《Players in Remnant》And for the surprise!
Continuing. . .
“From your Dad…
Dear Son,
I know you’ve been wondering about me, well, such curiosity was amusing and encouraging. But I apologize for not being able to be there with you, as well as your mother. I got my own reasons for that, mkay? It's not like hell, I was forced by your mother to divorce her greedy lil ass, might as well tell you that she-”
Either this is someone messing with him, or that his father is more sassy smartass prick than what his mother told him about.
Skipping the unnecessary parts - more which are just about his mother and him saying… he isnt going to explain that -, he noticed the words later on seemed to be carrying… a heavy burden.
“I’ve watched you ever since you’ve grown, Lordez. From afar, in the shadows. On the sidelines…
Almost 12 years, have I been watching you… You must have felt that experience of having a father in your life, I’m sorry for that… But it was necessary.”
He scoffed at that, but whatever the reason, his father needs to leave them… It must be big.
He never understood if he had abandoned them but stayed around out of guilt?
12 years… It is a long time-table. And considering the condition of their world, it is very difficult to get around, especially finding work to survive.
“I… I do not expect you to forgive me, for after what you and mom have experienced. I am kinda expecting a punch from you the moment we’d meet each other face to face.” He grinned, reminding himself to do that to his prick of a dad.
“You hate me, I know. Leaving you like that… Oh what the hell am I repeating my own shit out of sorrow?
The time we meet; you probably might not listen to me, nor even accept whatever my excuses will be. (Trust me, you won't. I’ve watched you grow)
Whatever you will feel…. Argh, to hell with it; I do not know what you will feel, but I know you would feel it be justifiable.
Even if you kill me, I don’t care. So long as you’ve grown up, I’m satisfied.”
He felt his hands shaking, his eyes tearing up as his vision went blurry. It was strange; for an undead to produce tears. Were they artificial? Or magically produced from his bodily emotions?
“And for so long you’ve been trying to find me… Well, I’ll tell you the truth. You’ve been with me for so long, and you already know me.”
‘What?’ He blinked in confusion.
“You’ve seen my attitude, my behavior and my personality of absolute random resolveness, heheheh… But I do know you will hate me for not being there with you.
And once again, so long you’ve grown up as the man I expected you to be, that is what it matters to me…”
“From your foolish of a father… to my son (if he ever reads this),
Zark L. Toau. . .”
And those were the words written in the letter…
“...Hey.” Lordez called out to the man who was patiently waiting, idling on the ground where he stood. His voice turned normal from his monstrous sound, his mask falling off.
“Hmm? Turned off your [Voice Changer]? Finally, guess we can-”
“-Can you give me… some time alone?”
The man looked at him for a brief second before noticing his vulnerability… His weakness showed despite being guarded…
“...Take however long you wish, I’ll be waiting over there.” The man said as he strolled over to a random direction, and disappeared within the treeline.
Lordez could still see him in the darkness, but the figure didn’t matter at the moment. What mattered was that his father… His dad is alive… Or so he thinks.
But how his heart dearly wishes that this was not a dream.
Not an illusion that dares to hunt him from this dream.
For the longest moments, he sat down in silence. And for the longest impossible moments ever in his life, he began to cry.
Loudly in fact… Not even his emotional suppressor was enough to keep him calm enough.
Fortunately he had the quick mind to cast a [Area of Silence] spell around him.
“Fucking… *Sob* Why…? Why now?” The emotional suppressor finally slows down his feelings, but still feeling that sorrowfulness.
Having such a thing is both a curse and a blessing.
It would be quite a sight. A monstrous humanoid figure that is conveniently looking like a Grimm, crying on the ground with a note on its hand.
At first he would have thought that this letter was forged… But no, this letter was real.
This was his father’s handwriting. And with its crappy penmanship, it was almost less than average in comparison.
Feeling calm, he wiped his tears from his eyes. His vision cleared from blurriness.
He gave another look at the letter at hand.
His Mom gave him the works of his father, including letters and his style of writing when he was young and naive then. Many glancing times, he found no flaw or error.
But what he could feel was the heart-felt written message in the paper from his father…
He never truly knew him, only that his mother told him that he left them a few months later after he was born. Telling that he had to leave in order to protect them. In his youth, he didn’t know what it meant, but later on, it made him realize that he was doing it to keep them safe from… whatever is making troubles for his dad.
He asked many times, but his Mom never told him. It was either she didn’t want him to know, or she didn’t know. Either way, he didn’t want to bother that much with his Mom about his father’s burdens.
He didn’t want to increase the burden on his mother either.
However, she told him that he was a carefree guy. How they met was a funny yet grim story. She didn’t tell much details of it though, but it gave him enough insight to what his father was.
Another thing was that he was careful and precise in certain things like crafting; similar to their resourceful clan-mate; Apocalypse.
He would have thought the man was his father, but his personality didn’t act like it based on his mother’s claims. That or he was brilliant in his act.
Also, the mention of his father’s complete name; Zark L. Toau…
Why was his name changed? Was it his real name? Or an alias?
And considering that his mother’s last name was Grimm… Did he change it in order to keep troubles out of them?
Ironic coincidence that his mom’s name was grimly fitting in this world.
Speaking of which, if this letter was truly from his father, then shouldn't he be also in this world?
The thought froze him. If so, then was he human? Or different? In the effects and rules of being transported into another world, based on many novelties and stories of such genre; they would either be the same; different; or perhaps turned into something else with powerful powers?
Or was it that he arrived so early in the years past… And that he arrived merely too far to meet him…
No. He couldn’t doubt that yet, not until confirmation was made.
That being, asking the man who is told to deliver this letter to him… And it seems like he has more to talk about considering the man was still around despite his many chances to leave afterwards.
Almost by timing, the man came out from the treeline and walked over towards him and stopped at a decent distance between them, giving space.
“So… Was everything good? Got it all out of-”
“Did you read the letter?”
The man paused before giving him a look that says “are you stupid or something?”. “No. I’m not that kind of a person who likes to butt into unwanted secrets of others. And besides, if I did, then the paper wouldn't be folded as neatly. And besides, rules are rules. Don’t open shit that ain't for you…” He paused before quietly asking; “What was it about if I may ask?”
“...A letter from my dad.”
“Ah… I see… My condolences.” He bowed his head in respect.
“Wha-? No! He’s not dead!” He exclaimed, surprising the man a bit from his outburst, including him. “…At least that's what I think.”
“Well… If any chances, best take it if he ain't… Just saying, not trying to make you mad or anything.” He raised his hands in defense. “And considering how you… reacted. I thought it was something sad.”
“Just hope that your words aren't proven true otherwise…” He growled and glared at the man.
“I don’t like to mock that kind of thing, it's below professional standards damn it! There’s a line that I don’t even try to break through!” He argued.
“Oh yeah sure, doubt so.” Lordez rolled his eyes on that one.
“Believe what you want to believe, I have my own set of beliefs to follow. And that one aint it!” The man turned around, making his leave. “And if you got the package, better for me to leave since my job is done.”
“Wait!” The undead player called out to the man, stopping him from his tracks. “A… question…”
“Shoot?” The cloaked man turned around and faced him.
“Are you…” He paused before breaking through the wall of obscurity. “Are you my father?”
“. . .”
Only silence was heard after those words were spoken. The air around them tensed, as Lordez could only stand in anticipation for an answer.
He felt awkward asking, but better now than regret later. It could be him or it could not be him, either way, confirmation is at hand.
“...What made you think of that?” The man inquired. His voice held nothing but curiosity. There was no hidden intent he could sense.
“The way you act, the way you speak… It could be me wrong, but there might be a chance that I am right, no?”
“A 50-50…” The man chuckled.
“So are you my father or not?”
He held out his hands defensively. “I apologize if I break your hope, but the answer is no. I am simply just a courier delivering packages, not your dad… Sorry.”
Lordez would feel relieved at that answer, if not he wasn’t able to see his face… “Then, do you know where my father is? Because, how would it be possible for him to have this letter delivered?”
“...It's complicated.” He looked away from his direction. His voice hesitant, it seems that he knows more.
“Dont fuck me with me, you son of a bitch…” [Aura of Nightmares] flaring out from his body. “I’ve got too many questions that I want answered now! Who the hell are you, and how did this letter decide to be given to me!? Is my father alive or not!?”
The man sighed before sparing him a glance and spoke; “I really can't avoid this much longer I see… Very well.”
He slowly pulled his cloak down, finally making his face shown to all.
His skin was covered in black with the texture of a bone, yet it didn’t restrict his young-looking face. He had black hair with strangely grey trimmings.
The cloaked man’s appearance was… surprisingly a boy! In his teens nonetheless! Aside from his quite intimidating outward appearance, looking closely he was still just in their teens!
“My name is Askad,” The boy grinned. “And it's been really a long time, Coldstalker…”
Orm has been dealing with troublesome shit recently…
First, he accidentally used the wrong ingredients on the food he was trying to make, and now he had to buy groceries again.
Second; he… may or may have not fucked up the materials needed for a very small certain project with Lordez.
Third, which is both unfortunate and fortunately last; he decided to help out a small group with the support of an Atlas Squadron that were sent in sealing up the breaches in the tunnel so that it can properly be sealed off without any chances for the Grimm to breach through the city again.
He really just wanted to have his mind rest from all of these, but nooo. He wanted to help people out in this kind of situation when they themselves could handle it.
He just had to be a good man with some good manners taught by his family.
He absentmindedly swiped a couple of Creeps that jumped in front of his face mid-air, instantly killing themselves as they flew towards the wall.
So in taking all the frustration that he was unable to unleash, he is taking the opportunity to grab all the horde’s attention so that he can beat them all to death.
That doesn't mean he isn't annoyed.
The sooner the task is finished, the sooner he can quickly cook up his favorite cultural dish that he wanted to try for such a time with the available and fresh ingredients.
All they had to do is have Glynda; as she was capable of easily sealing off the breaches in the abandoned tunnels to lessen another potential Breach next time.
“Do we still need to seal that last one up ahead!? There's way too many of them!” One of the soldiers accompanying the team exclaimed as he and the others fired and suppressed fire upon the incoming Grimm that were mindlessly charging towards them.
“We need to, lest this situation repeats again!” A specialist replied.
“Fucking hell, why the hell are there so many of them anyways!? Who didn’t got their shit chill the fuck out!?”
“Stop your whining and keep pushing! Its one last seal, then were getting the fuck back!” A huntsman exclaimed as they used a mix-lookalike of an LMG and a hammer.
‘...That might be me, oops.’ He apologized silently. The sudden amount of Grimm might be him being very, very incredibly pissed off. It would seem that the Grimm are more sensitive to emotions from him… Or was it something else doing so? Maybe Salem?
He can contemplate later, right now, the sooner they finish this shit, the sooner he can get to his cooking.
If only he was able to use one of his skills… Wait a minute…
“Death Stalkers!” Someone shouted, and much to the confirmations of most of their fears, there were at least 3 of them. And they are dangerously coming straight towards them.
“Tch…” Glynda growled as she continued to provide support and smashing the Grimm with her semblance. Though with the increased amount of them, she could not hold much any longer.
“|Odin’s Wrath|!” Shouted a voice throughout the tunnel, loud enough for them to stumble in surprise from the sudden shout. Those who weren't busy turned to look towards the source, and it was the savage-looking person wielding an odd-looking, worn off greatsword.
And it was someone that Glynda knew.
What he was currently doing, was both a surprising and suicidal move. He was charging through the Grimm horde, going deeper into their ranks. Slashing, punching his way through with the assistance of the bear.
Her eyes widened as she saw Orm and his pet- bear companion to just barrel through towards the thick horde.
Despite the suicidal attempt, their deeds were able to temporarily halt the Grimm advance. As some of them began to realize what he was doing.
Becoming a sole target from the Grimm.
“What the hell are they doing!?” Exclaimed a Huntsman looking at their spectacle in both outright confusion and disbelief.
“He’s buying us time… Keep pushing!” Recomposed a Specialist as they turned to Glynda; “Ma’am Goodwitch, it would be best if you seal that hole quickly!”
Glynda tried to keep herself preoccupied by sealing the last of the holes, but upon seeing Orm now charging at the incoming Death Stalkers…
Mistakenly thinking that he was trying to make a suicide run for them to finish the task, she tried to stop Orm and pull him back to their lines, but a quick reminder from the same Specialist put her mind to seal the holes quickly.
A loud roar rang once again through the tunnels, causing them to look once more ahead and could only stare in surprise.
They were able to witness just in time for Orm to puncture his greatsword into the Death Stalker’s bone armor. It was a near-impossible achievement, for Death Stalker’s were one of the dangerous Grimm to encounter and outstandingly resilient amongst its brethren.
And it was not a problem for Orm.
Although he was able to puncture his weapon through its skull; as the Death Stalker roared in pain, it wasn’t deep enough to kill it. But it being in pain, it helped measuring it.
He dodged a tail swipe from the Death Stalker, trying to push him away. Orm jumped and quickly slammed downwards his greatsword, making a crushing blow on its skull, killing it instantly.
‘One down… Two to go.’ He slightly grimaced at such an easy kill, while he enjoyed the fight, he had to make himself look like he was taking a toll.
Orm jumped backward, blocking an incoming tail attack before repaying it back by cutting one of its front legs. It shrieked in pain, giving the opportunity for Orm to make a smashing punch on its face, cracking the ground as he did.
As he was about to turn to the last Death Stalker, he found himself being pounced upon by various Grimm, stumbling on his feet by such a surprise, they began to try to body pile on him. Staggering in his steps.
He didn’t have any problems at all, it felt like being weighed down by a plastic bag filled with plastic balls. On another perspective though, it looked like he was having trouble.
Orm spun around, killing multiple of them as he got rid of the Grimms’ hold on him.
He immediately ran towards the Death Stalker, afraid of him now as it swung its claws and tails at him, but the hits didn’t faze him.
He laughed as he charged the giant scorpion head-on, the other Grimm getting either pushed, thrown, or stomped aside as he delivered a massive swing that utterly slashed away its arm.
The Death Stalker, writhed in pain, used its tail once again. Orm was a second too slow to dodge, he blocked the attack and parried its other still-attached claw with his hand.
Punching its skull several times, cracking before using his greatsword on delivering a killing blow.
He is continuously covered in black blood as he hacked, slashed, rip and tear through the horde like a wild man.
With the taste of blood and his mind slowly losing itself to the battle around him, he then shouted "|Kappinn er Gráta|!"
Every single Grimm suddenly halted their attacks, including the ones charging at the task group, who paused moments later when they realized the Grimm just stopped all at the sudden.
The Grimm turned their backs from the ones they were about to attack, and renewed their charge against one single person who caused the phenomenon at all…
The Huntsmen shook themselves out of surprise before providing supporting fire upon the converging horde that is going upon the lone warrior and bear… Sacrificing themselves.
“Mr Hank!” Glynda shouted as she used her semblance to at least get her fellow co-worker out of the hell hole. She wouldn't want him to sacrifice himself just for them to seal the hole…
Despite their supporting fire as they try to get their fellow escape, it only did a small significant amount of change.
“Ignore me!” Shouted Orm from through the bloody black gore and blood over the horde. “Finish the mission! Seal the hole quickly!”
Glynda hesitantly looked away and focused her semblance in sealing the hole. The rest of the group tried to pry off some of the Grimm that are really trying to kill a single man. They don’t know why and how, but few of them guessed; it might be the man’s semblance of doing it.
Orm’s position was slowly getting overwhelmed despite the supporting fire delivered by the group. And to add things worse, they noticed another wave of Grimm coming in from the opposite end of the tunnel.
They cannot stay here any longer.
“It's time…” He smirked before turning back to the group. “Go now! Leave! I’ll hold these bastard off!”
Misha slapped a Grimm that was about to interrupt Orm before rampaging at the Grimm that was too close to his Master.
“We cant le-!”
“SHUT UP AND GO!” Orm screamed in rage as he spun around, cutting the Grimm in half around him. “GO NOW!”
“We need to leave now!” One of the Huntsmen shouted. “If we stay here any longer, the Grimm might overwhelm us!”
“...Damn it!” Glynda growled in frustration. She was having second thoughts but relented in falling back from the tunnels. As they began to leave the tunnel, leaving Orm and Misha behind.
For the group, it was a bittersweet victory. They managed to finish their mission with only minimal casualties, and one KIA… That was of course, what they would have thought later on.
For Orm, he was just having the best time of his life releasing his pent up frustrations and stress upon the fleshy punching bags around him.
With the group now far from good sight, he materialized his pole-axe on his free hand.
“BRING IT ON YOU LITTLE SHITS!” He roared as he hacked, pierced, slashed and dashed through against the charging and overwhelming tide of Grimm at him. With Misha following in suit as it bit, rip and tear through the horde. “I’VE GOT PLENTY MORE OF ANGER RIGHT HERE FOR YA!”
Both of them had each other’s backs. Their buffs now activated to provide a small boost for the horde was a little bit too much for them to clear out quickly. But they would take some time trimming it off.
And besides, why else would he be in a hurry?
He was going to enjoy this and have fun.
Somewhere in Forever Fall. . .
There was nothing going on aside from the sounds of nature going on about and its life.
Though such natural peace was suddenly disturbed by a change of wind, and a crack of reality.
A tear of reality opened up, slowly turning into a circle as lightning crackled around its surroundings.
Then suddenly a flash of white light covered the entirety of its radius, before dimming and its light showing a figure lying down on the ground. The sounds of an anomaly disturbance fading away.
A boy, teens in his appearance, with brown hair wearing blue jeans and an open jacket with a shirt underneath embedded a symbol of ember in it.
He was unmoving, before his fingers twitched before closing it into a fist.
His eyes then opened, star blue gazing upon the skies with the trees at the corner of his sight…
Gamer Sam, has entered the fray…
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