《StoryMania!》A fight born for loss


A Dragon

Building it's base, step by step.

Growing stronger by the day, purely by its efforts.

As many days pass and their strength becomes unparalleled, eyes in the shadows start to glitter.

Those eyes hold a weakness, the weakness of the Dragon, they hold the first step used to build the foundation...

A Battle sure to cost both sides.


The fight rages on, and as time passes both sides grow even more hostile towards each other.

The eyes in the shadows start regretting their decision to attack, but alas... it's too late now.

The eminities pass down from master to master, to disciples.

A fierce fight, an uncertain victory.


As both sides grow exhausted, they seek ways to get the upper hand, ways to prevail even for a small second, knowing that this could be all it takes to win the war.

Yet, no matter the result both sides wonder...

If we changed? If we talked things through?

But it happened once, and a second time is too much to ask for either one of them.


What will we see at the end of this?

And I ask, was all of this worth it?

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