《Players in Remnant》Breach
Last night was a fun and enjoyable night.
Food was great, the drinks were great, and the whole night was great. Even more when half of the ballroom seemed drunk when someone decided to check the punch and found out it was spiked with liquor.
They managed to cancel today’s class because of that. Whether it was intentional or not, they were lucky that no one was ‘caught.’
He had a sneaky feeling that it was Yang who somehow managed to spike the punch - on which certainly was when he noticed he was hiding a bottle of liquor behind the trash - but not that he would inform about it, as that would almost ruin a good night’s party!
Speaking of ruining a good moment, Ironwood had come to report to Ozpin about the possible infiltration in the CCT tower along with eye witness Ruby Rose as expected.
The teen will no doubt inform about the Dark Wraith he sent to protect Ruby from anything that would potentially kill her. Glynda and Ironwood would be suspect but will not rule out any possibility that his Dark Wraith ‘could’ be the newest Grimm she had formed. Which was understandable, considering the Dark Wraith’s appearance could legit pass as a Grimm.
For how it would turn out, the Dark Wraith’s existence might just be a hint for his biggest appearance upon Remnant.
Although, he wondered if Ozpin would take this as a part of his ‘plan’ and roll with it…
*Beep* *Beep*
The notification sounds from his scroll cut off his train of thought, checking it out, it was a message from Ozpin. What a coincidence.
*[Hello Mr.Grimm. Might I ask you to come to my office immediately, there are some things I hope to discuss with you]* It read.
It somehow turned into a really big coincidence the moment he thought about the disguised-wraith that is Ozpin. He could use {Message} to inform him, but what's the harm in using the Scroll to message people in order to fool others?
*[Heading there now]* He texted back before walking out of his room.
On his way to the Headmaster’s office, he just saw Ruby walking out of the elevator leading to the man’s office. She does seem to be deep within her mind that she wasn’t able to notice him.
‘What a timing…’ He stifled a chuckle that dared to escape from his mouth.
“Ah, hello Ruby.” He greeted as he let out a kind smile, shaking Ruby out from her pondering.
“H-Hello there Mr Grimm!”
“Might I ask you why you were up there in Ozpin's office? Were you called?”
“Y-Yeah…” She shifted slightly. “He kinda asked me what happened last night in the CCT tower…” Clearly hesitant to say anything more. Likely from Ozpin asking her to not reveal much on what had happened.
“I see…” Explicitly cutting Ruby off from saying any more. He would receive much more once he heard from the man’s mouth. To see whether perhaps things have changed or not.
“I can assume that you are… alright from what has happened, Ruby?” He asked out in concern. Most likely from the possibility of traumatizing the girl from the Dark Wraith.
‘Fuck, I didn’t want her to become traumatized… Great, now I think I made a bad decision on having the Dark Wraith protecting her…’ He groaned inwardly at the thought.
“Yeah... I’m good.” She nodded. “I’ve been told to take a day off…”
“Then please do so. And besides, what's there to worry about since classes have been suspended because half your peers became drunk.” He chuckled. “Take care now.”
Ruby said thanks and walked away meekly, though she was still radiating a small scent of negativity that he can sense. Most likely fear and other emotions that she is going through.
How a girl such as her became to be a prodigy in fighting with a scythe, being so naive on the cruelty to this world, still baffles him.
But within time, she won't be innocent later on…
Sighing once she was out of his sight, he walked into the elevator and pressed the button heading to the Headmaster’s office.
. . .
Ozpin sighed as he sipped from his steaming mug.
Things have become quite stressful.
After a discussion between his companions within the secret circle, he felt quite tired despite not being able to. But the thought of thinking was exhausting enough.
The Lord of Nightmares words were true to the point, and it would seem that the ‘Breach’ - as the Supreme Being cryptically worded through - Vale will be attacked soon.
He wanted to take action immediately, to prepare for the coming disaster upon the city. But doing so, they would lose the enemy out of their sight. Out of their knowing knowledge, or so the Supreme Being explained…
He wanted to question the Lord of Nightmares on waiting it out instead of striking where they stand immediately… Asking would risk angering the Exalted One instead, so he kept his tongue and in hopes that all will be well according to the Lord of Nightmare’s plan…
Ever since the two Supreme Beings arrived in this world, he felt eager to be able to remove that wretched, insane mortal-turned-immortal’s demise and anger upon the inhabitants of this world because of her past grievances…
The need to end this needless war but… It just wasn’t the same anymore.
What was there for such the Supreme Being of Nightmares waiting for…?
The sound of the elevator broke his train of thought as he immediately sensed the familiar greater power approaching him. It almost felt as if the Supreme Being was able to read his mind… It wouldn't be surprising if they could, if so, then they wouldn't mind him questioning their methods and plans would it?
“Ozpin,” Lordez greeted with a nod. “A word you wish from me?”
“Yes, Exalted One. My deepest apologies if I had disturbed you of your precious moments-”
Lordez held up a hand, pausing him mid-sentence. “You have not, Headmaster… I was rather free at the moment. So, the discussion between you and your colleagues was about the Dark Wraith encounter, yes?”
“Very much, yes.” Ozpin nodded. “Denying so would break my trust in them. I cannot afford to lie to them.”
“As was the plan, Antonios…” Lordez hummed as he said his true name. “It won't be long after an investigation will be sent to Mountain Glenn in order to find the Dark Wraith culprit as which Ruby had described yes?”
Ozpin nodded again. “As you predicted, Exalted One. But… might I ask a question?”
Lordez looked at him for a good moment before allowing him.
“What is it that… you might need to head out on the same date as I would have to send out team RWBY to Mountain Glenn?”
The Supreme Being of Nightmares didn’t respond immediately… “There is… an irregular anomaly that is… need to be anticipated. A small show for the ones participating.”
“I… see…”
“Doubting, I sense from you?”
Ozpin immediately snapped at attention. “No, I woul-!”
“It's fine…” He calmly cut him off. “You are concerned and worried about this… I’ll have you know, that no innocents will be harmed because I expect none of them to be.”
The Headmaster could say nothing in response… Indeed he is concerned for the ones who will be harmed during the ‘Breach’, as he wishes to stop it from happening but it was needed for the people to see the change…
As if sensing his distress, the Lord of Nightmares spoke once more in a gentle tone…
“Do not worry, Wraith of Justice…” Turning to him, he swore that the Lord’s eyes briefly dimmed. “For this will secure the generations ahead in the future… Sacrifices have to be made, no matter how big or small, there is always a price to pay in the change…”
Orm hummed as he walked down the street to a certain place to buy some groceries…
Yes, you read that right. Groceries.
Even though they got free food from Beacon - courtesy from Ozpin and also a slight partial tick from their payment on being able to eat in the cafeteria without paying - he would try to cook some recipes by himself from the articles of their old world.
He had been wanting to try and cook them himself, but he wasn’t able to go back to their old world because meat is utterly expensive and they could only afford to eat artificial meat, paste and juice packs.
But now he is in this world with a paycheck that would be enough to buy a lot of food for months, he can afford to try and cook anything he wanted!
“Maybe I should add in garlic and rice… Hmmm, maybe add in some onion and soy sauce in the mix…”
“I can finally cook adobo without having it taste like shit no more!” He grinned in the anticipation of making their country’s supposed famous dish before it went rare in their time.
As he thought more on the ideas of what to put in his cooking, he noticed a familiar face across the street reading a paper in hand.
“Varok!” He called out, catching the man’s attention before he also greeted back enthusiastically.
“Mr. Hank!” Varok walked up to him and both shook their hands. “Surprised to see you here,” He then eyed Orm's bag of groceries. “you buying groceries?”
“Aye, using my paycheck for it. Was thinking of making some things.”
“Oh, you’re a cook?”
“Not exactly, but I do know some dishes that I can make. So, how's the town doing? No troubles rising I hope?”
Varok nodded. “None at all! We mostly got a few Grimm here and there, but we managed to deal with them easily enough. There are less Grimm activities coming around though. And we managed to fortify our walls better than last time.”
“That's good, best keep the place safer than ever.” He chuckled before realizing something… “And ‘Mr. Hank’? I can assume a certain little girl told you that.”
Varok grinned. “Heheh, yep. Heard Little girl Ember called ya that.” His expression then changed grimly. “And we also heard what happened. Thanks for saving her from those racist brats. We thought they were told to stop it but it looks like they didn’t give much of a damn.”
“Why do you have them in your town anyways,” He frowned at the memory. “Why not get rid of them?”
Varok sighed helplessly. “As much as everyone in the town hated their guts, we needed them for trade. We can't watch everyone properly as we're always working. The best she could do was to avoid them as much as she can while others who would see her would protect her from the little shits.”
“I can understand… So what are you doing here?” Switching topics, feeling the current discussion going very tense…
“Just buying a souvenir for a friend who got back from town,” He shrugged. “A food would probably work knowing her.”
“Why would she not buy it herself?”
He shook his head. “Can't. She got things to help out back in town, so I took the liberty in buying something for her.” He smiled cheekily.
“...She forced you didn’t she?”
“Yes, yes she did.” Varok slumped his shoulders.
“Hahahahaha!” Orm laughed. “HAhahahaha, well, it was nice meeting you again, Varok. Best make sure the food will please her!”
Varok chuckled nervously before giving a smile. “Yeah well, thanks for the advice I guess...”
Orm chuckled before both of them said their goodbyes and went on their way.
Unknownst to the Player, a pair of eyes were watching him like a hawk from the corner of an alley.
“Hmmm… so he’s our target…”
The figure looked at the picture of the target, notably Orm with his cheeky smile. Though his eyes couldn’t be seen due to being shadowed by his bear cap.
The unknown figure vanished as soon as Orm was distanced away from him, he moved to follow…
Lordez was reading a book out of random, and the title of the book caught his interest, and reading it a few more pages made him find it even more interesting.
A fictional book about a lonely soldier roaming around a ruined world called “Rihinon”, and the name of the lonely soldier was called “Ishmael”.
The name caught him by surprise, as there was no name that would certainly be called that. Or perhaps it was before the “Great War” where being named by color was not yet implemented as of present date.
What even gets more interesting was that the book described the world almost like the alternate version of his Earth. Almost similar in many aspects to a 21st century-old game called “Fallout”.
It is heavily gore written and brought somewhat ‘realistic’ perspectives into the story and almost had no happy moments in it. The protagonist of the book encountered friends, allies and enemies on his journey.
He hadn't read the end of it yet, but it was quite an interesting read whenever he didn’t feel like doing anything or going anywhere.
‘This almost feels like an unending cycle of the same plot used by many anime…’ Fist of the North Star came to mind…
The amusing thought aside, there was one tiny guess of a possibility he had thought; and it was that this book was rather transported into Remnant.
How and what made him think of that?
Firstly, the author of the book was named “William R. Henrick”.
That alone was bloody well darn obvious or too damn coincidental for someone to be named in a world of bloody evolution.
He was chilling in a secluded room of the F.O.B made by his summons within Vale and was doing some inventory check before he took a ‘short’ break.
He obviously had his summons to do stuff for him, but it wouldn't seem to hurt to actually personally check what the hell is going on and maybe he would change some few things should the progress not go well.
The Tainted Ones - which he decided to dub the ones he had experimented with - were quite effective in labor work. Faster and proven to be much stronger to carry even heavier weight than their usual untainted kin.
Another additional feature they had was capable of absorbing negative energy, which includes negative thoughts and emotions (quite obviously), and are cloaked in tainted aura.
Using the ‘non-consensual workers’, he found out that they can put living beings in extreme amounts of discomforts and the need to get away. It almost seemed like the skill of a Soul Eater, except it doesn't lethally kill anything within its deadly aura.
After prolonged exposure, the ‘workers’ were in a conditioned vegetable state for a short period of time… Which is only when they ‘snap’ out of it, or being cured by a simple [Cure Madness] or [Cure Curse] - which he found out the latter by accidentally using a scroll that consisted of said spell upon one of the ‘workers’.
The [Soulless Tar] seemed to be a defunct knock-up of making undead summons even stronger.
He rubbed his temples to comfort his stressful mentality, trying not to even die from his brain overloading.
There were barely any noteworthy reports coming in from his summons, but it was necessary to check from time to time in those reports.
God it reminded him of that hellish paperwork.
Also coming in from Remnet, there were multiple videos that managed to capture his summons attacking the Grimm and protecting both Humans and Faunus from said monsters.
Such as one where a caravan was heading to Vale, and the person recording the video wanted to see if they would encounter such creatures.
Coincidentally the fog appeared. The fog covered almost the entire of the path they were on and some of them started to feel paranoia and nervousness.
That was probably his summons watching over them and will appear to protect them should any attackers appear.
Almost halfway through the video, the bandits appeared and attacked them. It seemed that they were using the mist as cover to ambush the caravan, catching them off guard.
And almost immediately, creatures appeared from the treeline and attacked the bandits.
They were slender-looking like humanoids with glowing red eyes, armored skeletons mounted on skeletal horses, and amongst other undead creatures.
They did not touch anyone from the caravan, only killing the bandits before withdrawing back into the treeline under the cover of the mist.
Many speculation popped up in the forums.
Some speculated it was a new type of Grimm, but that theory was shut down immediately because a Grimm will attack both Humanity and Faunus. And this one is no Grimm despite its similar appearance.
Some thought they were spirits resurrected as unholy spirits taking vengeance onto the evil of the world. Almost surprisingly, not many people dismissed such wild speculation.
But most of them agreed that they save people and kill off Grimm. Though for some reason they kill bandits, perhaps it is because they had bad blood on their hands.
It was a wild guess, but it made sense. What else would the spirits go for bandits and not anyone else? There hadn't been any case for the spirits to attack anyone else but only retaliate if provoked.
Anything else, this would no doubt have caught the attention of Salem’s group. Though this would possibly change their course of plan.
He message beeped from his Scroll, checking it, it came from Orm.
*[Hey man, heading back to Beacon. Bought some things to cook, gonna try something. You can help out if you aint too busy]*
‘Wait, is he trying to cook?’ He raised a brow. ‘Heh, let's see how he does well with the changes…’
He replied: *[I’ll prob join ya when I'm free. Dunno how long, but it's a maybe…]*
Orm replied: *[Mk. Gonna start ahead then. Don’t screw up whatever shit your plannin to do]*
Lordez smirked. *[Oh please, don’t doubt me. Just save some for me, don’t hurot it]*
Sending one final text and putting the scroll away, before he could continue reading back onto his book, he noticed a Lich approaching him.
“My apologies for disturbing you my lord.” It bowed its head in greetings.
“Speak…” He hummed.
“Yes. We’ve gathered enough intelligence regarding the fallen city of Mountain Glenn. The White Fang have at least 30 Paladins they have stolen from the military of Atlas with the assistance of Torchwick.”
Lordez had already known that, but confirming the facts isn't a bother so long as it goes to plan. But 30 Paladins? There were about at least 10 he watched in canon, but perhaps there was a change he didn’t notice?
“Did you use the [Scroll Zone of Truth]?”
“Yes my Lord, and it appears they spoke no lies. Forgive me if this finds you displeasing, by your orders-”
“No need,” He held up a hand, stopping the Lich's sentence. “If the prisoners aren't able to put up any resistance against {Zone of Truth}, then there is nothing to warrant any suspicion from them. Chances of anyone able to do so is least likely to appear.” The White Fang prisoners they captured were below the minimum level on being able to resist said spell anyways.
“As expected from our Lord.” The Lich said in awe.
He let out a mental sigh from the over exaggeration from his summons. “Have every force available in Vale ready in two days, make sure they will not harm any civilian once the day comes. Have the spiders position themselves on the designated spot I gave out.”
“As you command, my Lord.” It bowed before Lordez dismissed it, leaving him be.
. . .
A day later, Ozpin had officially announced for the 1st year teams to be able to go to whatever missions that are only available for them.
Of course, with the exception of team RWBY under the guidance of Dr Oobleck on their trek to Mountain Glenn.
Lordez followed using {Gate} nearby Mountain Glenn to avoid being spotted by the team or anyone else.
After stepping through the portal, he immediately changed his form. Into something more monstrous to fit in the bill of the ‘Lord of Nightmare’s appearance.
Cloak and hood no more, now wearing a human skull and underneath was a black balaclava and red glowing shades.
Using his appearance during his ‘cleansing’ in Vale, he added spikey white-bone fragments molded within the overcoat. Adding in a fake tail that is partially manipulated by his Black Blob so that he wouldn't have to focus much on controlling it.
He’d look like a Grimm that is trying to act like a human, or Fanus by the gist of it.
Breaking into a sprint and heading towards the abandoned city.
The expansion could have gone so well if only they developed a technology that would repel Grimm or attract them. And fell due to a few simple mistakes, and it brought down what took years to accomplish.
He noticed dozens of Beowolf lurking around before getting absolutely murdered by the Skull Spiders who appeared from above, catching them by surprise and ending them silently.
They will deal with anything that either comes or blocks his way.
Jumping onto the rooftops, he scanned his surroundings before activating his senses and using {Scan}, he was able to locate several humanoids across the city, although one seemed to be a little bit further away from the group and being accompanied by a small being.
No doubt Ruby and Zwei.
Moving closer, he then sensed Ruby going further down into the ground. She most likely had fallen into the hole.
Lordez hopped down, making Zwei notice him and jump in surprise before growling at him nervously.
“Peace… Doggo…” Lordez said quietly, surprising the dog. “I’m here to help Ruby… Go back to her sister and the others, you’ll know what to do.”
Zwei looked hesitant. Of course he would be, Zwei is a smart dog… If canon could be trusted. Plus the Corgi seemed to be a compatible partner with Oobleck if their temporary duo seemed enough.
“I’ll make sure she is alright, doggo… And besides, you won't be able to tell what just happened here anyways.” He chuckled before hopping down into the hole.
The descent was unexpectedly long, the builders had made their city deep underground if their ceiling is high enough for giants to fit in.
He beat down the urge to scream “LEAP OF FAITH”, otherwise everyone would certainly be alerted.
Besides, he’ll make his appearance once the train starts moving.
Slowing his falling descent with a {Fly}, he then noticed Ruby being dragged by a couple of WF members. The whole area is filled with White Fang! But like that would stop him from whatever.
The WF members showed Ruby to Roman, letting the scene go as Canon. Honestly he would have been expecting a change since Ruby was able to fight bare-handed… if only barely still. He’ll have to increase her training in that area.
An explosion shook everyone alert, sourced by the rest of WBY, Zwei and Oobleck coming in around from the corner where the explosion happened
Roman shot Ruby from behind before leaving in the train, slowing the team’s advance.
After a minute of conversation between the teams and their guiding Professor, Roman announced to the speakers to have everyone get on the train and it started moving.
Not letting them go, the cast hopped onto the train, catching a ride. Lordez followed from behind and jumped onto the train car, grabbing their attention.
Their expressions were understandable. A humanoid Grimm appears out of nowhere. It was both a surprise and disbelief.
“Is that a Grimm!?” Yang shouted, shivering as she felt a chill in her spine.
“It looks like it's a new type of Grimm,” Dr. Oobleck said as he pointed his Thermos at the humanoid Grimm. “This is unheard of!”
“Maybe it's a rare type of Grimm?” Ruby gave her two cents.
“If it is, then there should be a rec-!”
Lordez let out a loud roar, causing everyone who heard it to recoil from the intensity of the volume. The Faunus present didn’t handle that too well…
“Blake! Are you ok!?” Ruby looked over at her downed teammate.
Lordez pounced on them before they could recover, though Oobleck was able to recompose quick enough to push him back before blowing a stream of fire from his thermos.
Lordez ‘recoiled’ in pain from the fire before jumping back from the flames, making it look like he was in pain.
“You four, go ahead! I’ll deal with this…” Oobleck said with no humor in his voice.
“But professor-!”
“Go!” Leaving no arguments, the team reluctantly followed his words. Lordez roared once more before materializing a greatsword from the shadows, an action surprising the professor.
The blade was jagged, stained with dried blood. Marking that it has no doubt killed before, and it is not its first time.
The greatsword itself is nothing to be noteworthy in his level, but in comparison to the people of this world, it would be seen as ‘extraordinary’ if not for such a ‘poorly maintained’ weapon condition.
Lordez then rushed like an animal towards the professor in crazy speed, catching the man almost off guard. Lordez was pinning the professor down, making a gurgle that sounded like a mockery of laughter.
“I would suppose that you could not talk, no?” Oobleck groaned as he strained his voice with difficulty.
Lordez responded with a roar.
Oobleck sighed. “What else can I expect from something like this…?”
Then a blur of black and white fur came knocking him away from the man. Zwei had rolled into the fight.
Oobleck and Zwei glanced at each other, the former giving thanks to the furry dog before firing fireballs at him.
Lordez made an action in blocking and dodging the fireballs, to ensure the illusion on Oobleck thinking that fire is his weakness.
Oobleck noticed this and began to use the flames from his thermos against him, forcing him to distance himself from the Huntsman.
“I see… So fire is your weakness…” Lordez growled in response. “It seems that you are messing with the wrong opponent, Grimm.”
Lordez stopped growling, causing Oobleck to tense before seeing it point a finger behind him.
It was a tempting chance, but once he heard a thumping sound that was slowly growing louder, he turned around and saw Paladins coming in their direction. From near the front of the train cars, team RWBY were fighting against several of them.
Distraction given opportune, he immediately jumped over Dr Oobleck and rushed towards team RWBY, ignoring the White Fang Paladins trying to attack him.
Oobleck tried to get to him, but with the Paladins in his way, he had no choice but to take them on.
Lordez was relieved on not wanting to deal with the coffee-addict flamethrower-wielding Huntsman, as to both act on his alias’ ‘weakness’ and the fact that he might hurt Zwei the doggo.
He finds such creatures cute.
“Hiiiya!” Ruby finally managed to knock down the Paladin off the train, giving out a breath of relief until she heard a loud monstrous roar that was the humanoid Grimm.
She turned around just in time to see the humanoid Grimm right in front of her! And when did it get a greatsword!? Is it able to wield a weapon at that!?
Ruby wasn’t able to comprehend the situation properly, only that the Grimm was swinging its greatsword at her!
Ruby dodged its attacks, they were wide open yet the force it was able to bring was powerful! She wasn’t sure if she could block them without being thrown off the train.
Switching to gun mode, she fired several shots at the Grimm. The shots landed, but they didn’t do any significant damage aside from slowing it down.
Lordez crouched low before making a leap towards her. Ruby quickly switched her weapon back to its scythe form and barely managed to block Grimm's punch in time, making her skid backwards from the powerful punch.
‘Come on Ruby, show me what you got!’ Lordez brandished his greatsword before snarling at the girl like an animal hungry for its prey.
Ruby was trembling in fear, but that fear was pushed away when she gripped the handle of her weapon tightly. Now is not to feel fear, now is the time to fight…
This is the first time she had ever heard and witnessed such a Grimm, nothing like she had learned anything about them at all! This one took the cake of monstrosity to a whole new level!
She would squeal in excitement the moment she looked at the weapon it was holding, but the dried blood stained on its blade shattered such emotion. It only gave her the question of the thought, how many did this monster kill?
The Grimm swiftly attacked, its movements faster than what it was supposed to bring. It only gripped the greatsword with one hand! A weapon that is supposed to be wielded with two hands, even with Aura!
The Grimm’s attacks were fierce yet wild, Ruby could only dodge and parry its attacks away, the strength and power behind said attacks were strong.
She was unable to dodge the attack hitting her side, a punch. Letting out a gasp before being smacked down by the dull end of greatsword’s blade.
She still has a good amount of Aura left, but the force managed to make her head shake and her body tremble from such force.
And then she realized, how was she able to feel pain from a punch?
The Grimm was on top of her and she was on the ground below. It started her with a hungry look and its fangs barred with a snarl on its face.
She could only despair about what it was about to do next…
Lordez was disappointed at the very least. He was expecting for Ruby to be able to deal with him, but with his monstrous form it was very much least so. He could feel her emotions, the fear, the despair, the pain; her negative emotions. It was delicious yet at the same time disgusting. The appetizing satisfaction gone from seeing her face turned into despair and agony.
Such an innocent face witnessing such the horrors of realization…
He reached out to her, Ruby still frozen in fear and unable to move away from its nearing hand, he then felt something wrapped around his wrist. A black ribbon.
Then immediately afterwards, a glowing glyph appeared underneath his feet.
“Get away from her!” Yang shouted with anger in her voice that could muster, throwing and delivering the most powerful punch she could muster.
Lordez made a mistake to turn around and - just in time - for Yang’s punch to hit him in the fucking face. The skull, infused with multiple enchantments, made a faint cracking sound.
Lordez was thrown almost several feet away before landing and almost falling off the side of the train car.
‘...I could almost feel that…’ Lordez thought as he gently rubbed the part on where the punch landed. It was quite a surprise yet almost expected.
Yang was able to deal damage to his equipment, although weak, but she was able to…
Perhaps it was the results of their training that they gained strength and power from it. As well as the anger and power drawn from her semblance that boosted it…
He slowly got back up, glancing back towards the team, seeing Ruby being attended by her teammates.
Lordez let out a roar, catching their attention as they prepared to fight once more before noticing Weiss smirking and encasing themselves in a dome of ice.
He then knew what was going to happen, he quickly turned his head around just in time to see a wall closing in on his face.
Almost a second late, he cast {Dark Shield} in front of him. . .
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