《Bride of the Dark Lord》#6 His Favourite Horse


We remained in the water until the sun came up. By then, we were certain that the wraiths would have all disappeared, due to the rays of sunlight that they feared.

By the time we stepped out of the river, looking completely drenched, the Dark Lord's friends were already on the riverbank. Waiting for us.

"We knew you'd hide in the river" Nadia chuckled. And with the dry piece of cloth in her hand, she wiped the Dark Lord's silver hair, grinning.

The Dark Lord and Nadia, are they close? And how far did the closeness go? I wondered.

The green-eyed shifter moved and snatched the piece of cloth from Nadia's hand. He threw it on the Dark Lord "you have hands. Use it".

Wow. Someone was jealous. I laughed inwardly. The green-eyed shifter seem to be interested in Nadia.

"Oh please" Ashton rolled his eyes "can we set out now?"

That was when, I noticed something. No one in the group had bothered to speak to me. To ask me how I was or how I felt after several hours under water.

"You brought an extra horse" the Dark Lord stated.

"It was necessary" Nadia's joyous demeanour disappeared. "By the time, Hunter -" The Dark Lord's horse "found us. We knew we'd need an extra horse for you" She said.

And that made me look at the group of four. And then, at the five horses.

Since the moment this journey commenced, we rode only four horses - the Dark Lord's (which He and I rode) and the three horses (ridden by his three friends). But now, his friends went out of their way to look for an extra horse. Why? Since I was certain the North should no longer be far away anymore.

And then, the Dark Lord stepped away from his magnificent horse that he had been holding. Hugging tightly.


And I nearly shrieked from shock.

My heart rate, quickening all over again, like I had been pushed back into the water to drown.

Was that...?

I sped to Hunter.

Oh no!

Not again!

No death or life should somehow be connected to me again! No!!!

"Don't touch him" the Dark Lord said. Anger burning in his voice. "Don't you dare" he stressed each word.

His blue eyes, seeming like a 'calm' lake, waiting for me to trespass. To intrude. And put one leg in. And then, it would show me its claws. The monsters lying beneath it. The horrid beings that I should have feared from the outset.

I cowered.

Feeling my heart break. I wanted to touch Hunter. To feel the wraith scratch I caused.

If I had chosen to be more careful on the stony hill, where I fell, and got cut. No one would be about to die.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to Hunter. To the Dark Lord "I'm sorry".

On Hunter's neck, was a deep wound. Fierce. And angry red. They were indisputably, claw marks from the claws of a wraith.

The Dark Lord climbed the new horse. He faced Nadia, like he couldn't even bear to see even my shadow. Talking about me, he said, "she'll be riding with you, today".

And he spurred his mount forward, as Ashton and the shifter followed.

Nadia waited to let me mount her horse.

No one rode Hunter. He walked alone. Following us.

She'll be riding with you, today.

She. The Dark Lord said. Like that moment of kisses in the river did not happen.

Or perhaps, I was the only one who felt anything from the kiss. While for him, it was just a trivial task needed to save a trivial person, that somehow ended up in the river with him.



Does He even know my name? And was He even interested in knowing it?

Since we met, all He had used when wanting to refer to me was just 'she' or 'her'.

And now, after what I've caused Hunter, whom I had a feeling was his favourite horse. I bet the thought of ever knowing or speaking my name would feel repugnant to Him.

"Hunter was the last present His grandpa, the late King, gave Him before he died" Nadia said.

So, that was the reason, his friends also didn't want to talk to me. I had not just put the Dark Lord's life in danger but also, something else the Dark Lord cherished so much.

"I'm sorry" I said to her "I put everyone's life at risk".

All for what? To read Randall's letter of threat.

"Thank you" I said. "Thanks for returning back to pick us".

She hesitated "I wasn't the one who came back for you, it's the Prince" she said. "We had already fled away from the wraiths when we heard your scream".

She continued "at first when we woke up. We thought you were missing because you'd already been taken by the wraiths".

"But then, after we heard your scream, He turned back".

"We told Him it was risky. His lightning Gift wasn't active. And so, could get killed. Yet, He insisted on returning. Returning without us, three" talking about her, Ashton and the shifter.

"Returning to save you. At great peril to his own life. So, you see, it wasn't me who returned, but He".

Slowly, a tear slid from my eyes. If her goal was to make me feel terrible, then, she did her task well. It worked.

But the truth was, no matter how much guilt I feel now. No matter how much gratefulness and love I was beginning to feel in my heart towards Him. I knew I'd still give up the Dark Lord's life, without a second thought, to save my people.

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