《StoryMania!》Author's note


"So, do you think he will do it?" A kind femine voice spoke in an empty space.

"I don't know... That bastard is just too unpredictable." A cold harsh voice responded.

Strangely enough, even though those two voices seemingly were polar opposites, if someone heard them the only thing they would see, would be the similarities.

As if their voices had some profound laws integrated into them, and it was those laws causing that strange similarity.

At this moment a powerful voice was heard, shaking even the emptiness with its immensity.

"Hey, I can still hear you, you know..."

Was all it said.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the empty space.

One was an incredibly handsome but cold youth, and the other was a stunningly beautiful female burning with fire... literally.

"Erm, I swear we weren't talking about you, Master." Both said with one voice.

"Yea, yea like I believe you..." As the voice spoke again the space trembled, but it was getting irritating to the powerful figure, so he restrained his power "You should know that writing isn't easy..." He pouted with a sudden change in temperament.

"But your readers don't care about that... Besides, the only thing you do with your free time is waste it..." The cold youth spoke, getting a snide comment by the fiery counterpart "But when he does work, he is perfect."

"Yea... perfect enough to keep acting so arrogantly... Maybe if our esteemed Master worked a tad bit harder?" The youth spoke with each word lowering the temperature, as if trying to counter the fires of the female.


A kid yelled as he threw the sheets of the bet, as if having woken up by a nightmare.

Panting hard, the kid spoke to himself

"Darn, you know your mentality is shit when your nightmares have such an opinion..."


"At least my nightmares knew what sort of power befitted me. Hahaha, if only I was that powerful in reality as I am in my dreams..." He mused, smirking to himself.

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