《Players in Remnant》Plans? What Plans?
“-so you scared the prick away?” Lordez grinned with an expression of satisfaction printed on his face.
He had been listening to the tale being spoken by his friend who had returned from the mission.
“Hahahah, very much yes! They would have pissed themselves if they didn’t faint quite too early.”
“Heh, but was it worth it?”
Orm nodded with a laugh, with his friend being infected by the laughter followed in suit.
The two were currently in Beacon’s Cafeteria, spending lunch time after finishing up their ‘work’ the two had done - which wasn’t really a work but a chore.
Orm had arrived back from the town, which he had heard is now reinforced with newly sent supplies from another delivery and a huntsman hired to oversee the town’s defenses in the meantime.
Qrow parted ways with him from their drop off on Vale as he explained that he had some other business to take care of.
“So,” Orm chewed on a fry. “What about yours?”
Lordez shrugged as he smiled at the thought from the past few days. He recalled about him training the students and advising them, the usual on the Beacon’s side. While he was making an army in Vale’s F.O.Bs in preparation for the Breach event, he also told how he managed to acquire a new interesting source of materials that still needed to be researched thoroughly. Said materials were experimentally used to create a strong yet intelligent undead.
The [Soulless Tar] brought interest to Orm, which Lordez explained that it can be used as a level up booster to the undead, which he explained the results of the said undead exposed to the [Soulless Tar].
It was obviously unsafe to use it on a living being, let alone a person, to level up at the risk of turning into a Grimm abomination.
To be fair, he hadn't done enough research on the [Soulless Tar] to understand its secrets.
But for now, he would use it on his dumb Undead summons to gather data on their boosted effectiveness that are infected by it.
Needless to say, Orm wasn’t expecting much about the recent discovery by his friend, although he was keeping his judgement on reserve about the theory of its effectiveness that would either boost their arsenal or destroy it to prevent consequences.
They have to halt their conversation due to Lordez’s next class which would start roughly around 30 minutes, and he has to be there earlier than the students.
Finishing up and said their brief goodbyes to each other as they went back to their duties.
As Lordez was heading to the Amphitheater, he received a {Message} from his summons.
[What is it?]
[My lord, let me apologize if I disturb you-]
[You are not. Speak what you must] This act was getting tiring, but he has to pull it together to maintain image. God above must know that he is not alone in this and someone else is also sharing his pain.
[This lowly being thanks your kind generosity. There is a report regarding the outskirts of Vale, they report findings of a dormant wyvern Grimm within the mountains.]
‘They managed to find it huh?’ He mused. ‘Killing it now would draw the attention of Salem and she might reconsider her forces before going to the plan in attacking Beacon. Chances she won't attack at all…’
[Leave it as it is] He decided. [Monitor it. If it wakes and leaves its place, contain it as much as possible until I give the orders to destroy it]
[Understood my Creator] He could totally picture the Forsaken One bowing in nothing but air.
He sighed before going on to his normal way of temporary hidden life…
. . .
He had started several match ups in the Amphitheater, going up to a 4v1: CRDL vs Pyrrha Nikos.
In normal cases, it would seem unfair for the single fighter to fight against a whole team, but for some cases on which said team are bombastically mediocre in their teamwork, combat prowess and some other things that a Huntsman usually has; Pyrrha can effortlessly fight against the whole team… Only against CRDL though.
Even as he had trained team CRDL, they still lost and Pyrrha won.
He sighed. “You boys are still pathetic despite the training I gave you. Too arrogant in your own strength and not even bother to rely on each other…”
“And likewise, Miss Nikos,” Facing her. “You’ve done an excellent job on beating these fools out of their… mediocre skills.” He smiled.
“Ehhh… I’m not really… sure whether to take that as a compliment, professor.”
“You can think of it as a bit of both. Anyways, you will have no problems in qualifying for the tournament. Which, that I can say, is a compliment you can take.”
“And as for the four of you,” He glanced at the incapacitated team of CRDL. “None of you, as both a team and individually, will be able to qualify to the tournament nor be even able to participate as a runner-up. Should you join with your current set of skills and mindset, you will only qualify as a stepping stone for the rest of the teams attending.”
“Now,” he clapped his hands. “strength is important, of course. But if that gets covered with arrogance, then you won't be a good Huntsman or Huntress. Do not get blinded by victory, only focus on defeating your opponent. All of you have trained to face the Grimm, no doubt you are capable of fighting them… But what about people?” He looked around, confused expressions on their faces.
“All of you will one day get your hands dirty, and you are going to live through it, or die with it.”
Some students flinched at the words and were looking very uncomfortably from the statement. Few students understood what he meant, but it doesn't mean that they would expect such a thing to happen to them sooner…
“Now, we still have time for one more sparring match… any willing volunteers?” Looking around, finding some students miserably failing to make themselves look smaller so that they won't get chosen, he then eyed the certain perverted bookworm of the familiar team…
“Miss Belladonna?” Upon being called, she immediately closed her book and sat up straighter… A troubled look on her face. He already knew what was going on in her head, but playing along wouldn't hurt.
“You seemed… docile the past few classes I’ve heard.” Blake looked away with a troubled look.
“If you will, why don’t you-”
“I’ll do it!” Another voice interjected, Mercury raising his hand.
He glanced at the boy before nodding. “Alright, let's see who’s your opponent.” He didn’t bother to tap on the tablet.
“Actually, I wanna fight… her.” He pointed at Pyrrha, who seemed to be looking quite surprised at being chosen.
“Me?” She replied in confusion.
“...Taking advantage of an exhausted opponent? Clever, dirty move there boy. You learned that from someone?” If Mercury flinched from that statement, he didn’t show it.
“No! It's fine.” She quickly said. “I’ll be happy to oblige.” She smiled.
He looked at her in a calculating gaze before nodding. Granting permission.
“Very well. You,” he pointed at Mercury. “down to the arena now.”
As both fighters positioned themselves, Lordez looked upon the arena from the sidelines with his arms crossed.
‘I wonder what their reaction was from the ‘message’ I gave them… Damn, I should have spied on them to get a good look on their faces.’ He sighed.
Some time after, the match ended with Mercury forfeiting the match, leaving Pyrrha disappointed on the ‘win’.
It made him realize how many of them did not notice what was going on… Seriously…
“...Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of this match, again.” He announced before looking at Mercury. “Next time, think before choosing who you want to fight, black legs.”
Mercury tilted his head from the nickname their professor gave him. “I’ll make sure to do that, sir.” He nodded.
Almost as he said that, the school bell rang, signifying the class had ended.
“All of you are dismissed, and I do not need to remind you what is going to happen this weekend!” Which was the dance going to happen on Saturday weekend.
Outwardly, he didn’t seem excited. Inwardly, he is looking forward to it. He had prepared several songs for the dance, to make it more lively.
Once all the students left the Amphitheater, he fixed some stuff before having another look around to make sure no one was around.
He noticed a feature that there were dummy bots for practice matches. It was a surprise.
With a snap of his fingers, he materialized the chains on his left arm along with the [Soul Eater].
Tapping some buttons on the scroll, a dummy bot appeared from the hidden wall and walked onto the arena floor.
"{Summon Middle Tier: Black Blob}" A black substance suddenly appeared from his shadow. It slowly grew into a pile of black, shiny gooey bile.
It has a similar appearance to a Black Ooze, although it is more shiny than the Blob. It has the ability to possess inanimate objects which can be corpses or living beings. Although it depends on the latter whether they are on death’s door should the possession make it easier.
But when the Black Blob takes possession, its stats increase by a double.
“Possess that android.” He ordered the Black Blob.
It seems to ‘nod’ its ‘head’ before oozing its way towards the offline android. It then engulfed the whole damn thing and the changes were overgone.
The android looked like it was having a seizure as the Black Blob changed its appearance. Its hands are shaped into black, gooey metallic talons and spikes on its arms. Instead of its gunmetal color, it was now covered with a gooey material on its outer shell. Mixing with goo and metallic parts, an abomination of flesh and metal. Its electronic lights turned from blue to crimson red, indicating its change.
It grew a few feet taller, almost in comparison to a Death Warrior.
With the Black Blob now in possession of the practice android, it can probably take a Grimm horde alone. A literal war machine possessed by a demonic slime from the shadow realm… yep.
Lordez ordered the possessed android to attack him with all its power and nothing holding back, which it immediately did so as ordered by recoiling its arm and stretching its unholy body at him.
Lordez crouched from the attack before leaping towards it. He threw his chains and wrapped around the bot-possessed head and pulled it. Dragging it as it crashed onto the ground.
The bot grabbed the chain with its other arm and smashed Lordez along with it onto the ground. Cracking the floor upon impact.
There was an odd feeling the moment he hit the ground it was… almost like an itch. Was it pain? He felt a force there. He had turned off his passives before so that he would be able to take damage, but considering his equipment, it didn’t even hurt.
He wasn’t able to process such a feeling when the bot pounced at him like a predator, with its talons wide open, ready to claw his guts out.
Lordez got up and jumped back just in time before the possessed bot landed on where he previously was. It let a wide swipe at him with its arm stretching longer like a tentacle.
Lordez dodged and threw a chain towards the possessed-bot, ripping the stomach part with its electronics and wires going crazy. While it would seem it had sustained damage, it was visibly gone briefly as the damaged part was replaced with a blob, covering it up.
The only way to damage the true source; the Black Blob, is magic.
‘I have an hour before the next class begins, better enjoy this while I can…’ He smirked like a mad dog before charging towards the robotic possessed abomination of unholy eldritch powers. (This is intentional writing)
. . .
About 30 minutes later, the arena floor was damaged. Mechanical parts of the android littered around the grounds, small craters and markings of war spread around the floor and some on the walls.
He could just assume that he had a wild fight against a malfunctioning android if anyone asks “What the hell happened here!?”
Lordez was sitting with his back leaning against the wall looking battered, bloodied and bruised. Scratches and tears on his clothes, shards stuck on his face and bits of scaled flesh torn out that one could even see the bones sticking out from the skin.
Apparently he couldn’t feel any pain despite turning off his passives. All he could tell he was taking damage were itches… You know those scratchy ant bites? Yeah, those kinds.
Lordez let out a sigh. “Should have up my game and used the damn [Gauntlet]…”
With a quick {Harm} onto himself to heal - as negative spells heal undead -, he grunted as he lifted himself up from the floor. He then noticed the little Black Blob, out of its host’s shell, gathering pieces of random bits and debris and piling them into one place.
Stretching every part of his limbs, checking if everything is in place - to which he is certainly sure about it - he then grabbed several [Scrolls of Mending] so that he would fix the place back to its original state… without the damages.
After fixing the damages, he turned onto the Black Blob, which is cutely standing around waiting for orders. He could have sworn that the thing was looking at him with non-existent puppy eyes…
“Now, what to do with you…” He took a mental while to think on what to do about the Black Blob before making it possess his chains.
It would give another boost to his defenses as the Black Blob possessing the chain would automatically defend him from ‘harm’, or make it look like it was defending him.
Although the possession was…
“They look more wicked now…” He said as he examined his now possessed chain. It gave off a very dreadful aura and had a spiky look on its metallic frame, and another noticeable feature of it being possessed; was its blackish appearance.
He raised his arm outward before mentally ordering his possessed chain to go upwards, to which it did.
After doing some several experiments with mental command, he had it wrapped around again before checking his scroll for time. It was almost three in the afternoon.
After setting down the practice mode, and sending a good amount of Lien to Ozpin to acquire another practice android, he then left the Amphitheater for the next class to use it.
. . .
Some hours later. . .
He returned back to his room after spending the rest of his time doing hellish paperwork, he had been goofing around with a playlist of songs he had saved in his [Music Box]. Trying to find a decent, upbeat music that would somehow fit in the party’s atmosphere. Make it more lively.
He didn’t want to bother his friend, as also knew he was playing what was called “Grimm Legends” on his scroll. A build-to-waste-time game where you have to build some things and raise monsters - which are Grimm - to fight against other players’ monsters.
Kinda like Dragon Town or Monster Pet.
And there wasn’t anything much to worry about this part of the time. Unless you count Cinder going into the CCT and hacking into the systems. He deduced that stopping it would bring suspicion to the plan and altering the course of the plot would have ruined his preparation for the ‘Invasion’ event.
“No… no… No, damn it. This ain't no good.” He muttered as he scanned through his playlist of songs.
“There are just so many damn songs to frigging choose from!”
He sighed before looking at himself. Deeply wondering why they are here… Why both of them are?
He was not at all ungrateful for this to happen, but he questioned why? Why them? They were simply nobodies trying to survive in a harsh world that was resulted from their shitty ancestors trying to destroy each other for petty reasons.
Was there a real reason for them being here? Was the someone who brought them here? If so, to what purpose? To change destiny? To save Pyrrha? To eliminate Salem? Dominate Remnant?
There… there are so many possibilities with no ground answer…
He really hoped that his mother was doing good… Oh what the hell, of course she wouldn't. She probably was wondering what he was not calling her or what had happened to him. The Worst case scenario is that his real body died, and his mom is crying over him before being cremated…
He slapped himself to remove such a thought that is corrupting his head. He didn’t need to think like this, not now. He didn’t want any distractions…
‘But I hope you are doing alright there without me…’ He thought with sorrow in his heart. Feeling his emotions rising up before instantly disappearing without any sense of anger.
Gone without a trace left.
A gift and a curse at the same time for being an Undead.
He closed his hand as he dispelled the illusion, revealing his cold, pale undead skin.
“Life ain't so easy…” He mumbled as he opened and closed his hand several times. “Why must I think like this all the damn time? Oi me, get your shit together and face it. Destiny or whatever the hells or heavens above has given you this choice, so you better bitch it up…” He sighed. “You’re a grown man now, so keep it together… Clear your mind… For them…”
After making peace of silence with his mind, he looked back at his [Music Box]. As he was about to scroll down from the list, a certain song managed to catch his eye. And it would definitely fit onto the party’s theme!
“Huh… This might actually work.” He hummed.
Change scene. . .
“-add her to the list.” Cinder said.
Right now, they were discussing a list of names from those of Beacon, targeting who would be deemed a threat and needed to be dealt with as soon as possible, or capable of being recruited for the cause… Although the latter seems highly unlikely, it is better to open a spot in case there was such a chance.
“Oh, forgot to mention, there might be one person who might be troublesome for us…” Mercury said, glancing away from his comics.
“Oh? And who are they?” Cinder raised a brow in interest.
“The professor in combat class. He seems like someone who wouldn't want to take no bullshit to his face. And last I heard he fought against the Headmaster.”
“Oh…?” Cinder hummed. “Anything else?”
“He went along with someone having a bear as a pet, must be that security guy.” Mercury added.
“I also checked both of their profiles.” Emerald said. “The professor we saw in combat class is called “Lordez D Grimm”, and the security guard with the pet bear is “Orm Hakonarsson”.”
“Weird names,” Mercury commented. “And who the hell named themselves after the Grimm?”
“Their records looked like they were recently made. Although what I gathered was that both of them came from a mountain village of Mistral that was destroyed by a Grimm attack.”
“That sounds suspicious…” Cinder frowned. That was not enough information from those two persons. Especially this combat professor. And the name… Was it just coincidence? Salem had never mentioned anyone related to her…
“Hmm… Keep an eye on them. If possible, we might be able to use them to our needs.”
"And if they refuse?” Mercury asked.
“Then we’ll have to resort to removing them from our way…”
Several days have passed. . .
Lordez’s combat training exercise had made some results on his class. Though it only managed to upped some of their levels by once or twice. But it was progress nonetheless.
He managed to talk out some flaws and give advice to his students who he felt were lacking behind.
“Alright, everyone!” He exclaimed, gaining their attention. “I want either a volunteer or the whole team if you wish, to have a sparring fight… against me.” He smirked.
Most of the students looked in disbelief, gulping in nervousness and anxiety.
“I know this is a sudden thing, like a pop quiz out of nowhere, but I need to know if any of you havent been slacking off from your training… So!” His voice boomed, making some students jump in surprise from the sudden increase in volume. “Who wants to have a taste?”
Some of the students looked at each other, waiting to see who would want to pick a fight against their professor. Some looked like they wanted to fight, some looked nervous, some didn't want to. Although few seemed excited to do so.
He frowned. ‘Cowards, the lot of them…’
“How about this, since not all of you seemed willing… I will choose a random individual from one of you.” Tapping onto his scroll several times, a random pick was initiated among the images of the students present in the room. And then it stopped…
“It looks like fate has chosen you to be the representative of the class, Ms Rose.” He hummed, watching as the girl chose squirming in her seat in almost panic. “Grab your gear.”
. . .
Lordez stood from the opposite side of the arena, cracking his fingers as he watched Ruby Rose walk over to her position.
“Umm… Professor, before we start, I have a question?”
“You already did.” He nodded his head.
He chuckled at the girl’s expression of bewilderment. It was amusing. “Apologies, do say what you wish to ask.”
“Well… Would you be fighting with your staff?” She asked, trying to hide her tone of excitement.
“Hahahah,” He chuckled. “Now that wouldn't be fair now would it?”
“What do you mean?” She tilted her head.
“It means…” He held his hand to the side, materializing his [Soul Eater] scythe. “I’ll be fighting you with the same weapon, Ms Rose.”
Some students leaned forward in anticipation and interest. A scythe user vs a scythe user. A moment of wonder that few people can use such a weapon with skill and prowess.
And this might be their chance to finally see what his semblance is!
Ruby, being a weapon nut, squealed in joy upon seeing the return of his weapon. “The Soul Eater!”
“Yes, beautiful isn't it?” Ruby nodded. “Now, to win would either be pushing me out from the floor, or beat me into submission… Although I doubt you can do the latter.” He smirked.
“Ohohoho, don’t try to hold those words back, Professor!” Ruby readied herself.
“Whoooho Ruby!”
“You can do this!”
“Break his legs!”
“Now, if you manage to win this, everyone in this class will receive a perfect mark on the test I prepared this week.” That brought all the students attention. “No lies, no tricks, no deception. This I can promise you… shall you win.”
Everyone’s behavior changed… almost immediately. The whole damn room was in uproar.
“RUBY! WIN THIS FOR US!” Nora shouted with all her might.
“COME MON RUBY!” Yang cheered, although there seemed to be fire blazing from her eyes. Most likely the wish of having a perfect mark for the whole week in their grades. “YOU NEED TO WIN THIS!”
“Wait, isn't this quite-!”
“SHUSH!” Nora and Yang silenced the little Ice Queen from being against it. “WE NEED THIS!”
Everyone cheered for the little red hood-wielding scythe user. For a perfect mark in their grades for a week is on the line.
The stakes are on a high end line now.
Smiling as he activated the match sequence on his scroll…
-Match Starting-
Ruby immediately used her semblance to blitz-rush at Lordez, who seemed to be looking quite calm despite the speeding bullet that was about to hit him.
For Lordez’s perspective, she was quite slow even with her semblance boosting her speed. He took his time to turn on the music from his [Music Box], turning on a certain song that would fit for the fight.
SFX - Christian Reindl - Claim Your Weapon
The music started slow, lowkey soothing before it became louder. It managed to distract Ruby as she missed her swing that was aimed at Lordez’s head.
“What the?”
“Don't mind it,” He waved her concerns away. “It's just a way to make this fight more… special.” He twirled his scythe before going for a quick draw stance.
“Now, show me how you wish to earn the mark.”
Ruby didn't let him take the opportunity to make another move, so she went in for another attack again. She rushed him with quick attacks, which he either parried or blocked them away.
It didn’t last long for Lordez broke off by side swiping her with a kick, throwing her away from him at a good distance between them.
Ruby changed her Crimson Rose to sniper mode and deliberately fired upon Lordez.
Lordez slowly walked as he blocked the shots easily by just twirling his scythe around. Using minimal movements to make himself look like a professional badass. He then leaped towards Ruby once her weapon was out of ammunition.
Ruby dodged to the side and tried to push him away to give her a chance to reload her weapon, but he didn’t let her.
Turning back to scythe mode, both of them clashed in melee. Exchanging their blades of metal and reinforced bone against each other.
He was testing her speed, which was actually not quite bad. She managed to level up a couple of times, her stats had increased compared to last time. Although she still sucked at hand-to-hand combat.
Utterly a glass cannon that relies on having a weapon and speed.
Not focused in mind, he barely managed to block an attack that was going up to his face. ‘Oho, shit. That was close…’
“Not bad Ms Rose, you’ve improved.”
“All thanks to you sir!” She smirked.
Lordez let out a genuine soft laughter. “I merely guided you and pointed out some flaws that you need some work to do… It is by your credit, not me.”
He brandished his scythe, putting himself into a stance that was only applicable for longswords or katanas, not scythes!
“My turn…” If they could see his face, they would have flinched from the expression he was giving…
An expression of wild, mad glee.
He turned into a blur that not anyone could see as Ruby panicked trying to find where he went before feeling slashed several times in front of her. She was fine thanks to her Aura, but the force behind those slashes made her feel those impacts.
She was thrown further than normal, almost at the edge of the circle.
“Oh? You couldn’t… see me?” Lordez said in a tone of disappointment, as if he was expecting something more from her. “Then again, you’ve improved, not too bad but not too great either… Oh well, small changes make big ones in the future.”
Everyone could wonder what the hell happened there. They couldn’t see him, not a single one of them. Was it a speed semblance like Ruby? How did he move so fast from point A to B?
“Get up Ruby!” Yang shouted, calling for her baby sister to get up and win against their professor!
Ruby didn’t need to be told twice as she slowly got up from the floor. But Lordez didn’t allow her to take her time as he unleashed a storm of attacks. Ruby managed to block some of them, but most of them got through.
Her Aura was decreasing rapidly, the bar slowly turning Yellow. Nearing the danger zone Red.
His ‘Aura’ was still in the green, but it was nearing the Yellow zone.
“I suggest you gather yourself together, Ms Rose…” He said plainly, watching Ruby readying herself for an attack.
“I’ll give you a handicap, Ms Rose. If you fail to hit me or force me to attack you within those three minutes… then be prepared for my attacks.”
Ruby gritted her teeth in frustration. Now her professor is playing with her… Or he was very confident in his skills that he wouldn't get hit by her.
“RAAAAH!” Ruby let out a cute warcry, leaping upwards with the assistance of her semblance as a boost. Mid-air, she angled her weapon, she fired a shot before feeling the recoil pushing her downwards.
Lordez blocked her overhead strike but was almost not able to anticipate a kick. Leaning his head backwards to dodge it, he almost countered her with a punch… But with the force of will, he holds it before sliding backwards, giving himself distance.
But Ruby didn’t allow him, for she rushed towards the professor. Lordez blocked, blocked and parried from her hits.
She did manage to pull some tricky moves by feinting an attack with her scythe, using her legs to grab a hit in.
But she would not be able to pull those same tricks all the time now that he had gotten used to her moveset… Unless she plans to change her strategy, then it will become interesting.
Both of them fought without saying a word. Ignoring the cheers from the students on the seats, Ruby was focused on getting a hit on her professor, while Lordez focused on parrying and blocking her hits.
But truly, he was merely observing how she fights alone solo. Finding what are her flaws, and what she could do and her moveset compliance with her fighting style. She must have decided not to use ranged attacks on him because she thought going close combat might have a chance of hitting him.
Three minutes passed, and the audience could only stare at the arena floor in despair.
Ruby was panting, wasting her stamina so much on trying to hit him. For three minutes she had been unable to lay a hit on him.
Lordez had a feeling that if this was the old Ruby, she might have collapsed at the near three minute segment. The training had given Ruby an increase in stamina to what it looks like.
“...Your skill with the scythe is good, although moving too much wastes your energy, use it wisely… Simple to say, it's not enough.” He said.
“Do you wish to surrender, Ms Rose?” He said. “It is not cowardly to surrender in such an act.”
“No… I… I can still go on…” She gritted her teeth, readying herself into a stance. “I can still fight! I will hit you, no matter what!”
‘Determined… Such an admirable spirit… Yet still blind towards reality… How innocent.’ He chuckled mentally.
“Your spirit is admirable… but it wouldn't do good when you experienced such harshness yourself personally…” He slowly got into a stance, crouching as low as he could go.
Then he blurred out of existence.
Ruby felt a breeze, her hair swayed from the wind, like someone went past her.
“Certainly innocent yet admirable in your own way…”
Everyone looked at Lordez… Who was way at the edge of the circle, with his back facing Ruby.
“How were you…?”
Lordez raised his hand, stopping her from saying anymore. “I applaud your spirit, Ms Rose… You certainly earned this win.”
He slowly stepped outside the circle, the students could not believe what just happened…
Their professor intentionally lost the match... For almost the first time ever.
He clapped. “Congratulations, you earned a free pass for everyone in this room, Ms Rose.”
It took almost a few minutes for the students to process his words before jumping around in joy. The room sounded off like they won a war.
He could certainly see, wait, is someone crying? Wow, looks like someone was really hoping for her to win because they might have not studied for the test…
Two certain teams jumped off from their seats and celebrated around Ruby, who seemed to be uncomfortable by the huge hugs given by them, but didn’t mind it… mostly.
“Alright!” He shouted and clapped his hands, getting all of their attention now that they calmed down. “All of you know what is going to happen tonight, but a reminder won't hurt: the Dance is tonight, and I do not need to remind you what to do for that!” They nodded in acknowledgement, though some looked like they were excited for the dance.
Crushes all around wanting to be with their lovers… Teens…
“There is nothing more for me to say, class dismissed!”
Slowly, all the students left the Amphitheater with a feeling of happiness and excitement. No doubt they doubled because they do not have to take his test. He can understand the feeling.
“Ms Rose!” He called out to Ruby. “Come here for a moment, I have something to discuss with you.”
Ruby said a few words to her friends before walking up to him, a tired but happy expression on her face. “Yes sir?”
“Don't be so stiff, Ms Rose. You’ve earned a break.” He said softly. “There are some pointers I would like to inform you in your scythe skills.”
“Umm… Did I do bad?”
“It's not bad. Your handling is above-average, decently well handled especially having it with a rifle hybrid embedded to it… Your uncle taught you that yes?”
“Uncle Qrow, yea!” She beamed with a sense of pride.
“You still have much to learn, Ms Rose. Just as the others also need… You are becoming… comfortable in using your limbs to assist you in fighting?”
“Umm… Kinda? It feels… like I can move more freely than before.”
“Hahahah,” He chuckled. “keep your skills up a notch, you might be able to beat me by then.”
“I doubt that! I can't land a hit on you! How can you move so fast!? Is it your semblance? Is it speed-based?”
“That is for you to discover, not for me to answer, my dear.” He hummed.
“I… I have a question, professor…”
“Hm? Speak.”
“Why did you let me win?”
Lordez paused, gathering his thoughts before saying his piece. “Because you are a capable huntress, one so determined in reaching for the goal. To obtain it even if it takes risks… And besides, I’m not so cruel in having you spend the time studying when the Dance is nearing no?”
Ruby giggled. “Yep, and thanks for not letting us experience hell… Wait, I didn’t mean-!”
“I understand, I experienced the same thing before. After all, we were once in your shoes before.” He hummed. “You can leave now, enjoy the victory you earned, Ms Rose…”
She thanked him before walking to her friends who were waiting just outside the room, no doubt asking her what they talked about.
He sighed, pondering on the days that would come no sooner than later… The future days…
He will have an enjoyable yet frustrating time explaining when they learn the truth.
“So… whatcha gonna wear?”
Lordez and Orm were in the former’s room. As it was closing in for the party, they decided to choose what to wear… Of course they couldn’t wear what they normally use, formality is in question.
Orm would have gone in with a casual wear, but Lordez told him it would seem inappropriate and rude. Plus the students had done more to attend such a occasion that would only happen once a year. Better to spend time wisely than blowing it.
And besides, they might be able to experience how a party should go… Aside from the virtual part, it would be a new thing for them to experience. Plus they can relax, so its a win-win situation for them.
Lordez used {Create Item} to create clothes. Which is a suit with dark red trimmings and a red tie. He also wore a necklace with a spider emblem, with its eyes colored red.
Orm’s outfit was a brown suit with light brown trimmings, he felt it wouldn't be much to go in such a simple yet formal attire.
“Damn, you look like a good man.” Lordez whistled. Orm’s suit matched perfectly with his size.
“...I do look kinda big in this.” Orm commented as he looked at himself in a mirror.
“Your fault for making your avatar too damn muscular…”
“Oh, like mine is the more problematic one here, says the one who cant eat, drink or fuck anyone like normal.” He glared at him.
“...Ok now that is harsh.”
“I know, and you just stop bitching about it.” Orm said before straightening his suit more properly. “So we are heading to the party or what?”
“What about Misha?”
“Ah, don’t worry about him. The big ol pile of fur is taking a nap in my room.”
. . .
They stood outside the ballroom, music and noise were muffled from the outside.
“Huh, so the party started without us eh?”
“Oh please, at least we aren't too late for the damn thing.”
“...Why you not heading in?” Orm inquired.
“...I’m having second thoughts.” Lordez didn’t even look at him as he answered.
“Ok, this is going to be our first time experiencing what a party should look like, and how it brings wonders as so says in the articles. So lets man the fuck up, and march in.” Orm puffed his chest outwards in such an exaggerated way that his suit may or may not look like it's about to burst. “We had dove deep through the bloody dungeons that would have killed a group of 50, and we were scared to go through that door,” Pointing at the ballroom entrance, “to enjoy a ‘party’.”
The undead sighed before chuckling at his friend’s antics. He made a funny point. Two YGGDRASIL veterans who had dived through many dangerous places of the game, yet are scared to walk through a door of a room consisting of somewhat normal people having a party.
Without any word said, Lordez decided to take the lead and opened the doors. Orm following in from behind.
They were greeted by Yang wearing a white dress, which seemed to be the normal attire for those without any custom outfits. That or the animators didn’t have much creative ideas on dress design.
A quick silence for our beloved animator; Monty Oum…
Ok back to reading.
“Well hello there professors.” She purred.
“Evenin’ there young’un.” Orm smirked. “Way too gorgeous for someone like you to wear such a dress, you’d probably look beautiful naked.”
“Oh~? Digging deep there, sir?” Yang purred dangerous
“You do know such behavior is not allowed, no?” Lordez deadpanned.
“Of course not, professor.” Yang replied with a smirk.
“Good…” Lordez nodded. As he was about to walk away, he paused just to give one more tease to the young dragon. “be sure to snuggle him tightly when he orgasms, you probably will love it.”
It took almost a hard reset on Yang’s processing drive to fully function after that sentence.
“...Wait what!?” Yang exclaimed, not without a faint blush on her face.
“Hush, it's a joke, Ms Xiao Long.” Lordez chuckled, with his friend laughing beside him. “Now, best enjoy your night at the party.”
Once they were out of Yang’s earshot, Lordez glared at his friend. “Since when the hell did you become such a flirt!?”
Orm shrugged. “H-Games my friend, and Perorocino’s advice.”
Lordez would have facepalmed if they weren't being eyed on by many people who began to notice them in the ballroom.
“I swear to all,” He muttered quietly. “don’t even try to bed Yang, True…”
“Calm your man tits, brodir.” Orm raised his hands defensively. “She is too young’in. I ain't that much of a pervert. And besides, I prefer older and mature women.”
“Can we just drop the damn topic about sexual preferences and enjoy the damn party?” Lordez drawled…
“You asked, I answered.” Orm shrugged before Lordez grabbed a cup and filled it with a juice punch.
“Wait, I thought you can't drink anything other than blood or alcohol?”
Lordez smirked at his friend. “Simple answer my friend,” he snapped his fingers, the cup on his hand glowed briefly. “It's called: Magik!”
Orm felt his shoulders sag. “…I should have become a mage instead…”
“Too late, you’re a berserker now. Deal with it.” Lordez grinned as he took several, enjoyable sips from his cup of punch now-turned into alcoholic blood.
He then sensed an old soul approaching them, with a sound of soft laughter as the followup. “Good evening, gentlemen. I pray that both of you are enjoying the festivities tonight?”
“Good evenin, Headmaster.” Lordez nodded his head in respect. “And yes, we are.”
“I see that little red riding hood wishes to go back into her hood?” Orm commented as he eyed at Ruby, looking quite frustrated as she looked at her own dress.
To be honest, she looked quite lovely in it.
“Yes,” Ozpin nodded with a smile. “Though I’ve assured her that she will enjoy the night as the rest.”
“And there is something you’ve told her which resides within a secret… were they from your memories?”
“Yes they were…” Ozpin glanced down, looking like he aged quite a bit. “But we must learn from our mistakes and move forward, shouldn't we? After all, one day you will leave this place and in your last moments, regret on not spending enough time before the time comes…”
The two players nodded at the ancient wraith’s words.
A cold, blunt, unnerving truth. But it is still the truth.
Orm scanned the room around and managed to spot a certain girl accompanied by two guards…
“Hey Lord.”
“Yeah?” Lordez grunted. “And did you call me “Lord”? He groaned. “Please we're not doing this joke again.”
“Tempting to revive it, but pass. Not now. But I’ll be heading out. You go do your… whatever you're about to do and let me out of it.”
Lordez had a nagging feeling that Orm is about to do something that would surprise him, but in the end, what would he do in this room full of young adults?
“Why the hell do you need my permission anyways? You could have just gone wherever you're headed.”
“Because out of the two of us, you're the most competent one to make notes.” Orm grumbled as he walked away from the pair. “See you later on the stage.”
“You better be around for the show, we made a deal!”
“Up yours!” Orm growled. “Anyways, who’s she?” Pointing at the small girl wearing a cutesy dress being accompanied by two Atlasian guards.
“Ah, her? Penny, Jame’s companion and daughter of Doctor Polendina.” Lordez answered.
“That's Penny? Huh… She looks… very much different than I expected.”
“I told you this before, she is an… inanimate object brought to life by her father. I do not need to explain this much in a very public space…” Lordez glared at him. “Don’t tell me your into-”
“Finish that sentence, and I will break your bones.” Orm growled with hate before walking away.
“Is… there a problem, Mr Grimm?” Ozpin inquired with a hint of concern in his voice.
“Don't mind that, a small disagreement between the both of us will be none of your worries…” Lordez waved his hand lazily.
“I… see…” Ozpin was not entirely convinced, but he hoped that their disputes wouldn't bring the world to its destruction.
“For now, Headmaster… Let us enjoy the night.” Lordez said as he calmly drank his punch-turned alcohol induced drink.
Almost the instant he said that, loud voices and laughter sounded through the room. They all looked over and saw-
“Hahahaha, looks like we would be enjoying this better than I expected.” Lordez grinned at Jaune wearing a dress. He really wondered how he managed to acquire one.
“And so it would seem…” Ozpin cracked a smile at the scenery.
A {Message} then beeped in his head, coming from one of his summons. [My lord, the plan is ready]
Lordez smirked as he noticed Ruby walking in the ballroom. ‘Looks like it's going as planned…’ [Good, proceed with the plan. Do not eliminate anyone, do as I told you]
[Of course my Lord, we will not fail you]
“Hey look, they are starting to dance!”
Lordez immediately turned around, looking away from the horrible scene that just started behind him…
Ozpin couldn’t think about whatever is going on in the Being of Nightmare’s mind, he wouldn't wish to know… All he could hope is nothing too serious…
Cinder was able to infiltrate into the CCT tower easily without any problems at all. Knocking out the guards was easy enough. Even things were going too well when she managed to acquire the wifi password. It will prove more useful to her in the future.
The elevator dinged, signaling that she had reached the top floor. Upon opening, she immediately went for a nearby command console.
Using the wifi password, she was able to access the admin system of the CCT terminal and then planted a virus that would allow her to control all the systems of RemNet.
A scroll beeped before answering the call coming from Emerald. “A party guest is leaving.”
“Which one?” She asked, concealing her annoyance at the possible interruption.
“And I’m guessing that the General had enough fun for tonight…” Mercury added. “Shall we intervene?”
She was about to reply as the virus loaded into the CCT systems has been completely uploaded. She smiled at the deed she had accomplished.
“No…” She answered, satisfied. “We're done here.”
She was heading to the elevator and leaving the tower, but the doors dipped. Cinder quickly hid behind a console. ‘Tsk. Someone is here… Who is it?’
Ruby slowly walked as she scanned the room with her weapon at ready. Although her battle proficiency sadly decreased due to her stilts, stumbling on them.
‘Stupid dress shoes…’ She thought frustratingly before balancing herself once more. “Is anyone there…?”
Cinder remembered her, the girl who had bumped into them from the hallway before. She smirked, having the full confidence that she can take her and leave from the scene quick enough.
Leaving from her hiding spot, she was quickly noticed by Ruby.
“Excuse me, you know it's not a masquerade party. So why don’t you take that off-!”
Ruby didn’t get to finish her sentence as Cinder materialized a dust-filled canister, summoning glass spikes and had flown towards Ruby’s direction.
Ruby widened her eyes in surprise but she was able to block the attack quick enough before returning fire.
Cinder blocked several shots with her hand, using Aura to absorb the hits. She spun around, summoning weapons as her clothes lit up almost on fire.
Ruby didn’t let her take a chance to attack and so she quickly rushed the unknown assailant. As she was about to slash her down with her weapon, she stumbled due to her stupid stilts making her inefficient in combat.
Cinder then turned her weapons into a bow, firing arrows that exploded.
Ruby, although sluggish due to her stilts, was unable to dodge and had to tank in the damage. Though this pause allowed Cinder to escape.
Or that would have happened in some time line.
A Dark Wraith appeared from the ground in front of Ruby and with the arrows reaching in, exploded upon impact on the Dark Wraith.
It managed to tank the explosive arrows, though it did not damage it, but it shimmered in annoyance.
The two girls looked at the newly appeared figure, and could only stare in disbelief. And of fear…
Before anyone could make a move, the Dark Wraith immediately lunged with its blade forward at Cinder.
She managed to get out from her stupor before barely dodging the attack in time. The Dark Wraith pushed her back with extreme force, forcing Cinder to go on the defensive.
‘I don’t have time for this, I need to escape!’ Looking around with haste, she destroyed a window before jumping out of it.
With only the Dark Wraith and Ruby alone, the latter could only tremble in front of the figure…
“Um…. T-Thanks for the help?” She was unsure of what to do. This… thing reeks of death and despair, and terrible things that she couldn’t help but shiver just by looking at it. Another thought was that this was someone wearing a costume but… It seemed so real.
The Dark Wraith only stared at her for moments that made Ruby hesitate to make another reply before an elevator dinged.
Someone is going up here!
Ironwood walked into the room, scanning before noticing Ruby and a broken glass window.
“G-General sir!”
“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your peers?” Ironwood walked towards her.
“There is th-!” She turned around to see the scary-looking figure vanish. And it didn’t leave any trace behind! As if it didn’t exist!
“There was… There was just someone here!”
“That explains the unconscious guards outside…” Ironwood glanced at the broken window. “You encountered the culprit?”
Ruby nodded. “Yeah, she kinda escaped through the window. I wasn’t able to follow because…”
“Because what, young girl?” He prodded.
Ruby didn’t say anything. More on because she wasn’t sure he would believe him or not. “I… I think we should inform the Headmaster about this…”
Lordez couldn’t help but smile at what had happened.
The Dark Wraith he had assigned to protect Ruby had done its job well, but its purpose hasn’t ended yet.
This little intervention would have Cinder become more paranoid and question Salem on this encounter. No doubt it would bring some suspicion to the Grimm Queen on this new development, should the young power-hungry teen report her about it.
Ruby would also report this as followed in canon, Ozpin would play along with the act. And it would put the members in the inner circle to become more cautious in their movement, and keep ‘eyes’ open on more of these… encounters that he would prepare in the future.
He noticed Cinder donned her dress, arriving from one of the back doors, slipping into the crowd and losing the guards chasing her.
“And thus, the hidden piece of the puzzle has been added…”
“Hey,” Orm called out to him. “Shouldn't you be on the stage embarrassing yourself or what?” The viking gestured towards the stage. “You backing out or what?”
Lordez would have had second thoughts on this one, but after the plan went well? Might as well just go fuck it, go for it!
“Heh, too bad for you man, I’m going for it!” Lordez cocked his head to the side as he walked towards the stage with pride.
“Don't push your luck, ya shit.” Orm grinned as he gulped down a punch.
Lordez scoffed before walking towards the stage, grabbing a spare microphone before turning to the Daft Punk DJs. “Mind if I use the stage for a bit? Gonna sing a song for the laddies.”
The two shrugged. “Eh, why not? Do you have a song with you?”
He nodded, with the DJs turning off the music. The students began to wonder what was going on and why their Combat professor was on the stage.
Lordez brought out his [Music Box] minified and readied it on max volume. He is going to play a song that no one in this world has heard of.
And it will put a mark into their heads for days to come!
SFX - Hall of Fame
“Yeah, You could be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You could beat the World, you could be the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks
You can be a master, don’t wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself
Standing in the Hall of Fame!”
Most of the people in the room were shocked to see their stone-cold professor singing! The students began to dance along with the music, upbeat and lively on the dance floor. Some were even cheering and trying to sing along with the catchy lyrics. Hell, even the DJs were surprised by such a song, they can even feel the rhythm beating in their bones!
“And the world’s gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world’s gonna know your name
And you’ll be on the walls of the Hall of Fame
You could go the distance, you could run the mile
You could walk straight through hell with a smile
You could be the hero, you could get the gold
Breaking all the records that thought never could be broke
Do it for your people, do it for your pride
How you ever gonna know if you never even try?
Do it for your country, do it for your name
Cause there’s gonna be a day
When your standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame"
Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion. . ."
On the walls of the hall of fame"
Be students, be teachers, be politicians, be preachers
Be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions
be truth seekers"
Be students, be teachers, be politicians, be preachers
Be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions
Standing in the hall of fame (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world’s gonna know your name (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
‘Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world’s gonna know your name (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you’ll be on the walls of the hall of fame
You could be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You could beat the world, you could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks
Some will call it practice, some will call it luck
But either way you're going to the history books
Standing in the hall of fame…”
Once finished, everyone in the room applauded and cheered so loudly that it almost turned into a concert.
He smirked. He had done one of the things in his bucket list; to sing a song that no one had ever heard of before in another world. He thought he would never get to do it, but he had done so!
Ha! Take those doubters!
“Hey,” The Golden DJ called out to him. “That was quite a show you put out there man!”
“Thanks.” He nodded.
“What was the song called anyways? About Fame? I never heard of it before!”
Lordez grinned. “It's called “Hall of Fame”, what's it about is to let the world know your name and your achievements, to what you’ve done to earn it so to deserve…”
Heading down the stage, he was then crowned by the students, no doubt praising him and asking him why he sang, how his voice sounded so awesome (and beautiful for most of the female side), and amongst the other praises.
Breaking out from the crowd, he saw Orm clapping with a smile.
“Never thought you’d sing that one.”
“Unexpected, I know.” Lordez shrugged. “That's all I could use for this night.”
“That is indeed unexpected!” Exclaimed a jovial voice that was certainly the stout Porter. “I never expected someone like you to sing with such a voice!”
“Indeed, and the song seemed encouraging.” Glynda couldn’t help but be surprised.
“It is to put the children with such a mind. Of course, they won't be very encouraging next week…” He said loud enough for any nearby students to gulp in nervousness.
“But of course, there are alot of things you don’t know about me…” He smirked.
- In Serial52 Chapters
Ages Online
It is year 2034. The age of console games are over and the age of virtual reality has just begun. Yashita Corps, a Japanese company at the forefront of virtual gaming had released a new generation game called Ages Online that is said to be revolutionary among all other Virtual Reality MMORPGs. As gamers from all over the world flock to Ages Online, Sebast Koh watch on the sidelines as he persisted in finishing the story quest for an older game Yggdrassil Online. The result was him being ostracized in class due to him being the only one not playing the new game.As he started off in the world of Agaia friendless and one step behind the rest, Sebast, handle name Beast, thought he could find solace in power grinding up as a warrior to catch up to speed, only for bad luck to strike time and time again. May he persevere in his most dangerous journey yet.
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She, the one (old)
There is a girl, who was born by other's deaths. A girl who just follows her fate. Not knowing what awaits her she tries to learn the meaning of her life. Not only she has to survive, she also has to fight herself, and her feelings. What will happen with our demon in this fantasy world? Hold on to your stomach, heart and mind, I'm gonna mess them all up. MORE TAGS: demoness,""reborn"", strong female mc, ""author's regret" MATURE WARNING: RAPE,GORE,VIOLENCE Temporary cover(drawn by me, original: Chaser.) Currently on HIATUS (writing other novel)
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Chronicles of Magnus
With the desire to become more powerful than the deities, the seven princes of hell united to hunt the Vermillion Bird and absorb its power. Yet the alliance between the demons was short. Hindered by their craving to become the most powerful among their peers, their conflict gave the Vermilion bird a chance to fight back. But, the Vermilion Bird was fatally wounded because of the combined attack of the demons. Escaping to the world of void, the Vermilion Bird waited for the person who will be deemed worthy of the deity’s power.
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Only a Demon can Slay the Gods
Gust steps into a world of cultivation and magical arts after his father’s death sends him searching for answers. With his father’s lucky coin in hand, and an indecipherable journal in his back pocket, Augustus Perry stumbles into a world he never knew existed. There, he finds a school of mages who speak of Gust’s father as if he were a long-lost legend. They fear Gust’s world and some even call him a demon. It is only out of respect for the coin’s former master that the mages take him in and teach him their methods for cultivating mana. But how could an immortal renegade swordsman turn into the quiet, withdrawn man Gust always knew? What brought him to Gust’s world in the first place, and why did he never go back? If Gust ever wants to know who his father truly was, he’ll need to embark on the very same quest that drove his old man insane. New Chapters M-W-F. **This is my attempt at western progression/cultivation fantasy, inspired by stories like Cradle, the works of Er Gen, and more mainstream fantasy like the Wheel of Time and the Cosmere books.**
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Real Dad...// Irondad
Peter is Tony's biological son.Tony in his playboy years haves a one night stand with a random girl at a New Year party...Peter's mother is not a good person, and gives birth to Peter just so she can take money from Tony.Somehow Peter and Tony get separated when Peter is only 1 years old.14 years later Tony comes at Peter's house to recruit him as a training avenger without knowing he is his lost (as he knows dead) son.Peter lives with his lovely single aunt and has two best friends. Ned and Mj. Will Tony ever join his son properly? Will Peter ever be really happy again?
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Depressed Quotes
I don't care if maybe reads this.
8 176