl. Making the girls tremble even more, even more so to cower without any shame.
He cursed at himself for making this situation even more harder, more so complicated once he had to make up a bullshittery explanation to Ozpin, or in YGGDRASIL’s case; Antonios.
He hoped to fix their minds from the damage he had caused. {Nightmarish Aura}. It worked the same as {Aura of Fear}, however, in the lore; it is said that anyone within the range of its vicinity will experience fear from the utmost horrible things of their life in their minds. Coming to surface into their mind and thought.
He’ll have to prepare a mind-alternating spell to fix this inconsistent part of the phase out from their minds.
From what they are thinking, this… monster is not an ordinary Grimm. It possessed the strength and power of a Huntsman, something that should only be in novel books.
(Repetition… fuck)
Lordez then walked slowly towards them, specifically; to Ruby.
They couldn’t move, not even a finger, nor can they speak or shout out to. Their whole bodies froze up in fear.
Yang was screaming in her mind for her body to move, even just an inch to stop this monster from going near her sister!
The Humanoid Grimm kept making its slow march to Ruby, who was inching backwards. Trying to get away from this monster.
“No… P-Please… Stay a-away…” She said quietly, but it was enough for her team to hear her fearful words.
The Grimm crouched, leveling itself to Ruby’s downed form. Despite that, it is still looming over the red reaper. Ruby felt that it was staring at her own very soul.
It then raised its hand, slowly heading over to Ruby’s head.
The slowness was heart-numbing for the girls.
Yang and Weiss tried to will their hearts and minds to move their bodies, but they just refused. It wouldn't respond no matter what. In their minds they screamed, as only tears flowed from their eyes as a response. Their mouths couldn’t open, but their eyes were seeing everything.
The mind of Lordez was chaotic. All he could think and be concerned about was how to calm down Ruby without making any hints of… whatever that might lead back to him or his ‘monstrous’ alias be unraveled.
Scrolls are out of the table. Items even more so.
For now, all he could do was hope…
And the girls saw it did the unthinkable…
It patted Ruby’s head gently like a child.
“Calm… Silver… Eyes…” It spoke once more, shocking the teens on their feet. “Silver… Eyes… Protect…”
The girls could only stare in disbelief, their eyes wide as dinner plates.
At this moment, he could only wish to go into a hole, dig it deeper, and just hide there forever. The situation was so embarrassing that he wished he could prepare even more on this part.
Before anyone could do anything, Lordez felt danger coming towards him and so he picked up Ruby and dodged out of the way.
“-Norrrraaaa SMASH!” And Nora comes out of nowhere, falling from the skies with her hammer smashing to where Lordez’s position was standing.
Lordez glared at Nora and growled. “I… Protect… Silver… Eyes…” He snarled angrily, his fangs seen.
‘So it seems they appear even later than usual… A slight change, but nothing too major.’ He hummed, although a bit frustrated that he had to improv a bit when team JNPR hadn't still arrived before a Grimm was about to take down Ruby.
As the rest of team JNPR arrived and landed on the ground from the Bullhead, Jaune exclaimed in surprise and a slight tense of fear, “What the heck is that!?”
Almost by some fortunate fate bestowed upon him, a Grimm somehow appeared out of nowhere from behind. He quickly dropped Ruby, although not too harshly, as he twirled around and absolutely sliced the poor flanking Ursa in half. It's black, dissipating blood showering upon his figure.
It didn’t help as he saw a horde of various Grimm charging towards his direction, no doubt towards the frightened team RWBY, and some of them being in complete shock that their negative emotions were almost tasty as ever.
Most of his forces are currently handling the containment of the Breach, although they are too far away from his location and wouldn't make it in time.
For now, he’ll have to deal with the entrance by himself, and a couple of Skull Spiders that he could feel are nearby.
Stomping his way towards the horde, his greatsword’s edge raised, he let out a battle roar before charging towards the fray like a wild man.
The Grimm were unable to stop his charge, as he literally barreled through the horde without any visible effort in stopping his momentum.
The Huntsman-in-trainings’ could only stare at the one-sided slaughter conducted by the Humanoid Grimm.
Yang broke her sight from the slaughter and quickly went to check up with her little sister, no doubt scared out of her mind. She was too, but she has to be brave for her little redhood.
“Sis, are you ok!?” Yang checked for wounds before hugging her tightly.
“Y-Yeah… I’m fine.” She weakly replied, her body still shaking from fear. Yang helped her up from the ground. “T-Thanks… Wait, is Blake alright?” She then remembered her teammate incapacitated from the Humanoid’s Grimm roar.
“She’s fine, though it doesn't look like she can do well in a fight at the moment!” Ren replied, checking up on the unconscious Blake.
“What the heck happened!?”
“It was from that… thing’s roar!” Weiss answered as she slowly stood up from the ground, her legs still shaking. “I think it was enough to knock her out!”
“The roar came from that!?” Nora pointed appallingly at the Humanoid Grimm, who was visibly absolutely being barbaric against its fellow Grimm. “It was super loud!”
“Heads up, we got incoming!” Pyrrha exclaimed, her spear and shield at the ready at the approaching monsters.
Tall and slender figures with absolute black, glossy eyes. It had a humanoid figure, but the features didn’t make itself human at all.
“W-Wait, that thing looks like it's one of those “Mist Monsters”!” Jaune exclaimed in disbelief. He recalled looking in the Remnet and the article and news of the “Ghosts in the Mist” got him curious.
He managed to see what some of the creatures look like, but with most of the pictures and videos hindered by the thick mist, it was almost impossible to see what they exactly look like.
Theories went on and on about the ‘creatures of the mist’ being friendly to Grimm. In any other cases, the thought itself would be found as impossible and outlandish, but in this exceptional case, it might be a possibility.
“Are you sure about that, fearless leader?” Nora inquired, her finger ready to pull the trigger on her grenade launcher.
“Y-Yeah! Don’t shoot at it!” Jaune ordered, but still guarded the tall monster.
The slender figure had its head turning, as if looking for something. Then it settled its black eyes upon them. It immediately raised its hand towards their direction.
They braced themselves for an attack, only for them to hear something ‘squish’ behind them. Turning around, a Beowolf looked like it was compacted into a ball.
A Grimm… saving them?
Huh, the thought couldn’t go any weirder.
“They're friendly!” Nora chipped to her friends, realizing that the tall slender monster had saved one of them from an ambushing Grimm.
“Heh… They must be…” Jaune couldn’t help but be nervous. The way the tall creature raised its hand and made a crushing motion… Its ability was no doubt Telekinesis, the same ability as their Combat Teacher of Beacon; Glynda Goodwitch.
“So long we just don’t provoke them, we’ll be fine?”
None of them react fast enough for something fast to pass by their sense of perception as a greatsword flew in between them and its destination met at the demise of a Grimm who was utterly impaled through and through by its blade.
The Human Grimm stomped its way towards its thrown blade, ignoring the shocked awe and fearful expressions by the teens.
As Lordez was about to pick up his weapon, he was suddenly showered by a spray of bullets.
He managed to pick up the greatsword and used it as a shield, blocking half the shots due to the blade not wide enough to cover his whole body. But his equipment was enough to absorb the shots.
With the rain of bullets ended, he took the opportunity to look for his attacker. And just as he was about to use a spell, a figure landed just a few distance in front of him.
The figure was completely cloaked and their face obscured, but he could see twin large barrels that looked like a double-barrel shotgun with hooked bayonets at the tip of the barrels, sticking out from the bottom of their cloak.
“So… Long time no see, Mr Grimm.” The figure spoke, a man.
[Hello Lordez-san, it's been a while]
If Lordez was in his normal appearance, his eyes would be seen as the size of a dinner plate.
His undead brain was so overloaded that he started to feel a slight migraine, despite not being alive and not having to deal with the restrictions of one, he felt panicked.
He wasn’t prepared for this kind of an encounter. So many questions ran through his mind. Who was he? And he claims to say that they know him? Who is it? If it's one of his comrades, then he would have taken note of them earlier! If not, who else knows him aside from the clan and AOG!?
The voice was… familiar. He couldn’t place it exactly, but the tone…
[I’m guessing that you're quite surprised about this… situation] They continued. [I know you have questions to ask, and I am not your enemy. And considering your… act. For now, we shall act and speak of this later, if that is not a problem?]
[...Fine. In the forest, after this]
[After this…] They agreed before the link disconnected.
“You…” Lordez, putting up with his ‘act’ for this ‘play’, with a hateful growl.
‘He knows that thing!?’ Were what the ones at present were thinking.
“Oi kids,” The man called out to the teens, grabbing their attention. “you guys might wanna get out of the dodge quick before things get messy.”
“Wait, your making a mistak-!”
“I don’t think you're in any position to make me go away, girl…” The cloaked man brandished his twin double-barrels. “This is personal…”
“DDDDIEEEEE!!!!” Lordez blurred towards the cloaked man, who is still calm after the Human Grimm disappeared from the eyes of the teens.
They simply drew and aimed their weapon towards Lordez and fired. Lordez dodged the shots before twirling around with his greatsword to make a slicing momentum.
The cloaked man parried the weapon that was way too large, even for strength-based Huntsmen couldn’t even carry it, using the bayonet-fixed attachment on the tip.
They then aimed with the other, but were slapped away by the Human Grimm with a free hand. It used its tail to stab the man, but only for it to be kicked away.
The fight continued in an absolute close-quarters combat with almost impossible movements even for Huntsmen. Using a greatsword with only one hand should have absolute arm strength, let alone putting in more striking power into it.
Let alone parrying a heavy blade that required two hands, even with the usage of Aura to enhance their body.
And also evading and parrying with such speeds that their hands couldn’t even be seen. Even if using a bullet-speed camera, they wouldn't be able to capture it to see it slow down.
The fight was a stalemate on both fighters, blocking, parrying and missing their hits just by a few inches.
The Huntsmen-in-training could only stare at the spectacle with various feelings. Astonishment, awe, fear and disbelief. Even more to make a comparison. The fight was so… indescribable that they had forgotten they were still in a dangerous area.
The stalemate didn’t last long when the Human Grimm suddenly spurt black blood onto the ground. What was shocking is that they didn’t even flinch, as if getting pierced through by a 12-inch blade was nothing!
It didn’t even slow down when it was pierced through the stomach, but that was just enough for the cloaked man to gain the high ground in damaging the Grimm.
The Human Grimm gains so many injuries that it is almost impossible to still move so quickly with them! Then they realized, they are comparing the monster from normal.
This was not normal at all.
Only then the Human Grimm pushed the cloaked man away so hard that they flew and crashed through the building in it.
Some of the teens gasp in shock, they couldn’t help but worry for the cloaked man’s condition. Getting thrown through a concrete wall was one way to take out a disconcertingly good amount of Aura. While the others slowly inched away from the monstrous duel. They were hesitating whether to take it down or back away and avoid it.
Lordez’s body was filled with cuts and wounds that are enough to kill a man from just pain and blood loss alone. But he need not worry, for the ‘blood’ his body was leaking, was merely a cosmetic. And even then, the Black Blob would seal his body’s wounds within time.
‘Anti-Regeneration…’ His suspicions are now proven true, even when the unknown Player {Messaged} him, seeking more proof didn’t hurt.
And this wasn’t how one of those noobs fought as well, this was a veteran. His mind bothered to seek questions on why they didn’t decide to bring in their strongest arsenal at disposal.
There are many possibilities he could think of;
Low-level, noob, taking too many risks; Justice Seeker, came to the thinking that he is evil and needed to be dealt with and save lives, White Knight; Diplomacy, cunning and sly individual, possible dealing moves within the shadows to gain whatever goal they have in mind.
There were many enough to be accounted for, but he has not the proper time and place to inquire about such harmful curiosities he has on this man.
“Heheheh…” The cloaked man’s voice chuckle can be heard through the rubble building, even despite the fighting that is happening around them. “Not bad… Really not bad, Herald…”
Lordez didn’t know what or why this man is calling him “Herald”, it is somehow fitting because of his appearance.
[My Creator, the human fleet has arrived!] Hurriedly {Messaged} through a Lich’s voice in the mentally.
Its words spoke true, the cavalry had arrived.
Reinforcements started to arrive, even the Atlas fleet had arrived and began dropping in the AKs dealing against the Grimm and the ‘Mist Monsters’.
His mouth twitched slightly. The plan worked as intended. He wanted to contain the Breach with a minimal amount of casualties to the population. Logically, the loss of his forces was nothing to worry about as he can just reconstruct his forces even more within due time, but it is a tactic’s mind to keep your forces’ casualties as minimal as possible as you gain victory.
A pyrrhic victory is needed to be avoided at all cost.
Having to wait down the summoning cooldown is a real bitch to deal with.
[Have all forces to retreat, ensure no one shall harm the citizens. Retaliate if you must, but only if necessary and with no deaths as much as possible]
[As you command, my Creator!]
“Haahhh… Really? Ruined our fun… I should have either waited longer or fought you sooner.” The cloaked man lamented as he dusted off dirt from his shoulders. “But boy ohhh boy… I missed our session like this.” The cloaked man cracked his neck.
Lordez growled. ‘What the hell is this punk on about? Is he a battle-addict?’
[Don’t worry, I won't harm any of them. I just came here to give you a greeting, that's all. Anything else should have interfere with your… plans]
That only made Lordez be even more suspicious of the man even further.
Vague and cryptic speaking… Either he is cunning or using words that would mislead his directory.
“Children! Are any of you hurt!?” Doctor Oobleck inquired as he burned a nearby Grimm.
“N-Not really…” Yang replied, a little shaken, but she was alright.
“What the Oum is that thing!?”
“Jeez, is it a Grimm trying to mimic a Faunus?”
“Well, it looks like the gang's all here~” The cloaked Player shuffled, his body language swaying mischievously.
“Best for me to leave now… Oh, and Herald,” As he was about to leave, he paused before turning towards Lordez and shooting a paper towards him so fast that it only made it look like the man was simply pointing at him. “…I can guarantee your Lord that the two of you won't be seeing me again… Ever.”
With those last words spoken, he vanished out of thin air. The act surprised everyone present, excluding Lordez who had been too restricted in his act to even stop him.
He glanced at the paper thrown to him, having suspicion that the paper is either a trap, but he felt no conclusion for he sensed no magic in the paper. So the man properly delivered a message for him to read eyes only.
He had never considered any possibility of someone to drop in and potentially ruin his plan. He never considered any Players to be transported in this world, because he thought it was only the two of them, with the exception of Ozpin/Antonios.
As curiosity lingers in their minds, they have to focus on the potential threat in front of them.
Oobleck began to inform them of a quick analysis on the humanoid Grimm; fire being its visible weakness as it seems to avoid it all throughout the fight with him in the tunnels, and that it’s fighting style is wild and almost unpredictable. And that it's not to be underestimated and beware of its powerful, heavy strikes.
“The Grimm can talk!” Yang exclaimed while trying to carry the unconscious Blake around her shoulders.
“What!?” The newly arrived looked at the Grimm, which is now staring at them with those blood-red eyes, glowing with unknown malicious intent.
Although Lordez was simply just staring at them with his mind wondering what to do next after the… unexpected interference.
What they did not expect next was… ‘shocking’ would be the understatement of it. Lest for the ones who had not witnessed the scene earlier apart from RWBY and JNPR.
“I… Seek… No… Fight…” Lordez growled out. “I… Bring… Message… From… The… Lord…”
“...And what message… Do you wish to tell us?” Port responded after regaining his composure from the shocking disbelief of a talking Grimm.
“...Our Lord… My King… Has Returned…”
Everyone looked confused, wanting answers, Glynda inquired; “Whose King…?”
Lordez looked at Glynda. The Huntress flinched from the amount of malice those eyes radiate, but she stood fast.
“...The King of Nightmares… The Exalted Dark… Has Returned To Take… His Rightful Place…”
“The Grimm… Has a King?” Coco muttered in confusion.
Glynda however, is having some mental conflicts going on in her head. If this Grimm is not one of Salem’s creatures, then is there another that can rule over Grimm?
“What do you mean by that? There is a King among the Grimm?” Oobleck questioned his sense of wanting to know more, and wishing to archive such invaluable historical information.
Lordez then faced towards the coffee-addict professor- I mean, Doctor, his expression content with hatred that made the others recoil in surprise.
“Our Lord… Has No Purpose… With Such Abominations… Of Impure Darkness… For He… Rules Over… The True Darkness…” Lordez grinned as his words spoke with such vagueness and cryptic meaning.
Almost by coincidence, Skull Spiders began to land near him, Dark Ones strode over to him, pockets of the Skeleton Army shambled towards their position.
The group of Huntsmen readied themselves for a fight, expecting for these ‘Mist Monsters’ to attack them, but they just stared at them.
“...Our Time Here… Is Done…” [Make sure to rid all Grimm in the city as you leave, avoid contact from the Atlas troops and hide or escape. Make sure you are not followed]
Without a single moment wasted, the monsters began to walk away.
“Wait, why… Are they leaving?” Velvet asked in confusion, asking the same question in their heads.
“It would seem so…” Oobleck muttered as they stared in bewilderment at the monsters, leaving only the Humanoid Grimm alone still staring at them.
“H-Hey, that thing is still…”
“Our Purpose… Is To Reclaim… This Broken World… From Its… Old Dust… To Its Oldest Origins…” Lordez turned to the tunnels. Skull Spiders, Dark Ones and a horde of Skeletons marching their way through against the wave of Grimm without any effort.
“The True Dark… Shall Rule… Over Its False Conqueror… Do Not Stand… In The Nightmare’s Way…” Lordez turned to leave as he shouldered his greatsword.
“W-Wait!” Cried out a youthful, female voice. Lordez stopped in his steps, glancing behind him…
“Ruby, what are you-!?”
“Why… Did you save me?” Ruby asked, having gotten over the shock as she stood up meekly.
Everyone besides team JNPR and the WY, stared at the little-red hood in disbelief.
“. . .”
“Wait wait wait, it saved you?” Questioned Coco in disbelief.
“Yeah, but that thing attacked us earlier in the tunnels.” Yang eyed at the Humanoid Grimm.
“Confusion… Held My Mind…” Answered the Grimm, making most of them jump in surprise. Not expecting it to reply back. “Only Then… Your Silver Eyes… A Mistake To… Touch You…”
“My eyes…?”
“What does her eyes have to do with this!?”
“...A Promise Made… Is a Promise… To Be Kept…”
“A promise…? By who?”
Lordez turned around, facing them completely once more before slowly raising his hand and pointed towards Ruby.
“We Promised… To Protect… The Silver Eyes…”
Without giving any chance for them to speak up anymore, taking the advantage of their brains processing the words of the Humanoid Grimm. Lordez vanished as the Mist engulfed everything around them before dissipating into the tunnels, as if the Mist had swallowed them whole.
The sounds of Grimm, their echoes slowly fading away in the tunnels.
Glynda, being one to regain her composure after that shocking statement, blocked the hole of the abandoned tunnels immediately.
Most of them sighed in relief and were feeling happy to have the situation handled without any more problems.
Though, the words of the Humanoid Grimm still lurked through their minds…
“Silver Eyes… Would that mean... about Ruby?” Jaune inquired generally.
“It looks like it…”
“We’ll discuss more about this later, for now, we’ll need to secure the city and make sure there aren't any Grimm lurking around.” Glynda said sternly.
Hours afterwards. . .
The Atlas army, with the help of the Vale authorities and Huntsmen in the city, managed to quickly rid of any Grimm strays around the city.
Vale was currently in the process of recovering itself from the breach. The procedure was so fast that they made another quick roundabout in the city to make sure there really aren't any leftovers spread around the city.
Even with the… Mist Monsters involved in defending Vale.
Everyone was surprised about such a thing. Including a strange, odd and surprising figure that seemed to lead the Mist Monsters, dubbing it now as ‘Herald’.
Strange monsters protecting the people and pushing back the Grimm horde made it through the Remnet, and it was the talk of the world.
The doubt lurking around about the Mist Monsters being fake, almost flashed out of existence. The videos, news, pictures and articles of the Breach made proof that they are real, and that monsters aside from the Grimm do exist. The scenario was almost like a fantasy turned reality.
Many questions came through most of their heads but, one question was thought by almost everyone of Remnant; what were those things and where did they come from?
A certain group had never expected their plan going through as expected, to literally crash down to the ground.
No one really did, for no one really knew about them.
*...I take it, the situation went fuck all?* Snorted a Viking Player through the Scroll.
*You could say that again…*
Lordez right now, was currently in one of the hidden FOBs around the outskirts of Vale. Created by [Create Fortress] magic, and some assistance from his low-level summons to expand the FOB around a bit.
Some of his summons that were unable to escape through the tunnels or were too far away from the exits, managed to hide in a few FOBs set up in Vale. While the rest went on to purge any Grimm surrounding Vale and its outskirts by a good long distance.
*You do know that Ozzy is concerned for your appearance in the city, right?*
*I know,* He sighed. *But the fact that this needs to happen is to make up lies and cover-ups that I’ve been planning for a long time for this…*
*Yeah well… Too much of a risk, aint it?*
*You can't earn almost anything without taking a risk, can you?*
*”No matter how you do it, what matters is that you would get it”* Orm grunted. *Clan Leader’s words.*
The undead snorted. *Save your breath on that, we still have a long way to go. Considering the… unexpected interference.*
*...You sure you don’t need me over there? Might be a trap.* Orm said seriously.
Lordez smirked slightly, touched by his friend’s concern for him. *It's fine. And besides, if anything you might be able to ambush him should the situation goes FUBAR.*
*And how do I know if something goes wrong huh? For all we know, he could set up spells against teleportation and could bring up [Isolated Dome] for all we know. We don’t know any of his capabilities.*
He barked a laugh.
*This is a real life or death situation Lordez-!*
*I know, I know. But just try not to worry, I got plans at the ready. Right now, just be prepared for anything. Stay where you are, don’t make any obvious shit.*
*No god damn shit I won't, damn trouble maker.* *Beep*
“As if I’d want this to happen, Orm…” The undead muttered as he put away his Scroll and took out a folded paper from his inventory.
He had checked the paper almost four times be it trapped, tracked, curse placement or anything really. And he found no anomalies. Nothing.
Which was all the matter even more concerning.
He felt like unfolding the paper and reading its contents, but he felt himself hesitating. What if the moment he unfolds it, something would happen? A curse? A monster summoning? Or something worse?
. . .
Staying the fuck away from at least 30 meters away from the paper, which he had given it to a Possessed Skeleton given with at least a couple of 10th Tier spells of protection onto it, while being taking cover behind a wall embedded with layers of protection wards and magic enchants.
Call him paranoid, but he is not gonna take a risk after being transported into another world; in his game Avatar; which is almost god-like compared to the RWBY universe; along with his friend and pal; and wanting to change this world’s system and thinking; and to explore the world outside into the space beyond.
He is not going to risk death on a simple paper.
After feeling somewhat safe behind tons of protection spells and some makeshift barricade, he ordered the skeleton to unfold the paper.
He expected some kind of an explosion or something to happen the moment it unfolded the paper. Giving it at least a minute to see if there is any reaction, there is none at all.
Using {Undeath Insight} onto the skeleton, the contents was… not something he had expected.
“What the hell?”
“-another potential faction of Grimm?” Ozpin raised a brow.
“That’s what I’m saying, Ozpin.” Glynda said sternly. “from what this… ‘Herald’ said it was a message about its ‘King’ returning… Did you know something about this, Ozpin?” She narrowed her sights at him.
“No, if I did, keeping it a secret would do more harm than good… This is the first time I’ve heard of this.” He smoothly said.
Glynda went back to Beacon after she and other veteran Huntsmen ensured that the city was rid of Grimm and the other creatures that had gone to their aid.
Based on the reports and accounts from the people and the authorities, they saved them instead of doing harm. Protecting them against the Grimm.
“...This might be solely different from Grimm.”
“That I can agree with you, Ozpin.” Their behavior was almost exactly as the rumor depicted; they only attacked the Grimm and those who provoked them with deadly intentions.
“And the situation with Miss Rose…”
“She’s fine, but she was shaken from the incident.”
As so he heard. From how the Lord of Nightmares disguised himself as this ‘Herald’ and encountered the teens with no malicious intentions, but with only careful planning.
And how he saved Ruby Rose from danger.
The Supreme Being has their plans for letting them live.
A relieving thought, but also a suspicious one.
What would make the Lord of Nightmares to have their alias act like a guardian for the Silver Eyes?
Ignorance would be a bliss in some cases, but right now it felt like a curse.
And then there seemed to be an ‘interference’ with the Lord’s act…
“What about the man who went toe to toe with the ‘Herald’?”
“According to the students,” Glynda began. “He used a pair of sawed-off shotguns with bayonet attachments. I was not able to witness his combat prowess the moment we arrived there…” She then looked confused. “And how he simply… vanished. And the man also seems to know about the ‘Herald' too…”
Ozpin hummed as his mind began to process this information…
There is someone out there able to go fight the Lord of Nightmares on a spar… But that was only in his restricted form. There are other Huntsmen able to fight the Supreme Being in his ‘Grimm’ form, but that was only because he allowed it.
And yet this unknown person… There is a chance that he also came from their world…
“Ozpin… Do you think that… Summer is alive?” Glynda spoke after a minute of contemplating silence…
“. . .I don’t know.” He sighed. “But if she is, then we’ll need to find out more.”
“What about James? There's no doubt he’ll try to find the ‘Herald’.”
He sighed once more before sipping to his coffee and placing it back onto the table. He knows how much the man will try to seek out the ‘Herald’ and try to destroy it lest the ‘King’ would return.
“I’ll deal with him, but for now; we can only prepare…”
Somewhere in the Outskirts of Vale. . .
Lordez went to the location based on the contents of the paper. It is certainly fair from the city and any other frontier town in the area.
He was still under his ‘Herald’ disguise to keep up the presence of his alias. That and to surprise the enemy with his gear before switching to his current.
He had sent multiple summons to check the area, but found nothing. Not even the mysterious man he had fought in Vale.
The man is more cautious than he thought, or that he fooled him into coming here… Either way, he needs to know if this Player would become an ally or an enemy.
But based on what the man told him, he knows him on a personal level. It couldn’t be one of his friends, unless it would be that certain jerk playing around; but he wouldn't take a guess on it.
It was either the friends of Ainz Ooal Gown, his clan mates or the people he had saved and interacted with.
It would be time to find out.
He wouldn't play along with the game this man had in his sleeves, so he had summons surrounding the area in a fairly good distance radius around him. Not too close for them to be noticed, but not too far either.
Not bringing Orm is also a risky move, to assure the man not running away. The summons are just insurance. His friend? He wouldn't gamble him on anything...
“So, you actually came.”
Lordez turned around, seeing the same person who had been during the Breach… Wearing the thing. Though his hands were hidden, he couldn’t see anything underneath the cloak…
“Why wouldn't I?” He narrowed his eyes. “Thought I’d run away?”
The man chuckled in amusement. “No, but it would be logical. Coming to this somewhat isolated place from any town around is suicide. Even at best, you brought along your summons just in case.”
It would seem that his insurance is blown. “…You could have just stayed quiet and not let me know… Why?”
“Because I’m really not here to fight,” He raised his hands non-threateningly. “only to talk… and give you something.”
The Player materialized a small box in his hand before throwing it towards him.
Lordez caught it easily, looking at it cautiously. As if his mind was read, the man spoke: “{Scan} won't work, I tried. But you can do so if you don’t believe me.” He shrugged.
Lordez stared at him before looking down at the box. A 50-50 chance. Whether he uses {Scan} to confirm the man’s word on not being able to work, or that he is baiting him to use {Scan} and activating whatever trap is embedded in the letter…
“...What is in it?”
“Can't say,” He shook his head. “I mean it really, my job is to deliver stuff. And whatever is in that package… Its none of my business.”
“Deliver stuff…?” Lordez narrowed his suspicions on the man. “Who hired you?”
“A very complex asshole who is entertained by my decisions and vents out his real frustrations from his subordinates… or employees in a way…” The man looked depressed as he said those words. It made him feel regretful about that, but if anything it might just be a trap to let his guard down.
After looking at the box, checking it at every angle, deeming it safe to open, he slowly removed the lid off.
Whatever was in the box, he froze at the sight of it. His eyes widened like a dinner plate.
It took a moment for him to move his hand and take the object from inside the box…
A letter… An old looking letter written with large letters at the side…
“From your Dad…”
- In Serial14 Chapters
Wisdom And Wolf
When I was twenty one I bought my first motorcycle. My only motorcycle. A Harley Davidson XLX, Sportster. Her name is Rohdindae, it comes from the Silmarillion and loosely translates to Horse of the Silent Shadows. This two wheeled mare, of iron and steel, was my sole means of transportation for almost 5 years. Rain, sleet, snow, or hundred degree heat, it didn't matter, I was in the saddle. We went all over this side of the Mississippi together. To places long forgotten by progress or filled to their capacity with humanity. Interesting word humanity, it means all off human kind in one definition, generosity and compassion in another. How often these two definitions are at bitter odds with the other, is something to be seen. These words are a mash up. Tales of the road. The people I met, stories I listened to, and the loves I saw grow, all find themselves here, mixed within these pages. From Maine to Mobile and all the places in between, where people still, somehow, cling on to the good fight. The only fight worth fighting.
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Sleeper within
Struggle is a part of life but what if life is a part of a struggle. Inspired by berserk and claymore(only inspired me to make gore dark fantasy other than that story is different). First two chapter is character development chapter. The story is the life of nick balesto known as grey-man. Constantly figthing with himself so that the monster within him doesn't shallow every precious thing of his. A struggle of the past and to find his woman who he first thought was dead, be careful as it is going to be the darkest of the dark. Also striving towards vengeance against the mystery of the church who have marked him and his family (military orphanage) sacrifice. But soon he gives up on vengeance as he realized rather than giving satisfaction it was taking his humanity. only to find out it was all connected. Aided only by titanic strength due to harsh childhood in military, his blunt magic blade and SLEEPER WITHIN......... Find who is this sleeper within.
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happy fantasy world
Did you play a city-builder game? or a strategy game?i wish i hadis this monogamy or monotheism? i should have pay atention to history class...i only know 1 thing, im screwed...author´s note : there will be swearing and bed scenes.
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SandersSides one Shots And Smut(DISCONTINUED)
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The Pentagon
⚠️WARNING⚠️ This is a dark bully romance. Five best friends turn to enemies when one of them commits the ultimate betrayal in the criminal underworld, affecting more than them, and the burden of the betrayal descends on the children. Journey on this story of the dark world of four mafia princes who have bonds that go deeper than blood as they navigate power, deceit and love. When the daughter of the shunned betrayer joins them in their senior year, can all be forgiven? Or will old scores be settled? A bit about the story: - This story is a reverse harem. Don't read if you are not into poly relationships.- It's a DARK high-school romance and there is BULLYING.- There is graphic violence and mention of it. It's a mafia book, someone has to get stabbed 🤷🤌🤣- Strong language throughout.- Sexual content.
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The Empresses' Brawler (Asuka x OC)
Milorad Petrovich, or known as Rade Milkovich has originated from Belgrade,Serbia to pursue his dreams, he first joined with Lucha Underground where he met with his friends Kairi Sane and Io Shirai but after one year he left the promotion and joined UFC and being trained by one of UFC's most popular fighters. But his contract expired and is now a free agent. Triple H heard of him and he needed to have him on the company straight away and he succeeded. Now being a part of the SD means a ton of opportunities for him, but on his quest he meets the Empress of Tomorrow, Asuka.
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