《Bride of the Dark Lord》#7 Hunter's Death


"I'm a Gifted healer" I said "let me heal him, please".

Today was the third day, since the incident at the river, where Hunter, the Dark Lord's horse was scratched. And today, was also his last day as his 'normal' self.

If he lived beyond today, he'd definitely become a wraith, losing himself, with only thoughts of attacking and murdering others, filling him.

"If I could just touch him" I continued, "perhaps..." tears filled my voice, and the Dark Lord's icy-cold blue eyes turned to me.

"If you're truly Gifted, then, you'll know that Gifts can't heal whatever has been caused by sorcery" He said.

"I just..." I stuttered "I wanted to try". Try something. Try anything.

Even though He didn't say it, sometimes I felt that He regretted saving me. That He wished He had not used His horse to distract the wraiths and save me.

He looked away from me. Like, he could no longer continue to stare at the murderer of his 'first love'.

And gently, like He has been doing for days now, he stroked Hunter's mane. Crest. Withers. And cheek. With so much love and kindness in his touch.

We were in his castle now. Arrived here after the wraith incident. And so far, I've seen that Hunter loved here. So, personally, it was good he'd die in a place he loved, and felt loved.

Slowly, Hunter lowered his knees. Letting his huge body rest on the ground. He was exhausted.

Ever since he got the claw marks, his body has weakened. Each day, he lost more strength, ate less and whimpered a lot more in pain. Like he suffered from a torture beyond these claw marks we could see.

With the Dark Lord's right hand still stroking Hunter's back, his left hand pulled out a dagger from a sheath atached to his waist.


I understood. Completely understood.

Hunter has to die. Today.

He stopped petting Hunter. And I could've sworn I saw a tear slid from the corner of his eyes, before He wiped his face.

The great Dark Lord, weeping for a horse. It seemed unreal.

If I die here in the North, would anyone, besides my family (if they survive), feel my loss?

The dagger, the Prince held close to Hunter, shook. Juddered, I'd say. He couldn't do it. Couldn't end the life of the horse that has served Him so well for years. Been with Him through his teenage years and through several battles he fought in.

His friends tried to console Him, but he told them to leave. So, would my presence here, add to his pain or ease it?

No matter the answer to that, the healer in me, made me move forward. I'd love to support Him, even if it was in a little way.

His gloved hand tried once again. To move the dagger. To slash it on Hunter's body but, I watched as the blade quivered once more. No matter how long He stayed out here, I don't think he'd ever have the courage to kill Hunter.

And then, it made me wonder, why? Why couldn't He end a mere horse? Wasn't He the same man rumoured to have slain thousands?

Some said He even killed his own mother (at age three when his Gifts manifested). And murdered his grandfather, the late King. If He could end the lives of these people, how could he could now be this hesitant in terminating the life of his favourite horse?

I took the blade from his hands. "Let me help you".

And I was glad when He stepped back.

I placed the blade on Hunter's neck. I was a healer, so, I knew what major arteries to cut, for a swift and painless death.


I turned back to tell the Dark Lord to look away, but his back faced me, while his hands covered his face.

Has He finally let go of his tears? To let it fall freely, down his cheeks? I decided to leave Him and face Hunter again.

I petted his mane, with all the love in my heart. Wished it the very best in his next life, I hoped he lived longer, and happier when that time comes. And that if it happens, he'd get to also receive more of this kind of love, the Dark Lord had for him.

"Thanks for saving me" I told it and then, cut.

In less than five seconds, I watched as his life departed from his eyes.

And my heart broke.

Will I ever find someone who would love me half as much as the Dark Lord loved Hunter?

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